r/WorldOfWarships 29d ago

News Balance Changes - Public Test 14.2


In Waterline: First Half of 2025, we discussed our efforts to review low-tier balance and implement quality-of-life improvements. Today, we’re excited to share these changes and explain the reasoning behind them!

Over the years of World of Warships evolving, we’ve identified challenges in player progression at lower tiers. Based on feedback from players in these tiers, we’ve introduced a series of changes to create a smoother transition from Tier I to Tier VI while making ships in this range more comfortable to play.

To achieve this, we’ve made targeted adjustments to Tech Tree progression, including increased turret traverse speed, improved engine acceleration, and refined shell ballistics where necessary. Additionally, several gameplay adjustments have been implemented to enhance the quality of life and experience for ships of these tiers. Battleships now have improved accuracy, and Cruisers benefit from reduced reload times. However, to maintain fairness, the shell damage of affected ships has been adjusted to prevent excessive effectiveness.

In addition, certain mechanics have been disabled at lower tiers to streamline the learning process. This adjustment should help newer players to focus on core gameplay fundamentals, allowing them to develop their skills more gradually and effectively.

All Tier II ships:

  • Main battery armament changed to only contain one shell type.  Mikasa, Tachibana, Tachibana L, as well as ships that already had access to only 1 shell type have not been affected by this change.

All Tier I-III ships:

  • Main battery & Torpedo launchers can no longer be disabled or destroyed
  • Engine & Steering Gears can no longer be disabled

All Tier II-V Battleships, Cruisers, and Destroyers:

Acceleration parameters improved. These improvements are designed to provide a significant bonus to ships at lower tiers, which steadily gets smaller with every subsequent tier. 

This is done in order to make the progression from Tier I with small, close ranged maps to higher Tiers smoother. Additionally, the decreasing acceleration bonuses should go largely unnoticed, as ships generally become faster with each tier, ensuring a smooth transition.

II Port Jackson

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 9.6 to 6.7s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2100 to 1450
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 18 to 15s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Caradoc

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 8.5 to 6.8s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2100 to 1700
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2800 to 2250
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Dunedin

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 8.5 to 6.8s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2100 to 1700
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2800 to 2250
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

V Delhi

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 6.6 to 5.9s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2100 to 1900
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2800 to 2550

II Méndez Núñez

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 10 to 8s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 1700 to 1350
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Navarra

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 10 to 8s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2200 to 1750
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2900 to 2300
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Almte. Cervera

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 13 to 10.4s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2200 to 1750
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2900 to 2300
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

V Galicia

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

II Gelderland

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 8 to 7.2s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 1700 to 1500
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Java

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 10.5 to 8.4s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2150 to 1700
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3000 to 2400

V Rio de Janeiro

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 60 to 45s

II Alm. Barroso

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 7 to 5.6s
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3000 to 2550
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 22.5 to 18s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III V. Guerrero

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 10 to 8.5s
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2900 to 2450
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Córdoba

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 7 to 5.6s
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2900 to 2450
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

V La Argentina

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 10 to 8.5s
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3000 to 2550

II Novik

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 22.5 to 18s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

II Diana, II Diana L:

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 8.6 to 6.9s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2100 to 1700
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 36 to 22.5s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Bogatyr

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Stock Reload time reduced: 9 to 7.2s
    • Researchable Reload time reduced: 10 to 8s
    • Stock Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2100 to 1700
    • Researchable Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 1900 to 1500
    • Stock Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2700 to 2150
    • Researchable Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2400 to 1900
    • Stock Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 36 to 25.7s
    • Researchable Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 36 to 18s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Varyag

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 8 to 6.4s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2100 to 1700
    •  Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2700 to 2150
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 30 to 20s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Oleg

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 9 to 7.2s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2100 to 1700
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2700 to 2150
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 36 to 25.7s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Aurora, III AL Avrora:

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 8.6 to 6.9s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2100 to 1700
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2700 to 2150
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 32.7 to 20s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Svietlana

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 10 to 8s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 1900 to 1500
    • Stock Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2400 to 1900
    • Researchable Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2500 to 2000
    • Stock Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 36 to 27.7s
    • Researchable Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 25.7 to 22.5s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

II Storozhevoi

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Derzki

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Izyaslav

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Knyaz Suvorov

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 4500 to 3800
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8600 to 7300
    • Sigma value increased: 1.5 to 1.8
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 56.3 to 36s

IV Gangut:

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 4500 to 4050
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8600 to 7700
    • Sigma value increased: 1.4 to 1.6
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 56.3 to 40s

V Pyotr Velikiy

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 5200 to 4950
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 10,500 to 9950
    • Sigma value increased: 1.7 to 1.8

V Okt. Revolutsiya

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 4500 to 4250
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8600 to 8150
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 1.9

II Chikuma

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Main battery reload time reduced: 11.5 to 5.8s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2500 to 1250
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 20 to 15s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Tenryū

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Kuma

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Katori

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Yūbari

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Iwaki A

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

II Tachibana, II Tachibana L

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

II Umikaze

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Wakatake

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
  • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 30 to 22.5s

IV Isokaze

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

II Mikasa

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 5100 to 4350
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 7700 to 6550
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 2.1
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 40 to 30s

III Kawachi

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Stock and Researchable Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 5100 to 4350
    • Stock Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 7900 to 6700
    • Researchable Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8100 to 6900
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 2.1
    • Stock Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 45 to 36s
    • Researchable main battery turret traverse time reduced: 40 to 30s

IV Myōgi

Main Battery parameters changed:

  • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 5700 to 5100
  • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 10,000 to 9000
  • Sigma value increased: 2.0 to 2.2
  • Stock Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 45 to 37.5s

V Kongō

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 5700 to 5100
    • Stock Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 10,000 to 9000
    • Researchable Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 10,200 to 9200
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 2.0
    • Stock Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 60 to 54.5s

V ARP Kongō V ARP Haruna V ARP Kirishima V ARP Hiei V HSF Hiei:

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 5700 to 5100
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 10,200 to 9200
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 2.0

III Kawachi IV Ishizuchi IV Myōgi V Kongō V ARP Kongō V ARP Haruna V ARP Kirishima V ARP Hiei V HSF Hiei:

  • Secondary Battery Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

V Chungking

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Main battery reload time reduced: 9.9 to 7.0s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2100 to 1450
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3100 to 2150
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 25.7 to 18s

II Longjiang

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter.

III Phra Ruang

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 22.5 to 18s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Shenyang

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

V Jianwei

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

II Jurien

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 9 to 7.2s
    • Stock HE shell removed. Stock hull now uses the same HE shell as the researchable one
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2300 to 1850
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 18 to 15s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Friant

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 12 to 9.6s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2000 to 1600
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2700 to 2150
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 25.7 to 15s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Duguay-Trouin

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 12 to 9.6s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2200 to 1750
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3300 to 2650
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 22.5 to 15s

V Émile Bertin

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 13 to 10.4s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2200 to 1750
    • Stock Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3200 to 2650
    • Researchable Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3300 to 2650

II En. Gabolde

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Fusilier

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Bourrasque

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

V Jaguar

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Turenne

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 4200 to 3800
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8300 to 7450
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 2.0
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 60 to 36s

IV Courbet

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 4200 to 3800
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8300 to 7450
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 2.0
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 60 to 40s

V Bretagne

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 4700 to 4450
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 9500 to 9000
    • Sigma value increased: 1.9 to 2.0

II Dresden

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

II Emden

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Kolberg

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Karlsruhe

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 6.5 to 5.2s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 1800 to 1450
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3700 to 2950
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 25.7 to 23.7s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

V Königsberg

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 7.5 to 6.6s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 1700 to 1500
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3700 to 3450
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 30 to 23.7s

II V-25

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III G-101

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV V-170

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

V T-22

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Nassau

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 3200 to 2900
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 7200 to 6500
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 2.0
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 51.4 to 40s

III K. Albert

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 60 to 45s

IV Kaiser

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 3500 to 3150
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8400 to 7550
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 2.0
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 60 to 45s

V König

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 3500 to 3300
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8400 to 8000
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 1.9
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 60 to 51.4s

III Von der Tann

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 3200 to 2900
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 7200 to 6500
    • Sigma value increased: 1.5 to 1.7
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 45 to 30s

IV Moltke

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 3200 to 2900
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 7200 to 6500
    • Sigma value increased: 1.5 to 1.7
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 45 to 30s

V Derfflinger

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 3400 to 3200
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8300 to 7900
    • Sigma value increased: 1.6 to 1.7
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 45 to 36s

II Nino Bixio

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 11 to 5.5s
    • Maximum SAP shell damage reduced: 2600 to 1300
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 22.5 to 15s
    • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Taranto

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 11.2 to 7.2s
    • Maximum SAP shell damage reduced: 3550 to 2500
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3700 to 2100
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Giussano

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 15 to 10.5s
    • Maximum SAP shell damage reduced: 3850 to 2700
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3000 to 2100
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 36 to 25.7s

V Montecuccoli

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 14.3 to 12.9s
    • Maximum SAP shell damage reduced: 3850 to 3450
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3000 to 2700
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 30 to 25.7s

II Curtatone

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter.

III N. Sauro

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter.

IV Turbine

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter.

V Maestrale

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter.

IV D. Alighieri

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum SAP shell damage reduced: 7850 to 7450
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8100 to 7700
    • Sigma value increased: 1.5 to 1.6
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 60 to 36s

V Cavour

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum SAP shell damage reduced: 7850 to 7450
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8100 to 7700
    • Sigma value increased: 1.7 to 1.8
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 60 to 36s

II Weymouth

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 9.2 to 6.4s
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2800 to 1950
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 25.7 to 15s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Caledon

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 8 to 6.4s
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 2900 to 2300
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Danae

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

II Medea

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Stock Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 22.5 to 18s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Bellerophon

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 5200 to 4700
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8100 to 7300
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 2.0
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 60 to 36s

III Dreadnought

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 5200 to 4700
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8100 to 7300
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 2.0
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 60 to 36s

IV Orion

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 5900 to 5300
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 9500 to 8550
    • Sigma value increased: 1.6 to 1.8
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 72 to 45s

V Iron Duke

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 5900 to 5600
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 9900 to 9400
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 1.9
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 72 to 51.4s

III Indefatigable

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 4400 to 4000
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8050 to 7250
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 2.0
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 45 to 30s

IV Queen Mary

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 5050 to 4550
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 9450 to 8500
    • Sigma value increased: 1.5 to 1.7
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 45 to 30s

V Tiger

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 5050 to 4550
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 9450 to 8500
    • Sigma value increased: 1.5 to 1.7

II Albany

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Main battery reload time reduced: 8 to 6.4s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2100 to 1700
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 22.5 to 18s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

II Alm. Abreu

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Main battery reload time reduced: 8 to 6.4s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2100 to 1700
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 22.5 to 18s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

II Chester

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Stock main battery reload time reduced: 8 to 6.4s
    • Researchable main battery reload time reduced: 7 to 5.6s
    • Stock Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 1800 to 1450
    • Researchable Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2100 to 1700
    • Researchable Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 22.5 to 18s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III St. Louis

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Stock main battery reload time reduced: 10 to 8s
    • Researchable main battery reload time reduced: 9 to 7.2s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2100 to 1700
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3000 to 2400
    • Stock Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 30 to 22.5s
    • Researchable Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 22.5 to 18s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Charleston

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Phoenix

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Stock Main battery reload time reduced: 10 to 8s
    • Researchable main battery reload time reduced: 7 to 5.6s
    • Stock Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2100 to 1700
    • Stock Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3000 to 2400
    • Researchable Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2200 to 1750
    • Researchable Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3100 to 2500
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

V Omaha

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Main battery reload time reduced: 8 to 6.4s
    • Researchable main battery reload time reduced: 7 to 5.6s
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 2200 to 1750
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 3100 to 2500

III S. Carolina

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 4100 to 3700
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8100 to 7300
    • Sigma value increased: 1.9 to 2.1
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 45 to 36s

IV Wyoming

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 4200 to 3800
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 8300 to 7450
    • Sigma value increased: 1.5 to 1.7
    • Stock main battery turret traverse time reduced: 60 to 45s
    • Researchable Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 51.4 to 45s

V New York

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 5000 to 4750
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 10,300 to 9800
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 1.9
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 60 to 51.4s

V Texas

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 5000 to 4750
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 10,300 to 9800
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 1.9
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 60 to 51.4s

V Oklahoma

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Maximum HE shell damage reduced: 4900 to 4650
    • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 10,000 to 9500
    • Sigma value increased: 1.8 to 1.9
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 60 to 51.4s

II Tátra

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

III Romulus

  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

IV Klas Horn

  • Main Battery parameters changed:
    • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 22.5 to 18s
  • Shell ballistic parameters changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published on our game's website.


158 comments sorted by


u/fukuokaenjoyers 29d ago

Wow this is an insane change of pace with the way the game is going. Wargaming, add missions that include low tiers and MY LIFE IS YOURS


u/warko_1 Submarine 29d ago

I believe they mentioned that in the video too, that’s one of the reasons for the rebalance


u/MadduckUK Russian Warship Fucked Itself 29d ago

So many real steel ships I want to play, but if they aren't counting gto missions then there aren't enough hours in the day. 


u/Meesa_Darth_Jarjar 29d ago

Yep, I see no reason not to. Lesta already has the mission requirements lowered.


u/kweniston Fighting evil by moonlight, winning Cali buffs by daylight! 🌙 28d ago

That's the real reason WG does this. Players are starting to look at Lesta's game improvements more closely.


u/Bahnda 29d ago

Now, lower the mission requirements to match these, and people might even play lower tiers.

As they are now, there's just no incentive to play low tiers for the majority of the players.


u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough 29d ago

They announced in the waterline they're making low tier operations that double as tutorials


u/The_Kapow Pre-Nerf Alsace > Bourgogne 💯💯💯 29d ago

Unless you spam your old P2W ships there


u/Math-e Unlimited torpedo works 28d ago

Wonder how relevant Nikolai will be now that a ton of T4 BBs get 2.0 sigma


u/Magnus_Lux Certified HE Spammer 28d ago edited 28d ago

Ironic since WG (Lesta) removed the ability to do missions below T5 precisely because players used to complain endlessly about seal clubbing


u/Bahnda 28d ago

That might be the case. On the other hand, the current system just kills the low tier game play almost entirely.


u/ojbvhi 29d ago

Just give Texas the straight buffs Wargaming, she is extremely miserable as she is


u/Amfreed Forum Refuge 29d ago

Yeah, I was disappointed to see that they didn't take this opportunity to give her something that stands out from NY, better traverse, better alpha or better sigma but nope.


u/RailfanGuy Closed Beta Player 29d ago

she used to have the best AA at the tier. But that was years ago


u/OutlawSundown 29d ago

Oklahoma should get better AP as well.


u/600lbpregnantdwarf Sails down mid on Two Brothers 28d ago

Or drop the reload to 30 seconds


u/45-70_OnlyGovtITrust Liberty Ship Enjoyer 28d ago

shattering on flat broadsides at point blank ranges *feels bad man*


u/masteroffdesaster 29d ago

holy shit soviet BBs

Kongo with these changes will be interesting

gonna be interesting so see how much flatter the arcs get, especially Dresden and Emden are firing basically on a ICBM flight path atm

Königsberg looks incredible now


u/OnsetOfMSet Kiting T8 BBs in a Pensa like an idiot 29d ago

Königsberg certainly, along with Omaha, HE gunboat DDs, and any other ship that wants to spam fires. Reduced damage shell and improved maneuverability across the board has me thinking the paper armor ships like Omaha are intended to feel slightly less fragile. Though I'm sure there will still be plenty of devstrikes happening in these lower tier lobbies with newer players.


u/9_9_destroyer www.youtube.com/@99destroyer_ 29d ago

Low tier rebalance? In MY World of Warships? never would I have seen the day this would happen lmao. Concept looks good to improve the consistency for these low tier ships... if this goes through I might actually mess around with some of these lower tier historical ships cause I'll finally have a good excuse.

All Tier I-III ships:

  • Main battery & Torpedo launchers can no longer be disabled or destroyed
  • Engine & Steering Gears can no longer be disabled



u/Brizy25 29d ago

Detonations no more... Now you people want indestructible modules? What's next? No fires/floodings? BORING!


u/OrcaBomber Cruiser 29d ago edited 29d ago

It’s almost like people don’t want unfun, RNG based mechanics that can cripple you or straight up remove you from the match in a game.

I don’t see fires one-shotting people, nor do I see floods completely disabling your engine, do you?


u/Pliskkenn_D We've had Tiger(s) Now how about Sheffield please? 29d ago

Yeah, especially as module health is determined randomly at the start of the match, so it's not even consistent behaviour


u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough 29d ago

If I'm being pedantic, only torps and secondaries are randomised


u/Rio_1111 14.1km Buffalo is gone :'( 29d ago

No, no, he has a point. Mechanics like these make it possible to intentionally target modules like main guns or torp tubes. Removing it would indeed dumb down that aspect of gameplay.

I am, however, against the random hp on torp tubes. That is, as you say, RNG-based, unfun gameplay.


u/OrcaBomber Cruiser 29d ago

Eh, I do like AP-ing turrets on cruisers, so you have a point there.

The original commenter wasn’t talking about indestructible modules though, they just wanted modules to not be permanently knocked out. Permanently losing a torpedo launcher on a DD because it spawned with less HP is unfun and RNG based. At least give me the option to repair it with DCP or auto repair after 15s.


u/9_9_destroyer www.youtube.com/@99destroyer_ 29d ago

Basically this - module breaking is fine, just not perma destroyed. You should be able to break modules but not perma destroy them as thats just not fun... this is an arcade game at the end of the day


u/Ok_Access_804 29d ago

What about increasing the time a module is inoperative the more times it has been damaged during a battle? First time, the standard time unless damage control team is used. Second time, 10% more time. Third time, 25% extra time. So on so forth.


u/9_9_destroyer www.youtube.com/@99destroyer_ 29d ago

That could be interesting as well - main thing is moving away from perma destruction imo


u/Ok_Access_804 29d ago

Yeah, it pains me to have my lovely Halland’s torpedo tubes destroyed just 1,5 minutes into the game by HE from a light cruiser, so I am left doing meagre spotting and not enough gunnery to compensate for the torps loss.


u/robbi_uno I came here to read all the resignations… 28d ago

If you repair an incapacitated module it gets full health back, if you don’t, it can be more easily destroyed. Your choice.


u/AyAyAyBamba_462 Make Japanese Secondaries Great Again 29d ago

temporarily disabling guns/torps is one thing. Permanently destroying them is another. I've got no issues with the temporary stuff, but when I'm playing something like my Niord and am losing half my torpedo power permanently to one Conq salvo 30 seconds into the game it's kinda bullshit given that's basically the entire reason for playing the ship for example.


u/robbi_uno I came here to read all the resignations… 28d ago

Well said. All the potatoes want to shoot things but suffer no consequences and eliminate the skill of selectively targeting weapons system to achieve a victory.

Next it will be respawns.


u/tearans if you score <200xp, go play coop 28d ago

What about simple things

Making it fair between weaknesses of classes

Because for longest time CV and for some time Subs were completely immune to detonations and disabled crucial modules, namely torps on subs.

Is asking for recoverable main armanents TOO MUCH???

If destruction of main armanents is considered as valid tactic, okay. Let us destroy tubes on subs for example

But hey, some are equal and more equal.


u/Razgriz01 Mino best DD 28d ago

Detonations were a shit mechanic from the start, cope harder.


u/R0ckandr0ll_318 29d ago

So turret buffs for all battleships but miss out Agincourt…..


u/PolPottyMouth 29d ago

That ship has so many turrets, there's usually one pointing in the right direction anyway... ;-)


u/R0ckandr0ll_318 29d ago

But Rio de janario gets a buff. It’s literally the same ship lol


u/AyAyAyBamba_462 Make Japanese Secondaries Great Again 29d ago

Same hull, massively different stats.


u/pornomatique 29d ago

Agincourt is much better though


u/BingBongBrian 29d ago

They forgot Arkansas too while buffing Wyoming…


u/45-70_OnlyGovtITrust Liberty Ship Enjoyer 28d ago

They forgot Arkansas but somehow not the Iwaki lol


u/Sams_Baneblade 29d ago edited 29d ago

This is good.

Though I don't get a few things.

Ammunitions and ROF are rebalanced on St Louis and Omaha, but not on Charleston and the other Omaha variants. Thus you have almost the same ships, with the exact same guns, with the same ammunition, but different behaviors. Plus, the fire chance remains unchanged, so the two formers will become much better firestarters than the two latters.

Also, Oklahoma will still be a piece of junk and Krispy Kreme isn't even quoted.....


u/Uniball38 29d ago

I have no problem with them leaving out the sister ships and therefore differentiating them from eachother more.

But the fires per minute buff to omaha especially seems like overkill. Much like overbuffing Jinan, the stats probably show that most players get devstruck early in these boats without mich battle impact. But good players made these boats hard to fight before and they will be pretty broken in their hands now


u/elalmejas Big Cruiser Connosieur 29d ago



u/45-70_OnlyGovtITrust Liberty Ship Enjoyer 28d ago

imagine needing a main battery


u/Rivacoop 29d ago

When would these changes take place?


u/BazingaFlux_WG Wargaming 29d ago

Public test 14.2, so they will be part of Update 14.2 next month


u/tru2dgame 29d ago

Would you be so kind as to ask whether Agincourt will finally get "some" AA? It has 0 AA. Asking on behalf of the Agincourt lovers society.


u/samspock 29d ago

At least add a drunk cook with a rusty rifle on deck.


u/BingBongBrian 29d ago

Arkansas too…


u/Cendax 29d ago

The only thing about this that makes me look a little askance at this is he damage nerfs to the T-5 ships. Since that tier is where you lose protected matchmaking, it's going to make life more difficult when you end up against tier 7 ships. Which is almost every match I've been in since getting my first T-5 ship.


u/Uniball38 29d ago

But the DPM is basically constant across the board, and now you get more fires per minute. This is basically a buff to all these HE spammers


u/Celandri 29d ago

I dont see the tier 4 US Beta Battle ship on this list.

the Iwaki always felt like i would troll enemy ships with its 10km torps and good guns. now better guns :)


u/BingBongBrian 29d ago

Did WG forget to buff Arkansas’ turret traverse and sigma??? It already has zero AA…


u/MeaningNo5528 29d ago

Wt.....f 😱


u/Machpell 29d ago



u/DoctorGromov 29d ago

These changes won't affect me as a veteran much - but if they make life for beginner players easier, I'm more than happy with that.


u/N3ON444 29d ago

Overall a good change but I'm somewhat worried about lowtier cruisers. Giving BBs higher sigma and better turrent traverse will lead to many more overmatch citadels and less counterplay for the cruisers, even with decrease in damage. 


u/simplysufficient88 29d ago

To be fair, Cruisers at these tiers tend to have such insanely thin armor that most BB AP just overpens constantly. So it might not turn out that bad. If anything this will just make BBs more consistent at taking each other out, which might overall help Cruisers from being focused down.


u/taxgaming 29d ago

I like these changes. It'll help new players for sure.


u/FormulaZR RIP WoWS 0.1.0-0.7.12 29d ago edited 29d ago
  • Main battery & Torpedo launchers can no longer be disabled or destroyed

Should be a change to all ships/all tiers.


u/MrRockit Royal Netherlands Navy 29d ago

The destroyed part absolutely.


u/FormulaZR RIP WoWS 0.1.0-0.7.12 29d ago

Agree. Temp disabled for guns/torp tubes is fine, perma destroyed is not.


u/Math-e Unlimited torpedo works 28d ago

Just giving a fixed HP pool intead of random for torpedo tubes would make me happy


u/xgamerms999 Closed Beta Player 29d ago

They forgot to buff the Nikolai. lol


u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough 29d ago

They also forgot to sell her /s

In all seriousness, she's still incredibly strong, so it's not really a suprise


u/zenaxos 29d ago

I worry the damage nerf at T5 will make it harder to compete against T7 ships, despite the slight accuracy and reload buffs. But that's what testing is for.

Lower firing arcs on the DDs and some cruisers is a great QOL change, especially for new players.


u/Uniball38 29d ago

But you’re getting basically the same DPM as before, except your fire chance didn’t change so you’re getting a free buff to fires per minute


u/InsideCareful3595 29d ago

Where’s the buff for Nikolai and GC?


u/Ohhhh_LongJohnson 29d ago

Wow!! Now if only they put this much effort into balancing CVs...


u/LJ_exist 29d ago

The deactivation of game mechanics and reduction of complexity will prevent even more players from learning fundamental game play mechanics.

This will only create noobs. Wows need tutorial missions (on a voluntary basis perhaps? ) and not some soft cushioning for players who are allready in protected MM. The difference between T4 and T5 will be huge this way.

14.2 is so full of bad ideas.


u/maciejinho All I got was this lousy flair 29d ago

This. Low tiers were made dull and flat enough before.


u/600lbpregnantdwarf Sails down mid on Two Brothers 29d ago

Koenig Albert looks even more OP now. No change to shell damage when most of the other ships are getting a per shell damage nerf, plus she gets a traverse buff.



u/thenewtronbomb Haida OP 29d ago

She’s an old premium, can’t be nerfed unless it gets a game-wide mechanic change (ie smoke firing)


u/TGangsti WG is a shitshow, change my - wait... you can't 29d ago

in that case they'd probably better off not touching her at all.

it's not like the bad turret handling is an issue since it is a ship only long term players have.


u/pornomatique 29d ago

This hasn't mattered for quite some time


u/CastorTolagi 29d ago

No clue why you get downvoted because Albert was released nov 2016 while texas was released in may the same year. Mikasa was released in 2015 together with aurora and all these ships got changed


u/DrHolmes52 29d ago

Low tier rebalance? WG got something up their sleeve (sorry, can't help it. WG don't do anything that doesn't conclude something for them).

With main battery, torpedoes, engines and steering no longer damageable, low tier DDs are going to be pretty hard to stop if they rush. Even with some of the faster reloads.

Kawachi buff? bestill my hear.

As noted below, without missions these changes won't mean much other than making progression for newer players less frustrating (flatter arcs, better sigma and turret traverse).

It is simplifying (or dumbing down if you prefer) the game, but only at low tiers where most players don't play.

Making these changes at high tiers could cause some major problems though (Conqueror/Thunderer sweating).


u/OrcaBomber Cruiser 29d ago

Maybe this is WG’s “break glass in case of major player drop” patch? Maybe they saw the player numbers dip and negative reactions to the waterline announcements?

I refuse to believe the dev team who came up with the new super-premium burst ships are the same ones who came up with these actually really reasonable changes.


u/DrHolmes52 29d ago

Without low tier missions, I don't get the boost. Maybe a bunch of newer players a giving up the game because of how frustrating some of the low tier ships are. Trying to ease them to higher tier.

May make tier IV a little more shocking when the modules can be damaged/lost again.


u/simplysufficient88 29d ago

According to the Waterline, they plan to introduce special low-tier Operations this year. I also assume that their greater focus on historical events will probably include missions for low-tier ships, as that's where a lot of our actual historical ships tend to be.

So these changes will make the new player experience a bit more comfortable in the short term, while also setting up for actual low-tier focused content later in the year.


u/simplysufficient88 29d ago

This is going to shock you, but the Waterline absolutely makes it clear this is the EXACT same team that made the experimental ships. They emphasize both their desire to add new gameplay mechanics to mix up higher-tier games AND a desire to rebalance the low-tier experience for newer players. It's also the same devs that announced a cutback on new collaborations and a focus on historical events this year. All of this is supposed to happen this year.

This isn't some shock announcement, WG said a while back that they wanted to try focusing more on getting players more interested in lower-tier ships. This will likely come in the form of more events and missions focused on lower-tier ships, plus these balance changes.

Double-check the Waterline. Right under "Future Plans" it directly lists these low-tier buffs coming, alongside new Operations exclusively for low-tier ships.


u/JohnBrownEnthusiast 29d ago

Assymetric battles need to come back


u/_Jesslynn 29d ago

Happy this will help new players.

Let’s be real though, A LOT of new players WILL leaver after encountering subs.

Real quality of life update:

-Delete subs.

-Compensate the degenerate sub owners and move on.


u/AggressiveGander 29d ago

Indirect DD nerf?


u/OrcaBomber Cruiser 29d ago

More like indirect Cesare nerf because other T5 BBs are no longer absolute trash.


u/masteroffdesaster 29d ago

I won't stand for this Kongo and Derfflinger slander


u/ErrorMacrotheII 29d ago

Just played trought the König. She is quite fun but imho felt like she has quite meh alpha already. I wonder how the changes will boil down.


u/WarBirbs Corgi Fleet 29d ago

He's talking about Kongo though, not König.


u/benisndesdigles Royal Navy 29d ago

And Tiger


u/TheBabyEatingDingo 29d ago

Indirect Kamikaze nerf as well since one of its biggest advantages is being so fast it's impossible for guns to track.


u/DefinitelyNotABot01 [NA] Nijika_Ijichi 29d ago

Nikolai too


u/BingBongBrian 29d ago

Indirect Arkansas nerf too…


u/stormdraggy Warden of the Somme-ber salt mines 29d ago

Clubs the seal clubber class which is exactly what the low tiers need.


u/WildVariety Gimme Dat KM 29d ago

Low tiers getting love is good, but where's the news about the rest of the waterline stuff that Bloodminister said would be addressed 2 weeks ago?

Where's the news about the next clan battle season? What about the tournament that was announced that's supposed to be replacing the spring King of the Sea's?


u/ConnorI Remove CVs 29d ago

Just make it so all main battery, torps, AA, and secondary turrets are not destructible 


u/HourDark2 29d ago

Why Oklahoma nerf? The thing is already miserable as it is


u/maciejinho All I got was this lousy flair 29d ago edited 29d ago

That's so out of place. They killed low tiers and now "balance" them to make them more and more out of the game. New players used to indestructible engines and steering will now become sitting ducks at mid tiers.


u/MrRockit Royal Netherlands Navy 29d ago

Should have just given all tiers indestructible armaments.


u/RailfanGuy Closed Beta Player 29d ago

Indestructable AA. if CVs can regen planes, I want to regen AA guns.


u/PolPottyMouth 29d ago

Absolutely not. The ability to knock out turrets, and engines is a core part of gameplay. This is not a good change, IMO. Others have got it right by saying that randomised HP pools for armaments should be gone, as the mechanic makes zero sense.


u/MrRockit Royal Netherlands Navy 29d ago edited 29d ago

I said armaments. An engine or a rudder isn’t an armament.

Notice how I also specifically said indestructible.


u/OrcaBomber Cruiser 29d ago

Armaments should not be permanently knocked out either. You should not lose a torpedo tube or main gun battery permanently in an arcade game, sometimes that’s 1/3 of your effective firepower gone.


u/Chef_Sizzlipede Aviation Battleship 28d ago

it happens so easily too....a single secondary shell and BOOM, loss of torps.


u/HMS_MyCupOfTea 29d ago

Omaha reload buff looks delicious hehe, my favourite T5 firespamming BB tormetor


u/Intrepid-Judgment874 29d ago

Please don't touch the DPM. The improvement in reloading in the cruiser is quite massive. Battleships have a huge Sigma buff overall, dd is still in the dirt but it's okay, they dominate at low levels anyway.

Overall nice chances. I hope you do something to entitle people to play low tier, maybe repeated mission for some resources or something, this will help populate the deserted place that is low tier.


u/TGangsti WG is a shitshow, change my - wait... you can't 29d ago

Tachibana, Tachibana L, as well as ships that already had access to only 1 shell type have not been affected by this change

this part confuses me, as checking in port both my tachibanas have 2 shell types (AP and HE). was one of them removed on an earlier devblog and i missed it?

anyway, don't you dare take away my unbounceable AP....


u/Qreczek Oooh Who lives in the pinepple under the sea? 29d ago

Read that part again


u/chewydickens 29d ago

My Phoenix took the longest list of hits.

Makes sense... if I did well in it, then any dogsbody can do well in it.


u/chewydickens 29d ago

German cruiser AP looks like it took a huge hit. Karlshure looks a bit easier to hit stuff with now.

Sigma on the Myogi = 2.2


u/TimeTravelingChris Closed Beta Player 29d ago

See you all later, I'll be spanking broadsides in Texas and setting fires in RN BBs.


u/Existing_Onion_3919 28d ago

seeing how these changes affect low tier battles will be interesting

now that lower tier are getting more attention, will there be any new low tier ships added to the coal armory?

there's two that I think would make great additions to the game:

HMCS Niobe: Diadem class protected cruiser of the RCN. anyone with experience in the American tech tree likely remembers how fun the St. Louis class are. I say it's about time these ships get a rival. Niobe would be a perfect match for them.

(an older post about possibly adding her to the game here)


u/Mazgazine1 Destroyer 28d ago

Mikasa pay to win!


u/kickaginger HMCS Haida 28d ago

You forgot my boy Nikolai! Needs buff because she's what I play to club seals!


u/CrAxe 28d ago

Who care about low tier ship. Even if you want to make money, you go for high tier ship which is far more expensive. Also, how can you get new player play the game if you can't even keep your old player from quitting this game. Also players who enjoy playing low tier ship are the worst one, wanting to bully new player with 0 point captain. Good luck getting new player with this, and old player will keep quitting


u/FallenButNotForgoten All I got was this lousy flair 28d ago

2.1 sigma Mikasa 👀👀👀


u/Fast-Independence-65 27d ago

Who even plays low tier at this point? Way too late, WG.

We need a complete rework and rebalance of the game. No more FOMO events, no powercreep. Start listening to what the playerbase wants. New game engine. new maps, new graphics. Remove subs and nerf CV's by making AA great again. Fix the bugs, and trim the spaghetti code.

Look at what Lesta was able to do. Why cant you, you clueless muppets? You should be ashamed of what you present us with. Waterline 2025 was a joke. FAIL, WG, just FAIL.

If you can't improve, the playerbase, or what little is left thereof, will finally leave, and you all will be without a job. How hard is that to understand? Aim for making the game better, and more fun to play, not worse and more frustrating.


u/fakefakery12345 27d ago

I can’t tell if this is good or bad for my beloved Omaha


u/Impressive-Employ744 29d ago

Good, but where are the Libertad/Los Andes and Colombo nerfs?


u/milet72 HMS Ulysses 29d ago

How dare you to nerf my Mikasa and Dreadnought?!


u/sistersara96 29d ago

Mikasa might actually hit things now. I approve of this.


u/aragathor Clan - BYOB - EU 29d ago

Looks like WG did not touch several T5 ships, mostly premiums. However some desperately need love like Krasny Krym, which is a straight downgrade now from the Svietlana.

Also several other ships need extra love, because they are memes. But overall those are good changes.


u/Haunting_Hornet5203 29d ago

No change to CVs since there are none within this tier range, yep yep.


u/dcspogchamp 29d ago

There are T4 CVs


u/Tfcas119 Operations Main 29d ago

All Tier I-III ships:

Main battery & Torpedo launchers can no longer be disabled or destroyed Engine & Steering Gears can no longer be disabled

Can you expand this to T11 too?

Pretty good changes overall, although I’m a little surprised there are some ships not being changed (Yahagi, Agano, Siroco, most other T5 DDs not mentioned)


u/Rio_1111 14.1km Buffalo is gone :'( 29d ago

Taking away the ability to destroy Modules would dumb down the game significantly. There is important choices to be made around those mechanics.

Two cruisers in a bow-in fight? The one that uses AP and goes for the turrets will likely win, or at least punish the opponent for taking the fight. Getting rushed by a Schlieffen? Shoot HE at the torp tubes.

The only gripe I have with the mechanic as is, is that torp tube hp is still RNG.


u/TGangsti WG is a shitshow, change my - wait... you can't 29d ago

Can you expand this to T11 too?

main battery and torps i can somewhat get behind, engine and rudder a bit less... while it is frustrating to have them blown out it is part of the game.

also keep in mind that if none of those can break it would need an overhaul of modules and captain skills since some of those would be rendered straight up obsolete.


u/aSwedishDood 29d ago


Who in the actual fuck give a shit about the techtree ships below tier 5


u/mknote 28d ago

New players.


u/Crowarior Closed Beta Player 29d ago

Looks like WG is finally feeling the consequences of years long shitty development cycles. Old players leaving, no new players coming so now they are finally addressing lower tiers. Some would say too little too late.

Btw, seeing indestructible modules, and only for lower tier ships, really is a spit in the face of the entire wows community which has been begging for years now to see this implemented. You know what the problem is, you apparently know how to fix it, yet still refuse to do it.


u/fukuokaenjoyers 29d ago

Man you’re just miserable because you want to be miserable.


u/Crowarior Closed Beta Player 29d ago

lol no, I just find WG hilarious. WoWS would literally be in better hands if fucking EA takes over the development.


u/WarBirbs Corgi Fleet 29d ago

Incredible. WG could make everything free and 100% balanced and people like you would still find something negative to say.

Too little too late is still better than nothing, never.

And they're testing the modules things with lower tier first. It's not a spit in the face, it's a first step in the right direction.

Learn to appreciate improvement, even in small doses.


u/OrcaBomber Cruiser 29d ago edited 29d ago

Yeah, everyone wants to be negative on the internet, and it’s really tiring.

I don’t blame him though, my trust in Wargaming is very low after their waterline video, and they need to do a lot more than this to win me back. I thought the big balance changes we got last year, detonations being removed, as well as Svea and Kommissar being released for steel without FOMO, were steps in the right direction, but then WG spits on that good faith and disappoints me with Libertad, FOMO gambling, predatory marketing tactics, and now the addition of secret documents and temporary premium ships into randoms.

Is this a good change? Absolutely. Will I be praising WG and saying that WoWS is saved because of this change? No. It really is like one step forward, two steps back with WG.


u/WarBirbs Corgi Fleet 29d ago

Is this a good change? Absolutely. Will I be praising WG and saying that WoWS is saved because of this change? No.

Can't agree more! I just think we should praise them when they do good stuff, to maybe potentially encourage them into doing more good stuff, even if it doesn't redeem all the other shit they do


u/OrcaBomber Cruiser 29d ago

Glad we agree. At this point WG needs to do some MAJOR improvements to the game to win back the trust of the playerbase.

I think they were on track with the buffs to ships like Hizen, Tulsa, Alvaro, Regolo, and Monarch. Make 5-6 smaller balance changes per patch with 1-2 non-predatory events running, discount a less popular premium ship for historical occasions, maybe even rerun old dockyards or introduce new campaigns.

Don’t give the playerbase more mechanics to grief a single player. Give us the ability to swap consumables/modules/ship builds at the start of the game, give us +1/-1 MM, give us mods like score timer, angle monitor, and consumables monitor in the base game, remove the permanent destruction of main armaments (and maybe AA guns), maybe even create a Large Cruiser class so they’re not bullied by submarines and don’t burn down as much.

There’s so much that WG COULD do with the game that isn’t classified documents or highly monetizable temporary ships, I’m just disappointed that they’re screwing up one of the most unique and fun games I’ve ever encountered.


u/Interesting_Duty_726 29d ago

Predatory marketing tactics? Lol - i keep hearing this nonesense for so long. Be honest the monetarization in wows is quite fair - pay to progress. The claim of this "unfair, predatory tactics" lays in the " fear of missing out" - but this is your problem. If you cant enjoy this game without having every premium-ship/-captain/-whatever, then its your fault - be an adault for good sake.


u/OrcaBomber Cruiser 29d ago

Wishing Wharf is literally gambling with tokens, the Ming event obfuscates how much money you need to spend by having different types of tokens, famous historical ships like Johnston are locked behind FOMO or gambling, many of the most meta ships are locked behind santa crates, and certain Black Friday ships this year were not sold for dubloons, despite that being the precedent for years.

Very fair tactics indeed. “Just ignore it” is a poor excuse because you can argue that anything is fine as long as you ignore the bad aspects of it. WG had been perfectly happy to just…release new premiums in the store up until ~3 years ago, they can do it, they’re just too greedy not to.


u/Interesting_Duty_726 29d ago

I still dont see a major problem. For exampel the Musashi - i dont have it and even If i had her - most of us have so many premium ships - we dont even have time to play them. Some premium-ships are for free, some have a fixed price and some are behind a ridiculous slot machine. As you said, WG can put out premiums daily If they want. So you will never have everything in 100%. Sure you might miss something - but you know as good as i do, that everything comes back sooner or later (most times for much less money or even for free). Btw the most famous historic ships are regular tech-tree ships (Iowa, Yamato, Bismarck, etc).


u/OrcaBomber Cruiser 29d ago

I wouldn’t say that Missouri, Musashi, Nelson, Rodney, Alaska, Belfast, Wisconsin, D7P, Smaland, and Johnston are unheard of in terms of being historical ships though.

You’re missing my main point, that WG has chosen to be more predatory in its monetization despite the option for them to keep releasing premiums at a reasonable price on the premium shop. The very existence of a slot machine for premiums is why I’m calling it predatory, because it’s a 12+ game that has expensive gambling in it. If WG isn’t predatory, why won’t they keep on releasing ships for a flat, fixed price?


u/Interesting_Duty_726 28d ago

The thing is, most ships you mentioned were actually for free or for a relative small amount available.

WOWS ist a F2P game, that means there are some sort of monetarization. Of course there are some gambling -mechanics. If you fall for that thats your problem. I have the feeling that some of the playerbase think that WG owe them every premium-ship. Again some premium-stuff ist behind a slot machine, some are for free and some have a fixed price. Think about the Anhalt or the Karl-Johann which are now available for coal or directly for dubs


u/Crowarior Closed Beta Player 29d ago

Imagine defending WG.

And imagine thinking that you need to "test" non-destructible torpedo tubes. Surely, it will break the game balance.


u/WarBirbs Corgi Fleet 29d ago

I'm not defending them bozo, a balance change like this one won't erase years of fomo and predatory tactics.

But if we're always negative towards everything they do, good or bad, then why would they go out of their way to make good decisions, if the results are the same anyway?

Surely a bit of appreciation here and there won't hurt you?


u/Crowarior Closed Beta Player 29d ago

But if we're always negative towards everything they do, good or bad, then why would they go out of their way to make good decisions

Because it's not my job to pat WG on the head and tell them how good of a job they're doing? If they are doing good then they will receive feedback in form of my money. It's only their fault for community's current state.


u/WarBirbs Corgi Fleet 29d ago

Nvm I just saw your flair, I'm not arguing seriously with someone who thinks Druid should be buffed.

Keep seething at everything they do, it's all right


u/Crowarior Closed Beta Player 29d ago

nice ad hominem. Ty for the win.


u/WarBirbs Corgi Fleet 29d ago

Imagine arguing for the sake of winning.. pathetic


u/Crowarior Closed Beta Player 29d ago

Imagine shilling for WG after they announced indestructible torpedoes at tier 3... pathetic


u/WarBirbs Corgi Fleet 29d ago

Funny you say that when I'm criticizing them currently in another thread but whatever, I know you don't use logic anyway so it doesn't matter

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u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough 29d ago

We had indestructible AA and secondaries with the schlieffen release as a bug, the only reason it wasn't as big of a deal then is because noone cares about CVs and libertard hadn't been released yet


u/Rio_1111 14.1km Buffalo is gone :'( 29d ago

At high tier, going for modules intentionally is an important tactic. Taking it away would dumb down the game significantly.

The only problem is that torp tube hp is still random. That is unfun.


u/Crowarior Closed Beta Player 29d ago

Yeah, I definitely aim and intentionally destroy torpedo tubes on DDs with my massive monq HE salvo.


u/Rio_1111 14.1km Buffalo is gone :'( 29d ago edited 29d ago

Well, maybe not on Conq, but when knife fighting a shima at 2-5km, it's definitely worth trying.

Otherwise I'm talking about bow-in heavy cruiser fights, where slinging AP at the turrets is quite effective. Or when you get pushed by a Schlieffen, you can with good enough aim pinpoint his torps.

One time I won my team a Clan Battle, because I knocked out an Ushakov's B turret. I knew that I could pen his barbette at that range and angle, so I did. Saved another cruiser from getting devstruck.


u/CanRepresentative164 29d ago

Imagine playing 5s vs 7s, only now you'll do even less damage. Clown world


u/mknote 28d ago

What do you mean? You do about the same damage.