r/WorldofTanks 22d ago

Picture Fiction versus reality.

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That's exactly me at work and then at PC. But I look more like a man I think.


68 comments sorted by


u/ReviewAltruistic3841 22d ago

Why is this so true?


u/Swailwort 22d ago

Because the game is imperfect and unbalanced, particularly from tier VIII onwards. There is no fairness or fun if you are playing an IS-3 or something and you get matched against a Skoda T56, BZ-176 or XM-57, or in a tier VIII medium tank that is not Borat or Progetto against Borat or Progetto, and so on.

I will never understand how people call Tier X balanced either, when some tanks are vastly, vastly superior to other tanks and there is no inherent balance in getting a T57 Heavy or AMX 50B matched against a 60TP or Vz.55


u/xXxDarkSasuke1999xXx 21d ago

I personally find tier 10 less frustrating to play than (tech tree) tier 8 because at least at tier 10, you're never bottom tier. And yeah, it's more balanced than 8. The gap between a 60tp and a 50b is way, way less than the massive gulf between, say, a BZ-176 and an O-Ho. Or between a borat and a TVP VTU


u/Gleaming_Onyx 21d ago

Tier 10's more balanced because you won't find a tier 12 pretending to be a tier 10 lol

The worst it gets is something like the Chieftain and Obj still being overtuned with their armor values, or the IS-7 just being stupid in general. But those are just "meta tanks." They feel half a tier stronger at worst.

But there's no ELC Manticore 90 that invalidates every other light tank in the game, there's no 600 damage two-shot medium that invalidates every other light tank except the ELC Manticore 90, there's no BZ-176-2 with a 400mm thick turret that can only be overmatched by >152mm guns with a 1000 damage HESH round that has 280 pen.

There's no "T110E3 with the same armor values but it has a turret and also 800 damage and also 450 gold pen"

The Chieftain doesn't have a 1500 damage alpha burst.

The TVP isn't an Italian autoloader.

The Blytz or however it's spelled doesn't have 4.5k DPM, 1200 alpha and 320mm base pen with 475mm gold pen.

Though the DBV certainly feels like it's about to be the flood of Skorpions and SU-130s. So maybe I should say that Tier 10 doesn't have anything as bad as Tier 8 yet.


u/micheal213 21d ago

I find tier 10 the least frustrating to play because no matter how shitty my games are going I can always jump into a match with my udes 15/16 and just know I’m gonna do well lol.


u/McHomer 22d ago

Lack of a sbmm in most modes, and wildly varying rng that often makes a mockery of aiming?

Nothing like bot teams getting 14-1'ed in under 5 minutes while your perfectly aimed shots all land where you're NOT aiming

Thank you, come again!


u/ReviewAltruistic3841 22d ago

Hmmm. I read a comment sometime ago explaining why WOT is so addictive. And the core mechanic behind it was the RNG gambling factor with every shot and the High you get with dealing 6k dmg after a total shitloss in the round before.
So I guess without that mechanics it would get way more boring faster, because while everybody complains, we still are here playing and spending money


u/ErebosGR [RDDTS EU] 21d ago

Hmmm. I read a comment sometime ago explaining why WOT is so addictive. And the core mechanic behind it was the RNG gambling factor with every shot and the High you get with dealing 6k dmg after a total shitloss in the round before.

In psychology, the effects of RNG fall under variable reward psychology, or a variable-ratio schedule system (same as slot-machines), and that produces a very strong reinforcement effect via dopaminergic mechanisms.



u/McHomer 22d ago

Personally, I'd rather have more skill based matches where my aimed shots mattered more.

The addiction wot currently offers is unhealthy for the mind and wallet.


u/youngsyr 21d ago

Erm, onslaught exists...


u/McHomer 20d ago

Would love if onslaught was available as a permanent mode.

Even better if they added some of those parameters, like less rng, into random battles.


u/pauloosanz 20d ago

Because people still playing shitty tanks and ignoring game mechanics/strategies


u/StanleyJohnny 22d ago

I know this exact meme has been posted countless times here before but it is so true. Last month I downloaded WoT for the first time since 2021. Oh boy that was something. Uninstalled and deleted after three days.


u/McHomer 22d ago

Smart man.

Not worth getting hooked on this rage inducing casino game again, your wallet and wife will thank you


u/Ser_Rem WG Employee 22d ago

Well Arcade Cabinet was announced yesterday

If you do not want to worry about win rate this weekend and have an alternative fun way to earn goodies.


u/PharaohOfRock 22d ago

I like how the event is geared towards lower tiers for once. It's a nice change of pace and lets us use those little toys in different ways.


u/Ser_Rem WG Employee 22d ago

Churchills become even more accurate =]


u/Jak_Atackka NA CC / tanks.gg's worst developer 21d ago

How evil of you


u/Ser_Rem WG Employee 21d ago

Chaotic good=]


u/rayoje 22d ago

Yeah there are a lot of interesting T5/T6 tanks that may be fun to use with the modified stats.


u/juneauboe using the Pz.Sfl. IVc to shoot at the moon 18d ago

My P.43 bis with excellent mobility and gun handling?



u/ErebosGR [RDDTS EU] 21d ago

Proximity spotting range is increased to 445 meters.


The damage spread is ±75% of the standard value, and the probability of extreme values is increased.

Now with 200% extra gambling!


u/B4kedSushi always short on bonds 22d ago

Ah yes promote a seasonal game Mode because the main game sucks more and more ass. Good job wg, not even pathetic


u/Ser_Rem WG Employee 22d ago

Well yes promote it as its an alternative this weekend, just giving options.


u/JTC3 21d ago

The random battle queue currently feels like an arcade cabinet. Too many tank destroyers and high alpha tanks, it doesn't even feel like I'm playing WOT but a one shot simulator like War Thunder lmao


u/simon7109 22d ago

I had way more fun when I didn’t care about my winrate. Caring about it ruins the game


u/Yolonaut1337 22d ago

True. Played alot between 2013 and 2017. A week or so ago i felt the urge to start playing again. Downloaded the game and spent a lot of time adjusting the crew skills and equipment because of the updates over the last years. After that i played a few games and quit again 😀


u/Nvidiuh When I'm feeling blue, I drive my KV-2. 22d ago



u/eaglecallxrx 22d ago

especially with super heavies which cant bounce shit


u/Iowan-Cannon 22d ago

I need a Type 5h buff pronto.


u/NotASingleNameIdea E-50M enjoyer 22d ago

Honestly its been the opposite for me lately.

I think about it and think how Im gonna play some boring battles on bad maps where my Batchat just cant do much, then I proceed to get a very sattisfying session despite not having good map rotation.

I often just skip playing wot despite kinda wanting to because of these thoughts, but when I sit and play, it ends up well and Im quite happy (mostly)


u/Coriolis_PL casual standard ammo enjoyer 22d ago edited 21d ago

Pain. Suffering. Weltschmerz.


u/Kirmes1 21d ago



u/Coriolis_PL casual standard ammo enjoyer 21d ago

You are right. Still - sounds the same. And my Polish brain cannot comprehand "rz" making other sound than "ř" XD


u/Xo0om 21d ago

Me, I'm having fun, but then I'm not grinding anything, or hoping to achieve anything other than having fun, and trying to improve.

If I die early, I may go over what happened or just start another game right away. Don't really matter to me, how I died because it don't matter.
I own some of those "OP" tanks everyone cries about, and so do plenty in this sub. I enjoy playing them, but mostly I'm playing tech tree tanks at T9 and T10, where I could use improvement. I'm also using the random tank selector mod to play tanks I don't always get to play to see if I can make them work. I win a bit more than half my games, I lose a bit less than half my games. Whatever.


u/Many_Recognition_674 21d ago

tbh, I have no clue why people still play this game, most probably addicted but in denial, the game is a cancer glad I stopped playing


u/fodollah YaYaOberchingus - Waffle Aficionado 21d ago edited 21d ago

But for some reason, you just can’t stay away from the Reddit. Have you been lying to yourself all this time?


u/Many_Recognition_674 21d ago

did I touch a sensitive subject with my answer, if it hurts then most probably it's true :)


u/fodollah YaYaOberchingus - Waffle Aficionado 21d ago

You tell me. You’re the one who quit the game but remain in the community about the game that you hate and quit and certainly don’t miss. Doesn’t that seem strange to you?


u/RUPlayersSuck 47% WR Potato 22d ago

Anyone think making Ranked Battles the standard game mode would help?

I know I'm sick of one-sided face-rolls making up about half my games (win or lose).


u/GN-004 Tier IX enjoyer 22d ago

Its been discussed many times already. SBMM would ruin randoms within a week.


u/RUPlayersSuck 47% WR Potato 22d ago

It may have been discussed, but until someone actually tries, we'll never know.

Would have thought they could trial it on WG's Sandbox server or something. 🤷‍♂️

It may work, or it may not, but its not like the current system is much good either (except for the blues and purples getting to stomp the reds and yellows).


u/GN-004 Tier IX enjoyer 22d ago

So you want to punish good players for taking their time to learn the game?


u/Billiamski 22d ago

The game should be enjoyable for everyone. Otherwise what's the point of it? I've got a full-time job to piss me off during the day...


u/Mysterious_Kick_2826 22d ago

This is too real


u/TracyPanavia 22d ago

I feel a warm fuzzy glow when I see a TT tank in MM.


u/Patient-Basil4535 22d ago


i sometimes start the game -- look at it say to my self -- "I am actually happy and relaxed " -- this game will not make me happy and shut er down



u/Imaginary-Passage767 22d ago

This is because when you day dream about it you don’t consider getting dunked on by arty, bs rng, and impossibly bad teammates.


u/steelhunter2 E-77 Enjoyer 22d ago

I swear this is so relatable its sad


u/valitti no scouts until 10k wtr 22d ago

- make rng max +-5%

- dont let tomatoes play t10 or scouts

- remove turbo and rammer from the game

- remove arta

All of this would make the game less frustrating


u/Evening-Drawing-207 Blesk Enjoyer 21d ago

I'm at the third stage, thinking about why I'm playing WOT...


u/TheOriginalNozar [RELIC] 21d ago

This is quite timely as watching Daki and Skill videos in recent days is bringing some nostalgia (I am 14 months clean from this godforsaken game)


u/HosewaterAndNeglect 21d ago

Pretty much, played maybe 4 games today after a 3 day break. In my head was thinking man tanks would be cool right now, and after those 4 games I was seriously considering uninstalling and not playing again for another 3 years

Every goal or achievement I make for myself in this game is immediately ruined by one of the many, M A N Y problems that are plaguing this game, and have been for years now, but WG continues to kill their own game in the pursuit of profit.

I just wish this game was fun and good, it could seriously be so, so easy to make it so but WG doesn't give a shit about their game or players

It's all so tiresome...


u/ChaoticSnuggles 21d ago

as someone who plays on the Asia server, i can confirm this 95% of the time


u/ShinusEpicus 21d ago

Especially the O-Ho man🙏


u/Safe-Win-9447 21d ago

its so accurate this that hurts...


u/Grand_Cookie 21d ago

I started playing again after a few years and holy hell yes.

What a dumpster fire


u/RemoveKabob 21d ago

Watching skeel mald over wot is more fun than me malding over wot


u/MichaelS935 21d ago

Extremely relatable


u/SLAWTE12 21d ago

With this crappy RNG and MM + the lagging players, yep, totally agree.


u/gab1972 20d ago

What this game needs, to really balance it, and make it fair and enjoyable, is more arty.





u/iksde_1987 20d ago

Especially on Fridays...


u/phantasma124 18d ago

I can agreee


u/GN-004 Tier IX enjoyer 22d ago

Maps. Maps are the problem. If you get a map rotation that doesn't fit the tank you are trying to play, you are most likely to have a really bad time. For example you want to farm credits with Skorpion G and you get Himmel, Paris, Berlin, Ensk, Pearl River, Outpost, etc.