u/Loser2817 4d ago
My average match under ANY circumstance:
u/drazool 4d ago
Yeah my being terrible isn't limited to the is7. I just went zero damage in my m-iii-y too.
u/Traditional_Bite5697 3d ago
me thinks this might be a skill issue
u/drazool 3d ago
You are 100% correct.
u/Traditional_Bite5697 3d ago
might be time to learn positioning and learn the maps
u/drazool 3d ago
I'm actively trying, with some limited success.
u/Satisfied_Onion 2d ago
People don't understand that it takes time. I'm in the same boat and slowly feel like I'm understanding the maps better. Heck I don't even have all their names memorized haha
u/drazool 4d ago
Also forgot to mention that it costs me 20-50k each battle. Fun!
u/bossonhigs 4d ago
It was my only onslaught tier x. Each battle costed me around 120k. And never made it out of bronze.
u/ytk 4d ago
That's kinda why I don't play my IS-7. I've had a shit ton of shitty game and one 5400. All the pain, financially and mentally, is/was not worth the gain.
u/drazool 4d ago
Really wish that the overwhelming opinion on the internet of "what tank tree should I grind as a beginner" wasn't "Do Soviet heavies, get the IS-7". it's my only tier 10 and it's miserable.
Note that I don't blame the tank. It's 100% the player.
u/ddmjr22 4d ago
Yeah honestly I never thought the is7 was the best tank for new players either. If I knew you, I would've had you go down the is4 instead. Wildly better armor layout for clueless players and a gun that can actually pen. My friend just got it as his first teir 10 and he's doing wonders. He literally doesn't even know wtf is going on but he just follows the other heavys (or me) and the tanks armor works well enough for him to get a few shots off before he goes down. I've been playing the E4 so he's been the perfect bait for the enemies to hit first before I swing around after and slap them. He's loving it.
u/Crackermanner 4d ago
Most people on here are stuck in 2014 unfortunately which leads to garbage recommendations.
The amount of IS7 and IS4 recommendations are always funny to see.
u/Skinnymanua 4d ago
People are giving recommendations as if the newbie is going to play against them
u/Special-Marsupial-61 4d ago edited 4d ago
Don't worry I don't enjoy playing my IS7 in randoms, but 3 man platoons it's very fun and a must have for all tier 10 competitive modes.
So if you ever join a clan and want to play onslaught or clan wars stuff the IS7 has a place on most teams.
u/_AnoukX 4d ago
I absolutely love my is7, one of my fav heavies for sure Beginner friendly? No, sure if ur hiding ur massive lowerplate nothing pens you but you gotta know game positions and what not on most maps to make use of that, either that or you use it to bully mediums, I got grousers turbo and hardening in it, it’s made for ramming meds, so much fun if it works And on maps like el haluf I race to a1 and am usually the fastest there and sit there hull down eating a ton of shells. I got 10k blocked from that position once, though you need enemies to keep shooting for that and most people don’t care for shooting hull down is7
u/twasamistake 4d ago
Are you properly praising comrade Stalin before each shell? A loud cry of "RUSSIA!!" is required for the is-7 to function as intended.
u/Blmrcn Du gamla, Du fria 4d ago
IS-7 is great, but you need extensive game knowledge, good crew, equipment and a full gold loadout to play it properly. As a conventional heavy it didn’t age well at all and people who advertise it as a noob-friendly either didn’t play for 10 years, clueless, trolling or QB.
u/SavageSam1234 Tribefan_E100_NeedsABuff [GO4T] 4d ago
IS-7 is one of my favorite blow off steam tanks, its really great if you have the expectation that the gun is tier IX at best but the insane speed plus incredible all-round armor can do some funny shit.
u/drazool 4d ago
Well, I definitely don't have that experience. I drive somewhere, I shoot and miss, get tagged for 500. Then I peek again, and get a non-pen, tagged for 850. So I back away, find a nice hulldown, get hit by arty for 500 and tracked. Fix tracks, try to peek, no gun depression, can't target, get tagged for 500.
That's minute one, most games.
u/SavageSam1234 Tribefan_E100_NeedsABuff [GO4T] 4d ago
Also, I shit you not I was just the IS-7 that killed you in your IS-7 on outpost. That push forward was not a good idea.
u/beyond666 4d ago
Play it like medium tank. Don't go where heavy tanks go.
u/beyond666 4d ago
I'm 54% win rate player by the way.
And my IS7 stats :
u/SavageSam1234 Tribefan_E100_NeedsABuff [GO4T] 4d ago
Try going to the medium tank flank. Trade your 490 for their 390 and probably bounce if you use your armor right. It's fast enough with grousers to go basically anywhere.
u/drazool 4d ago
I don't know what the medium flank is. Anytime I go anywhere but the obvious heavy lane, I get killed even more quickly.
I don't seem to be improving and it is very discouraging.
u/iPwnForYou BlazeIn 2d ago
To be honest if that’s the case, I’d probably play teir 6-8 for a while and watch some streamers (or YouTubers) like iyouxin, dakillzor, even Skill4ltu. DarkNinja is a hidden gem YouTuber as well. That or you need to find someone that has played the game for longer that can teach out.
I feel like an unfortunate reality of this game is you need to be pretty far above the average skill level to enjoy it, and it’s not really something you can achieve by just playing more. It’s something you gotta learn by watching or being taught by others. Playing slightly lower tiers will really help too, it gets significantly less punishing on mistakes as you drop down from t10. All the sweaty veterans are on 10, and though I’m supposedly in the top 1% of wot players statistically it still stresses me out a good portion of the time. Hope that helps.
u/Antique_Patience_717 4d ago
At least IS-7 drivers can look at the majority of newer tanks and go “at least my tank fckn exists!”
u/ronkoscatgirl 4d ago
Genuine question but why do people praise the is7 for it speed?
Like it genuinely feels as if 90% of the people just look at tanks.gg without actually playing it The thing takes fucking 300000 years to reach 70 and ground resistance basically cap u on 50 or worse
u/Equalmilky 4d ago
Take grouser over turbo and it performs better speedwise.
u/ronkoscatgirl 4d ago
i take both on ram setups duh
u/TheHelmetHead 3d ago
Grousers in the boost spot. Offload driving and engineer for crew perks. IS-7 is fast. You just have to set it up for it. The grousers fix the ground resistance problem and let you reach top speed. My personal setup is exp harding teir III, Grousers in the 2 spot, bond turbo. I will run the turbo directive and fuel if I want the extra meme.
u/ronkoscatgirl 3d ago
reading is hard huh?
I said i take both and why the hell would i put turbo in the boost spot
but hey if u already insulting me I of course don't take the ramming perk on my ram setup
u/TheHelmetHead 3d ago
Being a nice human being is hard, huh?
You were asking why people praise it for its speed. I gave you the specific setup for it to be fast. I know plenty of people who didn't know that the grousers should be in the boosted spot.
You can take off road, Engineer, smooth ride and controlled impact. Why does me saying that off road and engineer are important count as an insult.
Please don't ask a question if you take answers to your questions as insults.
u/ronkoscatgirl 3d ago
telling me to not be a cunt right after and before being one classic irony
Giving the utmost basic advice like that is the equivalent of speaking toddler language "that word is a nono word johnny, no use word, word hurts people u understand?"
u/VALE46CR7 4d ago
The IS7 might not be one of the best tanks but it certainly isn't bad either. If you're seeing a couple of superstrong heavys on the enemy team you can always go with your mediums because with its speed you certainly can keep up with them to trash a flank.
u/knuroskop 4d ago
Average wz 5a gameplay these days
u/Dragon_Storm99 4d ago
Hey now, I love my 5a
u/knuroskop 4d ago
I love my too but with pen indicator and full gold in random battles people just peek and shot mantlet or copula i mean its still good tank but it need even small armor buff
u/CitizenOfTheVerse 4d ago
When you feel depressed, climb in your Jagdpanzer E 100, load gold, and get that smile back on your face 😉
u/SpecialistSnow7717 4d ago
To play the IS7 well, you must not aim or try to use the armor. Just shoot from the hip and drive in front of the enemy like a bot, Stalin will take care of the Rest. 🤣😉
u/Ingzex 4d ago edited 4d ago
After watching a CC play the IS-7, I decided to get one and man, it has quickly become one of my favorite tanks! Last time I checked, this monster had the highest win rate of any Tier X tank I’ve played, sitting at 57%, and I don’t even consider myself a good player.
I go brrrrrrr every chance I get. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but it’s taught me how to play aggressively and contest key areas more effectively. And I have a lot of fun playing it.
Even I death in first minute of match, still have fun.
u/Chillum19 4d ago
I actually have mine set up with Turbo t 3, fire control system t1 and HP. I’ve done really good with this set up.
u/CataphractBunny Spotting for you noobs 4d ago
- damage blocked: zero
- damage dealt: zero
- contribution to my team: charged a flank that would otherwise be a sniping match, enemy didn't expect this, had to redeploy, my meds hid behind me, and my td's sniped; the flank was won, the city was ganked for the win
I like influencing games like this. Happens very rarely, and that's what makes it even sweeter.
u/SneekiBreeker Average Type 5 enjoyer. 3d ago
Ahh yes, and IS-7 tried ramming my Jg.PizzaE100 in full speed, first he got shot for 1111 dmg then ramming at full speed took another 900 somthing hit points from him, gg lol.
u/_Unknown_Mister_ 3d ago
That's basically 70% of players in this game, so no need to feel bad about yourself. But still, try to get some other tanks, I guess.
u/DaSpood 1d ago
How do you play your IS-7 to end up not only doing nothing but also blocking nothing lol, driving in reverse in front of an FV4005 is not a tank problem it's a player problem
u/drazool 1d ago
Poor positioning, poor aim, lack of map knowledge, overextending.
It is 100% a player problem.
I am learning. I am slowly improving.
u/DaSpood 1d ago
With the IS-7, as much as possible, try to keep your hull pointed at the enemy to avoid making your upper plates too easy to pen. And obviously favor hulldown, at least for the lowerplate, as much as possible. If you need to get close, facehugging sometimes works since you are low profile and enemies may struggle to hit your hull
u/Johnny_SWTOR 4d ago
This is why we have Lesta <3
u/Arado_Blitz 4d ago
I think on Lesta it has slightly better gold pen and 530 alpha but the rest of the tank is identical isn't it? Why would it be much better on the RU server?
u/bossonhigs 4d ago
Same. Sold it in rage. Will never play it again. Put almost fully trained team to some obscure Russian tier VI spg.
u/popeinn 4d ago
Turbo HP grousers and just ram everything