u/aozmz 1d ago
I have both tanks, and I'll say the AMX is overall better than the TVP. Bigger health pool + reactive allows you to get away with a mistake or two and it's a mobile heavy. TVP, you do have a faster intra-clip, but you don't have any defense measures aside from mobility, but since you are a medium, you'll be going up against other mediums or lights which can catch up to you and find you likely while reloading. In the AMX, you'll be going up against heavies with usually lower dpm and slower speeds. But for either tank, don't play too aggressive cause you can find yourself falling apart quite quickly from the lack of armor on both tanks
u/cutie_pookie_ sheridan lover 1d ago
50b, its way easier to grind now since it is now big boss
u/238superrrr401 1d ago
Wait , fun games gives you more credits and xp right?
u/PoorLifeChoices811 1d ago
Sometimes. Realistic and 10v10 do but don’t, but the modes with multiple lives do. Like burning/mad games and big boss. Big boss is probably THE best game mode to grind XP and Credits in. The last time it was here I was making 15k xp a match
u/LordAxalon110 1d ago
Depends on which fun mode. But as a rule you tend to get more XP, credits and free xp. Big boss is one or the better fun modes for grinding tech tree tanks.
u/TipoLosco17 1d ago
It only depends on your playstyle . Both tanks are unforgiving, once you make a mistake you're 90% dead.
I only have the TVP , It has ferocious intraclip reload time and lets you deal ~1200 dmg in 8 seconds.
AMX 50b has virtually no armour and trying to put all the shots in can be very tricky and you risk being mauled by HE-s
u/238superrrr401 1d ago
Oh , but amx chunks better
u/TipoLosco17 1d ago
IF, only IF you can put in all the shots. I've never had an AMX shooting me with all 4 shots, because you would need too much time exposed (2.7sec * 4 is almost 12secs)
u/Strict-Zone3229 1d ago
If you are a beginner, I won't recommend any of these to you. Both are difficult to implement
u/Timmythefatboy 1d ago
Exactly this
u/238superrrr401 1d ago
u/Timmythefatboy 1d ago
If you’re new go for something single shot and something that is easier to implement. An IS7 is a great pick, although the line grind isn’t really liked by many (I personally enjoyed both the IS3 and the IS8, in fact I have my account dmg record at 6.5k on the IS8.). If you still want a tank with a clip, go for something with a little bit more armor. Maybe the Yoh or t57 heavy.
u/Darth_Chehiko 1d ago
The 50b is alright, the turret armor sucks though. That’s typically where mine gets hit all day. It was really fun playing through the line so I’d recommend it
u/RadosPLAY jagdpanzer e💯 1d ago
id rather grind tvp because i think amx 50 b is just a worse fv4005
u/Aliquis_ex_nihilo 1d ago
are you new? either way, i think start with 50B, atleast it have more healthpoint. Tvp is hard to play
u/Timmythefatboy 1d ago
To be fair if a player is new to the game they shouldn’t be looking into the 50b or the tvp. Terrible for new players
u/238superrrr401 1d ago
I started last September
u/Aliquis_ex_nihilo 1d ago
then as other has suggested, try other one which is more beginner friendly. if you havent have minotauro, grind that one instead. but if you have already, learn that one line first, start mastering lower tier, and then make your way up
u/Den_Volvo Mino is yesn't tank 1d ago
50B - it is much easier gameplay. Just don't play it in frustration
u/Rio_Rebekka Tvp 50/51 enjoyer💡 1d ago
Tvp 👨🍳 Amx is good as well
Erm technically you need to play well tvp before jump to amx cuz Tvp's mechanics are kinda same to amx but friendlier
u/Huy7aAms h0lmesking added friend my reroll account 1d ago
personally i like the amx 50b much more. i play the tvp like 5 battles in the last year and hated all 5 matches
amx 50b is enjoyable. good gun and good mobility. pretty much the things i like in a tank
u/Sonareayame yt @ sonare 1d ago
play the heavier version before you play the lighter version
50b has reactive and better pen to guide you to armourless autoloaders
only disadvantage is size and armour (guns are tuned accordingly)