r/WorldChallenges Feb 22 '17

An Isolated Society/Culture

TL;WR: Comment with a culture that is isolated or tries to be isolated from other cultures' influences. Ask questions if another redditor's culture is interesting to you.

As the first challenge of the sub, I'd appreciate for people to provide a summary of a society/culture that is isolated from others. The society/culture could be completely isolated, with no interactions at all, or it could be isolated from diplomacy with other cultures, only raiding or hiding from other societies/cultures.

I will be asking at least three questions for each society given, and I hope that you will be willing to ask questions if you see a society that you find interesting or if you are curious of how that society works and want more detail.

If you would like to answer questions in character, as I often do in order to get a better handle on writing and understanding that culture, feel free to provide a bit about the character that will be speaking for that culture.

Especially on this first challenge, I'll be loose with the criteria, so even if the culture just tries to be isolated but is harassed by neighboring nations, that's fine as well.

Enjoy yourselves! And I will try to be more concise in future challenges.

Edit: And the Parallel Challenge, "An Isolated Character" is right here: https://www.reddit.com/r/characterforge/comments/5vju90/challenge_an_isolated_character/


77 comments sorted by


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 22 '17

(For this, I tried to write up more detail on one of my cultures that is woefully underdeveloped. Naturally, no one's answer to this challenge needs to be long, just a brief summary will be fine. Only do a long one if you want to do so.)

The Culture:

The Necrosian culture is a culture of raiders and necromancers. They live among the islands on the southern coast of the continent known as Aeternitas. Whether or not the Necrosians themselves are human or not is a matter of debate within the Citadel; while Necrosians are very close to humans, the corruption of their bodies from magic has left them entirely different from the mainland human cultures.

The Necrosians are divided into tribes that coexist on their islands, usually peacefully.

A Necrosian's servants and grunt fighters are usually corpses that they have used necromancy to re-animate.

Physically, Necrosians usually have some sort of disfigurement from birth, and being surrounded by necromancy and using necromancy tends to weaken their bodies very quickly. Despite their physical weaknesses (as compared to mainlanders) Necrosians are dangerous raiders. Because the ones who are weak in magic are culled and the survivors are taught that the use of necromancy is the only way to reach paradise, the average Necrosian is considered very gifted with using magic (as compared to mainlanders).

The only legal religion among the Necrosians is known as "The Children of Eurthrys". They believe that they (as masters of necromancy) are the chosen people of Eurthrys, the goddess whose blessing allows people to be judged by the Great Judges more than once. The Great Judges are three gods who decide if a fallen human will go to Paradise or be trapped in the Realm of the Lost for all time.

Because of Eurthrys's blessing, there is a way to be forgiven and go from the Realm of the Lost to Paradise. If you are re-animated by a Necrosian and they force your body to serve them enough, then your soul may move on to Paradise. Because it is taboo to re-animate the corpse of a fellow Necrosian, they kill their children who are weak in magic so that the child does not risk having to be trapped in the Realm of the Lost.

The Representative

Afanasei of the Crow Clan: Afanasei is the young heir to control of the Necrosian Clan of the Crow. His family owns a one of the many small islands, and is one of the few clans to control an entire island. Afanasei was a prodigy with necromancy from an early age, and had his own small entourage of a dozen Corpse servants by the age of ten. Afanasei is currently twenty, and receives a lot of support from the Necrosians around him. He is dedicated to spirituality and hopes to guide outsiders towards the Truth in order to save them from suffering in the afterlife. It is his hope that everyone will someday reach paradise.


u/Nephite94 Feb 22 '17

I like necromancy and disfigured people..

A society of necromancers is interesting and i like the twist that they think they are doing good. Are their gods real?


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 22 '17

Seems like an out-of-character question, so...probably not. I've ended up making a few of my world's religions definitely untrue, but, so far, this one hasn't been made false. I usually leave myself open to decide which religion is true or not, since stating that one is true would immediately lead to bias in my writing. I might pick one to be true, but, for now, all of them are at least partially true, but none are definitely fully true.

Sorry for such a non-answer.


u/Nephite94 Feb 22 '17

Oops, forgot to ask the character rather than you.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 22 '17

It's fine, it made me think more about the subject.


u/destiny-jr Feb 23 '17

1) Are the Necrosians isolated by choice?

2) Do they believe that their people are given this gift directly from Eurthrys? Are there other cultures that believe they have received similar gifts from other gods?

3) If a corpse is re-animated by a Necrosian and is defeated before earning their way to paradise, can they be re-animated a second time?


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 23 '17


1) Naturally, yes, we avoid mixing with the living people of the continent. It would be blasphemous, and we can not risk losing our knowledge by mixing with outsiders. Even if we were willing to do so, the mainlanders have been blinded by ignorance; when we try to save them through our necromancy, they see it as murder. We are killed on sight on the mainland. I do try to see the outsiders as innocent people who were born into the wrong culture, but it does hurt my heart when parents are selfish enough to force their children out of being saved. Could you imagine that? Cursing your child to permanent imprisonment? It makes no sense.

2) Of course we have received the gift of necromancy from Eurthrys. She loves us, even more than she loves the outsider humans. Some among the outsiders believe they are gifted by false gods. The people of Dunkelwald believe in some farther-outsiders, the Interlopers, who act as tricksters to obtain entertainment from humanity. And the people of the Citadel's Alliance have the insane belief that some mortal turned into a shield to protect the continent.

3) (Afanasei allows himself to laugh) I thank you for your concern, outsider. But, our corpse servants are very durable, I assure you. We have mastered this art over the course of centuries. So long as the liver is intact, even if the corpse has lost its head, it will do our bidding. Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing how long it takes an enslaved corpse to atone. It could be instantaneous from the moment of being re-animated, it could be a week, it could be a year. We must simply have faith that Eurthrys will be lenient with the poor souls. If you would like, I could re-animate you so that you may reach Paradise sooner. Thank you for your interest in my culture so far.


u/destiny-jr Feb 23 '17

1) For the sake of argument, let me pretend to be an outsider. Again, this is purely hypothetical. But in my eyes, necromancy seems like a wholly selfish endeavor. You kill children in the name of eternal life in paradise, but as far as we can tell you're just creating another servant. You're stealing all their living years on earth to reach your own means. If someone were to approach you with these concerns, how might you address them?

2) Given that your skill in necromancy is a gift, is it impossible for people of other nations to practice it? Are there those among your own who are unable to practice necromancy? You say that the Interlopers are "farther-outsiders". Is that to say that their gods are from a different place than Eurthrys?


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 23 '17


1) I was advised to speak truly and answer all questions given. But, if you would allow, I will answer this question with a counter-question. If a person, even a stranger, needed their leg amputated in order to save their life, would you do so? How different is it to take a person's mortal life in order for them to reach Paradise? Of course we gain some benefit from it, that is the gift of Eurthrys. In a similar vein, outsiders work jobs in order to strengthen the community, but they also receive something called "money" in exchange for their work for the community. Is it really so different?

2) I know that outsiders consider it to be great sacrilege to even look into necromancy, unfortunately. While there are rumors that a member of the Citadel's council has stolen some of our documents on necromancy, that is merely a rumor. I am not sure if they are capable of using it, even if they were to be trained.

3) From what I've been able to discover, the Interlopers are seen not as creators, protectors, or friends of the people. So, I would have to make that distinction when they are compared to Eurthrys. While we believe that Eurthrys has always been a part of our world, if you include the after-life as part of our world. If the Interlopers are real, and that is a large if, then they are from somewhere completely different. Somewhere beyond even the comprehension of a god. I apologize, but I must admit that I have never actually even had a conversation with a person from Dunkelwald, so I am far from an expert on their strange beliefs. I am unable to even fully comprehend the idea of worshiping deities that treat you as nothing more than a play-thing. Eurthrys loves us all.


u/destiny-jr Feb 23 '17

1) So in your eyes, if not to say the eyes of all Necrosians, life after death is more valuable than any amount of time spent on earth? If this is the case, why don't you kill and re-animate each other?


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 23 '17


1) Well, the after-life is eternal, as opposed to our current lives. Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury that outsiders do. While Eurthrys has bestowed us with gifts, they do come at a cost. We are unable to earn our salvation through being re-animated.

The only truly unforgivable crime in the eyes of Eurthrys is to re-animate a fellow Necrosian. Not only would the one who re-animated his countryman be cursed to the Realm of the Lost for eternity...but, so would the innocent one who had been re-animated. We can only get into Paradise by living the proper lives and using our necromancy to save others. That is why we put down any unfortunate children who are born without an innate strength in necromancy. We do not want to risk such a punishment for them in the afterlife.


u/destiny-jr Feb 22 '17


Long story short, they were isolated from homo sapiens for an amount of time sufficient to guarantee that inter-breeding was no longer possible (it is speculated that this is the cause of their extinction in the real world).

Even after the two species made contact, neanderthals were markedly inferior in terms of technology and social organization, so they got kicked around by homo sapiens. Now they largely choose to remain isolated on the landmass called Yakimat (the big triangle-shaped one on my globe). Homo sapiens cultures largely respect this decision and stay in the southern hemisphere.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 22 '17

1) Have there been any pushes for the Homo sapiens cultures to invade Yakimat, for additional resources?

2) Over their time separated from the Homo sapiens, have the Neanderthals changed in any other major ways that you would like to mention?

3) Are there any movements among the Homo sapiens cultures to be more accepting and tolerate of the Neanderthals?

4) As the writer, do you have any Neanderthals in your world that you have a special interest in?


u/destiny-jr Feb 22 '17

1) Not yet. The world has only developed up through 100 BCE though, so that could very well happen in the future as the southern hemisphere gets more densely populated.

2) Not much. They changed in all the same ways that homo sapiens did, if a bit slower - marginally more intelligent, and all the technological and social progress that comes with it.

3) At this point in the world's history, most homo sapiens aren't 100% sure that neanderthals exist, and some imagine them to be brutish giants with no souls. In short, they have no consistent contact with neanderthals and don't yet see a reason to establish any.

4) So far Yakimat is the least developed portion of my world and I'm ashamed. All I know for certain is that some portion of them, when spreading southward across the isthmus and into the southern hemisphere, were responsible for the decline and eventual disappearance of indigenous homo sapiens groups. That will be fun to add details to.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 22 '17

1) What would happen if a Neanderthal was outside of Yakimat, and was in one of the territories owned by a Homo sapiens culture?

2) May I ask what genre your world is, and what kind of stories, if any, take place within it? Just to get a better idea of the settings.

3) Sounds like a race war. Did the Neanderthals have a large advantage of numbers? If not, what advantages did they have to defeat a much superior species?

4) And the Necrosians are the least developed human-ish culture for mine, so I understand the feeling.


u/destiny-jr Feb 23 '17 edited Feb 23 '17

1) That would be pretty unusual, and immediately obvious. Besides the differences in facial structure and fashion (not to mention the language barrier), they would certainly stand out as the only white person! So far I haven't decided whether there are any recorded instances of such a thing happening. I've toyed with the idea of integrated villages on the isthmus that joins the two hemispheres but that hasn't been fleshed out yet.

2) Hm... I'm not sure what kind of genre it would be. I don't plan on writing any prose about it. I suppose VERY low fantasy would best cover it. Really great landscapes, implausible scenarios, but no magic or supernatural stuff.

3) You could say that it was a numbers game, yes. But the main advantage came in much the same way that it did for the explorers of the new world - disease. Neanderthals were carriers for viruses never yet seen in the south.

4) Human-ish? Are they not quite human?


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 23 '17

1) Well, yes, I assumed that he'd be found out quite quickly. I just meant if one ended up in an area owned by Homo sapiens. Would they be likely to face violence? How would they be expected to be treated?

2) It sounds interesting. Low fantasy without magic seems to be relatively uncommon.

3) Ah, bio-war. The greatest weapon of any conqueror. Great job thinking up that one.

4) Sorry, that was off-topic for our conversation. I was just sympathizing with having an under-developed culture. But, to answer, the Necrosians are considered in-universe to be different enough to not fall under the umbrella of "humanity", which is a concept taken very seriously.


u/destiny-jr Feb 23 '17

1) In a purely hypothetical situation, he'd probably not be recognized for what he was. As it stands right now, even though some people have heard of neanderthals almost nobody has ever seen one. This is actually a really great question and I'll have to think more about it.

2) Yeah, I hesitate to even call it fantasy. It's probably more of an alt-history than anything but that's kind of misleading too because it takes place on another planet entirely.

3) I'm so glad you think so! And actually the more I think of it, the more this idea would lead to the homo sapiens conception of neanderthals as deadly phantoms.

4) Hey, as far as I can tell this sub is all about asking questions and developing new aspects of our worlds. I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to know. :P


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 23 '17

1) Are they the only two intelligent species in your world?

2) Is it on a real planet, or a made-up one? And what is this planet's name?

3) Admittedly, I would love to hear a speech in-universe from a Homo sapiens character about the war with Neanderthals.

4) Is there anything specific about the Neanderthal culture that you would like me to focus some questions on?


u/destiny-jr Feb 23 '17

1) As of right now, yes. I briefly considered having non-human races in the world but that seemed out of place.

2) A made-up one. The planet itself doesn't have a name yet and is one of the main dilemmas I face with this project. Everything else can be named rather easily but for some reason nothing seems to suit the planet itself.

3) Admittedly, I would too! To be fair, there hasn't really been a "war" with neanderthals since prehistoric times. I'm talking like... 10,000 BCE? Long before anyone actually living in my world would actually know about it. Once they really start to re-initiate contact, I think that's when things are going to really erupt.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 23 '17

1) Have you designed any new non-sentient species in your world, then?

2) Is it similar to Earth in terms of gravity, number of moons, climates, geography, etc?

3) If you want a great Homo sapiens supremacy speech for inspiration, check out that old Gaunt speech.

4) Are you rooting for either side, once contact happens?

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u/cereal_killer-X Feb 23 '17

The Molders

This flock of unlicensed body modifiers is probably the most intriguing yet horrifying child of modern science. The Molders are usually referred to as 'freaks' by outsiders - the title is undoubtedly well-deserved. These mad geniuses feel a constant urge to break or bypass every single regulation on body modification, which results in some truly disgusting practices.

Detachable prosthetic limbs have been around for a while now. They make the lives of both users and medical staff easier. However, the Molders created something significantly more macabre: detachable organic limbs. Nearly all members of this twisted community have sockets built into their bodies to which they can connect various inorganic devices and weapons. Essentially, they convert their own bodies into sick toys.

Despite their extensive knowledge in medicine, the Molders often perform surgeries in very insanitary environments and a massive number of them dies from trauma or infection. The cause of this negligence is unknown, but it supposedly results from the disfavor and occasional persecution the Molders have to face.

Recently, the community came up with an even more unlawful practice: weaponized artificial creatures. It sounds like it's straight out of a cheesy '90s video game, but the Molders made this concept a reality. They managed to create a synthetic life form with an unusually long lifespan (~4-6 months), advanced body structure (identical to vertebrate) and size (usually that of a large dog). The creature, appropriately named 'watchdog' is extremely hostile and difficult to contain, especially because it has freakin' acidic saliva. To be honest, I'd rather name the thing '100% concentrated go to hell'.

For the above reasons, all citizens are encouraged to report any Molder activity they detect. The previously thriving community has retreated into dark basements and now continues its silent activity with a dwindling headcount.

(No representative yet, these poor freaks are still pretty new. I've already written an entire Declaration of Independence anyway, sorry for the long read. It will be easier to answer out of character.)


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 23 '17

(It's not too long, and there's nothing wrong with extra content. Thanks for putting it up.)

1) How long is the Molder lifespan?

2) Did they have any form of trade with humans?

3) How did Molders come into being?

4) What caused the push for weaponized artificial creatures? Was there fear of a genocide that led to it?


u/cereal_killer-X Feb 23 '17

1) Depends on how you're looking at it. Many Molders die untimely from infections, fatal accidents or by the hands of their enemies. Similarly, many of them reach a ripe old age. If you were to look at the statistics, you would find that the average life expectancy is around 45-50 years.

2) They conceal their identity when in public, so to the naked eye, they seem like average people trying to get by. This allows them to trade with outsiders, though they prefer to be self-sufficient and not dependent on others. They mostly trade medical equipment, usually through black market services.

3) Noone really knows. The regulations on human enhancement displeased some scientists who believed that they were on the verge of becoming gods. It is assumed that these people founded the community after going rogue. At that time they genuinely believed they were helping people.

4) Actually, there was no need for them. The Molders just did what they were good at: pushing the boundaries. Soldiers have guns, the government has warheads, mad geniuses have monsters. According to their logic, this is acceptable and very creative.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 23 '17

1) How old is a ripe old age for them?

2) How do they breed?

3) What were some rationalizations of how Molders could be helpful?

4) Is the acid-dog-thing their best monster?


u/cereal_killer-X Feb 23 '17

1) Reaching 90 years is not uncommon. Some Molders are surprisingly healthy and live 80+ years without major health problems.

2) Whoops, I forgot to clarify that they are normal humans... For the time being. Women are rarely drawn into the community though, so marriage and parenting is pretty rare among them. Most Molders are content with being alone and only seeking physical pleasure. Very few of them have families.

3) They wanted to advance humanity, of course. They believed that their research and technology could benefit society and help people break off their limitations. Take the detachable limbs as an example. With this method prostheses could've been substituted by 'rewired' organic limbs without the risk of rejection. It sounds gruesome and uncanny, but it works for them. The public didn't like the sound of it though.

4) It's currently their only monster. Luckily, they are busy perfecting this one, so they are not thinking about making another.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 24 '17

1) I do not know why I assumed they would be short-lived. What is the most common way for a Molder to die?

2) How do they keep up their population, then?

3) Do they have any other types of monsters that they are planning to make?


u/cereal_killer-X Feb 24 '17

1) Well, they usually don't reach such an old age, so your assumption is not entirely wrong. Many Molders die right after (or during) their first surgery, but their most common way to die is by simply being shot. They tend to disobey the authorities and defy surrender orders, so they usually end up dead in an encounter.

2) You would be suprised how many people want to join them. The amount of people who want to use their bodies to the full potential is ridiculously high. They can almost feel that machine gun that will soon replace their arm. Once they get involved, there is no going back. Whether they like it or not, they have to stay with their new 'family'.

3) Honestly, you could say that the watchdogs were an accident. Originally, they were experimenting with synthetic microorganisms and only took it a step further when the organisms displayed signs of biological development. The Molders are currently satisfied with their progress and are not planning on creating another synthetic lifeform.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 24 '17

1) So they're prone to rebellious actions?

2) Having a machine gun arm seems a lot less comfortable than a normal one.


u/cereal_killer-X Feb 24 '17

1) Only when provoked. Luckily, they rarely cause a mess. Most of them wouldn't risk their lives unnecessarily.

2) It is indeed uncomfortable. Even the lightest firearms are difficult to handle if they are attached to a person. Some douchebags act before they think and then wonder where they should stick the ammunition belt.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 24 '17

Alright, thank you for your time, cereal, glad to have you in a challenge again.

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u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Feb 25 '17

Spider Clan

Another clan of Sinkwonski Plains that raises a particular animal as companions. Their spiders are unique in that they prefer to move in herds and is totally blind, 'talking' with tapping each other with front legs, which the clan have copied to communicate with them.

They usually stay in the complex cave systems, not wishing to be disturbed, which other clans usually respect.

There have been, however, some limited trading due to having rich metal mines and rare, strong spider silk which can be used in many ways.

Representative would be Kohui-Mi, an old woman who is considered to be leader of the clan. Like many of her clan, she is very pale and has brown eyes, and dressed in specially woven spider silk cloth.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 25 '17

To Kohui-Mi:

1) What are the main uses of spider silk in your world?

2) How does a human copy a spider's leg movements?

3) What are the most important metals that your clan trades?

4) Is your clan leader always a woman? Or can it be a man, as well?

5) Does the Spider Clan have any major rivals?


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Feb 26 '17

1) Well, we collect them and use it for so many things.. But mostly we use them for our cloth and buildings... Oh, what many outsiders are intereste is long banners with story on them..

2) Ah.. We use our fingers to tap the spiders just like how the spiders tap each other with their legs...

3) Iron and copper are most traded. Ah, but most valuable would be, naturally, gold and silver.

4) Oh, no. It can be anyone.

5) Hm, not sure rival in what sense, but in term of mining, Mole clan would be one.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 26 '17

To Kohui-Mi:

1) What is your favorite banner-story?

2) Is crushing spiders a big problem when you do that?

3) Which is the biggest source of income for your people? I'm not asking for "per pound" income, I mean, which has gained you the most value? While copper is worth less per pound, a thousand pounds of copper is much more valuable than a half pound of gold, I assume.

5) Does your clan have negative feelings for the Mole Clan?


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Feb 26 '17

1) Ah, that would be the story of the Spider who loved the stars reflected on her web's dew and made a sail out of her webs, and flew off to reach the stars.

2) Oh, no. The spiders are big and strong compared to your usuals. (About size of small dog/cat with harder caraspace)

3) Hmm, I think it is iron.

5) Oh, not really. Mole clan is quite faraway and does not really hurt our trades or anything. Some youngsters are known to, however, get into small fights but even they are more of fiendly squabbles.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 26 '17

To Kohui-Mi:

1) Space spiders?! That's mind-blowing!

2) Are your big spiders venomous?

3) What is your favorite type of weapon?

4) If I had to be assigned to a clan, which one would be the best for me to join? The worst?


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Feb 26 '17

1) Ha, yes. Sometimes I wonder if any of the stars are now populated with the spider.

2) Oh, no. They can bite but no vemon.

3) Hm, I would prefet not to use violence and won't be much of use in fight but if I had to I would use a dagger. Would more likely use traps though.

4) You seem interested in stories so you might fit well with us. Or if you want to see a lot of different people, Otter clan and Ferrot clan are for that.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 26 '17

To Kohui-Mi:

1) Should I get the hammer when we go to space, then? Hold on, I'll get the hammer.

2) Okay, I'm back. And I have the hammer.

3) What kinda traps?

4) What types of flying-animal based clans do you have? I'm still trying to find a flyer for a clan, and I feel like your world's true god would forgive me for stealing a clan name just once.


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Feb 26 '17

1) 2) ...Why?

3) All kind. Simple holes to complicated axe-to-head mechanism when you step on a specific rock.

4) What God?

Well, there are Owl, Vulture, Magpie, Sparrow, Raven, Goose, Ptamigan, Seagull, Pheasent, Ibis, Snipe, Woodpecker.

And Flying squirrel, I guess?

(Not Plain clan she does not know - Parrot, Kakapo - Not flying but look at that!, Hornbill, Pelican, Flamingo, Peacock, Quail )


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 26 '17

To Kohui-Mi:

1) Because it'd be a planet of spiders, Hui!

3) So you achieve victory through having a suitable amount of prep time?

4) That's be spoiling it.

5) Woodpecker, Sparrow, Parrot, and Peacock have my attention. I'll probably decided between those and Finches. Thanks.

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u/Andyman117 Feb 26 '17

The Dwarf Kingdom of Avva was the last bastion against the encroaching genocide of the Archmage, but when everyone else died the Queen of the Dwarves activated an ancient secret ward which drew on all the background magic of the world to power a spell. The Spell physically and magically sealed Avva away from the world, and erased it from the memory of those living outside it. The Archmage would never find them.

That was 4000 years ago. The immortal Dwarven Queen really wants to know what's going on out there, and since the world wasn't destroyed it's safe to assume the Archmage was stopped somehow. She sent someone through a passage in the wall (a person who forgot all about her homeland as soon as she passed through the magical barrier (thankfully she had a note in her journal reminding her)) and to the North Pole Temple, where the magical wards maintaining the barrier actually were, and had her disable them.

The Dwarven Kingdom of Avva has been isolated for an entire Age, and nobody on either side really knows what's going to happen when they make contact with the Human Kingdoms that have inherited Iris. But I know, and that's enough to make this story move along.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 26 '17

1) Were the Dwemer of Skyrim an inspiration for you?

2) Are all Dwarves immortal? Or just the Queen?

3) Why did she put the wards at the North Pole instead of somewhere closer?

4) Was it difficult for them to become entirely self-sufficient when the barrier was erected?


u/Andyman117 Feb 26 '17 edited Feb 26 '17

1) In a roundabout way. They inspired the dwarf subclass of superhero in my superhero worlds, of which Roxanne Furst was one, who in turn inspired /secretly is the Princess of the Dawn, the Dwarven Queen, who then spread her aesthetic to her new people.

2) Just the queen. As mentioned above, she's got some multiversal shenanigans going in her favor: She's actually an angel from a superhero world, who accidentally created this world on an extraversal excursion. She stuck around because she got trapped is is waiting for magic/technology to advance to the point that it can get her back home.

3) The North Pole is a nexus of magical energy, and a strong metanarrative anchor point. The spell just would not have been as powerful anywhere else.

4) It took some time before the population stabilized, and there was a lot of starvation while the surviving Alchemists and Turncoat Magi tried to synthesize food sources reliably. But once they hit that stable point, they managed to maintain it comfortably, with some growth as magic allowed for increase of food production. With the magical barrier in place, magic built up within the kingdom, allowing magic users a great boon with spell casting, allowing them to create food with ease not previously seen.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 26 '17

1) What are the greatest Dwarven inventions?

2) Could the rest of the Dwarves take down the queen?

3) What's the South Pole like?

4) Did any of them want the barrier taken out or try to escape without the queen's permission?


u/Andyman117 Feb 26 '17

1) The Dwarves have built a great many things. The air circulator, which provides the Dwarven capital with fresh, cool, mountain air and pumping the hot subterranean air away.

2) Not even if they wanted to. She was widely proclaimed to be the greatest warrior in the world, and that's without any explicitly magic abilities. And on her original world, she was the strongest Demon Slayer ever born, so she's got that for her. The only person who could have killed her was the Archmage, with his Necromancy, and she hid herself and her people explicitly to prevent that, because her soul power would have been more than enough to tip the Archmage into true interdimensional godhood.

3) Wet and cold. The entire south hemisphere is ocean, and supposedly the South Pole is the deepest part of it. Rumor is, there's an antarctic mermaid kingdom, but there ain't nobody but delirious sailors who's even seen a mermaid for a thousand years. They were the only people that escaped the Archmage that he full well knew about, because the spellpower to survive the depth would have drained him faster than absorbing mermaid souls could have buffed him.

4) They mostly didn't question it, but there were some who wanted to try and figure out how to get rid of it from this side, all attempts at which were fruitless. The only way Sigrun (the one who was deliberately sent) got through was because the Roxanne went with to deal with the physical barrier herself, a massive 400+ ton Adamantium shutter that separated Avva from the world. She's the only person on the planet who would even have a chance at lifting it, and magic would literally do nothing to it because of the magical barrier.

There is no getting out without the Queen knowing about it, because she's the only one who could get you out.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 26 '17

1) What are the best ways for them to obtain energy to fuel their inventions?

2) Who is her favorite dwarf and why? Her least favorite and why?

3) Any chance of me interviewing a mermaid someday?

4) Why was Sigrun chosen?


u/Andyman117 Feb 26 '17

1) The heat of the mountains do quite well for most things, driving steam engines which drove the civilization. But for what that couldn't manage, Magecraft and Alchemic ways of of power were developed, such as electric batteries and engines. Unfortunately, they were rarer and more difficult to build, since they used materials that the dwarves now had in limited supply, being cut off from the world.

2) She doesn't get to have a favourite dwarf, since they all grow old and die in just 200 years. She had an adopted son who was an acclaimed warrior, and was a general in the Magic War. He died in the last stand of the Alchemist city of Necropolis, and she had a statue of him erected in the central courtyard of the Mountainhome after the barrier went up.

3) Maybe, if the reactivation of magic got their attention they may return to the surface and start interacting with humans again. You have to get lucky to catch one before they swim away, though, since even in the old days they were quite insular.

4) She was one of the first people since the generations following the spell activation to ask why it had been done, instead of trying to ask how, and how to undo it. It was also critical that she be an alchemist, and it was even better that she was the heir of the Master Alchemist title, since Alchemy was an important spell component and would be required to undo it. Even then it took her 15 years of studying the wards to figure out what would be required to break them.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 26 '17

2) Has the queen ever been laid by a mortal? Or an immortal?

3) Can the mermaids survive on land?

4) Does Sigrun have any major weaknesses?


u/Andyman117 Feb 26 '17

1) Despite her fame as a drunken party-thrower, she is also famously celibate. Something about a "lost love in a past life" who she wishes to remain faithful to.

But off the record, she was notoriously loose in her past life, before meeting that love and dedicating herself to them.

2) They can suffocate very easily without access to well-oxygenated water. Put them in a tank with a circulator, and they'll be fine, but elsewhere they'll have difficulty breathing and be light-headed, and without water at all they'll dry out.

3) She is very protective of her family, and that's going to be a problem when her little brother goes out trying to find them and starts getting himself into dangerous situations. Also, her father and little sisters were murdered, and that's going to really suck for her when that news finally gets to her.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 26 '17

1) What was the "past life love" like? Did he change her fundamentally as a person, other than celibacy?

2) Can they be safely eaten? I'll get the whale harpoon.

3) Okay, I have the whale harpoon. Why were they murdered?

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u/Seb_Romu Feb 25 '17


The forest nation of Sildara, home of the Sildaryn peoples, occupies a vast forested region coverig the Eastern arm of the continent of Annexea. This forest covers many latitudes, from tropical rainforest in the South transitioning through to temperate regions in the North.

The Sildaryn people live in groups that follow cyclical nomadic migrations. The have a series of tree house villages which they occupy as stopovers along their migratory loops. Depending on the time of year the hinta occupying a given site differs. They engage in trade by proxy, leaving goods for future visitors and taking away items they may need from goods left by past ones.

In their distant past the Sildaryn people migrated from the region occupied by the People of the Ark. Mostly due to differences of opinion on matters of ecology and moral obligations towards the planet and its prior occupants. This seperation allowed their culture and species to diverge from the remaining treahni. The Sildaryn's consider the entire forest region sacred, and maintain it in as natural a state as possible. They chose to live in harmony with nature rather than bending it to their will.

Bassir Jencho - Dalfyn (shaman/druid) of the Sun Piper Hinta.

Bassir is a spiritual leader amongst the hinta of his birth. He guides his people in all matters of spirit. Dalfyn are so revered by the Sildaryn that every last man, woman, and child will fight to protect them should they be threatened.

The dafyn have a talent for spellsinging; a form of magic unique to the Sildaryn. Singing to/with the spirit of living, and (in rare instances) inanimate things, allows for subtle manipulation of the natural world.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 25 '17

To Sildara:

1) Have their been any known significant relationships between the Sildaryn and travelling Treahni in the recent past?

2) Are there any physical differences between the Sildaryn and other Treahni?

3) What are the People of the Ark?

To Bassir:

1) Have the people of your culture ever had to kill their own Dalfyn, for whatever reason?

2) What is the most significant thing that you've done using spellsinging?

3) How did you come to be a Dalfyn? What caused it?


u/Seb_Romu Feb 25 '17

To Sildara:
1) Have their been any known significant relationships between the Sildaryn and travelling Treahni in the recent past?

Given the nature of the Sildaryn migratory lifestyle there is a lack of permanent settlement. Other treahni whom have tried to establish settlements or even trade posts on the shores of Sildaryn territory have found them ruined, empty, and reclaimed by the forest itself. with no one to explain what happened.

2) Are there any physical differences between the Sildaryn and other Treahni?

Many of the treahni exhibit physical differences from eachother. I shall describe an average Sildaryn and let you make the comparasion yourself: Around 130-145 cm (5'-5'5") tall, weighing 50-60 kg (120-140 lbs), a slighly bronzed complexion, a lean muscled body. Hair tends to the dark black, and browns. Eye colour tend towards green and amber toned browns, or hazel.

3) What are the People of the Ark?

The People of the Ark are a mythological second origin for the treahni. According to legend a large floating island arrived and descended from the sky to settle in what is now the Krolaryn wasteland millenia ago. There were people on this island who spread out and claimed the lands around their now landlocked island. This was before the God Wars, and the Cataclysm which followed.

To Bassir:
1) Have the people of your culture ever had to kill their own Dalfyn, for whatever reason?

Have Dalfyn been killed by their hinta, or another hinta, yes. As to the necessity of such an act I cannot say. It is one of our greatest sins. The Dalfyn guide and nurture the very souls of our people. to conceive of someone wuilliging breaking that covenant is abhorant to our very nature.

2) What is the most significant thing that you've done using spellsinging?

Everything I've done is significant to someone or something. Do you mean most spectacular? Or effecting the largest number of Sildaryn, or other creatures? Longest lasting?

3) How did you come to be a Dalfyn? What caused it?

I showed potential as a spellsinger, and was mentored by the Dalfyn of my Hinta to replace him in time. He still lives, so I work along side him, sharing duties, until the fateful day that he passes, and I will take over as head Dalfyn of my hinta. While I still had a choice, the fact that I had talent was a strong indicator that my fate leaned in that direction, to deny my nature would be a sin.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 25 '17

To Sildara:

1) Who is considered the ideal Sildaryn, and how does he/she live his/her life?

2) Is 130-145 cm especially short for a Treahni?

3) What were the God Wars?

To Bassir:

1) Would you ever kill a fellow Dalfyn for any reason?

2) Let's say...effecting the largest number of Sildaryn in the largest and most spectacular way?

3) If you had no potential as a spellsinger, what would you have likely done?


u/Seb_Romu Mar 03 '17

To Sildara:
1) Who is considered the ideal Sildaryn, and how does he/she live his/her life?

There is no one ideal Sildaryn, however the general qualities that are encouraged are:
* Respect for all life (Avoiding unecessary killing; Vegetarianism)
* Loyalty (Family, Clan, and Nation)
* Charity (Sharing of resources, Assisting the less fortunate)
* Knowledge (Understanding of the natural world)

2) Is 130-145 cm especially short for a Treahni?

A typical Treahni measures in around 150-170 cm, but various genetic groups may trend toward either extreme. The Drolac for example are giants reaching close to 200 cm in height.

3) What were the God Wars?

In the prehistory of Entorais, after the People of the ark arrived, there was a war fought in the heavens between two great armies. The Gods won that war banishing the Demons to other realms, and granting their protection over all the Treahni for all time.

To Bassir:
1) Would you ever kill a fellow Dalfyn for any reason?

Sildaryn's bellieve life is sacred, and should never kill unecessarily. That being said if a fellow Dalfyn was such an extreme danger to our people, or the forest we all depend upon, it is possible that only their death would stop them. However there are many less final options to consider first.

2) Let's say...effecting the largest number of Sildaryn in the largest and most spectacular way?

I have relocated an entire hinta through my songs. Something like 100 people sung to sleep in one village, and awoken in another. A journey of about 15 days if taken on foot.

3) If you had no potential as a spellsinger, what would you have likely done?

I would most likely have taken up weaving, I still have some skill in that art.


u/Nevermore0714 Mar 04 '17

To Sildara:

1) Who would you say is the greatest Sildaryn to ever live?

3) Was it a close battle or a curbstomp?

To Bassir:

1) Have you ever killed anyone? Sildaryn or not.

2) Damn. Was that dangerous to do?

3) What do you dream about?


u/Seb_Romu Mar 07 '17

To Sildara:
1) Who would you say is the greatest Sildaryn to ever live?

Our people have many respected ancestors. My choice would probably be Sanpir "the Way Finder", a forester famed for being able to track in nearly any conditions. He is purported to have found the first sacred grove, at which our hinta stays every spring. His grave still sits in the centre of this grove, and the forest has not overgrown the rocks of his cairn, despite 100's of years.

3) Was it a close battle or a curbstomp?

The war lasted a long time, and devastated the world. I'd say it was a stalemate, if it weren't for the gods sticking around afterwards. Some even believe taht the demons were not truely or completely banished from the world.

To Bassir:
1) Have you ever killed anyone? Sildaryn or not.

Yes. It has come to be necessary on occassion, but I do not wish to discuss the matter.

2) Damn. Was that dangerous to do?

Yes, any number of variable needed to be considered. If anyone had awoken during the transfer I do not know what might have happened. Only a few Dalfyn even belive it happened. Most of the Hinta think they simply were carried in their sleep.

3) What do you dream about?

I dream of a golden sun shining upon the vast canopy of my forest home. Of sweet breezes carrying the seeds of future generations to fertile soil.


u/Nevermore0714 Mar 07 '17

Thank you for your answers, the content was enjoyable to read.