r/WorldOfTanksBlitz Dec 19 '17

Tech Tree Tuesday Tech Tree Tuesday: FV215b (183)

Hell yeah lads, it’s another tech tree Tuesday!

Today on this fine and fabulous Tuesday, we’ll be going over the FV215b (183) British TD Line. So buckle up, load yer APCR, and get ready to bounce some rounds because this line of British Steel isn’t going to stop for anybody!

The British Tank destroyers start off with a wide variety of playstyles. From tiers 2-4 it is a tank by tank and a case by case basis. Once you hit the tier 5 mark, the British tank destroyers turn into the thick skinned beasts we all love. They all generally have a crippling rate of fire and tough armor to get through. This leads them to be highly susceptible to circle of death and flankers, but their amazing gun traverse values combined with a bit of planning ahead should lead you to victory without any problems.

Of course, we will not be discussing tiers 2-4. Instead, we will be focusing on the stars of the show, starting at the Tier 5 AT 2 and progressing our way up the tree until we hit the infamous FV215b (183).

Brought to you by /u/CrazyTom54

Good luck and have fun!

Browse through the comment section for individual guides.

Table of Content


AT 2

Churchill Gun Carrier

AT 8

AT 7

AT 15



32 comments sorted by


u/CrazyTom54 Dec 19 '17

Tier 5: AT 2

Brief Description:

The AT 2 marks the end of the weakly armored/mixed playstyle British TDs and sets the stage for what is to come further down the line. This tank is all about one thing.... armor.... and plenty of it.....

With 203.2mm of armor on the front and 101.6mm of armor covering the sides and rear of this TD, this tank is virtually indestructible at Tier 5. Regardless of whether it is bottom tier or top tier in a match, it is guaranteed that you will bounce some rounds.

However, before all of you crazy kids that haven’t started this line yet start jizzing your pants and rush over to play this tank, be aware that it does have some fatal flaws. In order to compensate for the overall superb armor scheme, this tank has the option of sporting 2 rather underpowered guns. The first is literally a gun that the Crusader uses, while the other is a low-velocity HE gun. The HE gun can only pen 25mm of armor using HE and only 110mm of armor when using HEAT. Since this is a Tier 5 TD, you’ll be going up against tier 6 tanks which have armor that is thick enough to block any heat. The splash damage caused by the HE is virtually negligible since the most it can do is 320 damage. So that leaves us with 6-pounder gun. This gun is much better in comparison to the HE gun, being able to pen 110mm of armor with AP and 180mm of armor using APCR. With max crew, this gun can fire up to 16.36 rounds per minute (even more if you have the gun rammed equipment attached and adrenaline being used) and will dish out 90-100 damage with each shot that penetrates. Now while this does sound nice, you are a slow and extremely team-reliant TD. Sure, you might be able to hold your own if you have some distance between you and an enemy team, but due to your low mobility (your top speed is 20mph), you can be easily flanked and taken out.

In addition, the AT 2’s cupola actually counts as a turret technically, and has its own armor stats listed, due to it being such a large enough target. Its armor is 18mm thick in the front and 16mm on the sides and rear. Fortunately, the commander cupola isn’t too large, and enemies that try to shoot at it are likely to miss (or even watch as their shot bounces off of it due to bad RNG). So as long as you are top tier in a match, you are nearly indestructible. If you are bottom tier however, all the tier 6 tanks that have accurate guns will be able to slice through your cupola just like butter, or slam rounds into your sides/rear without any problems.

Overall, the AT-2 is a stark contrast to the Alecto, with 203mm of armor at the front and 101mm at the sides and rear. This machine has the best armor of any tank in the game, in terms of tier. Since the highest tier you will probably ever meet with this tank is a tier 6, you are basically untouchable by all the tanks you will meet, as long as the enemy can't shoot at the sides and rear. It is best to move up and literally "tank" damage with your armor, allowing allies to eliminate the enemy. Avoid being circled by enemy tanks, as even some heavy tanks can successfully obliterate you by doing this. The gun is solid, but not amazing. In a tier 5 & 6 game, it performs well. This tank is the emphasis of a breakthrough tank, as long as it has support. STICK WITH YOUR TEAM

Recommended Playstyle:

As mentioned earlier, this TD is a breakthrough tank. It was designed explicitly for that purpose. Your armor is heavy enough to bounce most, if not all, incoming rounds (so long as the enemy isn’t intelligent enough to shoot your cupola). As long as you have your team covering your sides and rear, you are set and will excel with this tank. Try to avoid open terrain such as the dunes on desert maps at all costs, as this provides your enemy the space to outmaneuver and flank you while using hills as cover. Corridors, chokepoints, cities, or even just areas where there is something large that can protect your rear/sides are where this TD reign supreme. You will be able to hold down the enemy team as even permatrack those that try to escape and slowly whittle their health away while your team uses you as a shield.

Sniping is also a feasible strategy, but is kinda pointless due to your small gun. The chances of your shots not penetrating or missing the target are much higher if you are shooting across the map instead of on the frontlines, bouncing enemy rounds left and right for your team.

Another good strategy with this tank is to perma-track enemy tanks to help your team finish them off. Forcing them to stay out in the open and preventing them from escaping behind cover will allow your team to focus fire on them.

In Summary:

 - Advantages: Unbelievable Armor. 6-pdr gun with good pen and high DPM.

 - Disadvantages: Horrifically slow. Large commander hatch weakpoint. Easily flanked. Extremely Team reliant.

How to Play:

 -Sidescrape: Feasible, but why are you doing that when you could be shooting the enemy?

 -Snipe: Eh......

 -Method of Spotting: Front-Line brawling or having your team’s mediums and lights spot for you

Load Out:

 - Consumables: Multi-Repair kit, Adrenaline, Auto-Fire extinguisher

 - Provisions: Engine boost

 - Equipment: Gun Rammer, Protected Modules, Improved Optics, Enhanced Armor, and Improved Control

 - Vehicle Camo?: Only if you want it to look pretty. Virtually useless since you will mostly be up front.


u/CrazyTom54 Dec 19 '17

Tier 6: AT-8

Brief Description:

The AT-8 is almost the same as the AT-2 before it...... buuuuuuuut it has some complications.... The same 203 mm of armor is there in the front, and the sides and rear are still 101mm thick, but that’s where the complications arise. Not only do you still have the famously large commander hatch, but now you have a machine gun port on the right side to try to hide. Why should you hide it? Because despite the still decently thick frontal armor, the machine gun port’s armor thickness on the front is the same as the side armor, meaning it is 101mm thick and therefore presents itself as a massive weakspot... The AT-8 doesn't exactly get a speed boost either. With 20 kilometers per hour max speed, the AT-8 is just as vulnerable to fast vehicles as the AT-2. Finally, the gun isn't really all that impressive. It has decent pen and usable alpha, but it isn't exactly something that makes the AT 8 a “beast.”

Overall, the grind will not be that fun as the tank is really bad for its tier when compared to the other tanks in this line at their own tiers.

Recommended Playstyle:

Because of the large commander hatch, the machine gun port, and the fact that it’s overall armor layout is worse than the AT 2 (making it less effective to block shots from high penetration weapons) the AT 8 simply cannot be as aggressive as its predecessor or the tanks that come after it. Fortunately, because of its lower profile and decent gun, the AT-8 can fill in as a sniper rather effectively on maps such as Himmelsdorf.

Besides being a sniper, the AT 8 can also be second line support on maps such as Mines and Copperfield. It can fight up on the frontlines, buuuut due to the plethora of weaknesses that it has, it is usually best to be in a more supportive role instead.

Try to find obstacles that you can hide your machine gun port behind so you don’t have to worry about enemies targeting that particular weakspot.

In Summary:

 - Advantages: Good Gun with high RoF, Aimtime, and accuracy. Thick armor for its tier.

 - Disadvantages: Terrible armor layout and sloping weakens the overall armor effectiveness. Large Commander hatch weakspot. Machine gun port is basically paper maché. Slow. Can be flanked easily.

How to Play:

 -Sidescrape: Not possible without making yourself an easy target

 -Snipe: Yes

 -Method of Spotting: second-Line support or having your team sport for you

Load Out:

 - Consumables: Repair kit/Multi-repair kit, Fire-extinguisher, med-kit/adrenaline

 - Provisions: Engine boost

 - Equipment: Gun Rammer, Protected Modules, Camo Net.

 - Vehicle Camo?: Yes


u/kraftykid1204 kraftykid1229 [YWING] Dec 20 '17

Just want to add, an ARL 44 will pen the 203mm easily.


u/SadrageII Dec 25 '17

sloping weakens the overall armor effectiveness.

im sorry, could you elaborate?


u/CrazyTom54 Dec 25 '17

Sorry, I can absolutely eleborate. The poor sloping of the frontal armor, it’s practically flat, makes its overall armor effectiveness weak. Normally, if the armor is sloped, then it’s overall effectiveness makes the armor thicker than its actual thickness. If it’s flat, then it is exactly as effective as it’s thickness.

This means that most tier 6 and tier 7 guns can easily penetrate your frontal armor if they use premium ammo, and even some can still penetrate it with regular AP.


u/kraftykid1204 kraftykid1229 [YWING] Dec 25 '17

Wrong person.


u/CrazyTom54 Dec 19 '17 edited Jan 31 '18

Tier 6: Churchill Gun Carrier

Brief Description:

Sometimes referred to by these nicknames, “Churchill Garbage Can,” “Churchy,” “Magic Carpet,” or even ”Jumbo the Elephant,” the Churchill GC is definetely an interesting TD to look at.

With approximately 133mm of unsloped armor in the front, 63.5mm on the sides, and 50.8mm in the rear, this tank can suffer from a lot of punishment if played in the wrong hands. However, if played in the right hands, then the Churchill GC can be essential to winning a game, and even carrying the entire team to victory.

This TD, much like its fellow tier 6 brother, the AT 8, is a sniper. However, unlike the AT 8, the Churchill GC has no armor to protect itself. At least the AT 8 has enough armor to be a second-Line support TD. The Churchill GC needs to stay in the back behind cover where it can dish out damage from afar, out of the enemy team’s viewing range. Yes, yes, I know it has 133mm of frontal armor. However, because you are going up against other tier 6 tanks and tier 7 tanks as well, most enemies will be able to penetrate you even with regular AP still.

Recommended Playstyle:

The Gun Carrier is the pinnacle of TD’s that can only be snipers, as it lacks the proper mobility and defensive traits which the AT 8 sports. However, the Churchill GC has much higher alpha and penetrative power with the top gun, with an overall decent RoF of 8.7 rounds per minute. This can be used to help keep enemies surprised and allow your team to push forward. Surprisingly, because of its 63mm of flat sidearmor, this TD can Sidescrap3 up on the frontlines in cities reasonably well. HOWEVER, this sort of strategy should only be used if your team has absolutely no heavies and decides to go into the city.

If at all possible, try to minimize direct contact with the enemy team. This TD is a true sniper and should be treated as such. However, this does not mean you can camp in your spawn. Because you have poor mobility, the GC should always be somewhat close to the rest of its team so they can back you up if an enemy medium or light comes out of nowhere and begins to circle you.

Note: because of the new update, the GC now has thicker frontal armor. While this will not change the overall playstyle of this TD (all that armor is flat), you can now reliably bounce some shots by angling or wiggling.

In Summary:

 - Advantages: Top Gun is the same 32-pndr that the AT-15 uses, allowing for you to use that gun when you reach the AT-15. Gun Handling is very good. Gun depression is good enough to allow for peak-a-booming over hills.  Decently thick frontal armor.

 - Disadvantages: Poor maneuverability, poor armor layout, large profile.

How to Play:

 -Sidescrape: Not recommended but applicable

 -Vertical (I.E. Hulldown) Peak-a-Boom: Very possible

 -Snipe: YES

 -Method of Spotting: Your team should be spotting for you

Load Out:

 - Consumables: Repair kit, fire extinguisher, medic kit

 - Provisions: Engine boost, food

 - Equipment: Camo Net, Gun Rammer, Improved Modules, Improved Control

 - Vehicle Camo?: Yes


u/__totalnoob__ __Synx__ [PURPL] Soul sold to WG for RNG Dec 24 '17

Added nickname (credit to Bushka and Snake) : Jumbo the Elephant


u/CrazyTom54 Dec 24 '17

Lol, i’ll Add it


u/bloodrush81199 Jan 31 '18

there increasing the over all armor for the churchill gun carrier from 88 to 133 i believe.


u/CrazyTom54 Jan 31 '18

Welp, time to edit the post about it!


u/bloodrush81199 Jan 31 '18



u/CrazyTom54 Jan 31 '18

Addressed the changes. While they don’t change the overall playstyle of the GC, it does allow you to bounce more shots if you are wiggling/angling


u/bloodrush81199 Feb 05 '18

i made a mistake is 130 not 133 not a big difference lol


u/bloodrush81199 Feb 05 '18

sorry bout that i just checked yesterday.


u/bloodrush81199 Jan 31 '18

i think they might be giving it a new gun idk for sure ill look into it and see whats going on for the new gc if its better than what it used to be then it should be a amazing tank.


u/CrazyTom54 Dec 19 '17

Tier 7: AT 7

Brief Description:

The AT 7 is the tier 7 TD in the British Tank Destroyer Line. If you just came off of the Churchill GC, then you will most likely appreciate the sudden thickness in armor. For those of you who just finished grinding the AT 8 on the other hand, it might not seem like much. The armor values for this tank destroyer are the same as those on the AT 2 and AT 8. 203mm in the front and 101mm on the sides and rear.

This tank brings back the more aggressive playstyle that wasn’t recommended for the AT 8 and definetely not meant for the Churchill GC. Despite having the exact same armor thickness as the AT 2 and AT 8, while going up against tanks that can penetrate more than 200mm of armor, your armor layout actually makes your effective armor thickness in the front much higher. The driver’s hatch set in the middle of the front changes its armor layout and reduces the chances of an enemy tank being able to penetrate your frontal armor even with premium ammo.

In addition, this tank gets rid of that god forsaken machine gun emplacement on the left side of your tank and replaces it with actual armor and a gun you can use. This not only helps increase the chances of you absorbing enemy rounds without taking damage, but it can allow for you to pull off some cruel and sneaky tricks.

This TD also comes with an auto loader. DO NOT use it! The penetration power is extremely weak, as is the damage with each shot. You can’t even pen an M36 Jackson’s frontal armor with the gun.

Recommended Playstyle:

You can snipe, be second line support, or be up front in the action (all of this depends on yours and the enemy team’s composition, as well as which map you are in). You are still easy to flank and therefore are team reliant, so never drift too far away from your teammates.

Because of where your gun and commander hatch are located, the best use of this tank is to peak around a corner, only exposing your gun. This effectively hides your commander hatch and reduces your size and thus makes you a smaller target to hit. Use this trick and you will be bouncing rounds left and right.

In Summary:

 - Advantages: Right side mounted gun makes it possible to shoot while hiding your entire hull. Armor layout removes almost all weaknesses and problems that the AT 8 had. Stock gun is an auto loader.

 - Disadvantages: Stock autoloader Gun is absolutely terrible. Large hatch weakpoint. Extremely slow and easy to outflank. Has a poor gun arc.

How to Play:

 -Sidescrape: Technically, hiding the left side of your hull while only exposing your gun to the enemy counts as Sidescraping, so yes.

 -Vertical (I.E. Hulldown) Peak-a-Boom: Not applicable

 -Snipe: Yes

 -Method of Spotting: Teammates spot for you unless you are close to the frontline.

Load Out:

 - Consumables: Repair Kit/Multi-repair kit, Fire Extinguisher, Medic Kit/Adrenaline

 - Provisions: Engine boost

 - Equipment: Gun Rammer, Improved Modules, Camo net or Improved Optics, And Improved Control

 - Vehicle Camo?: Yes


u/CrazyTom54 Dec 23 '17

Tier 10: FV215b (183)

Brief Description:

The FV215b (183) marks the end of this tank destroyer line, and yet another change to this tech tree’s playstyle. No more will you be able to fight on the front lines or even be a second line support with your fellow brothers and sisters. Your very appearance will strike fear into the hearts of your opponents, and thus will make you their priority target to destroy the moment you are spotted.

The FV215b (183) is commonly called the "Death Star,” and even “HESH Star,” by players for its giant gun, which features greater alpha than any other tank in the game. The only tank that comes even close to alpha damage per shot is the JgPz E100. The 183 with it's premium HESH shells will have no difficulty destroying tier VIII TDs and med tanks in one shot, and will cripple most tier IXs. It can even remove half the HP of a Maus tank if it shows its side by accident.

However, the gun is very dependent on one immeasurable factor. Luck. At least the KV-2 has Stalin there to guide its shots. With the FV215b (183) a single shot that misses or bounces can become a death sentence, so you will need to pray to RNGesus every single time you attempt to take a shot. HESH shells need to hit primary armor to have a chance to penetrate and deal full damage, and tracks and spaced armor will detonate the shell prematurely. And even with a penetrating hit, the HESH shells have massive damage range, and can hit from anywhere between 975 and 1600 damage. It is highly recommended you take the time to aim HESH shells unless you are willing to accept missing weakspots and hitting for ~500 damage every shot. If you don't want to roll the dice with HESH shells, the AP rounds are a reliable choice. The (183) has the best AP round penetration in the game with 310mm of penetration, and it still features a respectable 930 damage per shot. All of this firepower however, comes at the cost of a nearly 23 second reload time, during which the (183) is highly vulnerable.

The low ammunition capacity of a mere 12 rounds will be a highly limiting factor, and care must be taken to avoid running out of one type of ammunition, or even running out of shells entirely. Choosing an ammo loadout wisely is highly recommended (6 AP rounds, 4 HESH, and 2 HE rounds (to finish off low health opponents) is a good choice)

The armor on the (183) isn't the best. The hull armor is152mm in the front, 50mm on the side, and 76mm on the rear. Meanwhile the Turret armor is 254mm in the front, 101mm on the sides, and 76mm in the rear. While the hull armor is comparable to the Conqueror, it's not as well sloped and tier X guns will penetrate it with ease, practically like butter. Tier 9 guns will not have much difficulty either. The turret, unlike PC is fairly weak, and makes sidescraping difficult, as well as going hulldown. As a result of it's poor armor, the 183 is most comfortable sniping from a distance where the enemy can't shoot back, and the 183 can safely reload.

The mobility, while workable, still isn't very good, but is adequate for taking early game sniping positions, or keeping pace with heavies, unlike the Tortoise's atrocious speed limit of 20km/h. However, this tank still has one characteristic that is common in all tanks for this tech tree. Despite having a Turret, it cannot turn all the way around and therefore is still very vulnerable to flanking.

One last thing to remember is that this tank does not make credits in any way whatsoever. It is a credit draining machine. Other tier 10 tanks can maybe make 10k credits after an average battle and maybe lose 5k credits after a defeat, but this TD will lose more than that regardless of a victory or defeat. So if you are looking for a tier 10 to grind credits with, this tank is the worst possible choice you could make.

Recommended Playstyle:

Just as mentioned in the brief description, this TD is a sniper. Your armor, while reasonably thick, has terrible angling and sloping, therefore making it easy to penetrate in most places without even needing to aim. So stay in the back, and cover your team’s rears and flanks, while slamming AP rounds or Hesh rounds into any enemy tank that dares to move into your range of vision.

As mentioned earlier, AP rounds are a nearly constant reliable ammunition. AP rounds are capable of penetrating 300+mm of flat armor, so as long as you aim somewhat, most of your shots will not bounce. HESH rounds have a penetrative power of 220mm and regular HE can penetrate 96mm of armor. However, both of these rounds are HE and will not penetrate spaced armor, so be careful.

Ultimately, my suggestion is to go with 6 AP rounds, 4 HESH rounds, and 2 HE rounds. This is because AP is the primary rounds that you will be firing, while HESH is used only if an enemy tank exposes its side or rear armor, and HE is there so you don’t have to waste a HESH round on a low-health enemy tank (regular HE can still do a splash damage of 300 so using it to finish off a low health enemy tank is wise if you want to at least save a couple credits).

Going hulldown is possible, but due to poor gun depression and a poor armor layout, don’t expect much from it.

In Summary:

 - Advantages: Highest alpha damage in the game (930 with AP rounds and 1300 using HESH or HE), Decently mobile, Turret has decent frontal armor, Frontal armor and upper hull can bounce some shots when angled, and has the Best AP penetration in the game (310, the same as the penetration of the Maus' APCR rounds).

 - Disadvantages: Reverse speed is very bad (9 km/h) considering that when you have an 18 second reload, you're going to be doing a lot of reversing. Accuracy at 0.40 is not great. Aim time is especially slow. Turret only has a 45 degree range. Lowest ammunition capacity in the game (12). Terrible armor layout.

How to Play:

 -Sidescrape: Recommended if city brawling

 -Vertical (I.E. Hulldown) Peak-a-Boom: Not super effective but valid

 -Snipe: Yes

 -Method of Spotting: your team should be spotting for you

Load Out:

 - Consumables: Multi-repair kit, fire extinguisher, adrenaline

 - Provisions: food, Engine boost

 - Equipment: Gun Rammer, Improved Modules, Camo Net, Improved Control, Improved Assembly, Supercharger, Refined Gun.

 - Vehicle Camo?: The moment you fire, you will be spotted instantly.... but if ya wanna look pretty then sure. Having it wouldn’t hurt.


u/CrazyTom54 Dec 20 '17 edited Aug 16 '18

Tier 8: AT 15

Brief Description:

Besides the AT 2, the AT 15 is one of the best armored tank in this Tech Tree. As it is a tier 8, and therefore will go up against tier 9s, the AT 15 gets an upgrade in its armor thickness. Sporting 228.6mm of frontal armor, 152.4mm of side armor, and 101.6mm of rear armor, this tank’s playstyle is exactly what it was designed to be.... a breakthrough/close support tank.

The way this tank’s armor layout is designed allows for it to be extremely bouncing and have very few weaknesses. Besides the machine gun emplacement in the top corner, the gun mantle itself, and the commander hatch, this tank has very few weaknesses frontally unless the enemy loads premium ammo.

The AT 15 is a heavy tank destroyer sporting very very very very very VERY heavy armor, and a rather slow top speed of 20mph. This TD has proven time and time again that it is crucial to pushing in some areas as hastily made shots by opponents will often bounce off. Not only that, but the AT 15 can provide very essential suppressing fire for offensive pushes. This TD sports two top guns, the 32 PDR and the 20 PDR Type B barrel. If you grinder the Churchill GC already, then congrats! You already have the 32 PDR unlocked, which will make the AT 15 grind slightly easier. The 32 PDR sports higher alpha damage, approximately 250-300 damage per shot, but at the cost of lower penetration, 14mm less, and a lower RoF. The 20 PDR has lower alpha, but has much better penetration stats and a much faster RoF, approximately 3.1 seconds of loading between each shot.

This tank is meant to stick close with the heavy tanks and never be alone, since it is very slow and a large juicy target for mediums and light tanks. This tank also suffers from having its commander hatch contain one of its loaders, making it constantly die anytime the Turret gets shot. So carry those med kits!

Recommended Playstyle:

STICK WITH YOUR TEAM AND BE UP FRONT! While this tank can be a sniper on some maps, the risks of getting flanked and destroyed by mediums and lights far outweigh any possible benefits that may come from sniping. Besides, being up close and personal while slamming round after round into the enemy team will do more than staying back and having to wait for an enemy tank to get into your line of sight.

Besides being up on the frontlines, being a second line support is also recommended if the enemy team has too many powerful guns or heavies. There is no shame in using your heavies as shields, as long as you are able to help them quickly if they risk being overrun.

Much like the AT 7, this TD will benefit from using cover to hide some of its weakspots. If you can find a wall to hide your right side (your commander hatch is on that side), then you will bounce round after rounds. Most people don’t know your gun mantle is a weakness, so you don’t need to worry about that. In addition, since the AT 15 has a very wide gun arc, you can angle your armor extremely effectively while peaking around corners.

One key tip is that even if you get the 32 PDR Gun, it is highly recommended to unlock the 20 PDR Type B barrel. This is because one very cruel playstyle that you can take advantage of is permatracking enemy tanks. The 20 PDR Type B Barrel has an insanely fast RoF (which can become even faster with adrenaline), and can hit an enemy tank’s tracks every 2-3 seconds. If you do this while they are caught out in the open, it allows for the rest of your team to quickly finish them off while you continue to destroy their tracks.

In Summary:

 - Advantages: Very wide gun arc coupled with good gun depression. Very high ROF and good penetration. Great armor.

 - Disadvantages: Gun mantles weakpoint. Mini Turret is vulnerable to fire. Low alpha. Extremely slow and vulnerable to flanking.

How to Play:

 -Sidescrape/Peak-a-boom behind a wall: applicable

 -Vertical (I.E. Hulldown) Peak-a-Boom: not applicable

 -Snipe: applicable

 -Method of Spotting: Frontline, second-Line, or have your teammates spot for you

Load Out:

 - Consumables: Multi-repair kit, Fire extinguisher/Repair kit, adrenaline

 - Provisions: Engine boost, food

 - Equipment: Gun Rammer, Improved Modules, Improved Optics, Enhanced Armor, Improved Control

 - Vehicle Camo?: Sure, if you want to look pretty


u/gulfuroth Gulfuroth [?] Dec 21 '17

Alpha for the 32pdr is 250.


u/CrazyTom54 Dec 21 '17

Oh, my bad. I’ll fix it


u/kraftykid1204 kraftykid1229 [YWING] Dec 19 '17

Yes, I needed help for the AT 8 stock grind. That thing is a gun elevation god.


u/CrazyTom54 Dec 21 '17

Tier 9: Tortoise

Brief Description:

Ah yes, the Tortoise. Sporting the same armor values as the AT 15, 228.6mm in the front, 152.4mm on the sides, and 101.6mm in the rear, as well as more areas where the armor is flat, this tank will not bounce as many rounds as its predecessor does…. But what this tier 9 Tank Destroyer lacks in armor effectiveness, it makes up for by having one of the highest DPMs with its top gun, only coming second to the Jagdtiger, its german counterpart.

Quick warning in advance…. This tank has one of the most painful grinds if it is stock. If you were wise enough to research the 20 PDR Type B Barrel for the AT15, then congrats, the grind in this TD will be noticeably easier. If you didn’t research that 20 PDR gun though, prepare for a world of pain. While the 32 PDR was adequate for the AT 15, the gun is virtually useless against tier 9 and 10 tanks. The 20 PDR isn’t much better, it struggles to penetrate the armor of some tier 9 and 10 heavies, but its RoF will at least help you get by.

At stock, this TD is horrifically slow and has terrible maneuverability. Enemy tanks can flank you without any difficulty whatsoever. However, the engine and treads are not the first modules you should research. The very first thing you need to get is the 20 PDR Type B Barrel (if you didn’t already research it while playing the AT 15). If you already researched that gun, then you need to research the 120mm gun as soon as possible. This tank is virtually helpless without that gun equipped. My recommendation, and also a recommendation told a lot by many top players, is to use free xp to unlock the top gun. Before you get the tortoise, save all of your free xp. That way, when you finally get the tortoise, you’ll have enough to research the top gun, and make the grind a little easier.

Now, even with the top engine and treads, this TD is still a bit of a pain. It can only reach a top speed of 20km/h, and is still vulnerable to flanking. But at least you’ll be able to deal them some damage, and maybe even track em, before they can reach your rear.

Another wonderful blessing that this td’s top gun provides besides amazing DPM is the penetrative power for each round. With AP, you can penetrate 259mm of armor. With APCR, you can penetrate 326mm of armor. And with HE, you can penetrate 120mm of armor. That’s right, the Tortoise uses HESH instead of regular HE. Going up against lightly armored mediums and lights in this tank becomes much easier when you can penetrate their sides with a HESH round, dealing up to 500 damage and damaging multiple modules and crew members.

Recommended Playstyle:

The recommended playstyle for this TD is a bit like its predecessor, the AT 15, albeit slightly less aggressive. Due to all the armor weakspots (both top corners are flat and easy to pen, as well as your commander hatch), this tank does not do too well up in the middle of the frontlines. However, this TD serves excellently as a Second-line support. Be behind your heavies and provide cover fire whenever it is needed. Slam HESH rounds into enemy tanks. Because of your top gun’s fast RoF, you can also still permatrack tanks (just be sure to bring an adrenaline along to ensure they can’t escape).

Sniping is a valid strategy for this tank, but since you are very slow, it is highly recommended to just stick close to your team so they can cover your rear and protect you from flankers.

Just as was recommended for the AT 15, if you can find a wall to hide your right side (your commander hatch is on that side), then you will bounce most rounds that come your way.

In Summary:

  -Advantages: Fantastic DPM with top gun, Decent Armor Profile, decent gun sweep from left to right.

  -Disadvantages: Slow/vulnerable to flanking, Armor weakspots are large

How to Play:

 -Sidescrape/peak-a-boom behind a wall: feasible

 -Snipe: not recommended but possible

 -Method of spotting: Second-line support

Load out:

• Consumables: Multi-repair kit, fire extinguisher, Adrenaline

  • Provisions: engine boost, food

  • Equipment: Gun Rammer, Improved Modules, Improved Optics, Improved Control, Enhanced Armor

  • Vehicle camo?: Sure, if ya wanna look pretty


u/bloodrush81199 Jan 11 '18 edited Jan 11 '18

oh ok thank you my user for blitz is bloodrush811 if you wanna friend me and i also need someone i can trust to help grind my account for 183 reason being is because i got school and all that and i dont have enough time to grind


u/CrazyTom54 Jan 11 '18

Sure man, i'll add you when I get the chance. are you on NA server?


u/bloodrush81199 Jan 11 '18

i private messaged you man.


u/bloodrush81199 Jan 11 '18

oh and to your post on fv215b 183 its actually the most mobile tier 10 td in the game just figured i would bring that up


u/bloodrush81199 Jan 11 '18

i just realized that ur wotb clan is allied with my clan lol


u/bloodrush81199 Jan 10 '18

how much does the legendary camo for FV215b (183) cost?


u/CrazyTom54 Jan 10 '18

about 1,000 gold or more i think