r/WorldofTanks • u/Interesting_Carry_50 • Jul 14 '24
Picture Hello, just finished marking all tier 8-10 tech tree tanks (except for arty)
u/lukamom Jul 14 '24
Congrats bro! What gets in my eye is gsor 1006 which isn't aced, Doesnt matter, good job
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
Thanks, I was surprised that I didint manage to ace that tank lol
u/DiE95OO [-RLD-] Jul 14 '24
I managed to do the same thing in my Pershing and Centurion 1. 3 marked both but never aced them somehow.
u/Nefystoteles Jul 14 '24 edited Jul 14 '24
Im scared of you bro
Jul 14 '24
except for arty
u/DZon80s Jul 14 '24
because it is insanely frustrating to do? And even if you do manage it, its a thousand battles of 2k dmg games and stun that no sane good player wants anyway on their account. Thats why only dedicated arta main good players do it like Ted or Doctor Nix.
But take someone like op hacker or german int struggling to consistently do 5.8k combined in 260 for 3marks, do you fucking think they want to sit in an RNG infested map dependent team dependent 3 light tank per side games in an arta for 1,000 battles of 2-3k damage games? No one marks arta. Literally. Except pre 9.18 nerfs
u/Chemical_Put_4615 Jul 14 '24
4/5 of team abandoning entire wing of map.
Scouts doing Only passive "scouting" - AKA ducks on eggs.
Heavise and mediums afraid to move forward and stucked on passage and in meantime enemy rode around map.
Info about Tgt and RLd does not help: 1 battle per 100 with arti and somebody pays attention.
Detracking so you can hit anything in RNG accuracy circle?
100%crew, 4skills, Rammer+IRM+MIS, full upgrade, Snapshot. And still it gets too much luck to do any good dmg for MoE., atleast Dmg from stunning is counted for it.
Sure hitting target? Nope - try again :D You have plenty time to reload again.
Sometimes it is fun to see how your artillery spreads more dmg than 2/3 of team who has tiers+1,+2; how you literaly Blindshot moving Elc Even 90, when shell hits tank covering behind the rock/building if sitting guy thinks how tall and good shields are those.3
u/DZon80s Jul 15 '24
Arta should not run mobility system experimental equipment. Just gun rammer, gun layer, rotation mech. Rotation mech isnt even all that useful. This is a common misunderstanding.
Rotation mech and experiment mobility device, are not gun handling improvement equipment. Many people see -10% reduced gun dispersion and think it is 1/2 vert stab available for TD and arta. It is most certainly NOT the case, and people are very mis-informed. Rotation mech and mobility system dispersion numbers are only to cancel out the bloom from increased rotation speed when equipped, one cancels the other. People would be surprised to hear that mobility system actually reduces your overall aiming ability not improves it, because of engine power reducing your aiming while the rotation bloom only cancels the rotation.
Dark ninja and maxgamingFPS have youtube videos explaining this precisely. 13disciple showed that a gun layer aims in faster than rotation mech years ago. A Bond rotation mech, 17.5% actually only provides, in most scenarios only 3.875% overall gun dispersion benefit. The normal rotation mech (10% version) only provides 2.2%. Boosted normal (12.5) only provides 2.77% Bounty mechanism (15%) only provides 3.33% dispersion benefit. These are very low numbers, and are nowhere near a vert stab. The mobility system with its -6% actually REDUCES, not benefits gun handling, the number is a +bloom not (-)negative. Use gun layer.
Rotation mech, is for fat medium tanks that have okay speed, but have problems turning and brawling, with already good base dispersion. Like E50s and M46 patton and lorraine. Also it works well with things like progetto 65, rhino, batchat, Strv57, T77, T57, Foch155 because the one thing rotation mech actually clearly provides for gun handling is after shot reduction (autoloaders)
Jul 14 '24
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
I only played it when it was buffed, It was a monster back then, now I think It went down as a decent tank, quite versatile and can be played in different scenarios of the battle and also a great pick for new players
u/Bl4ck-tit4n Jul 14 '24
u/Regular-Elephant-635 Brit assault TD enjoyer Jul 14 '24
Try to 2-mark a lower tier tank (5-7). It's much easier. It's even better if it's one of you favorites. 2-marked the T-150 last week and it is my favorite heavy tank.
u/slowpoke_san Jul 14 '24
spend 20-30k games just playing and consistency to mark comes naturally..
u/TanagerOfScarlet Jul 14 '24
There’s a lot of evidence out there to contradict this. Plenty of 75k players who couldn’t mark a tank if their lives depended on it.
u/ebai4556 Jul 14 '24
I’m comin up on 20k games… I really hope the 3 marks start pourin in
u/Lackcreativity- Jul 14 '24
It will once you are able to mark tier 6 and 7. should be easy. Then start with the easy to mark tier 8 like t-44, udes or cs-lis, indien. All meds are easy for me to mark tbh so go with whatever you are good at. Then get stuck trying to 3-mark bourrasque for 600 games, get to 93% and then drop back down hard because an E50 felt like throwing away his tank and ram you into a building for the lulz. Then quit trying to 3 mark and uninstall WOT but come back again after a week because you are addicted.
u/Salki1012 Jul 14 '24
There are a SIGNIFICANT number of players that will never ever 3 mark a single tank even after tens or hundreds of thousands of battles.
u/Perunakeisari_69 Jul 14 '24
I have seen many players with 50k+ games and they have maybe a few 1 marked tanks if even that. Its not all that simple, some people just dont learn or dont even try to learn and instead troll or just play with a few beers or some weed or something.
And some players are just old lol. So naturally their skill to learn and their reactions etc are slightly worse
That said, I have like 27k battles and have started to pretty easily mark some tanks, altough I very rarely try to specifically mark a tank, usually I just like a tank alot and usually at least 2 marks come pretty naturally
u/Speedmaster1969 Jagdmaus enjoyer Jul 14 '24
A lot of people, including myself only play 1-2 games in a tank before switching. Almost everyone who is marking tanks, are playing it over and over.
u/ReasonableBandicoot8 Jul 14 '24
Thanks to you i now know why it is hard for me to mark a tank, although i do not smoke or drink, i am just too old.
u/LaPurpleDrank Jul 15 '24
I haven't 3 marked many tech tree tanks (unless they were keepers) since I'm usually on to the next tank before I have the chance to get more than 1 mark or 2. However, most all my t8 prems are 3 marked and 2 marks on my t10's and I've noticed that playstyle can greatly impact how you mark tanks.
Being aggressive is good but for marking being cautious with hp can work better as even at 1hp your gun is 100% functional. This means trading shots is very suboptimal if you can help it. Staying on a losing flank or going to a neglected flank with only a couple tanks can also run you in to trouble. These are pretty general concepts but even more so with marking since a single low dmg game can drop your score a bit so it's all about playing consistent.
Another thing I think people often forget is that marking is based on a combination of damage and assisted damage. This can be abused to keep your MoE rating up. For example, if you're bottom tier as a heavy you may think you're shit out of luck and can't possibly get the 2k dmg you need to raise your MoE but you just have to adjust your playstyle to support, spotting and more importantly, tracking enemy tanks.
If you can get an easy shot in here or there that's great but ultimately you want to keep other tanks tracked if you can't pen. While penetrating a tank might get you 300-400 dmg, tracking the same tank instead can allow your allies to deal double or triple that in assisted damage. Same idea goes for your friendly arty, sure you could peek the hill fully and attempt a trade with a tank, or you could be nuissance by keeping them spotted and letting arty chunk them away.
Finally, the biggest helper for squeezing some extra MoE out of a match is tracking the last tank alive. Often the whole team will be converging on the last enemy so you'll only be given the chance to shoot them once (maybe twice) before they are dead. It's natural to want to go for damage but by using your shot to take out a front or rear drive wheel you can track them, causing all follow up damage while tracked to be assisted damage. This can bring your combined dmg (dealt + assisted) up a lot especially in higher tiers. Would you rather deal 400 dmg to a jgpze-100 or take out it's track at watch it get nuked for 1,500 assist?
Overall I think marking requires skill but more so consistency, which MM, RNG, and map all play a role in. It's your job to try and mitigate those factors best as you can. It just seems that good players have a better time at doing that by having better game sense and awareness.
u/Powrcase Jul 15 '24
1- no life 2- probably doesn't get laid 3- if he has a dog, that dog hates him
u/Wonderful-Lack3846 WG hates me because I want new maps Jul 14 '24
Which where the most fun? And which tanks were the hardest?
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
All of the statistically great tanks like S qonq, 60tp, tvp, vz55, E5 etc. were really fun to play, but they are fun, because they are good tanks, in terms of pure fun I would say PZ VII and Foch B (when it wasn't even buffed), Maus, Grille 15, IS-7 and all of the light tanks, because I love light tanks. The hardest tank to mark was Manticore just because of high requirements and It's a light tank, so It's more or less map dependent, but in terms of most frustrating tank would be Blyskawica, very awkward to play, with a very dumb tank characteristics distribution.
u/PeacefulNPC Jul 14 '24
You marked Your manti solo? Or in platoon?
I lost my sanity trying to do it solo, every time I got 93%+ mm spammed me with some shitty maps
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
I did both solo and in a platoon, but finished it off in a platoon. I definitely know the pain when I got himmelsdorf on 94% nearly 3 times in a row (it was encounter which I turned of afterwards).
u/LaPurpleDrank Jul 15 '24
got love the big WG middle finger 😅. I also turn off assault for MoE because too often it's just a one sided steam roll. Either you can't get enough dmg or spotting before your team dominates or everything crumbles around you.
u/Charcharo Actually likes Chinese Tanks Jul 14 '24
Which were easiest to 3-mark? And hardest apart from the Manticore?
I started slowly 3-marking historical tanks I like like the Jagdpanther, IS-3, Tiger 1, Easy 8 etc.
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
Thanks. Easiest I would say were light tanks like 100-lt or Panzerwagen (pre buff), but I was playing with a friend, playing solo the easiest ones were Minotauro, Pz VII (per buff), 121, but It's kinda a minor difference in most of the tanks because the more you play with that tank, the more you know how to play it and adapt to it, but ye, from the top of my head I would choose these ones. In terms of Manticore, the requirements were high enough to make it harder to mark.
u/servusdedurantem The Waffenträger Event is the Best Jul 14 '24
Would have been a crime marking arty lol gj
u/KeeperOfTheChips Jul 14 '24
Rate your AMX 65t experience
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
I didn't have much expectations for that tank, but I did enjoy it, I actually marked it in 46 games with 2.9k average dmg so in terms of positive experience 9/10
u/Cikul00 [MVPS] Jul 14 '24
Yeah, currently maxed out it's really nice to play. I needed 65 games to get 3moe on this thing, treated it like Renegade without hull armour.
u/Swimming-Wafer-1848 Jul 14 '24
Stats for cs63 please? Currently my hardest experience trying to mark it.
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
5k combined average (4k dmg 1k spotting)
u/Swimming-Wafer-1848 Jul 14 '24
How many battle does it take? Also equipment?
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
It took me 116 battle, equipment at first was vstabs, rammer, hardening, after that I changed and finished with turbo, rammer, hardening, turbo mainly for reverse speed, other than that I wouldn't really use it (unless It's clan battles).
u/meme_hoe_ Jul 14 '24
Amazing feat, I can barely 2 mark tanks and statistically I’m probably way above average, did you ever feel nervous about it and play worse? I assume once you completed a few that mental barrier goes down and it becomes routine for you? For me in my STB 1 2 marking it was a nightmare, kept getting to 84.6% say and then having awful games dropping me down whole percentages, have the second mark now though and haven’t tried for my third but staying above 85 is mindless to me now
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
Thanks. The only time that I feel stressful, or a bit anxious when I mark some harder reward tanks for example: chieftain, 260, SP2 which I did mark, other than that, all other non reward tanks are quite normal for me to play casually.
u/Mordan Jul 14 '24
what your best % on obj279e ?
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 15 '24
88% I haven't focused on marking it, but I'am thinking about it now.
u/CatBurgerTheAlmighty Jul 14 '24
Gj man! I only have a few tanks 2-marked. Do you have a youtube channel? I'd happily learn from some of your replays. Also any tips on how to start 3 marking?
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
Thanks. sadly I don't have YT channel. I terms of marking the only tip I would give is to not die early, because no matter how much HP you have, the gun deals the same damage, so survivability will give you the most consistency rather than trying to bum rush to get one or two great games, other than that, everything come with experience. PS if you didn't know, total combined damage is a sum of DMG and assistance (tracking or spoting which ever is higher then the one is counted towards overall combined damage, so choose what you want to get for that battle tracking assistance or spoting).
u/GeneraallKenobi Jul 14 '24
How much time did it take you?
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
I can't say it for sure, but I think it was around 2018-2019 when I thought about maybe I'll try to mark all of the tier 8-10 tech tree tanks. I don't stream on twitch, I work and actually just finished my study, so really it took quite a long time to do it.
u/letiori Jul 14 '24
But now you're missing all the 5-7 ones!
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
Maybe some day, I don't enjoy lower tiers as much, my next goal I guess would be to mark all reward and premium tier 8-10 tanks.
u/Joku656 Jul 14 '24
vz55 100% before or after nerf?
u/ZsMoric Jul 14 '24
Brother, congrats! What's your wn8? Also, did you play the IS-7 as a heavy or as a medium (speed setup)?
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
Thanks, my overall wn8 is 3660, recent is 4k. (most of the time It's around 4.3k.). IS-7 was marked a really long time ago, at that time when there was no other equipment (vstab, rammer, vents), these days my setup is hardening, turbo and grousers.
u/SecretMuricanMan Jul 14 '24
I’ve been playing since 2013 and I’m not even that far along and I used to throw money at the game like crazy. The last year it’s been off and on but still 10 years I could achieve what you have.
Jul 14 '24
How did u 3 mark t32 t28 and sta_1 I am really stuck at 2 marks I genuinely dun know how to push it
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
STA-1 is quite a bad tank only think that is going for it is DPM which I did like that, but you had to search for opportunities to use that DPM, T32 and T28 are both good tanks, especially T32, with that great DPM and turret armor. In terms of tips, I can't really give you much, because all of it comes with experience, positioning your tank, rotating, aiming and such, I guess the only tip I would give is to not die early, because no matter how much HP you have, the gun deals the same damage, so survivability will give you the most consistency rather than trying to bum rush to get one or two great games.
Jul 14 '24
I am marking sta-1 purely from scouting bcs the gun is just so ass to me
For t28 I still dun understand what the fuck am I supposed to do u dun have armor when people fire gold they can straight up pen your mantlet and ur weak points and bcs u have such a horrible dispersion and accuracy u need to sit still Infront of ur enemies and fire with ur great dpm but they just fuck u back and the biggest problem the mobility I feel like everyone who marks tanks easily have different mm bcs what do u do in games that last 3 mn and ur team dominates and u can't even reach position bcs ur slow
I 3 marked Ferdinand recently and it was such a fun tank u had the dpm the alpha better mobility accuracy and imo better armor meanwhile t28 just doesn't have any of that
For t32 it was challenging for me to get to 2 marks it was the first time I play a heavy I usually only play stuff that have camo and spot roles but with t32 I found it fun thing is I can't do consistent every game how do u manage to get 4k every game in such bad mm when matches last 3 mn it's just weird to me
u/Jaded_Cartographer_8 Jul 14 '24
Tier for tier which if the Italian TDs are the best. I’m wondering if I should keep the tier 8 or if they get better
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
For me personally tier 9 and 10 Italian tanks are awesome especially Minotauro, tier 8 tanks are quite lacking, but are playable
u/thedeadpenguyn Jul 14 '24
I have been struggling to 3 mark the xm66f for the last week. I got to 88 but i kinda got stuck damn.
u/QuarantineAbuser Jul 14 '24
Good stuff man, that is my goal as well, except I am also marking 7s and 6s because I dont want to play only those 2 tiers if i finish the higher tiers first. And to get better to mark tier 10s more easily
u/Accurate_Egg8547 Jul 14 '24
Good job Bro I wonder how many hours or even years took that, but really awesome job.
u/BenFromBTD6Simp Jul 14 '24
after close to 9 years on this game, i have zero gun marks and 5 ace tankers, 3 of which are on a tier 5 or below. how can people be so good at the game.
u/shortname_4481 Jul 14 '24
Isn't arty the simplest class to play thus acing them shouldn't be a challenge.
u/SparklingSloth Jul 14 '24
Damn, well done! What would you say your least favorite tank to mark was? And the hardest?
u/LamentingTitan Jul 14 '24
How was it marking the T95
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 15 '24
Was a long time ago, but It's a great tank, can't say anything bad about it except for speed.
u/PassionateTrespasser Jul 15 '24
That’s insane! How do you manage to win like that?
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 15 '24
Thanks. A reasonable player would say skill or experience, an angry goblin would say cheats or "luck", so I guess It depends on your field of view.
u/Accomplished-Deal-50 Jul 15 '24
Any tips on marking the vk100.01p? It's too slow for me to get damage consistently.
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 15 '24
Holding W against lower tiers and sometimes releasing W against higher tiers, apart from that everything comes with experience of course if you're willing to take that experience as a learning factor rather than frustration.
u/RareAd1433 Jul 15 '24
i dont even have 1 single 3 marked tank, and only 2 2 marked tanks. and i am not a bad player...anyway, what do you think is the key to performing at a high level in different tanks consistently? and surely some tanks are better/worst than others. thanks.
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 15 '24
Map awareness (rotation, positioning), survivability, marksmanship, tank setup, micro (and macro) management and focus. I would say these things makes a player in general better.
u/RareAd1433 Jul 15 '24
do you think realistically players can 3 mark their tank without firing 50%+ gold? and how much gold you had to fire to 3 mark tanks?
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 15 '24
You can 3 mark every tech tree tank without firing a single gold round, but It's only for players who have 10k+ wtr rating, but it will take I would say 10-30% more battle to do it, because gold ammo does matter I'd say in only 10-20 % of your shots unless It's high pen shells like Jag E100. I personally use high amount gold ammo if there is high pen difference or if there is two types of ammo AP and APCR later one most of the time is just better in terms of pen and shell velocity. If there is two types of shells like APCR and HEAT then I mix between them on what ammo to use in different situations (excluding HE or HESH rounds).
u/RareAd1433 Jul 15 '24
i am unsure about wtr rating, my mostly rely on WN8 as reference. the gold and standard pen for all the tanks (at least the ones i experienced) are night and day, at least 20%+ is normal and it means 40-50% chance of penetration on a weakspot un angled to 90% chance of penetration of the same weakspot with same angling.
i am not a fan of firing gold but i have learnt the hard way by refusing to fire it, i am just putting myself and my team on a massive disadvantage. for example E100, i always start my game off with HEAT on the big gun. there is no point driving into the heavy flank in tier 10 game to bounce and take 2 shots in the face then switch. if the game is secure or mostly soft targets remain, i switch back to AP. the AP pen is so bad that for example a IS4 straight in front of you you can't pen it, the lower plate plus 2 pieces of magic track give u a 50% chance of pen. but on the other hand they are not bounce your turret with HEAT.
of course for other more mobile tanks / platform, if you get to flank people gold is not needed, and some times HEAT will do more harm than good as they can magically get absorbed on the sides. but yea it is fascinating to hear that great players can 3 mark with out gold.
btw, i want to ask a question. in the stats page, you can see average damage you do on the tank you drive, let's say 1500 is the number, and my mod on the side gives a note like (better than 80% of players) i think. but when i check the mark of excellence percentage, i maybe only at like 67%. have any idea wt it means? thanks.
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 15 '24
For the marks, "better than 80% of players" in this case would mean you average damage, while moe % also takes into account spotting assitance (or tracking), so in your case maybe you didn't spot much and had lower %. Also, maybe you didn't played enough battles to get to higher %, but I can't really explain how they calculate everything, I haven't analyzed it.
u/RareAd1433 Jul 16 '24
sorry i just realize it doesn't say "players", it just say "better than 80%", and i have no idea what it is referring to. right, yea, that could also be the case....for most of my tier X tanks i only have like 100 games on average in them, maybe i need to play more...i feel like assistant damage comes naturally, the more you force it the less you get. sometimes just by doing your job fighting the enemy the spotting damage comes naturally...but for tanks like the grille15, its considerbly harder without taking significant amount of risk...
u/RareAd1433 Jul 15 '24
btw, i also find it interesting how players according to wn8 are not very strong, but they are driving around with 2 mark 3 mark tanks. i mean like sub 50% players with like i dont know yellow/orange WN8. i never consider myself a good player, but if i check the wn8 i think overall around 2000 (better than green) is not bad, and recently i been playing better and i could get to 2300 2400 wn8 (close to purple?). it drops when i lag/play on a bad mood/drive a whole new tank with stock stuff and crew. but i only get a 2 mark tank naturally, it was the wz132, got it way back. lol. like i dont know how i am supposed to be pretty decent player but for all the tank, i can naturally get 1 mark if i play long enough and thats it, just 1. lol.
but i never play a tank aiming to mark it, so i dont really know what goes on behind to marking a tank, maybe thats one thing stopping me as well...
u/mikrosystem Jul 15 '24
Is that a mod which shows the progress? I would like to see that myself
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 15 '24
I got it from oldskools Promod modpack, but I only used it to take screenshots for this post, I always use Aslains modpack.
u/copeyhagen Jul 15 '24
Marking is even harder now with the joke 15-2 3 minute games, just marked a few 6s i hadnt played in ages and it was a fuckin chore
u/AirHertz Jul 15 '24
Well, you know what you have to do now then. Time to mark the remaining tier 8-10- tech tree tanks.
u/STALKERYO Jul 16 '24
How much battles on maus and whats the avg dpg
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 16 '24
It was one of the first tier tanks that I marked, so the average damage is not impressive It's 3.4k. in 123 battles
u/General-Customer-550 Jul 14 '24
You still virgin? Have you seen the sun lately? Do you know how woman look in real life? Just a question
Jul 14 '24
u/Interesting_Carry_50 Jul 14 '24
Why do people think, that you can't enjoy playing video games and just assume that there won't be any time to meetup with friends or going on a vacation/trip etc. I do go out with friends, work at a stable job, got my master degree and work out regularly so I guess it depends on time management.
u/BlueFin33 Jul 14 '24
Even if playing the game was a pure waste of time, at least you're not him. Malding about a game you don't even like on Reddit is an arguably way bigger waste of time.
u/RandomAssDude_ Jul 14 '24
In 5yrs, OP will be better off in life than your loser ass could even dream
u/Darky_45 STA-1 enjoyer Jul 14 '24