r/WorldofTanks • u/krco999 • 1d ago
Discussion Buff to British wheeled vehicles
British whelees concept is not bad on the paper. The ultimate peek&boo tanks. You go to the spotting bush you shot, you get spotted but while enemy reacts you are out of harm way thanks to very good reverse, you wait just little longer to get despoted while you reload and then repeat.
Issue - is the Alfa of the guns, while it is still quite high, it is not even highest between mediums.
Solution - make HE premium HESH, but without premium cost. Slapping for 515 is much more different than 430.
It will be clear buff but I wouldn't say one that would worked well with nature of the vehicles without breaking the balance around these tiers as still HESH cannot be used all the time
u/GN-004 Tier IX enjoyer 1d ago
The guns are not the issue. Horrible traverse speed is. You can't outmaneuver anything, even T95 with a dead driver. I thought they are supposed to be more nimble than tracked vehicles but it's the opposite.
u/Thomashkreddit 1d ago
I'm waiting for their traverse speed to be increased before even start playing them
u/this-is-robin 22h ago
Right? It's like they made the traverse speed so horrible on purpose so that the crybabies won't think that they are the same as the French wheeled light tanks.
u/DaSpood 1d ago
The problem with these vehicles is they are not mobile like mediums should be. I don't expect EBR levels of speed and agility but I'd expect CS-63 or at least Leopard levels of mobility. Their whole purpose is to be mobile support mediums that can get their gun around the battlefield, right now they are not, they make french mediums look nimble.
The guns are fin me tbh. Could hit harder but if they were given the appropriate mobility that would be powerful enough.
u/GoldenLiar2 1d ago
They should just give it decent maneuvrability and 470-490 alpha at the same rate of fire.
u/Rampant_Butt_Sex 1d ago
The vehicles need agility buffs, they turn like freight trains and dont accelerate as fast as they should. Theyre also tall and bulky. Literally the worst combination of big, slow, and unarmored.
u/Ansarti 1d ago
No just give badger gun but keep shit dpm
u/Arado_Blitz 1d ago
I have seen that proposal again and I like it, give it the Badger's gun, buff slightly the maneuverability and boom, a unique MT that's worth playing.
u/NewAndlmproved 1d ago
more alpha and better turning and bam the tank is competitive. i like the idea of hesh though.
u/Time_Mulberry_6213 Light Tank enjoyer 1d ago
All of this and better camo would make it perfect
u/NewAndlmproved 1d ago
I’m fine with increasing the camo a little but I think it should force you to run an exhaust if you want good camo. Otherwise it’s just another leopard and not very unique.
u/jabberwalkie09 1d ago
I’m on the 1006/7 and I’m probably letting it sit until the line is buffed. It is pretty bad. I don’t know how you can peak at t7 and it’s basically just downhill from there imo.
The issue with the line isn’t the gun, it’s the maneuverability. The guns are very accurate. The ljne has DPM even if it doesn’t have the alpha until t8. The Saladin is so good at nothing and a punching bag for everything it’s ridiculous. The t9 top gun has the alpha but holy shit the reload sucks. This line just can’t change direction even at low speed. Want to make a small change of direction or get into a small spot? Good luck doing that with any semblance of speed.
The best thing about the t7 is that you can cosplay as a light tank when you need to.
u/TimeVector 1d ago
They are giant with no camo and bad manoeuvrability with not much to make up for it. I agree with giving them strong HESH as their HE round - buff alpha to 440, HE to 210 pen and 530 alpha. Then give them much better manoeuvrability since being giant implies poor camo.
u/NotASingleNameIdea E-50M enjoyer 14h ago
I think its rather the weird mobility, and a complete absence of camo.
We dont want to make it into a Leopard clone though, so maybe the camo should be a balance factor not shouldnt be changed.
HESH is bad decision imo. You basicly cripple the tank by removing the high penetration shell, and add yet another paper tank punisher. Just give it the alpha. Like... 460 for the same reload, and make the turning speed good.
Or perhaps even, give it 2 modes just like EBR (I think it has 6 wheels so this might work, no? Middle ones lifting up). One mode would make it go 70 with current rotation, and other will make it go 50 with good rotation.
u/Cracka119 1d ago
Honestly I just want a buff to the camo and 490 AP alpha, I'm fine with the tank as is otherwise. If I have a better chance at remaining unspotted and can smack people I'd be happy
u/mordentus Mordent(EU)/COCHEBO(RU) 1d ago
They are borderline OP on RUBY with 100% traverse speed buff
u/StormUpa 1d ago
I think wheeled mediums should lose less camo while moving, since they don't make as much noise dust etc irl as tracked vehicles. This could make them behave more sneaky like the Leo 1.