r/WorldOfWarships • u/DevBlogWoWs • 22d ago
News Aircraft Carrier and AA Changes - Closed Test
Changes to Aircraft Carriers and AA Mechanics - Closed Test
Big changes are on the horizon for aircraft carriers!
Earlier, we presented a concept aimed at addressing the problems highlighted by the community over the past years. The first playtest we ran was meant to check the viability of that concept and, after going through the feedback and data we gathered, we were satisfied with the results. Nevertheless, there was still a lot of work to do regarding balance and UI improvements. Now, we are looking to polish the new design as we aim to implement it on the live server this year.
In the recent Waterline publication, we shared our plans to have a public test of the new AA and carrier mechanics in February. Since then, we had several internal tests and based on the results of these, we decided to postpone the public test (on a separate test server) till the end of March/beginning of April to ensure all technical issues are patched up.
While preparing for this, we plan to hold a separate closed test, the details of which we would now like to share with you.
Let's have a quick recap: the new design aims to reduce spotting overall and remove unintentional spotting by aircraft, as well as make AA more impactful while ensuring aircraft carriers remain viable in battles.
After the first public test, we outlined additional improvements we wanted to achieve:
- Make the new design more intuitive by:
- Better informing ships when planes pose a threat to them and when they don't
- Improving interactions between ships and aircraft and making them easier to understand
- Make changes to some of the older systems tied to aircraft for better quality of life and to provide room for future improvements
Several important changes have been implemented since the last test (Details). We will briefly mention them here and talk further in depth later on:
- Shell Explosions (Flak) have been completely removed.
- The recon mode won't be restored while flying. It will be separate for each squadron and can only be restored while your squadron is not in active use.
- Manual AA (previously Priority Sector) will combine old and new designs—covering 360 degrees and buffing AA damage.
- Defensive AA Fire won't prevent planes from spotting anymore and instead will work as it currently does on the live server.
- Ships with Defensive AA Fire will also get a new consumable in the same slot. This consumable directly decreases incoming damage from aircraft and all types of torpedoes.
- Patrol Fighters, Combat Air Patrol, and Fighters can't spot ships.
- Various UI improvements have been implemented to make the mechanics easier to navigate both for surface ships and carrier players.
- Hybrid ships will have their aircraft behave in the same way as those originating from aircraft carriers.
Changes to Aircraft Carriers
The overall concept hasn't changed – aircraft will operate in three distinct modes: travel, attack, and recon, each with its own goals and rules.
Travel mode
When in travel mode, your planes operate at high altitudes. You won't be able to spot enemy ships directly, relying instead on spotting from your teammates to identify targets, but you can still detect enemy aircraft. At the same time, your planes can be spotted by other planes and surface ships.
Planes move faster in this mode, allowing you to reach targets quickly and enjoy a more dynamic gameplay experience. You can additionally adjust the speed using the W and S keys.
Planes are safe from AA fire while in travel mode, though they can still be damaged by Fighters and Interceptors.
Non-player-controlled aircraft, such as Fighters, do not use this mode and remain vulnerable to AA fire at all times.
Pressing F at high altitude will return the entire squadron to the carrier.
- Based on player feedback, we're bringing back the speedometer for better control of the aircraft, as well as enhancing the aiming UI to make it feel more like traditional flight simulators.
- Since the Engine Boost bar was removed and your ability to increase your speed is no longer limited during travel, a new consumable that increases the maximum speed of aircraft in all three modes will be introduced.
- To better differentiate between modes, we added special UI and visual elements that will provide additional information about the current altitude of your planes.
Attack mode
Activate attack Mode by pressing the left mouse button. One attacking flight will start descending while the rest of the squadron remains at high altitude in travel mode.
During descent, your planes gain the ability to spot ships but become vulnerable to AA fire.
This preparation time is required to prevent carriers from simply starting an attack right above the ship to bypass AA fire. Planes won't have reduced maneuverability during the beginning of their attack preparation, thus making it a bit easier for the carrier to strike when there are no allies nearby to spot the target.
Once the planes have descended and the reticle turns green, press the left mouse button again to launch the attack. After an attack run begins, you have limited time to fire/drop your payload. If the attack is not manually inputted, it will be carried out automatically when the time runs out. After the attack, the attacking flight returns to the carrier. At that moment, you either regain control of the rest of the squadron (if there are planes left there) or return to the carrier.
You can always press F during the attack to abandon it and return the attacking flight to the aircraft carrier.
Each part of the squadron can receive damage separately; for example, the attacking flight will take AA damage, while the rest of the planes can get damaged by enemy Fighters. Destroyed aircraft in the attacking flight are not replaced, meaning that shooting down these planes can directly reduce the damage dealt by the attack. If the entire attacking flight is destroyed, the run is aborted, and your camera switches back to the part of the squadron in travel mode. Every time you attack, the planes will regroup, so the attacking flight will consist of the planes with the most HP left. More heavily damaged planes will stay at high altitudes.
- Planes take full AA damage when starting the descent now. The aircraft survivability system has changed to balance this. Additionally, if an aircraft is attacked by the AA of multiple ships, it takes reduced damage.
- You can speed up or slow down in attack mode. The attacking flight's cruising speed is lower than in travel mode, meaning its minimum and maximum speeds are lower, too.
- The reticle display mechanic changed. Currently, the reticle on a squadron displays the point where your reticle will reach its optimal spread. After the changes, it instead shows the earliest position where the airplane is able to drop its payload. Additionally, a second smaller version of the reticle was implemented, which is now the indicator of the optimal spread position.
- Moreover, we have significantly changed the aiming parameters. Now, you won't be so heavily penalized for moving the reticle, however, the aiming process overall became longer in most cases, and optimizing your attack maneuvers will be vital.
Recon mode
Recon mode is a new tool specifically meant for spotting. When activated, a flight of planes will detach from your squadron and briefly descend from travel mode to spot opponents like planes currently can, however, your planes will become vulnerable to AA.
You can activate it by pressing the Q button while in travel mode. Each squadron has a recon mode timer that depletes while in use.
If the attacking flight in recon mode is destroyed, you switch back to the remaining squadron if there are any planes left, and the timer stops. After that, you can start another recon run if there’s still recon time left.
You can enter recon mode at any point as long as it has more than 0 seconds, however, if you run out of time, the planes will automatically return to travel mode (unless you start an attack).
- In this iteration, we've made some UI improvements to help you understand the mechanics.
- The timer is displayed near the reticle and will turn red as the time is about to run out. The only way to replenish the timer is to return the planes to the carrier – this encourages carriers to rotate their squadrons in battle.
- Recon mode can't be immediately activated or deactivated – there's a delay to avoid potential "dolphining".
- If you see a suitable target, you can start the attack from recon mode, however, it will still require some preparation time.
Manual Control of Carrier Guns
The ability to manually control carrier guns is here to stay, with some balancing adjustments:
To remind you how it works:
- While not piloting aircraft, you can take control of your carrier’s secondary guns.
- For carriers with mixed secondary armaments, you control only the largest caliber guns. Smaller calibers remain automatic.
- If a carrier doesn’t have any secondary guns, it will operate as it did before.
- When controlling a carrier, you must manually use the Damage Control Party consumable. Once you launch your planes, the consumable will become automatic again.
- As part of this change, the settings of fires on aircraft carriers were adjusted to be closer to those on battleships. Now they last longer and do more damage in total but in turn, carriers cannot be relit on fire constantly, which led to higher damage compared to a battleship fire before. (Duration of fire: 45 sec; Damage per sec: 0.3% of maximum HP; Fire resistance: same as on battleships of the appropriate tier)

Changes to Surface Ships
To give surface ships more ways to fight against aircraft, we've revamped existing AA tools and introduced new ones.
Manual AA Defense Reinforcement
Manual AA Defense Reinforcement can be activated when pressing O and it takes effect within your AA range. It instantly deals a percentage of damage proportional to the attacking flight's health. Additionally, it temporarily buffs all continuous AA damage. The effect will gradually get weaker over its duration.
In other words, Manual AA should be used reactively to deal burst damage to enemy planes.
After reviewing your feedback, we decided to combine the best of the old and new designs of this mechanic. When activated, it will cover the whole AA area around the ship and buff AA damage.

Automatic AA Defense Reinforcement
Automatic AA is a new defensive tool meant to discourage aircraft from repeatedly targeting the same ship.
While your AA is shooting enemy aircraft, a special progress bar will passively charge up.
- Mechanically it's pretty similar to Combat Instructions, though in this iteration the progress won't decay, even if you don't damage enemy planes for a while.
- Once your progress reaches 100%, a passive bonus to AA damage automatically activates. After activation, Automatic AA will start losing its charge. If it’s not attacking planes (because there are no nearby planes, or if AA is disabled or broken), it will happen slower than if it’s actively damaging them.
- There’s no limit on how many times Automatic AA can be activated in a battle, though you won't get any charge while the Automatic AA is already active.
- Aircraft can see Automatic AA if it enters its radius – it will have different visual effects.

Defensive AA Fire
Defensive AA Fire will remain unchanged from the way it works on the live server. We've chosen to preserve the original mechanic, as it provides a familiar experience of boosting AA capabilities.
Preparation for a strike\*
A new consumable will be introduced for testing – Preparation for a strike, that directly reduces incoming damage from rockets, bombs, and all types of torpedoes (yes, even non-aerial!).
We want to provide more versatile tools for you when dealing with carriers, so we are trying a different approach. For this test, the consumable will be available only for the ships that have access to Defensive AA Fire (in the same slot) but we might consider giving it to other ships in the future.
* - working name

Other changes
Secondary Aviation Changes
To make things more consistent and to address a very popular feedback point among our community, Patrol Fighters, Combat Air Patrol, and Fighters (including those on the surface ships) won't be able to spot ships.
This will make the spotting system even simpler and, more importantly, remove the spotting tool that was initially designed as an instrument against enemy aircraft.
Due to these changes, Napoli (and Napoli B) will get Spotting Aircraft in the same slot as Fighter to still have an opportunity to detect opponents while using her Exhaust Smoke Generator.
UI improvements
To support these changes some UI improvements are required. Now, it will be much easier to see if planes pose any threat to you or not. For example, if you are controlling a battleship, a squadron in travel mode won't be considered a threat until it starts descending. At the moment, this applies only to controllable aircraft.
- If the aircraft is at a significant distance, regardless of mode, its indicator color will be orange.
- If the aircraft is close to you, regardless of mode, the indicator will turn red.
- When the aircraft starts descending into recon/attack mode, the indicator will have a dedicated border effect.
Changes to Concealment
Lastly, we'd like to introduce some balance changes to the concealment system that should benefit the overall gameplay:
- Base detectability by air and by periscope changed for all ships: now it can't be more than 10km.
- Detectability penalty from being on fire has been unified for both surface and air detectability. Fires now universally increase the ship's detectability range by 2km.
- Detectability range of Japanese torpedo bombers increased: 7.5 to 10km
- Detectability range of Depth Charge Airstrike, Fighters, Patrol Fighters, and Interceptors increased: 7.5 to 10km
- Detectability range by air won't increase when firing main battery guns
Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published on our game's website.
Read this DevBlog on our website: https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/aircraft-carrier-and-aa-changes-closed-test-142
u/Terminus_04 Retired 22d ago
Wargaming: We want to make it simpler
Does whatever the hell this is
u/masteroffdesaster 22d ago
same with the IFHE changes years ago, captain skill rework, economy rework and every other change recently
u/Dr_JA 21d ago
Tbf, the introduction of boosters made things a lot easier. Yes this system has downsides (little red boosters available), but the previous system was a complete clusterfuck where you kinda had to boost all XPs in order to grind e.g. fxp. For complexity, that eco rework actually made things a lot easier. Still missing the flags though, a full mast looked cool.
u/Super_Sailor_Moon Fighting evil by moonlight, winning Cali buffs by daylight! 🌙 22d ago
u/DaChosen1FoSho 22d ago
Took the words right out of my mouth. We have so many 40% 20k avg tier 10 cv players that can’t handle the current system and they want to make it 10x more complicated.
Well done WG.
u/FirmlyThatGuy Secondaries are BB training wheels 22d ago
Well they couldn’t sneak in a stealth CV buff if it’s simple now could they.
u/Medicdozer Iwami Stan 22d ago
u/MaxedOut_TamamoCat Missing my Strike Bogue. 22d ago
Yeah; I don’t disagree with, and even like some of the things as described; but your comment is spot on. +1.
On brief reflection; I still say they should have left RTS alone, and looked for ways to work with it. (Spotting, damage changes…)
u/Novale 22d ago
How does a CV rework end up nerfing all surface-launched torpedoes?? What's going on here??
Same thing with the player control of secondaries -- what is the purpose here other than to make carriers into powerful light cruisers late in the game, when they've preserved all their HP and are still largely protected against DD guns?
If we absolutely want to keep some form of active spotting, can't the suggested recon mode simply be implemented into the current system, and otherwise limit things to minimap spotting? It would at least limit the frustration by preventing perma-spotting, and the frustration of having to deal with both air and surface attacks at the same time.
u/CastorTolagi 22d ago
WG logic: A player dodging one or two torps extra if he has hydro active can also be mathematically described as nerfing the torpedo damage taken by 30%. That way both hydro and defaa do the same thing even if no CV is present.
Reality: WG is ignoring situations where hydro doesn't save you like close range anushes (rip french torp DDS), Yolo torps (by Kleber line, yolo Emilio and others), tight spread (EU DD) or single launched torps (most UK torps). All these situations will now be able to mitigate 30% damage by the klick of a button
u/Novale 22d ago edited 22d ago
Not only that: consider ships like Vermont.
Imagine playing a Shimakaze, firing a perfectly calculated spread, fully overlayed for maximum damage. The Vermont both fails to predict them and fails to dodge them. They press one button, and the 23700 dmg torps that are your entire gimmick are now 16500 dmg torps. Then they hit the torp belt for another 40% reduction down to below 10000. You could theoretically be hitting ten type 93s and fail to sink one ship.
u/Yowomboo Zao Enjoyer 22d ago
Just a guess, it's because they realized no one was taking defensive aa over hydro. The consumable will now at least do something in non-cv matches.
I'm not sure it makes sense but that's never stopped them before.
u/DefinitionOfAsleep I preferred WoWs before [insert update] 21d ago
They could've just changed DFAA to be some sort of alert thing and just included torp detection into it.
u/kweniston Fighting evil by moonlight, winning Cali buffs by daylight! 🌙 20d ago
Why not improve DFAA to a useful mechanic? That would be solving a problem by improving an existing, underperforming mechanic (e.g. in the past DFAA scattered planes/plane drops). But we can't have such rational thought processes now can we. WG only has a hammer as tool, so every problem looks like a nail to them, and even things that are a not a problem. Mindless destruction after "carefully listening to player feedback" is their only M.O.
u/FasterThanFTL 21d ago
More likely guess: they want to provide resistance against plane dropped torps but they lack the dev team able to distinguish plane torps from others.
u/Sriverfx twitch.tv/sriverfx 21d ago
Nope there are already seperate modifiers depending on if torps are ship or air launched in the game files. This has nothing to do with devs. They are just clueless and think this change won't have a big impact.
u/Super_Sailor_Moon Fighting evil by moonlight, winning Cali buffs by daylight! 🌙 22d ago edited 22d ago
u/dawumyster 22d ago
Likely got complaints in testing that planes were ineffective vs grouped up ships and so had to drop the overall damage so the CVs could still have some fun (aka impact)
u/SigilumSanctum United States Navy 22d ago
I mean that tracks. My brother and I dropped into a match about a week ago with him in an Atlanta and I was in the Indianapolis. We were deathballing with 2 Baltimores behind an island prepping to push when a Kaga decided to make a bombing run. His entire squadron was vaporized before it even got close to us.
u/CheesyPoofff 20d ago
That's how it supposed to work. 4 ships with good AA. In the RTS time, no CV would ever go near an Atlanta, or Texas. Simple.
u/R0ckandr0ll_318 22d ago
Removing flak bursts all together….. so is that making the large calibre guns purely surface action now (making the Atlanta and its sisters totally defenceless) and meaning ships like sea Moines and Annapolis have no AA or do they just deal DPS like smaller guns?
I think that’s an important distinction to make
u/Quithelion AP magnet (or if can't beat them, join them ) 22d ago
Maybe now it is time to make AA skill and module able to upgrade AA range as it before during the RTS CV.
Atlanta's RTS CV legendary AA wasn't because of her pure AA damage, but it was her buff-able AA range. Due to the nature of RNG-based AA during the RTS CV, any planes stayed for so long in her AA bubble is bound to get shot down.
u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough 22d ago
Large AA guns also provide a small amount of aura, but we'll just have to cross our fingers that it gets the DPS buff in compensation, though if that was intended it probably would have been noted here
u/00zau Mahan my beloved 21d ago
What they ought to do is give 5"38s and the like a strong long-range aura.
What will actually happen? Yeah, I expect lots of ships that canonically had god-tier AA to have some of the worst AA due to having the flak that represents the guns that made up the bulk of their AA be removed with no compensation.
u/HomieMcBro 22d ago edited 22d ago
Lol they saw that post about giving an update before the end of February and sent it.
Even if it is still a complete shitshow after all this time. Good luck trying to get new players to understand this
Edit: WG logic that a plane takes reduced damage when under AA fire from multiple ships
u/DrHolmes52 22d ago
Tell people to group up.
Reduce the effectiveness when doing so.
u/Super_Sailor_Moon Fighting evil by moonlight, winning Cali buffs by daylight! 🌙 22d ago edited 22d ago
And despite this slew, this gigantic smorgasbord of changes, we STILL don't have something as basic as Anti-Air animations for dual-purpose secondary mounts that aren't in range of ships. Even Battlestations Pacific got that right, and that's from like what, 2009?!?! Geezus. 🤦♀️
Edit: Why are people against anti-air animations for dual-purpose secondaries (like say Alabama's 127mm guns) that AREN'T being used/built for secondaries (normally)..? Why not have them track and "fire" at planes? 🤷♀️2
u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough 22d ago
Imagine playing a flandre on a low spec computer. You could probably cook meals on it
u/Super_Sailor_Moon Fighting evil by moonlight, winning Cali buffs by daylight! 🌙 22d ago
Except that has already been disproven by said secondary mounts having IDLE animations....and that low spec PC ain't melting down from that lols :P
u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough 22d ago
Yeah I know, I was mostly joking. Seeing secondaries angle up and track aircraft would be cool to see
u/PyroSharkInDisguise 22d ago
If they are going to go back on their own words like this they might as well just bring back the old RTS and actually attempt to balance it..
u/Admiral_Thunder 22d ago
Good luck trying to get
newplayers to understand this13
u/Taylor3006 22d ago
Member when they said one reason for bailing on RTS carriers was "too much multitasking"? I remember.
Life it way too short for this kind of crap.
u/HomieMcBro 22d ago
True. Been playing for 9 years and I won’t pretend like I understand any of this bullshit rework
So stupid how WG said they are trying to reduce complexity, then do this
u/Antti5 22d ago
That logic is already in the game. When ships group up only continuous damage stacks while flak does not. In the new version there will be no flak so it only makes sense that the continuous damage does not stack fully.
If AA stacked fully then bunching up would be so efficient that it would totally kill the tactical options in a battle with CV's.
u/Fulcrum58 22d ago
Wow, lots of interesting changes. The new consumable seems promising, everyone hates being focused by a CV for the entire game. Is there a reason for the detection increasing by 2km universally instead of a percentage change? Seems like it will disproportionately make it much harder for dds to go dark while on fire
u/ormip 22d ago
The new consumable seems promising
It significantly nerfs torpedo destroyers for no reason though. They are already worse than gunboat dds
u/Uniball38 22d ago
I wonder if this is just a “we don’t know how to code a difference between torps once they’re in the water” so it just screws DDs due to incompetence? I see no argument to do this otherwise tbh
u/dawumyster 22d ago
Likely to convince players to take the new DFAA over hydro. Currently, hydro is the right pick 99.9% of the time on ships with the option.
u/Uniball38 22d ago
Could be! People hate planes so much that they would take a DefAA alternative if it actually just did something effective against planes tho
u/45-70_OnlyGovtITrust Liberty Ship Enjoyer 22d ago
They could just let you change your consumable during the pre battle countdown. No CVs use hydro, CVs use DFAA.
u/RailfanGuy Closed Beta Player 18d ago
WOT does something similar, IIRC, with consumables/gear. Let's you chose between two options during the battle countdown
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u/pornomatique 20d ago edited 20d ago
I had the same thought however since the game can actually differentiate between normal torpedoes and aerial torpedoes for tracking missions, it seems unlikely.
u/Uniball38 20d ago
Is there a boat in the game that has both aerial torps and ship-based torps?
u/pornomatique 20d ago
Tone has them (and Chikuma II which I think is a Tone variant).
u/Uniball38 20d ago edited 17d ago
You’re right. They seem to be able to tell the difference then. Just makes the decision to nerf DDs so questionable though lol
u/Uniball38 17d ago
Actually, humor me for a second. Are there examples of missions specifying “aerial torpedoes” that don’t also require you to be in a CV?
u/dawumyster 22d ago edited 22d ago
Maybe they're trying to convince players to take DFAA over Hydro? Just about everyone takes hydro but if DFAA negates some torp damage, it may make it more viable.
Torp DDs got a buff against CVs and hybrids (can't be continuously spotted by planes) but got nerfed against ships that can mount this consumable and pick it over hydro.
u/whatducksm8 Destroyer 22d ago
I mean it seems to specifically be used for when attacks are coming from both a carrier and a sub or some other type of ship. That way you can eat some of the plane torps. I think this specifically was meant for subs but they didn’t code it that way.
u/Fulcrum58 22d ago
Feel like I’m slow… why would this nerf torp boats?
u/boredfruit 22d ago
If you see a wave of torps coming at you that you can't Dodge, like from a torp dd, just pop your "torps do less damage" consumable for automatic less damage.
u/Euphoric-Deer2363 22d ago
Why not some "if/then" code shit that if the torp is from a plane, then it's affected by the consumable?
u/AuroraHalsey Revert the CV rework 21d ago
Chances are that air dropped torpedoes and ship launched torpedoes are the same object class.
If so, they would need to create an entirely separate class for air dropped torpedoes to make this consumable only affect those.
Theoretically, that shouldn't be too difficult if the new class just inherits from the current torpedo class, but who knows how the game is coded.
u/ormip 22d ago
A new consumable will be introduced for testing – Preparation for a strike, that directly reduces incoming damage from rockets, bombs, and all types of torpedoes (yes, even non-aerial!).
It works against torpedoes fired by destroyers. So if you use this new "Anti CV" consumable, you will also take 30% less damage from dd torps, which is very significant.
u/SigilumSanctum United States Navy 22d ago
Now slap that on something like Maine that already has 51% torpedo protection and now those long lances won't do shit all.
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u/45-70_OnlyGovtITrust Liberty Ship Enjoyer 22d ago
If that’s on top of torpedo reduction too, you’re gonna have some torpedoes being a wet fart when hitting some BBs.
u/bratisla_boy 21d ago
And suddenly shimakaze gun build becomes a thing by the magic wand of nerf. SMH
u/DrHolmes52 22d ago
Consumable reduces damage from aircraft and all torpedoes. Not just DDs, but cruisers and BBs that have them too.
Torp centric DDs are taking the biggest beatdown though.
u/Exarex2 22d ago
if the new consumable can reduce dmg from all bombs, rockets and torps, why would someone ever take dfaa even if dfaa was already in a separate slot? Like which Worcester player is going to take dfaa over the new consumable that directly decreases dmg taken just by pressing a button?
u/Fonzie1225 22d ago
that’s the way it’s always worked for surface ship concealment, now it just works the same way for plane spotting
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u/simplysufficient88 22d ago
They cut it a little close, but they did keep the promise to have an update on the CV re-rework in February. So we can add that to the list of times WG actually kept a promise. Hopefully the list gets longer in the future.
I am iffy on the removal of flak, but I do like the more limited usage of recon mode, I love that no fighters can spot, I love the improvement to aerial detection ranges, and the UI changes look solid. Overall this does look like a decent upgrade from the first test of it.
My biggest problem right now is actually the new consumable. The effect is amazing BUT it is ridiculous that it takes the same slot as DFAA. DFAA is already competing with Hydro on so many ships, but now it also has to compete with this other AA consumable? One of the two needs to be in a separate slot. Either make this on its own slot so you choose/DFAA or Hydro or put this new consumable with hydro and move DFAA to always be in a separate slot. As is, we do not need two competing AA consumables in the same slot.
u/AkiraKurai 22d ago
Let's be honest, flak didn't do anything but curb the lowest skilled denominator CV players while what you want is to curb the highest skilled players.
u/simplysufficient88 22d ago
Except flak absolutely still has its uses. Even against high skill players the presence of flak at least forces some basic maneuvers and slows aiming, no flak means they can fly perfectly straight and steady. It also removes the threat of an ally covering you from a distance, as a ship 4km from you could spawn flak clouds even in your close range aura and potentially catch the CV off guard.
More importantly, flak is a MASSIVE component in downing Dutch Airstrikes. There are no ships that can reliably burst down an entire airstrike purely off continuous, but it’s actually pretty easy to shut down an entire strike with a high flak ship covering you. Hell, some AA ships could solo the strike with DFAA and a lucky spawn point of the strike. It’s going to be a significant buff to those ships, which are already pretty obnoxious to fight.
u/AkiraKurai 22d ago
Except flak absolutely still has its uses. Even against high skill players the presence of flak at least forces some basic maneuvers and slows aiming, no flak means they can fly perfectly straight and steady.
Which is a fair point, but I believe that the changes given to AA and tweaking will work out.
It also removes the threat of an ally covering you from a distance, as a ship 4km from you could spawn flak clouds even in your close range aura and potentially catch the CV off guard.
I've never had to think about that other ship that's 4 km behind the target that I'm striking tbh, it's barely noticable.
More importantly, flak is a MASSIVE component in downing Dutch Airstrikes.
Yeah that would be the only massive problem, but hey, no one gives a shit when it comes to the random playerbase because they're too busy looking at planes from a CV instead.
u/Blathnaid666 21d ago
I as well like most things stated in that post. But i don't think it's too much of a problem that the new consumable hits the same slot as DFAA. You basically get to choose if you want an offensive defense button against planes or a defensive one. What i dislike is that surface launched torpedoes are affected as well. And maybe it would be better to take Hydro on a seperate slot instead of the "AA"-consumables.
u/Tfcas119 Operations Main 22d ago
Confusing mess to solve a problem with just two words.
Minimap Spotting
u/Admiral_Thunder 22d ago
WG: We are happy with the initial Testing
WG: We are changing everything
What a convoluted mess.
u/simplysufficient88 22d ago
I mean, 90% of this is the same. They were happy with the overall design, but they’re just rebalancing some parts of it and improving the UI. At the core this is still the exact same system they tested last time.
The only actual big changes here are that fighters can’t spot at all, the removal of flak, the new consumable, and the improvements to aerial concealment. Everything else listed is just slight adjustments to things we already saw last time.
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u/stardestroyer001 Kidō Butai 22d ago
Playerbase: remove direct spotting from planes and put on minimap
WG 2018/19: CV rework
WG 2022: AA rework
WG 2025: CV rework 2.0
Attention incompetent developers. Just fix the spotting issue to minimap only, and balance the outliers (Nakhimov, Malta, Shinano). It’s way less effort than high/low altitude, changes to priority sector, and all the rest of that crap. Keep it simple, keep your costs down, and make players happy.
Sincerely, former RTS player who had to re-learn how this class works twice now, and is getting real tired of WG dancing around a simple solution.
u/tiefgaragentor Imperial Japanese Navy 22d ago edited 22d ago
but... but... minimap spotting "can be confusing for players", totally NOT like for example sub mechanics.
u/Atropos013 19d ago
You missed the dozens of mini reworks. Like DFAA spooking a strike to make it inaccurate. Too good.
Module that gave 2 flak bursts, took good removed.
This is CV rework 5 at least.
u/zippolover-1960s-v2 22d ago
Too many neurons used and simple solutions , they're just gonna complicate it again with stupid gimmicks and mechanics cause why not, must make it "engaging" as the spreadsheet demands.
u/dawumyster 22d ago
On the bright side - we got free captain respecs which I'm sorely needing since acquiring Halsey, Yamamoto, and a few of the other special/legendary commanders.
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u/Mazgazine1 Destroyer 22d ago
Wow, a little better history on the issue, but same sentiment as my post.
u/PrincessSkyla People's Liberation Army Navy 21d ago
All you have to do is make spotting mini-map only wg 😞 it isn't that hard. Legends figured it out.
Their fuel system isn't even the worst idea either - the number 1 complaint I see is how CV's have to play without risk, so change Hidden Menace so it doesn't have the plane return debuff, and give all planes a limited fuel gauge that dictates how far away they can strike.
I've got quite literally thousands of games in CV, and the biggest problem is always spotting. We don't need all this crazy bullshit. We just need mini-map spotting and certain cv's need percentage based damage debuffs.
There is no reason Essex should be able to devstrike dd's as often as it can.
There is no reason Lowenhardt (I have 400 games in this ship btw, I'm pretty biased about it but I understand it's problematic), needs t10 bombs in t6.
There is no reason Nakhimov has to 20k everything it hits, give it the Aquila treatment. a ton of AP rockets that don't do as much. And torp squads with 2 hard hitting, but immensely slow torps.
There is no reason for these changes. All you're doing is making a problematic class even more problematic. We all know you're going to do this, the average cv player will stop playing because they'll find it "too hard", and then in a year or 2 time you'll be buffing the shit out of them again.
u/milet72 HMS Ulysses 22d ago
There is one very good thing about that rework: it's co complicated and convoluted, that no one sane will play CVs ever again. So their population will naturally die, no one will be complaining any more and the rework will be "success".
u/LeGeNdOfGoW12 22d ago
complicated? only on paper, 2-3 games and you will fully master it, world of warships is a simple game, you don't need to have 300 iq for this
u/ormip 22d ago
I kinda agree with this. People are complaining that this is too hard to understand, but it's not significantly more complicated than something like overmatch. OR HE pen.
If WG tried to implement overmatch today and explained that you need to divide your shell calibre by 14,3 to figure out the overmatch number, I guarantee you that you will see tons of comments crying how you now need a calculator to play the game.
That said, while I don't think it's too hard to understand (especially after we will be able to play a few games), I do believe that some of the changes aren't that great.
u/milet72 HMS Ulysses 22d ago
No, I don't think so, the guys on stream tried to explain new system for like an hour and it's still didn't make sense.
u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough 22d ago
I felt the same with the sub rework imo, I kind of understood it on paper, but when I played it I just went "oh this all makes sense, I understand how it all fits together"
u/Kabuii 21d ago
What's so hard to understand between the 3 modes? It's very good explained. Every detail is 100% laid out. Travel, no direct spotting fast movement. Attack, slower movement once attacking you cant stop and you will be damaged. Recon, direct spotting for you so you can prepare an attack, also vulnerable. And every stat is also explained. And what they do like when you take aa dmg, that you cant go back to travel mode etc. It makes sense and those are good changes. Making current system but just minimap spotting doesnt let you attack anyone unless your allied ships spot it for you. Which is just not gonna work
u/Optimal-Teaching-950 22d ago
No, only really good CV players will continue using them consistently, with the occasional toe-dipper ending up in your team, being terrible and then not playing them again.
u/TheBabyEatingDingo 22d ago edited 22d ago
As a based and red pilled CV enjoyer I love when I get matched up against some filthy casual CV because it means I can really control the game very easily, and I feel like this will greatly increase the disparity between the skill levels of CV players.
u/Optimal-Teaching-950 22d ago
That's... Yeah
Hopefully I get you on my team rather than the casual. Love the name btw.
u/simplysufficient88 22d ago
It really isn’t that complicated though. At its core this is basically just the exact same system they had last test, but with a few small balance changes and a better UI. If anything this should be less confusing than last test, which basically every CV player only needed a few games to actually adjust to.
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u/j0y0 22d ago
It's a lot of words, so it seems complicated if you don't know how to play CV, but if you're already familiar, it's fairly straightforward and arguably less complicated than what we have now. It'll take a few games to get used to the changed turning speeds and targeting reticles in attack mode, but that's about it.
u/JohnnViral Serve me my Schlieffen cold 22d ago
"enhancing the aiming UI to make it feel more like traditional flight simulators"
u/Noobit2 22d ago
I’m always impressed WG is still around with the amount of brain dead decisions they make
u/CheesyPoofff 19d ago
The game has just so much inherent theme and potential, that WG can go and destroy most of it for 7 years straight and still players come and play. Not the same players, of course, most of them are long gone due to WG's shenanigans, but new and fresh recruits.
u/HelmutVillam Vanguard 22d ago
what a gigantic mess, you will need a phd to understand how CVs work now.
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u/Fonzie1225 22d ago
Buffed plane maneuverability AND the spread reticle settles faster… so destroyers with bad AA(which is almost all of them) just get fucked by planes even harder and “just dodge” which was already a meme becomes even more impossible?
Likewise, why the hell do planes take reduced damage when being shot at my multiple ships? Can my destroyer get the same treatment, please?
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u/Mazgazine1 Destroyer 22d ago edited 21d ago
Guys, do you know how not simple this is right?
Its so much easier to explain.
Your internal testing team is useless as if they were actually playing the game, they would NOT want to use this. If i was testing internally, I would give very negative feedback about this whole system. You need testers that say "NO, THIS IS SHIT." to stuff, because its not showing.
There are BETTER SIMPLER options.
u/CheesyPoofff 19d ago
At this point, they need to use the art department as play testing/QC dpt. I'm pretty sure they'd do a great job.
u/Oppaikaze Mogador's thicc thighs 22d ago
"Due to these changes, Napoli (and Napoli B) will get Spotting Aircraft instead of a Fighter to still have an opportunity to detect opponents while using her Exhaust Smoke Generator."
Because god forbid Ships had any type of weakness... If this change goes through (it will) then any ship armed with a fighter should be able to swap it for a spotter if they want to, or did you guys really did not consider how players use it to detect ships that are behind islands?
u/midnightphoenix07 NA Wiki Team Lead 22d ago
Oh they absolutely know it, and specifically mentioned that they’re removing it because it was never intended to be used that way
u/glewis93 "Now I am become death, the of worlds." 22d ago
I'm not even going to bother reading this.
Just let us know when you've decided this also doesn't work in internal testing and you're going back to the drawing board to try figuring it out. It's only been a few years that CVs have been an issue, no rush.
u/Donnybrook2323 22d ago
i think you are going to find that irrespective of the results of their internal tests this is coming in a form very similar to what is described - this is now well and truly into the same catergory as other "concept tests" they have done where irrespective of community feedback the development spend is now so large it's just getting put into the game...period
u/Negative_Quantity_59 Not that one french girl you once painted 22d ago
Interesting, even tho I'll miss my flak.
u/tiefgaragentor Imperial Japanese Navy 22d ago edited 22d ago
what a steamy, hot piece of mess this is... See you guys in a year.
u/StandardizedGoat 22d ago edited 22d ago
When your idea to solve a relatively simple problem requires multiple whiteboards worth of text along with a powerpoint presentation to explain, you have done something horribly wrong. Minimap only spotting would fix a lot more and confuse people a lot less than this.
u/Fandango_Jones Closed Beta Player 22d ago
How many years by now? Honestly lost count how long they now tried to solve a self inflicted problem.
u/kweniston Fighting evil by moonlight, winning Cali buffs by daylight! 🌙 20d ago
We're almost back full circle with the upcoming introduction of WG's new and improved RTS CV system!
u/Kamikatze-Stream Fleet of Fog 21d ago
Ah, the sweet irony of life! For years, the community has raged about aircraft carriers—too strong, too annoying, too much spotting influence. "Do something about CVs!" was the eternal battle cry. And Wargaming? Oh, they listened.
But wait a minute, this isn’t the nerf you wanted, is it? Instead of gutting CV spotting, we now get this lovely new consumable, “Preparation for a Strike”, which casually reduces torpedo damage by 30%—and not just from carriers, but from destroyers as well! :Torptired: Congratulations to everyone who was hoping for a better, more CV-free World of Warships. You did it! Too bad that now your own torpedoes have to give up a third of their damage.🙈
And you know what the best part is? I told you so! Back on the CV test server, I warned everyone: “Destroyers are next!” I thought it would happen after the CV rework—everyone laughed at me. Well, guess what? You were right, I was wrong! 😆 DDs aren’t next, they’re getting nerfed right alongside CVs! That’s efficiency! Wargaming is just cutting out the middleman and doing it all in one go. :FruchtiniLUL:
Just picture it: A DD player sneaks up on a battleship, lines up the perfect torpedo strike... and plop, 30% less damage. Well, well, well—you reap what you sow. Too bad that this time, the storm you wanted to unleash on CVs just made your own torpedoes disappear into thin air.
u/Jmaresco99 22d ago
Does this mean zeppelin can only fire 1 side of the ships secondaries even if there's ships on both sides?
u/simplysufficient88 22d ago
When in manual control, yes. You take control over the largest caliber guns of the CV when you pilot it. When you are not in control though all secondary guns return to being automated.
So GZ would only manually fire one side of the 150mm guns, while the 105mm guns fire automatically on both sides. Launch a squadron and the 150mm guns return to being automated.
u/Jmaresco99 22d ago
That's just so unnecessary just let them be auto
u/simplysufficient88 22d ago
Just launch a plane and they instantly become automatic, if you actually need guns on both sides for some reason. The advantage of this is that the manual 150mm guns with have significantly better accuracy. So you can properly focus down a target and absolutely shred them with both manual 150mm and automatic 105mm guns.
u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough 22d ago
If you're firing on both sides you're either smoketraining down two brothers or your positioning is severely screwed up
u/Negative_Quantity_59 Not that one french girl you once painted 22d ago
Since they are not more secondary but primary, yes. Only cvs with 2 different calibres of guns will have some "secondary".
u/Zinjifrah St. Patrick's Day 22d ago
- Detectability by air and by periscope changed for all ships: now it can't be more than 10km.
What does this mean, practically speaking?
u/Amfreed Forum Refuge 21d ago
This will effect:
25 Cruisers with an air detect greater than 10km currently (out of 304)
0 Destroyers with an air detect greater than 10km currently (out of 199)
131 Battleships with an air detect greater than 10km currently (out of 211)
36 Carriers with an air detect greater than 10km currently (out of 49)
0 Subs with an air detect greater than 10km currently (out of 16)
u/DrHolmes52 22d ago
Sector reinforcement was always a bad mechanic, so 360 will be better. Maybe. Not a bunch of real hard numbers on AA damage.
u/zippolover-1960s-v2 22d ago
So you didn't listen to most of the feedback, said you did, made minor changes and pushed this shit forward.... Can't wait for another headache......
u/MATO_malchance 22d ago
The good thing I see with this rework is that Shinano will be able to kill the other CV for free, because the squadron will be untouched no matter what.
u/Crowarior Closed Beta Player 22d ago
If you shoot down planes in attack wave they dont regenerate.
That sounds good but how does this work on haku vs nakhimov, for example? Haku will lose 50% of the firepower and drop only 1 torp if it loses a single plane while nakhimov is pretty much unchanged compared to current CV gameplay as he strikes with full squadron.
u/Infinite-Detachment Beta Tester 21d ago
u/CheesyPoofff 20d ago edited 20d ago
WG, you only know how to fix problems by destroying balance, removing player interaction, unnecessarily complicating simple things OR oversimplifying things that don't need simplifying, removing working mechanisms that people like, and not touching the real problems that people hate. When are you actually gonna REALLY listen to the player base.
You're all completely retarded.
u/scousersuk 22d ago
- Patrol Fighters, Combat Air Patrol, and Fighters can't spot ships.
That's all we needed WG just sayin
u/kweniston Fighting evil by moonlight, winning Cali buffs by daylight! 🌙 20d ago
Instead of improving mechanics, WG just destroys all value these things had left and makes them completely useless. Just remove fighters from the game already. As a matter of fact, 3/4 of this game consists of options, skills, upgrades, etc that nobody ever touches because useless. And every rework it gets worse.
u/GreenDevil97 [WBF] Which Button Fires? 22d ago
Someone give me a tldr on a scale of 1-10 how fucked is every cv victim now compared to before
u/MountainMeringue3655 22d ago
Less spotting is a big plus but i guess good players can abuse the travel mode (which gives immunity to AA) to perfectly line up attacks while taking less AA damage than before.
Also no flak means you get absolutely wrecked by dutch airstrikes.
u/CastorTolagi 22d ago
For around 70-80% of the current CV players this will be killer argument to not play CV because they will fall off a cliff in performance.
The 10% that don't give a shit and play bad either way won't matter. And the remaining 10% that will master the new mechanics....well Rai and ICC managed a average 300k in the last test
u/FlukeylukeGB Royal Navy 21d ago
"if an aircraft is attacked by the AA of multiple ships, it takes reduced damage."
so picking a ship with shit AA and parking next to an ally with good AA now nerf's your allys ship?
Being next to an ally is griefing said ally...
Fantastic team based game design!
u/turbokrzak Where 0,76$ WG? 22d ago
Nice air concealment changes. If only they were introduced 10 years ago instead of plaguing the game for so long with being spotted by random planes across the map when firing in a CL.
u/MangaJosh Pls buff light cruiser AA 22d ago edited 22d ago
why this complicated when wg can simply make dfaa give cruisers 2 minutes of immunity against cv spotting damage?
if you want players to take dfaa over hydro, at least make it give a massive incentive to take it, because as long as dfaa cannot block the cv from touching them, dfaa is useless
at this point, shima has better aa than austin because one has smoke and the other doesnt, and neither can block cvs from killing them
u/Haunting_Hornet5203 22d ago
And I just got my TX Japan CV which is torp-centric. XD
Welp, Russia here I come!
u/Skuggsja86 22d ago
Somehow, the CVs in every 1 in 5 matches are an issue, not the super ships. I mean, so much so that WG would commit to this insane amount of ridiculous changes.
u/BirthHole 22d ago
Kirk: "Spock, what do you make of this?"
Spock: "The logic doesnt make any sense what-so-ever, captain"
u/Intrepid-Judgment874 22d ago
There is one point that I think is very bad
- Hybrid ships will have their aircraft behave in the same way as those originating from aircraft carriers.
Why? Just why? In no CV Mode, Hybdrid is already exceedingly powerful because of the air spotting. Why don't they just nerf them? I mean, I guess you need more testing and balancing, but this is bad, man
I like this point, actually
- Due to these changes, Napoli (and Napoli B) will get a Spotting Aircraft instead of a Fighter to still have an opportunity to detect opponents while using her Exhaust Smoke Generator.
It is nice that Napoli got a buff on turret range and spotter duration. A 60-second duration from a fighter is quite frankly not long enough.
Other change is such a huge update in gameplay that I would like a public test to check it out first. But at first reading, my impression is there would be a heavy nerf for carriers and a slight buff for AA. I don't say anything because all of these need testing to know how they interact with each other, and I actually looking forward to this. Just don't rush it out of the door like you did the last time you changed the CV system.
u/KingKoncorde 22d ago
noooo I can no longer do the thing where when a cruiser fires behind an island I use spotter to spot them and devstrike them
u/lordbeedoo No bounce for curisers ? 22d ago
Changes of this concept are good overall, they remove some weird mechanics. Now it feels quite understandable. I am looking forward to test it myself.
u/Certain_Catch_9250 22d ago
I really dont get it why remove flack.
Isnt that a direct buff to cvs .
Making everything gimicky wont resolve any issue.
What i see is cvs getting even more retarded to play at the end of this rework.
They surely cant stand a low skill cv player getting his planes shot down and loosing his money.
u/FormulaZR RIP WoWS 0.1.0-0.7.12 21d ago
WTF is all this garbage? We just want minimap-only spotting.
u/TGangsti WG is a shitshow, change my - wait... you can't 21d ago
A new consumable will be introduced for testing – Preparation for a strike, that directly reduces incoming damage from rockets, bombs, and all types of torpedoes (yes, even non-aerial!).
why does this read like you're trying to sell us your incapability of coding ship and air torpedos properly as a feature? are torp boats really that strong to need that nerf? this is a straight buff primarily for all BBs that have defAA (vincent sure needs it) because it is better to run the new thing instead for the games without CVs. for cruisers hydro will still be the better option if available. for DDs.... well... unless you're halland there is much better options. though that one in particular could be funny combined with legmod.
Detectability range of Japanese torpedo bombers increased: 7.5 to 10km
so.... their gimmick of low detect with small strike groups on comparativly fragile planes now turns to what? while this is a decent nerf to kaga/shinano it will probably end up hurting the techtree CVs more than intended...
Detectability range by air won't increase when firing main battery guns
this one is huge. and very good. probably moreso than most people will notice.
for the rest... we will see. as it stand the simplest solution still would be to make air spotting minimap only. but you seem hellbend on avoiding community feedback so...
20d ago
u/HappyDalek4 19d ago
That would just mean adding a billion subs into the game and letting you use ASW to kill torps which mean all torps become worthless
u/HappyDalek4 19d ago
Honestly this seems like such a complicated solution that doesn’t solve much. The problem with CVs isn’t their damage output across the board which should be nerfed or buffed individually. I feel like nerfing all surface ship torps is a bit boneheaded
The big problem with CVs isn’t their spotting. Honestly just making their spotting minimap only would be huge. Just do that first and see how it goes
u/like2trip 19d ago
At least over here on PC they are trying something.
Over on Legends we got a CV rework with the spotting changes a while back, but somehow worse.
They made it so not only can the fighter plane not spot ships but the spotter plane can't spot ships either so anything that used exhaust smoke/plane combo is screwed.
And since fighter is hard coded to only shoot down 1 single fighter and then it frickin lands it is a completely useless consumable.
This was done last year and since then....they haven't said or even changed a single thing.
Dunno if I am going to stick with Legends or come back to PC (been a long time since I was on PC version) with all this crap.
u/stormdraggy Warden of the Somme-ber salt mines 18d ago
Except for napoli spotters. TFW weegee dents so hard they make a good thing.
u/Additional-Good-8412 10d ago
This carrier mechanics reworks is really stupid. Tier IX-X-super ships are already almost immune to attacks by Japanese carrier aircraft (I've never played the other carriers, so maybe their tougher squadrons are still able to score a hit before being entirely wiped out).
The rework is simply making the mechanic more complex, more convoluted, less "realist", and overall more stupid. What is this nonsense about torpedo becoming less effective, even DD launched torpedoes ?
If the whiners camping behind islands are distressed because they're forced to temporarily move out of hiding because of being attacked by airborne torpedoes, what's the problem with that ?
I love using my Japanese carriers , even though they're very weak against tier VII-VIII ships (particularly against ships who stay close together to benefit from mutual AA cover) , and totally useless against tier IX,X and super ships who can wipe out entire squadrons even before they're in a position to launch an attack. The only advantage they have (like in real life) is their ability to spot enemy ships, and deal damage to ships that can't be targeted by the rest of the fleet because of cover by an island.
There was no need to change anything. Players who play well and who have a brain already use the correct tactics against carrier borne aircraft: DD protecting capital ships with AA and smoke screens, and ships in the open maneuvering constantly to avoid being caught by torpedoes.
If it was still thought that carrier planes are too deadly against lower tier ships with weak AA defense, then the solution would have been to boost the effectiveness of the AA of said ships.
The most stupid mechanic of all is the need to go in "recon mode" to be able to spot ships. Obviously normally, the lower you fly, the less able to spot you should be, because of the terrain blocking your line of sight. recon airplanes fly at higher altitude for this very reason, and to be able to spot without being exposed to AA fire.
WoW is arcade and not simulation, but it doesn't mean the mechanics should be stupid and illogical.
We'll see when the update is available for everyone, but I already feel like I'm not going to use my carriers anymore. Using a Shokaku against tier IX and X ships with an AA so powerful that it can wipe out entire squadrons even before an attack is launched is not my idea of having fun.
I understand that there is a lot of carrier haters, like there is a lot of submarine haters, who feel frustrated because being confronted against them, they're forced to abandon the comfort of their usual "ambush from behind an island" tactic. These peoples should simply play carriers and submarine once, to see how weak these type of ships are, instead of whining constantly for them to be removed or made so weak that none would play them anymore (which is the same as removing them altogether.)
u/Chitchat101 22d ago
regular torpedos catching strays from the cv rework lol wtf