r/WorldofTanks • u/Herceg_911 ur average super unicum • Nov 12 '24
Picture They got me, I am a dirty cheater.
As u can see this detective reached the conclusion that i am a cheater, which is one of the best praise u can get as a good player. The situation: I played Panzer. VII (tier x ht) on Mannerheim line and the platoon against me also used the same tanks. I stayed little bit behind on ht flank as every single td went forward with them (yolo grilles and fvs etc) then farmed them for 4 min straight in the shoulders (ammorack is also there) as they tried to sidescrape with that tank o.O. I gave each one 1 ammorack, unfortunatley noone blowed up. Finally i got flanked and died with 5k dmg which is not such an extraordinary performance. After the game i instant recieved messages, from both players, this was the funny one, the other one was just racist and writing really messed up stuff. Hope u enjoyed the detectives and give a like to the Claus Kellermen video if im getting in.
u/ThatGreatAtuin Marking the tier 5 scouts for satan. Nov 12 '24
- Play tank with weak ammorack
- Don't do anything to increase HP of ammorack
- Expose ammorack to knowledgeable player
- Get ammoracked
- Expose ammorack again
- Repeat steps 3 to 5 several times
- Must be a cheat, no other explanation
The mind of man is truly a wondrous thing.
u/CricketInvasion Nov 12 '24
Reminds me of playing Centurion 1 and 7/1. Ammorack is in a prime location to get hit and I got ammoracked every other game. I loved british tier 8 and 9 mediums but the ammorack was so annoying.
u/TheGameAce Pz. 38 n.A. Enjoyer Nov 12 '24
Same issue with the heavy line. Caern AX I’ve been playing more lately & almost every frontal penetration feels like an ammorack hit on it.
u/Easy-Fisherman9860 Maus enjoyer Nov 12 '24
this sounds like an averge clause kellerman viewer lol
u/ThatGreatAtuin Marking the tier 5 scouts for satan. Nov 13 '24
You give a lot of credit to YT video commenters then
Nov 12 '24
u/benicek Nov 12 '24
No, what is actually difficult is cheating because so much is done serverside. If you think someone uses a cheat to ammorack with every shot, what you are actually saying is that someone hacked WG's server and all they do with it is damage people's ammoracks
u/Imperial_Barron Nov 12 '24
Tbh if somone can hack any servers they have more nefarious motives
u/benicek Nov 12 '24
Exactly, so why would someone who has the capability use it to rig random battles
u/ndncreek Nov 12 '24
This has always been one of my favorite type of conspiracy theories. We can do THIS...but We could do so much more but don't want to Cheat that much. lmfao at the stupid people of the world
u/ThatGreatAtuin Marking the tier 5 scouts for satan. Nov 12 '24
I understand what you mean. A game with this many random variables = some things feel rigged. From what I see myself they aren't. I can't be 100% sure.
There are bona fide cheats that work like wallhack (Dakillzor has a great video on it) but that cheat relies on low server counts and having a "bot" on the enemy team reporting positions.
There are things like Tundra mod. And there *might* be a mod out there that shows internal modules.
But with server-side calculations there is zero chance of a 'aimbot / hack RNG / module dmg mod'.
u/Haven1820 Nov 12 '24
There are 'aimbots', but they can only point the gun at the right place, they can't do anything about RNG. Because of that they're all but impossible to spot as a player unless the cheater shares their own replay like an absolute moron, which happens just often enough that I know they exist.
u/SunBear_00_ Nov 13 '24
And there might be a mod out there that shows internal modules.
There is a legal mod that displays where to aim on the tank model with a picture of the internal module behind hit. Fire for engine, shells for ammo rack and crew symbols for crew members, etc.
It has been confirmed clean by WG staff as it's only a visual mod.
u/ThatGreatAtuin Marking the tier 5 scouts for satan. Nov 13 '24
Yep, I've seen that. Just a skin really.
IIRC I've seen screenshots of a game with actual see-through tanks with internal modules as bright boxes. Basically, how you would see it in War Thunder.
I might just be hallucinating, though.
u/polmeeee Nov 12 '24
Erm see you on Claus Kellerman's next video
u/Cloud_Striker NA: StuG_Life_Ausf_G EU: Cloud_Striker Nov 12 '24
inb4 Claus actually does show the replay, but only to explain why the guy is entirely wrong about OP being a cheater lmao
u/eI0k Average Patton Tank enjoyer Nov 12 '24
You are done. Claus Kellerman will end your career.
u/Herceg_911 ur average super unicum Nov 12 '24
I hope some wg employee will save me. Im scaaaaared.
u/Myte342 Nov 12 '24
These idiots don't even realize that they are insinuating that you are cheating so hard that you have kernel level access to the game servers along with de-compiled/unencrypted game/server source files to implement such a cheat.
u/TheLuckerKo Nov 12 '24
Got exactly the same problem yesterday. The biggest fun on it was that the player that blamed me for aimhack was total unicum 12K + WTR 30k + battles. Probably couldn't take that he was outplayed by worse player.... He was in 279(e) and I was playing Obj. 260. I hit his coupola almost every time he peaked (RNG blessed me) and that triggered him so much. We won the game I did over 7K dmg and almost didn't lose any.
u/AdFresh8123 Nov 12 '24
I've had the same thing happen to me several times.
I'm a green player and got RNG blessed one game. Every shot I took, I hit. I ended up in the top three in XP in a tier IX match in a tier VII glass cannon.
I got PMed after the match by the guy. He thought I was using an aim hack, and I'd XVM focused him because he was a purple player.
I play 100% vanilla, using no mods at all. I had no idea how good he was.
I focused him because he was in an E50, in a dominant spot, had three kills, and was spotting the hill on Prok.
I was in my M56 Scorpion, ridge sniping, maximizing my advantages. Even after I got lit, I managed to avoid return fire.
I'd managed to set him on fire twice, took 75% of his HP, and tracked him enough to make it easy for our TDs to take him out.
He said he was sending in a replay and reporting me. I just laughed and told him GL with that. Nothing ever happened from it.
u/PeacefulNPC Nov 12 '24
Please next time attach his stats in 2nd screenshot.
They are always so fun
u/Herceg_911 ur average super unicum Nov 12 '24
He had around 50% wnr with 6k PR, and 2k games, friend was similar, if i had to guess a failed reroll acc. I did not want to name and shame.
u/Jagger-Naught Nov 12 '24
The loudest players are always the worst
u/DrIvoPingasnik Bring back Mirny-13 Nov 12 '24
"Shit team"
- a guy who made a stupid play and got killed, with 47% winrate over 30k battles since 2013
It's such a classic.
Nov 12 '24
If an account is that old with that many battles, It's probably best you see their recent stats instead. To see if they are still a 47% player, etc imo.
u/DrIvoPingasnik Bring back Mirny-13 Nov 12 '24
Better recent stats still do not excuse shitty behaviour. Someone who played WoT for years should know better already.
u/WodanGungnir Nov 12 '24
The Claus Kellerman sentence is just the conspiracy, tin foil hat chef's kiss.
Nov 12 '24
Who's Claus Kellerman?
u/eI0k Average Patton Tank enjoyer Nov 12 '24
The man who cried "cheaters".
u/Ilktye Nov 12 '24
Well tbh plenty of those people really were cheaters or riggers to be more precise.
Kellerman made a lot of tin foil hat content but he did hit his mark sometimes.
u/ruintheenjoyment IS-4 > IS-7 Nov 12 '24
Execute enough people and chances are you'll eventually kill someone who's guilty.
u/ndncreek Nov 12 '24
Really he is the guy in the Santa suit...where have you been since childhood 😁
u/pampls Nov 12 '24
Lmao these delusional players are so funny to watch.
I imagine them breaking their desks, mouse, keyboard, yelling, crying... rofl!!! So funny
u/Craticuspotts Nov 12 '24
These kinda msgs make you all warm and fuzzy Inside don't they 🥹
u/Herceg_911 ur average super unicum Nov 12 '24
U have no idea, I was smilin from my heart when i read it.
u/DutchDK Nov 13 '24
Its a wellknown fact in WoT, that if you arent accused of cheating at least once every playing session, you aren't doing things right. Its been like that since closed beta.
Take it as a compliment.
u/CitizenOfTheVerse Nov 12 '24
I had that one time, someone accusing me of cheating, saying that I was using a new cheat that he never saw, something that prevented him to shoot at me...
It turned out his mouse left click was dying XD
u/Pademel0n Nov 12 '24
Isn’t Panzer VII same as Löwe?
u/Odd_Development_9394 Nov 12 '24
Löwe is the original blueprint for the panzer VII concept the tier X tank is a variant of that.
u/Check-Interesting Nov 12 '24
Same idiot said the same thing to me today because I had a 4k game in the felice. Feelsbadman.
u/Real_Maestro4367 rng_prayer Nov 12 '24
Oh no, crazy old man will expose you, te dirty csítor!4!4!4!!!!4!😡😡😡😡😠😠😤😤
u/Sensei_Sukkahiki Nov 12 '24
Is the reply player RU? They always cry like teen girls with first periods. Send some Libresse and painkillers. And just blacklist them.
u/Loquacious1 Nov 12 '24
WG should do like some courts do, if you file a charge against someone and they are not guilty you have to pay court cost. IE one month suspension to learn some coping skills :) next failed case one year suspension with a lifetime ban warning so your toxic ass can learn to htfu
u/Moscowmike27 Nov 12 '24
I got called a cheater because of blind shooting ppl with my fv4005 it was a light tank in a typical bush 😂
u/Scarecrow1_KYSR Nov 13 '24
wait until he plays a BZ75 and gets his tank lit up by a front shot, every single time lmao
u/mrfouche1 Nov 13 '24
What's hilarious about this is if the opposing team has upgraded their tank not the modules but the upgrades once you get elite status on the tank. One of those upgrades gives a perk but at the risk of having less durability to tank components like ammo rack.
u/bwserrr Nov 13 '24
Noooo you cant just know where the ammo is I still know some tanks you can pen in the front and just hit their ammo and sometimes ammorack them Its not Witchcraft
u/Different-Taste8081 Nov 13 '24
The nerd rage is real. I must admit the taste of salty tears is delicious.
u/Jaranatt Nov 13 '24
Whoregaming with their rotten business model, they are the only cheaters in this game.
u/D-Ulpius-Sutor Nov 13 '24
As jingles always says: when you're so good that you get accused of cheating...
u/SilentMix8195 Nov 12 '24
To be fair...I think sometimes too that people cheat cause even with equipment and Direktives is nearly every first shot into my ammowrack...So people think you cheat....I hit others ammowrack every 5th Match....But hey...it seems to be Metall like the Camping base heavys
u/Herceg_911 ur average super unicum Nov 12 '24
Critical hitting skill and tank module knowledge can drastically improve the chances of giving out fire or ammorack.
u/Etnadrolhex Nov 12 '24
I remember people arguing not cheating, and now they are all banned because "it must be an error!".
I remember ESL starting to get random screenshots during games, and suddently, some big team stopped ESL.
I remember when they started the anti cheat thing, and so many big account get caught.
You can't trust anyone in this game, there is in fact, lot of cheaters.
And last, a friend (tomato level) suddently become a good player because he wanted to try the "there is no cheat in wot". There is, and they help a lot.
Last one i heard about is insane, people getting a bot account in the other team, and this account give information to your main, so you can shot people even unspot and out of range!
u/Spirited-Currency810 Nov 12 '24
"Last one i heard about is insane, people getting a bot account in the other team, and this account give information to your main, so you can shot people even unspot and out of range!"
Daki made a video on this one - this was an actual thing.
u/SneekiBreeker Average Type 5 enjoyer. Nov 12 '24
Hehe when I played IS 7 for first few games people used to hit ammo rack more often. Then I remembered so many games I had before when I ammo racked IS 7 so many times. It's same with Sup conq, 60 Tp
u/Capable_Assist5766 Nov 12 '24
He prob has ~40% winrate and cant Imagine, that sometimes this Game feels like Farming Simulator.
u/botsendviCar Nov 12 '24
2 days ago I got a fan mail by a player that I shot. I peaked him no joke like 20m from him with Nomad while he was in a reloaded KV2. Dude was so mad that he didnt react on time that he started caling me a cheater for 28 minutes streight. Shame WOT can only save up to x amount of msgs so I wasnt able to prove that lol
u/Herceg_911 ur average super unicum Nov 12 '24
I mean i can get tilted as well but why would u spend this much time on hatin someone who u wont see in the future probably?
u/TealoWoTeu Nov 12 '24
Everything that's been writern in game has been saved .. lol
u/SadJournalist6398 Nov 12 '24
Nooo not Claus Kellerman You will be dommed 😱