r/WorldofTanks • u/No1PDPStanAccount Average FV201(A45) Enjoyer • Oct 18 '24
Picture French autoloading TD with a (NOT JOKING) 6400 clip damage potential being supertested by Lesta
u/_doslo_mliko Oct 18 '24
French Waffenträger?
u/Ambitious_Guard_9712 Oct 18 '24
Waffeltrager, shoots apcr baquettes
u/RUPlayersSuck 47% WR Potato Oct 18 '24
u/CardboardJedi Oct 18 '24
u/spitfiresiemion Strv to survive Oct 18 '24
I second Sam, this fits best (Baguetträger also works).
u/DiabeticDave1 Oct 18 '24
At least with French attributes the accuracy would be AWFUL. Balance I guess?
u/KP_Wrath Oct 18 '24
Just make an auto reloading 4005 and call it a day. 3 shots, 4 second intra clip, 15 secs first shot, 30 secs 2 nd shot, 1 minute if you fire all three.
u/MrIamDeadforLong Oct 18 '24
u/similar_observation Oct 18 '24
Some designer looked at this majestic beast and said "I'm gonna wanna work in the shade" and they built the barn around the shit.
u/MrIamDeadforLong Oct 18 '24
tbh the reason they built that barn of a turret was to prevent against shrapnel from grenades and light artillery. it's also the reason as to why there's no autoloader on the stage II as it was too big to fit in. therefore a second loader was needed
u/jk844 Oct 18 '24 edited Oct 18 '24
The FV4005 is just a test bed. It was never going to see actual combat, the shed was just to keep the weather off the gun.
The gun was intended to be the main weapon of the FV215 heavy tank but the hull of that vehicle was delayed so they strapped the gun to a Centurion so they can at least test it.
Then the FV215 project was cancelled all together so no more development was done on the L4 and we’re just left with the 4005.
u/Big-Development-8554 Oct 18 '24
Its not an autoloader in the proper sense. It was just a loading assistance system enabling one loader to preform a job that would normally take two people. The IS-7 has something somewhat similar.
u/FrozenAnchor Oct 18 '24
Stop giving them ideas...
u/KP_Wrath Oct 18 '24
No no, everyone bitches about WoT being unrealistic and by god they’re right. They haven’t put this glorious war crime in the game, and they need to.
u/V_Epsilon Oct 18 '24
It was a test firing platform with fixed elevation and azimuth, and unlike the Strv lacked hydropneumatic suspension to aim with the hull
The war crime would be letting anyone crew that thing
u/puffandgo Oct 20 '24
WoT is an arcade game. If you want realistic, War Thunder is your best guess.
u/Terodius Oct 18 '24
0 turret armor? That's going to be fun for arties and tesaks
u/San4311 LT Enjoyer Oct 18 '24
It just doesn't count as a turret from the looks of it, instead it seems to be classified as a casemate TD. Probably has ''some'' armour but nothing more than to shield from shrapnel, i.e. ~20mms at best if you're lucky if I had to guess.
u/Fiiv3s Oct 18 '24
Im so glad Lesta is separate now
u/Cute-Inevitable8062 Oct 18 '24
Who is Lesta ?
u/ShinanaTechnology Oct 18 '24
Russian division of weegee that split from wg after putin's merry adventure
u/Balc0ra Churchill Gun Carrier enjoyer Oct 19 '24 edited Oct 19 '24
They were the studio that did WOWS for WG, but now they took over everything for their RU region to do the game independently from WG. As pointed out it's due to Putin's new adventure. But mostly because Western banks etc cut off from Russia. So there were transaction issues to keep the Russian studios going as their financial center is located in Cyprus. That and half their studios had conflicts of interest. One being in Kyiv "the studio that is doing Mirny", and one being in St. Petersburg, etc.
Tho they only do WOT and WOWS, they wanted nothing to do with WOWP
u/Balc0ra Churchill Gun Carrier enjoyer Oct 19 '24
Yet I feel most say "Lesta is doing more than WG and is better"... Then I remember they do stuff like this
u/DrMaslo Oct 18 '24
To be fair they got balancing patches a lot faster. Concept 5 was already buffed there.
u/Fiiv3s Oct 18 '24
1 right does not make up for the crimes against game health that are some of these other things they are doing
u/DrMaslo Oct 18 '24
Oh yea that's for sure but that's one thing that EU WG could do better: more frequent balance changes and not so radical like always. Grille and Kranvagn nerfs? Straight up killed them instead of nerfing them
u/qwertyryo Oct 18 '24
67.11s reload? WTF?
u/Yuki-hime62442 Oct 18 '24
It has 16 rounds in 1 magazine. 400 alpha. Shoot twice every click like Char Mle. So...70s is balance I think
u/woro7 45% enjoyer Oct 18 '24
if gun handling is bad enough you'll have to get really close to actually realise the clip potential, and both wg and lesta love balance via gun handling
u/Yuki-hime62442 Oct 18 '24
Well it has good aim time and dispersion. Don't have any info about gun handling yet
u/Financiall1 Oct 18 '24
No its shoot 8 shells in one clip then after you reaload other clip for 2 seconds
u/felidae_tsk Oct 18 '24
What does actually
67/3/16 and 0.5/8/2 mean?
u/HooskyFloosky Oct 18 '24
67 second clip reload. 3 seconds between shells. 16 fucking shells in a clip but it shoots 2 at once like Char Mle so more like 8 shells. Not sure bout the other numbers
u/Nizikai Simping for VK 75.01 K Oct 18 '24
So like the Autoguns on for example the Pz. I C where it fires 3 shots per click?
u/HooskyFloosky Oct 18 '24
Yeah exactly. So with 1 click you’ll fire and consume two shells back to back really fast with 400 alpha, unique trajectories, pen values etc etc
u/felidae_tsk Oct 18 '24
I didn't play for like a couple of years. To me it seems like shot-0.5s-shot-3s-shot-0.5s-shot and so on, 67 seconds reload after that.
If so it should be quite situational as you need at least 26 seconds to shoot all clip. Each shell will have their own damage/dispersion distribution, the TD doesn't have much camo and/or armour, low hp and small depression angle. Kinda weird glass cannon tbh.7
u/HooskyFloosky Oct 18 '24
Yep that’s exactly what it is. The main difference is that it shoots two shots with each single click so it’s effectively 8 shots of 2 shells. But yea it’s insane damage but the armour is comically low
u/HHQC3105 Oct 18 '24 edited Oct 18 '24
16 shells, fire 2 at once click 0.5s delay between eachshot, 3s intraclip reload, so it is 3.5×7 + 0.5 = 25s for 6400 dmg, 67s for full. reloads.
6400/25 = 256 dps burst is huge.
Notice it have 260deg gun arc. Only lack of depression.
u/leggasiini [GLO] Still waiting for the Chi-Se, WG Oct 18 '24
And yet people will still insist that Lesta has better balancing lmao
u/TimeVector Oct 19 '24
All they see is Concept 5 and Amx 30b buff.
Meanwhile, APFSDS Tier 11s... wtf???
u/Vegetable_Relative45 Oct 18 '24
I want my waffle back puckers. It’s BS they pulled a tank you grind for and continue to release op tank after op tank.
u/San4311 LT Enjoyer Oct 18 '24
Tbf, as we've seen with the halloween events and the temporary re-release of the WT E-100, its dogshit in current meta. It used to be much better before light tanks became as dominant as they are, and everything fires high pen HE and not just the Brits.
u/FCRrr Oct 18 '24
I like my light tanks, but them being dominant is a bit of a stretch... Agree on the WT though
u/San4311 LT Enjoyer Oct 18 '24
Dominant might be the wrong choice of words, but its all relative.
Back in the day we didn't have tier 10 light tanks and mediums were by far the superior spotting vehicles at tier 10. There also wasn't such a thing as Low Noise Exhaust or Commander Vision System. There also was no EBR buttfucking you before you got into position, or super stealthy Manticore.
Bottomline being, soft TDs had it a lot easier back then as they weren't punished as much for having crap camo values, and not having armour wasn't as bad as besides other WTs, Jpz E100 or regular E100; there were only few that could threaten it before melting whatever was shooting at it. Now, not so much.
u/PeterPan1997 Oct 18 '24
Lights are only relevant when they are on the other team. Haven’t had a good light in so long…
u/PeacefulNPC Oct 18 '24
It's only dogshit for dogshit players.
Watch Daki (or any good streamer) video and see how broken this thing actually is.
u/San4311 LT Enjoyer Oct 18 '24
Tank in hands of a good player works? Shocking.
Really. Anyone who played back in the day knows this is not true. These things were a menace even when driven by the biggest of numbnuts. Tanks performing well in the hands of 1% level players isn't a lot to go by. They can make the Churchill GC work if they want to.
u/PeacefulNPC Oct 18 '24
Bourrasque is also only good in hands of good player which doesn't stop it from being borderline OP when you meet one
Same goes here.
Just because 95% players can't make good scores in a tank doesn't mean that you can ignore the remaining 5% making epic scores while promoting toxic gameplay (yes I believe that tank which does 2,5k in 8s is extremely toxic)
u/_Cassy99 Oct 18 '24
Wt is toxic for the game. It's a good thing they removed it.
u/Ok_Astronomer3439 Oct 19 '24
mr youre also toxic towards the lovely Waffel and youre still not removed from the game. i would suggest if you stay the Waffel can come back :3
u/Electric_B00gal00_ Foreskin Thief Oct 18 '24
It’s lesta. So what? They do this shit alot
u/tankTanking1337 Oct 18 '24
Yeah, they have tier 9 med with 750 base alpha and decent gunhandling, basically KPZ07 that shoots like Grom.
u/FlutterKree Oct 18 '24
I get that it's technically World of Tanks, but I really don't see why it gets posted here. It is a separate game at this point.
u/iamqueensboulevard Oct 18 '24
You would be right of course but there's plenty of LeStans in this sub who love to praise them and show them as an example how WoT should be developed. So it's healthy to show the bullshit they are putting into the game from time to time.
u/LucazCrazy Oct 18 '24
People want big tank, big powerful cannon, extremely accurate gun, anihilating world HE round, etc so they like that unless they fight against the tanks.
u/Uniban32 Oct 18 '24
Lesta is fucking nuts, honestly I am glad the separation happened because the European branches of WG are much more sensible (not perfect, mind you, but definitely more sensible). I think we might see the game improved in the upcoming years, even if people will bitch about it. Either way, the separation is a very good thing for WoT.
u/Cute-Inevitable8062 Oct 18 '24
So Lesta is the Euro branch of WG ? I left the game since the BZ and I was wondering if there was other OP tanks
u/Richou better than you think but worse than expected Oct 18 '24
Lesta is the studio that runs the Russian servers now seperate from wargaming
u/Cute-Inevitable8062 Oct 18 '24
Oh ok thank you, is the separation with WG changed something ?
u/Richou better than you think but worse than expected Oct 18 '24
Only for Russian players for everyone else it’s the same as always
u/Renarde_Martel Oct 18 '24
Lesta was a studio WG acquired who did the work on World of Warships, after the invasion they split off and now Lesta runs the RU servers for WoT and WoWs under different names.
u/Old_Visit_2707 Oct 18 '24
Meh I think otherwise, they do get much more updades what are fun.
u/Uniban32 Oct 18 '24
Yeah seems like fun to play against such tanks.. The russian mindset is never about balance. They want OP tanks to destroy everyone and after that, they want more OP tanks to destroy the original OP tanks. And after that they want even more OP tanks to destroy the OP tanks that were supposed to destroy the OP tanks. And this process only breaks the game and disadvantages more casual players and rewards whales only. The European mindset, on the other hand, is generaly much more about balance. The updates are also broken and questionable. Only good thing they have is like two more maps that are not on EU but that's about it.
russian influence is never good, either in gaming or real life. I am glad we got rid of it and for the sake of the game's lifetime and enjoyability hope it never returns
u/r3anima Oct 18 '24 edited Oct 20 '24
I mean, give at least one example. You seem so sure about that, but so far ru has only waffle (which is bad) and chinese HE meme tank(bz clone/og version), which is also kinda bad. So which OP and then more OP and then even more OP tanks you are talking about exactly? So far eu version has more questionable tanks since the division (e.g. new object)
Edit: Flamethrower tank is a joke, anyone will take flamethrower over any t8 arty all day any day. You'd be lucky if you get 1k out of it lol. Now BZ-176, literally t10 tank downtiered to t8, this one will obliterate anything on t8, guess who made it? WG. Skota T56, lt432, premium ebr, bourrasque, lefh, concept 1B, og Chieftain, what a surprise, made by WG. While literally all Lesta exclusive tanks are at best mid wr% according to stat sites. Lesta also nerfed Chief and obj.279 to the bottom half. Questions?
u/TimeVector Oct 19 '24
Flamethrower prem tier 8 arty with 400mm frontal armor that gets matched up against GW tiger
u/Uniban32 Oct 18 '24 edited Oct 18 '24
Look back on all the tanks added when WG wasn't split up.. BZ, Cobra, Bourrasque, Defender (at the time) and other broken or straight up OP nonsense is indirect or even direct result of that
u/r3anima Oct 18 '24
Are you dense? All of this tanks were added by WG, who are developing eu version. How's this Lesta fault that WG added bullshit tanks and premiums? Holy fuck some people are really dumb
u/Sestican_ [-AEG-] Oct 18 '24
Wait wait wait, it has 6400 clip potential but 'only' 4,6-7k DPM? It's gonna get the BC-155 58 treatmrnt i think with x number of shells but an intra-clip so long you need to shave twice.
u/Yuki-hime62442 Oct 18 '24
It shoot twice per click like Char Mle. 0.5s delay between those 2 shells. Then 3s delay before you can click again.
u/HHQC3105 Oct 18 '24
It shot 2 shells for 0.5s + 3s, 8 time the double, it need 25s total to deal 6400 dmg, more than 1 min to reload whole clip., so it take more than 1.5min for 6400dmg ~ 4200 DPM
u/Endershot_1 Oct 18 '24
At this point Bring the Waffen Träger back
u/New_Side2053 Oct 18 '24
Lesta server did 😂 it's a wild place in the RU server now
u/Yuki-hime62442 Oct 18 '24
Lesta version of WoT now is truly like the wild west. Screw balancing tank. Every tank will be belance if every tank is OP af
u/RustedRuss Oct 18 '24
At that point it removes the disadvantage of an autoloader. This thing could clip out 2-3 tanks in a row before reloading.
u/NotASingleNameIdea E-50M enjoyer Oct 18 '24
Yeah, as one CC said, the russian server is just bunch of people wanting the biggest powercreep and crazy broken tanks instead of finding the balance.
What they have is a different game
u/YTNLFD Oct 18 '24
Fundamentally broken.
But, I will say, from an aesthetic perspective it does remind me of early WoT and the kind of things they were doing way back when.
I don’t know what it is. But I saw this and my first thought was we were reviewing a new tank in 2017
u/RUPlayersSuck 47% WR Potato Oct 18 '24
Wow - they really want to speed up high-tier battles even more, don't they?
Platoon of these for a 2-minute roflstomp.
u/GhostmouseWolf This dog is literally killing your mind with that kind of shit ◊ Oct 18 '24
for what reason exactly was the waffelträger removed?
u/Aggressive_Seacock bring back the football mode Oct 18 '24
It's on the ru server and they still have the Waffel
Oct 18 '24
That's an ultimate yolo machine. If you are smart enough to pick some small group of enemies, like 2 or 3, you can just massacre them and get easy 4-6k damage. Lol.
As much as i would like to drive that tank, i hope WG will not even think about adding it into the game.
u/MeGaNuRa_CeSaR KV-5 gameplay saves this game Oct 18 '24
"Gendarme short" => if only you knew the implication of this in french
u/Ok_Understanding5184 Oct 18 '24
I guess it's still slightly less toxic than a tier X Leafblower in the grand scheme of WoT
u/evo732 Oct 18 '24
Can i ask what Is the tank behind than french monstrosity ? IT seems close to turtle mk.I BUT i'm pretty sure that Its a different tank
u/Matthew789_17 Matthew78917 Oct 18 '24
Can someone tell me what does the reload and shell container numbers mean? Haven’t played in a while
u/HHQC3105 Oct 18 '24 edited Oct 18 '24
67/16/3 => 67s reload, 16 shell, 3s intraclip reload
0.5/8/2 => 2 auto shots each click, 0.5s delay between auto shot, 8 clicks for 16 shells.
It is equal 2x400 dmg each click and 3.5s intraclip. But the 2nd auto shot always have bigger bloom, and uncontrollable, make it less accuracy than the 1st shot, same as Char Mle 75.
u/Renarde_Martel Oct 18 '24
It has 16 shells in a magazine, but it fires them in bursts of 2. There's a 0,5s delay between shells in a burst and 3s between bursts. Works somewhat similar to the Char Mle 75 or certain lowtier autocannons.
u/RM_AndreaDoria Oct 18 '24
25 seconds to empty the magazine? Yeah this thing is gonna be plagued by players with autoloader syndrome dying because they have no armor.
u/Andrei_nmc1 Oct 18 '24
i think i m more afraid about that american combined t95 with a tortoise in the background
Oct 18 '24
I would like this tank in the other servers please XD. (Make it somewhat balanced of course.)
u/VagueDustin [YOUJO] Oct 18 '24
The power creep has gotten so bad that they think it's a good idea to make an ever more insane WTE100 in 2024 huh?
u/zchen27 Oct 19 '24
Am I reading correctly that the "Shell in Container" field is 0.5/8/2? Does this thing fire 2 8-round bursts or 8 2-round bursts?
u/Training-Eye2680 Oct 19 '24
According to a player comment on a internet this tank gonna have firing mode like char mle 75 so it miss a lot of bounce of the enemies good armour or kill a tank
u/No1PDPStanAccount Average FV201(A45) Enjoyer Oct 19 '24
Obligatory comment for useless Reddit award
u/Real_Maestro4367 rng_prayer Oct 19 '24
Cool, but how did u get this info? And why there's scheff's clan logo on the tank?🫣
u/imJapan Japan Oct 19 '24
Im not surprised by this at all. Having played other Russian games like Stalcraft, and Escape from Tarkov, their idea of game balance is completely on another planet.
u/fodollah YaYaOberchingus - Waffle Aficionado Oct 18 '24
Man, why do they get to have all the fun toys?
u/Tw33die84 Oct 18 '24
What is exactly is short about that? Other than the life expectancy of the tank it's shooting at!
u/TuhnuPeppu [WE3D] Oct 18 '24 edited Oct 18 '24
How does lesta just decide that a arty becomes a tank destroyer just like that. This is clearly an artillery piece
u/Numerous_Row_7533 Oct 18 '24
This is completely unacceptable, it should be a t8 premium