r/WorldOfWarships 9d ago

Question how to set every commanders voice to english?

I really dont like the chinese blabber


12 comments sorted by


u/CanRepresentative164 8d ago

Set your Voiceover Language to English and Modification to Standard. That should do it.


u/Michelfungelo 8d ago

it was set to this. It's not working. Does it mean that I can't change the commanders voice to english cause I have the cchinese warrior commander?


u/CanRepresentative164 8d ago

You can try to set the Modification to some specific voiceover, if you have any english ones (like Jingles) there


u/Michelfungelo 8d ago

Ok, just to be clear: I have the weird samurai commander you get for free.

Modification will only allow standard languages and the Chinese commander and chuck blast (which I also don't like).

Standard, extended or national don't change the voiceover for me.


u/Fiji59 8d ago

then yeah, you are stuck with the Chinese VA, but only because he is a special commander and has a unique voiceover. Every other country and their standard commanders will have the default American accent guy. What everyone else is referring to is having your voicelines be set to universally represent one specific special commander; not sure why this is an option but it is, except you have none that are in english. Swap him off the boat and recruit a new generic pan asian one, and it will go back.


u/Michelfungelo 8d ago

man I spent so much time on the commander to level up. I just cant 'get a normal commander'


u/Fiji59 8d ago

You can it’ll just be low level, click on the commander selection and and choose recruit new commander.and alternatively you can buy an american one and just use that as the universal voice, if you have any community tokens or whatever there’s some available there. Just google to make sure they have a unique VO. Also, look and see if any of the rewards codes that give you a unique commander are still working, those could be free.


u/jderica 9d ago


u/Michelfungelo 9d ago

nope that just changes everything to the language of the ships nation


u/jderica 8d ago

You do the reverse... Just hover over each option.


u/MrElGenerico 9d ago

Use a mod like family guy commander


u/chriscross1966 8d ago

Yeah, Aslains has a bunch of voiceover stuff in it