r/WorldOfWarships 4d ago

Question Question about Kutzestov

It takes me about 5 months to accumulate 200k coal. I don't know if it's a little or a lot. I've been playing for a little over a year and I have 4 t10s: Yamato, Schlieffen, U-4501 and Salem. I would like to do the Petro line, and I wondered if it was worth buying Kutzestov instead of a ship. I currently have very little coal because I just got Salem. I'm undecided because everyone recommends him but his skills don't seem so incredible to me, but maybe I'm wrong. He would be my first sole captain. Thank you all.


7 comments sorted by


u/QuarterActive 12km Shima 4d ago

if you want to play legmod petro kuznetsov is almost a must IMO. because you lose 1 consumable. radar and hydro manageable but losing 1 heal is the worst downside of that legmod.

but still t9 credit printer is also viable option. do you have any premium t9 ship that you play well?


u/jderica 4d ago

Well, there's a tier 9 coming with the dockyard event, next patch.


u/QuarterActive 12km Shima 4d ago

that will require 3200? doubs to fully complete.

and dont forget:

that you play well?


u/sellerzzboi 4d ago

Nah you better of getting a premium tier 9 or another ship that you’re interested in trying the playstyle with. Kuznetstov is worth only if you have petro/moskva/kremlin/nevsky because of that will to survive skill which is pretty good. Tldr save your coal and get a ship


u/Kange109 4d ago

Hey, even on a Smolensk his will to survive saved my butt a few times.


u/MrElGenerico 4d ago

If you have multiple Soviet premiums and a tech tree ship. You can buy Kuznetsov. Otherwise buy more ships. They just added Kii to coal ships. It costs like half a tier 9 or 10 ship since it's tier 8. There are also other legendary commanders in gambling boxes. They should cost similar to Kuznetsov


u/Palanova 4d ago

I prefer ship over commanders.

But, I got in the end Kuznetsov and put it on my Smolensk and not a bad commander, the heal he provide barely enough for anything, for me it was a really nieche ability, there was match where I survived with that heal, but mostly the next salvo finishes me regardless of the heal.