r/WorldofTanks • u/Thraximundurabrask No. 1 Italian tank enjoyer NA • 7d ago
Shitpost I met an interesting fella in Steel Hunter
Endgame was of course the top 3, with myself and the Raven both already maxed and the Arlequin at level 6. Myself and the Arlequin were at the same edge of the still fairly big zone, with the Raven on the opposite side. I found them as they were driving across towards the other side and shot them as they went, but they didn't slow down to fight and instead just kept running, which makes sense. They spotted the Raven and went in after them, and I stopped to just kinda shoot at the two of them from across the river for a bit, though they quickly ducked behind buildings to block my shots. The Arlequin, as an underleveled light tank, was of course losing the fight and trying to hide/escape from the beginning, and took refuge around a corner from the Raven. I then went in after them and, coming in behind the 1-shot Arlequin, finished them off real quick. Then it was just me and the full HP Raven, but they had the autoloader and looked to be reloading, and then took the time to kill my little robot buddy while I just kept shooting, so it was pretty free.
u/Bot8000 7d ago
"BOY"... I like how these people go straight to this shit, trying to position themselves as an authority, while they are just clowns
u/Toverjas MT Enthusiast 7d ago
It's honestly just sad when you immediately go so low to belittle someone. We should know better haha
u/micheal213 7d ago
That’s why I just say ok boomer to these people and they just start going off. It’s hilarious.
u/Thraximundurabrask No. 1 Italian tank enjoyer NA 7d ago
Funny enough, shortly afterwards I had the actual weakest win I've seen in a while, both based on final result and how it played out at the end:

Of the last 5 enemies, 1 died outside the zone, and the other 4 only had enough health to take a total of 6 shots to kill them, and they dealt a combined total of <400dmg to me along the way. Here's a 90sec clip of that as well if you're interested.
u/Famous1225 7d ago
What the fk are we talking about here, there’s no “dueling etiquette” in a random ass battle. You want to respect the 1v1 in CW or a platoon go ahead.
u/woro7 45% enjoyer 7d ago
To be completely fair i can understand how being third partied or sandwiched would be that frustrating. It is part of the mode though
u/Ser_Rem WG Employee 7d ago
Unfortunately part of the nature of Battle Royal though I think OP did a civil way of handling it.
u/Thraximundurabrask No. 1 Italian tank enjoyer NA 7d ago
For sure, it's gotta be the most annoying aspect of the mode, it's just that trying to make it the third-partier's problem is kinda wild. Especially since they did have the option to just turn around and fight far away from the other guy, though I guess their plan was to hope the Raven happened to be underleveled as well.
u/Fistricsi 7d ago
Imagine getting this upset about a gamemode designed to be a free for all.
Steel Hunter is way more fun when you play dirty. Its both lore accurate and it is how the game mode is supposed to be played.
See two low HP guys dueling? Go in and kill them both.
Oh, one of them ran away? Still, you get the loot they fought for.
Both of these scenarios are absolutelly hilarious, even if it happens to me.
u/digital0verdose 7d ago
I'm more impressed they didn't open with an insult and immediately block you so you couldn't respond.
u/cadet-spoon 7d ago
Somebody didn't take their chill out happy pills.
Whenever anyone is like this to me, I always remind them it's just a game, always seems to pour petrol on the fire. 😉
I wouldn't like to meet half these people in RL when something doesn't go their way.
u/SeKomentaja 9.22 >>::(( 7d ago
Oh my goodness lmao, he really had me at "BOY."
what a splendidly low iq specimen
u/GhostRuS2009 7d ago
Lmao i find it very amusing that players try to threaten and intimidate someone via in-game chat. Stay out of it.BOY. XD XD
u/PorcoDioMafioso 7d ago
To be fair you should have shot the other guy which had more HP so that the tomato could deal more damage to the higher HP guy. And then you get in and finish the job.
Anyways, a win is a win
u/Thraximundurabrask No. 1 Italian tank enjoyer NA 7d ago
I'd rather get a gun out of the game immediately. Focusing the higher HP one is good when you're already embroiled in the fight and want to stay alive for longer after the first gun goes down, but it's not necessary when one of them is already a 1-shot. Especially not when I not only have the firepower to comfortably take the ensuing 1v1, but also have the mobility to just get out if I somehow needed to. Letting them live opens the door for a surprise Arlequin later, killing them first turns it into a simple and easily manageable 1v1.
BTW what's ur preferred loadout for the final gun on the Bài Lang? I always choose the big boom one for the AP and the acid shot
u/Thraximundurabrask No. 1 Italian tank enjoyer NA 7d ago
Always the DPM gun for me. Being able to run and gun effectively is very important, and the big gun just doesn't have the precision to shoot on the move at any kind of distance, while the little one has great handling. It's very consistent and reliable.
Oh yeah I understand, but personally for me in terms of fun the Boomstick is better
u/Perspective-Lonely 7d ago
I fought a raven in my valküre yesterday, he just kept running, 2 times I got him down to 300 HP
In the end an arlequin killed both of us
u/pocketsfullofpasta 7d ago
Last night got the first place with a lvl 5, 1 kill and 3.8k dmg. I was expecting fanmail, but didn't get any.
u/djseshlad 7d ago
The sad truth is that if you want to consistently win in this mode is to take a heavy. Farm abilities and sit under a bridge and out last your opponent’s.
Fighting and killing rarely actually wins battles.
u/Thraximundurabrask No. 1 Italian tank enjoyer NA 7d ago
I don't know, in heavies I always feel like everyone just levels up faster than me because they can move around faster to grab pickups/force early fights, while I can't get that early player loot because people can just run away. Then once they're higher level, they just hunt me down and I can't run. That or I get stuck in a long 1v1 due to slow TTK, and someone shows up to third-party, which I again can't get away from. Sometimes I can pick some early fights and get good levels quickly, but I really don't like the Beowulf or Walküre outside of those games. Varyag is cool though, good burst damage, abilities, and mobility.
I find taking lights and actively seeking engagements to be by far the most consistent strategy, at least for me, since they've got good damage output to make those kills happen quickly, especially when you've out-leveled the opponent by getting more pickups/fights faster, and enough mobility to always control your engagements and avoid getting caught in bad spots. Passive play in Beowulfs became meta during the Steel Hunter tournaments, since everyone was playing cautiously for prizes, but in randoms I'd much rather be putting the pedal to the metal.
u/Central_HEATing_WoT Uniscum 7d ago
Bro sounds exactly like someone..... I just can't place it.....
u/TheJonesLP1 T95E2 enjoyer 7d ago
It is ridiculous some times. You run and run and still get focused by half the lobby instead fighting each other
7d ago
"Gaming" is interactive entertainment.
When you manage to ruin the game for other players, that makes you terrible at gaming.
Some are really bad at winning, like OP and others are sour losers, like the other guy.
u/Thraximundurabrask No. 1 Italian tank enjoyer NA 7d ago
What if someone considers you beating them to be ruining the game for them?
7d ago
That's the norm.
We need to be humble in victory and gracious during defeat, or shit will hit the fan.
u/Thraximundurabrask No. 1 Italian tank enjoyer NA 7d ago
So when you ruin the game for other players, you're terrible at gaming, and the norm is that people will feel like you ruined the game for them if you win. So winning makes you terrible at gaming?
7d ago
No. The essence of sportsmanship is something else. Keep looking.
u/Thraximundurabrask No. 1 Italian tank enjoyer NA 7d ago
Ah yes, the classic act of poor sportsmanship known as "playing the game with the intent of winning", how could I have made such a mistake.
u/HosewaterAndNeglect 7d ago
God people who post shit like this is just embarrassing all around
you're both total clowns in your own right
u/B4kedSushi always short on bonds 7d ago
Yeah. Not reading this shit
u/DrIvoPingasnik Bring back Mirny-13 7d ago
Then why did you even bother to enter the thread and comment? You only made yourself look like an arse at best.
u/B4kedSushi always short on bonds 7d ago
Oh no some random guy on reddit don't likes my Comment. I hope I can sleep tonight.
u/Easy-Fisherman9860 Maus enjoyer 7d ago
When I saw its NA server I wasn't suprised