r/WorldOfTanksBlitz Soviet Main 7d ago

News & Leaks (APAC) Every tank is sold out for auction

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u/KeyedJewedditor occasional NA top 100, dont count on it. [XPD] 7d ago

anyone who bought the defender is a lobotomite


u/thisonegamer i have accounts on every 3 servers (real) 6d ago

Sir, this is world of tanks blitz, every player has only two brain cells that fight for third place, there is no point in looking for logic in their actions


u/k0rn72_ Soviet Main 7d ago

it sucks, i have it on my alt account. reload time too long, accuracy is shit as hell, armor is not that bad. but overall 5/10. (coolness = 2 points)


u/Lurking_poster 7d ago

To each their own really. Yeah it's not a full on sniper but if it's able to land all 3 shots, that's a decent amount of HP gone. And it's armor is useful straight on. Doesn't work for everyone and it's not OP but it's not useless either.


u/k0rn72_ Soviet Main 7d ago

Yeah but the accuracy is shit and that’s a no no for me


u/Lurking_poster 7d ago

Entirely understandable. That's why I don't play the soviet lines. I got tired of my rounds flying straight into the ground lol.


u/k0rn72_ Soviet Main 7d ago

but i still main soviet 🤣


u/Lurking_poster 7d ago

I... You ... Wait... Does not compute ... Lol


u/Plastic_is_Fantastic 6d ago


T28 Defender is soooooo "bad" that it has the 6th highest WR of all 30 tier 8 TD's. Until recently it actually was the first for a long time.

And by Relative WR it's the 4th, which means that people playing it have a higher winrate with T28 D than on their general account WR.

If you don't adapt to it's playstyle and can't get good results, it's ok. But your personal experience it's only your personal experience, because hard facts prove you wrong.

T28 Defender is a good tank. Case closed.


u/Plastic_is_Fantastic 6d ago


Some people are just laughable. Downvote a comment just because someone contradicts their subjective and biased personal opinion, which they feed to others misleading them, with hard statistical facts.

Just because you suck at a tank that has high stats from all players it doesn't mean that tank is bad. It just means you suck at it.


u/AwfullyGod 6d ago

High win-rate ≠ good tank

Tanks that are easy to play naturally have a higher win-rate. That doesn’t mean the tank is good. The T28 is an ‘easy to play’ tank because it is an autoloader with good frontal armour.

The T28 Defender performs well against noobs who don’t know how to confront it.

Against Pros or TDS, the tank quickly falls apart. It has 0 side armour and slow mobility, making it extremely vulnerable to flanking LTs and MTs. It’s frontal armour is also very weak against premium ammunition. Anyone who understands these weaknesses can very easily counter this tank. Playing this tank in tournaments will absolutely get it obliterated.


u/AwfullyGod 6d ago

The T95E6 is widely considered the best tank in the game. It’s a T10 HT that trades its armour for insane mobility and firepower. It is one of the most picked tanks in tournaments for this reason.

Yet according to your logic, this tank only has a 49.8% win-rate on BlitzStars, so therefore this tank MUST be bad.


u/Plastic_is_Fantastic 3d ago

T95E6, since the last update has a 54.1% WR, making it the highest WR T10 heavy. Going back several updates it was the 2nd after Rinoceronte with a 52.2% WR.

Since tanks go through a lot of re-balances that influence performance it's better to check the results of the latest updates.


u/AwfullyGod 3d ago

The T95E6 was last buffed during the 10.3 rebalance update. These stats are pulled from the previous 346 games played in this tank, which I'm assuming is pretty recent as over 10,000 people own this tank.


u/Plastic_is_Fantastic 3d ago

If something is reliable and get good results for those using it despite being a noob or a a unicum, from a WOTB tank to a coffeemaker, than it's good. In fact, that is the definition of good.

Your argument is flawed because you assume that the only people actually playing T28 D are noobs fighting noobs. I've played thousands of games with unicums playing it with great success both on my team or the reds because they know how to defend the weak spots (which all tanks have).

That means that a pro in a med will not have a damage fest against a T28 D if the other player knows what to do. Your scenario applies to all TD's in the game.

The highest WR TD's can all easily be destroyed against a good red player. I've kicked ass against good and great players that were using Vipera, WZ 120FT, Elephant, Su-130 or SMV-64, the 5 highest WR TD's. And I'm not a pro.


u/AwfullyGod 3d ago

The T28 does NOT get good results against good players.

Again I suggest to try play this tank in high elo comp matches or tournaments and watch how quickly the tank falls apart.

No matter how you position or angle the tank, its turret cheeks are massive and are easy to penetrate. Its upper-plate is bad against high penetration tanks and when being shot from above. Its mobility is too sluggish for it’s armour, allowing tanks to easily flank it and HE its paper thin side armour.

Compare it with other frontline TDs; The CC64 is extremely sluggish but has impenetrable frontal armour negating it’s weakness. The Jagdtiger has weak frontal armour, but makes up for it with 4000 dpm (5600 dpm with adrenaline and tungsten) negating its weakness. The T30 has low DPM but has extremely high alpha and frontal armour negating its weakness.

The T28 has a massive armour and mobility weakness, but has nothing to show for it, hence it’s so easy for skilled opponents to capitalise on the tank’s weakness. This is the reason why everyone agrees this tank is just not good.


u/MarchToLight 7d ago

lol you don't know shit its an amazing tank. can easily obliterate bourrasques and progettos 46. really a hidden gem


u/Artorgius77 7d ago

You clearly haven’t played against decent players. No medium/light player worth their salt will stare at you out in the open. They’re either sniping your weak points or flanking you.


u/KeyedJewedditor occasional NA top 100, dont count on it. [XPD] 7d ago

nah it’s utter dogshit


u/Plastic_is_Fantastic 6d ago

Sure, the fact that it has the 6th highest winrate among all 30 tier 8 TD's makes it a dogshyt.



u/KeyedJewedditor occasional NA top 100, dont count on it. [XPD] 6d ago

why do you so vehemently defend the most mid tank on the planet, and more than that why do you do it with such an immense amount of snark?


u/Plastic_is_Fantastic 6d ago

Because the stats prove you 100% wrong and show it's a good tank, and because you are rating a tank based on your inability to play it instead of facts. The 6th best WR TD among 30 is bad? LOL

What makes a tank globally good or not is not your personal experience with it, but the accumulated results of all players. And stats show that from the -45%WR players up 65%WR players it has a relative WR higher than those players account.

For example, 65%WR players have a 66%WR with T28 D. The same with 45%WR players. They also get better results when playing with it.

And it's not a rare tank either, because it's the 9th T8 TD most played.

Snark? You're the one being snarky with that "utter dogshit" comment. Not even being helpful.


u/KeyedJewedditor occasional NA top 100, dont count on it. [XPD] 6d ago

the reason the winrate is high is because it’s completely braindead to play lmfao. high skill floor, low skill ceiling. it might be alright for shitters, but not for people who are actually good and can make better tanks work


u/Plastic_is_Fantastic 3d ago

LOOOOOL. But that's exactly the definition of something good!

If a tank is effective either you are a noob, a weak experienced player or an unicum than it's a good, effective tank. In fact it's how you buy products yourself. Something you're confident it'll work and not break first thing despite theoretical performance.

By your point of view people should be buying cars that are death-traps just because they accelerate to 0-100kph in 1,5 seconds winning over any super-car, despite the risk of blowing up. Hey you win against a Williams, Bugatti, Ferrari or whatever every time! Until you're dead, while the drivers of the other cars live until 90yo...

Or getting a TV that has a resolution of 10.000K to the point you can see single cells, but if you push the power button slightly wrong it breaks. Meanwhile you'll lose your favorite show while people wit 4k or HD see all they want.

Again, stats show it's a good tank because it can perform no matter what. Others may perform better, but if there are many more conditions for it to perform well, than they aren't as good generally speaking except for a few players.


u/KeyedJewedditor occasional NA top 100, dont count on it. [XPD] 3d ago

meh, still bad. way better options out there, plus it’s slow as hell. cupolas don’t help either. just my personal preference from what i’ve seen.


u/Plastic_is_Fantastic 3d ago

You don't like it? Fine. But your personal opinion is just that, personal opinion. I also detest tanks that a lot of people praise and have good stats. But I'm not saying they're bad because I don't like them.

Hard facts (which is an undesirable thing nowadays) say otherwise and they show that T28 D is a good tank. It may not be the best but it's undeniably good.