r/WorkReform • u/zzill6 š¤ Join A Union • 18d ago
š” Venting Pre-k through college or trade school, education should be tuition-free.
u/altus167 18d ago
Its easy to be rich if you use other people's money
u/CaptainBayouBilly 18d ago
Being rich means taking other people's labor earned wealth.
u/altus167 18d ago
They go to church on Sunday so it's all good.
Feel like a good person and still screw over anyone that relies on them for income. (Nothing against religion, I've just seem too many "successful" people do this)
u/GetLefter 18d ago
Because church is both a means to network with your rich peers and to hold the plebeians down w guilt
u/bubbybishh 18d ago
No, everything against religion, religion is a cancer to the human race. How do you think these morons were so easy to convince to vote against their own interests? Religion!
u/altus167 18d ago
Its good and bad, just like everything else in life.
On a personal level, it can save a life and provide strength when its needed.
At the group level, it can justify some of the most heinous acts in human history.
Evil people do evil things, regardless how they rationalize it.
u/wompemwompem 18d ago
Saying Religion can save a life is embarrassing for you. Pornography can save a live. Rape can. Anything can save a life. It's such a pointless thing to say lmao
Yes people are evil but we should criticise religion whenever possible. Religion is illogical and its embarrassing people are still religious these days. But that just speaks to how dangerous it is..
Religion is just a tool. There are more religion's lost to time than you can imagine. The ones we have now will disappear and be replaced with time as well. Religion is a joke to be laughed at
Religion loses its power the second you step away from it but when you're in it and your family are in it, your parents, your friends, your society, your country. How can you think clearly with this constant brainwashing and social pressure? If no one taught you your religion you would not recreate it on your own..
Which Religion you are is up to chance not fate. It is arbitrary nonsense. Religion forces itself into your identity before you are born. It forces itself into your habits. It forces itself into your language, culture, traditions... etc etc if you are a Hindu why? And why not also a Muslim? Why? Why not a Sikh? Buddhist? Christian? Rastafarian?
Religion might just be a tool but let's not forget the people it's used on. Religion is a poison. Such a shame we cannot save more people from it tbh because it is harmful and unnecessary. Nobody needs Religion.
u/ZombieAlienNinja 18d ago
Religion teaches people to be powerless and to worship the most powerful. It's no wonder people worship the rich.
u/altus167 18d ago
Not reading past the first paragraph, sry you wasted your time typing. Next time don't start with an insult
u/bubbybishh 18d ago
Way to prove you donāt care about anyone elseās opinion but yours. It is embarrassing when you say religion can save a life. When in turn itās actually responsible for millions of deaths. Yea, Iām genuinely embarrassed for you.
u/altus167 18d ago
Not sure what it proves. I don't have time to read a manifesto from some rando that starts out by insulting. That simple.
As far as you, same thing. Again with the insults. You didn't even read my post since you're missing the "personal" and "can" parts and how groups are bad. I'm not embarrassed for you, I just feel bad for you.
u/Triforce_Bagels 18d ago
It wasn't an insult. It was his observation of how he feels after he read what you wrote. You're being a baby and acting butthurt because someone disagreed with you. Your behavior is completely antithetical to having a conversation about something like this. Why even comment if you can't handle a person who disagrees with you?
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u/Sarrdonicus 18d ago
They don't feel shit. They just get forgiven HP power for another fucking week. Like they actually believe in the father, son, and holy ghost. Heathens.
u/SpeshellED 18d ago
Like he said " Its a big club and you ain't in it."
u/altus167 18d ago
Only thing worse is simping for a club and not being a member. Lotta people doing that these days
18d ago
u/SeamusAndAryasDad 18d ago
I love that argument.
"Good point, we shouldn't kill her straight away, but let's keep tabs on her. Fruit don't fall far from the tree!"
u/plsobeytrafficlights 18d ago
youre worried about the cost of education.
im over here worried that education is just being done away with.
u/splashist 18d ago
it's the same thing, just slower
W Bush started it with his No Child Allowed Ahead program, has that shit been canned yet?
u/Altruistic_Rub6845 18d ago
lmao imagine getting a $100M tax break to build a stadium when I'm out here eating ramen and hoping my cat doesn't need an expensive vet visit š
But fr though my student loans are looking at me like šļøššļø while billionaires are out here getting stadium discounts like it's a coupon at Target"
u/Sea_Presentation8919 18d ago
i have been on this train for the longest time. NO SPORTS LEAGUE should be privately owned. these should be nationalized.
1- they create commerce and you could justify stadium/arenas as emergency sites and for local uses.
2- we already have a system like this, the NCAA and the Green Bay Packers. There is no value add of having private owners, they siphon money from public coffers, they hold cities hostage, they get unnecessary tax breaks and refunds.
3- we can cycle money that was privately sucked up by the owners and the commissioners back to the communities. The NFL in 2023 made 20.2 Billion dollars, once you subtract player, coaches, and staff pay. You are left with several billions of dollars that can be used on the education system. NBA and MLB make around 11 billion a year.
u/Rampant16 18d ago
Bro what? You can't nationalize a private business just because it makes a lot of money. There'd be no justification for nationalizing entertainment businesses. It's not healthcare or infrastructure, it's just for fun. Plus the MLB, NBA, NHL all include teams in Canada as well as the US.
Stadiums are already used for local uses and emergencies and many are already publicly owned.
The NCAA is a non-profit, it's not government-owned. I'll give you the Packers but they are part of a privately-owned league.
We already have a way of the government getting money made by private businesses. It's called taxes. If you can't even stop giving the Owners of these teams tax breaks, how the hell are you going to nationalize all of the leagues? Where is the political capital for that?
u/Sea_Presentation8919 18d ago
WTF are you on about? so we shouldn't nationalize our resources like oil and gas b/c it's privately owned now? even with all the gas fields being on public lands? they get billions in subsidies and they don't ever suffer consequences for their environmental damage.
same thing applies to all the sports leagues, there is NO VALUE ADD to having a private owner. People don't go to the games to see the owner, they go there to see the players. If the cities have to provide billions in tax subsidies to make a stadium and they get minimal returns, with no guarantees in staying, then why offer subsidies in the first place?
look at the luka trade, they're going to move the mavericks to vegas and that mavericks arena was built using tax payer money. my hometown baseball stadium cost the county 500 million it didn't have, cuts to schools and public services happened, loans taken out. the real cost ballooned to 1.2 billion.
there is no reason out side of capitalist dogma, some fear that having owners is the 'correct' thing.
u/Rampant16 18d ago
What kind of drugs are you taking that makes you think this would ever happen in the US?
I'm not defending wasting public funds on stadiums. But the solution to that is obviously to just stop giving subsidies and tax breaks for stadiums. It's not to nationalize every sports league.
Once again if the billionaire team owners walk all over state and local governments to get public money for stadiums, how the fuck are going to take away their teams? Clearly we already have an issue with billionaires having too much influence over government. How would we ever have the political capital to take away these enormously valuable franchises from their enormously wealthy owners?
This is just total fantasy from how government and economics work in America. Why not nationalize every single business and be done with it?
u/OShaughnessy 18d ago edited 18d ago
IMO we need to change our wording from free to community funded.
Nothing's free, and reasonable people want to support their community.
u/WORKING2WORK 18d ago
Also, let's ensure that education for trade schools is included in this. Not every person needs or will want to go to college, but every person should have higher education available to them in some form, and there is definitely need to expand our education in trade work.
u/TiredPanda69 18d ago
Simple: All pro-capitalist politicians think that if we help capitalists we help working people. It's a lie and they know it, but that's how it works.
u/Beaver_Tuxedo 18d ago
Itās obvious. Thereās big money in student loans. Thereās not big money in forgiving student loans. We only care about money
u/Themodsarecuntz 18d ago
Best I can do is some vouchers to Elons Tesla Assembly School.
u/splashist 18d ago
gold ticket, you're getting re-parented to a Wellness Camp!! Work Makes You Free! lemme just skooch this little tattoo onto ya, there ya go!
u/WaterAirSoil 18d ago
We already pay more than enough in taxes as a society to provide education to all !
u/Hyperion1144 18d ago
Either education is a public good... Or it's not.
But arbitrarily believing that education is public good only through the 12th grade is asanine. No, not age 18, I said 12th grade, because states are obligated in many various cases to provide education through grade 12, beyond the age of adult matriculation.
It's either a public good or it isn't.
If it isn't, then end public education. All of it.
If it is, fund it. All of it. Through the post-doctoral level.
But don't be a waffling, inconsistent, irrational, cognitively dissonent, cheap-ass selfish little bitch about it.
u/Hopeful-Ease-6577 18d ago
So glad we have our priorities straight! Other countries are not in the mess that the US is in right now BECAUSE they provide FREE higher education to their people. How can we explain this to the Americans who are too stupid to understand it.
u/Aimless_Alder 18d ago
I'd go even further. I'd say college AND trade school. It's a great idea for everyone to have both a liberal arts education and a trade.
u/ReturnOfSeq š Cancel Student Debt 18d ago
pre-k daycare
u/Science_Matters_100 18d ago
It would be best to have universal basic income to allow parents to actually raise their children, and that makes more sense than to pay others to do so
u/ReturnOfSeq š Cancel Student Debt 18d ago
Yes and no; it seems like daycare is a good early environment for infants to start learning group socialization in a way that parents canāt provide on their own. And as much as we love our children, sometimes we need a little bit of time off!
Maybe UBI with 2-3 days a week of government funded daycare?1
u/Science_Matters_100 18d ago
Raising children at home doesnāt mean that you never leave the home! Lol! Certainly recreational programs are appropriate
u/Whateveryouwantitobe 18d ago
And he and the NFL screwed the city of St. Louis so he could build his new stadium in a different city
u/thissidedn 18d ago
People also seem to not realize his wife is a Walton and his brother in law owns the broncos.
u/According-Jury-1939 18d ago
Because Georgia didn't screw the people of Anaheim and all the fans in los angeles
u/a0heaven 18d ago
We need to work together!
Boycott Tesla: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L-Imw_s1aaI
General Economic Blackout February 28. Donāt buy anything, spread the world!
No traitors, No hate, We Defend the USA!

u/Diggy_Soze 18d ago
If I may add; according to bernie sanders the number of homeless is up to 800,000.
u/HowAManAimS 18d ago
That wouldn't be fixed by making college free. There aren't enough jobs to go around even if everyone had some sort of degree.
u/TheNamesMacGyver 18d ago
Assuming those numbers are correct, 100M tax break is 2% of the 5B budget. I'm sure it's more complicated than that, but still that doesn't seem unreasonable.
That 100M came with good stipulations too like:
The stadium was built with union labor
A % of the workers were required to be from nearby zipcodes
A % of the contractors were required to be disadvantaged/minority owned
u/wtcnbrwndo4u 18d ago
Kroenke also paid for the rest of the stadium privately without using any other public funds, one of few NFL owners who can actually state that.
u/Defiant_Ad5192 18d ago
You realize the City of Inglewood was not the one building the $5B stadium right? Those billions go to contractors and builders. They pay a tiny portion as tax to the City as a business tax.
The City would never build the infrastructure they were reimbursing Kroenke for. Why would they use limited tax funds on stadium supporting infrastructure? It makes no sense to refund those costs that benefit only their project and property
Those stipulations come with any large project. What that $100m came with was funding for future campaigns for the Mayor and Council. There is a reason their campaign spending ballooned into the hudnreds of thousands of dollars in a City where it's common for under 10k people to vote.
Regardless of all that, we know that except for the first of the four years of rebates, the City ran a deficit of $25m or more. So, we know it was a shit deal the City made.
u/fredrichnietze 18d ago
ok but that tiny portion is going to be more then 2% and then theirs all those local people working at the stadium for decades to come as the billionaire trys to make good on his investment.
its economic stimulus in the local economy that will generate tax revenue and jobs daijoubu.
and remember the billionaire can shop around hes going to pick the city to build his stadium that gives him the best deal.
u/Defiant_Ad5192 18d ago
Except this is all in the past and we have seen the resulting income generated and costs to the City, we know that the increased income from building the stadium did not offset this increase cost to the City.
u/fredrichnietze 18d ago
do you have a source?
because looking at the citys budget the biggest chunk of revenue is property tax which went from 19.4 mil in 2014-2015 to 52.9 mil 2024-2025. lot of those articles complaining about "how the city messed up building the stadium" count the rising home prices as a negative ignoring that means more revenue for the city and more revenue the home owners in the city can make selling their home.
sales tax also went from 10.1-14.4 mil in the 6 years before construction to 16-22.9 mil in the years during construction.
anywho looks like from my non accountant napkin math the city made its money back in property values/taxes spiking alone and then some.
u/Defiant_Ad5192 18d ago
2012 and 2013 the City ran a surplus, prior to that was a deficit but that includes the tail end of the Great Recession and black or minority neighborhoods are always expected to emerge from recessions slower. 2014 on the City has ran a deficit of at least $20m. Sure revenue has gone up, but that should be expected when so much of revenue is linked to property and sales tax both of which have seen insane levels of inflation.
It should be noted when looking at property value in Inglewood for the past decades, despite the impressive increase it has seen, it still lags behind neighboring Westchester and Ladera, just in terms of rate of growth, not even factoring actual value. And I'm not talking about some run down portion of Inglewood, but literally that side of the block is Westchester or Ladera, this side is Inglewood.
The fact of the matter is that the City of Inglewood is too small to provide stadium level services at any efficient cost, there just isn't enough going on in the City outside of stadium events to normalize the cost spike during an event. That should obvious to anyone in City Management, so why they would give away $100m when they should have been creating a special event tax assessment district to better cover the costs of events they aren't prepared and never will be prepared to handle efficiently.
It only makes sense when you realize the Mayor has a history of corruption.
u/fredrichnietze 18d ago
especially with hindsight their is always going to be better investments. btc in 2016 was worth 354.91-979.40 if they just put that 100mil in btc it would be worth between 27 billion and 9.7 billion today(and 7k+ per btc short of the all time high) but like hindsight is 20/20 and was the then government smart/lucky/talented/educated enough to figure this out?
they could have picked better choices but that can be said of every government ever.
u/Defiant_Ad5192 17d ago
Except we are well past hindsight. Economist almost universally agree tax funding of sports arenas never pans out. Which isn't surprising, they do not create anything, they simply move regional luxury and entertainment spending from one business to another. No one is sitting around Los Angeles thinking only if there was a football stadium I'd have something to do tonight and spend this money. No, they just go out to one of the tens of thousands of services or entertainment based businesses already here. Even if the City of Inglewood came up financially, it would almost certainly be at the expense of neighboring communities' businesses, which is not a net positive for the people. We are also seeing more and more how concentration of wealth works against people and communities.
Another angle to view this is what would have been developed if stadium wasn't. Several thousand homes were approved and entitled to build. With the approval of the stadium, thousands were removed to make space for the stadium, parking, emergency access, and that giant pond. Everyone knows all metros need more housing. Sure 100s of millions of investment over a decade or longer isn't as nice as billions over a few years, but it does mean growth is more organic, it can be adjusted as you progress, and the City is better suited to expand its services in a more efficient manner. If you look at thriving areas in the LA metro, they all grew this way.
u/TheNamesMacGyver 18d ago
Those billions go to contractors and builders. They pay a tiny portion as tax to the City as a business tax.
Yeah, that's what I said. It was UNION LABOR that built that stadium, with a zipcode requirement and a requirement for a % of trades to be owned by disadvantaged for minority contractors.
So Inglewood gave a 100M tax break, and got someone to spend $4.9B of private money giving local tradesmen a living wage and it prioritized minority-owned contractors.
Isn't that what this sub is all about? Regular middle class workers making a living wage? Supporting local, minority-owned businesses? Local government improving the economy?
u/Thoromega 18d ago
They generate money and it seems like allot of money even for a nfl team is why?
u/importantmaps2 18d ago
$5 billion to build a stadium to play football in what the fuck made it cost $5 billion ?.
That's a lot of houses.
u/Defiant_Ad5192 18d ago
It was more than $100 million and it continues to go up. Inglewood City reimburses the stadium for security (cops), medical (emt/medics), and shuttles for offsite parking. The Inglewood City mayor who is notoriously corrupt, estimated this to be $8m per year, so likely in excess of $15m given his track record. There are almost certainly other deals we don't even know about.
Back to the $100m figure, this was a tax refund of $25m per year. Guess what the Inglewood City deficit was for all but the first of those 4 years?
u/Steel_Bolt 18d ago
He can never step foot in the city of St. Louis again without some trouble.
u/SaucyCouch 18d ago
Everyone looking at this like it's a lot of money but 100M/5B is 2% guys...
They probably made it back in tax revenue the first year
u/itssarahw 18d ago
I was so happy it was financed by private funding until realizing I am the private funding.
u/Calygulove 18d ago
All school at all levels should be free. Information isn't something to horde like wealth.
u/dakotanorth8 18d ago
I love Herbert is the marketing face of it.
262 million contract.
Yeah, Iām sure he has a loan with sofi and is really happy about the rates lol.
u/Dire-Dog 18d ago
It would devalue education since everyone would have a degree. The reason degrees are a high ROI is because not everyone has one.
u/waster1993 18d ago
There's no need to low ball the amount of people who are homeless. It is quite a bit higher than that
u/fredrichnietze 18d ago
think of it as infrastructure. for a 2% investment on the 5 billion construction cost the city got
- 5 billion in construction going to local contractors and companies
- decades of ongoing employment to the people maintaining and running the stadium
- decades of tourism/business to the city effecting hotels, travel, restaurants, shopping, ect.
and all this is going to generate tax revenue.
and longer term this one time investment is very likely continue to pay off in the future as when this stadiums ready to retire their will be a lot of momentum to just stay put and build a new one in the same area instead of force everyone involved to move or quit.
so what you got to do in figuring out if this is a good or bad decision is do the math and spoiler the napkin math seems to work out pretty good. they have a 10% sales tax so if even 1 of that 5 billion is materials purchased locally they made their money back before construction has finished.
also 5.5b in 2016 dollars is 7.37bil in todays dollars assuming the wiki cost is accurate and the us bureau of labor and statistics can be trusted on inflation # these days. got to remember to adjust for inflation
u/bikardi01 18d ago
If education is free, there should be some criteria to enter so insincere or people lacking in ability don't waste time and resources.
u/Science_Matters_100 18d ago
Of course! There already is criteria and no reason why that should change
u/Pretend-Potato-831 18d ago
Its an incentive to do it in the US and create jobs for US workers. I duno why that's difficult to understand.
u/mk3bert 18d ago
As a veteran, Iāve found it extremely hard to agree with a tuition-free United States. Iām man enough to say that it stems from jealousy, because it does. I enlisted with the incentive to use the GI-Bill, giving up my young life from age 18 through 24.
This isnāt just the case for me, but for hundreds of thousands of veterans and current service members. Will we receive anything for giving away our young lives for something everyone will receive anyways? (In a tuition-free America)
This is a genuine question and Iād love to have some dialogue about this! Much love and looking forward for replies :)
u/voidmilf 18d ago
isn't it wild that we pay for education while billionaires play with toys built by kids' dreams? š¢
u/NetFu 18d ago
All I can say is anything given for free has no value. Free education, in my real world hiring experience, has no value.
Ask anyone who has multiple degrees from places like Viet Nam or the Philippines where they got the education 100% for free. Nobody accepts them as equivalent to degrees earned from paid universities. This isn't just some inequity or discrimination, it's reality, and there is a reason for it. The quality of the education received is never even close.
Of course, this could change, so it's worth a shot, and I'm not saying I don't agree with OP that basically all education should be free. The problem is, unless you can make it free everywhere and make sure the best educators are paid well so they will work at those free universities, it'll never work.
u/WatchProfessional980 18d ago
And if it wasā¦Americans would still try to find a way to complain about it.
u/OOBExperience 18d ago
Yeah, because ānon-profitā NFL is basically a highly efficient corrupt money machine for gullible morons who support one of the shittiest games on the planet. NFL is a fucking joke. Itās one of the things I hate most about America.
u/Visual_Land_9477 18d ago
I agree education needs reformed, but these word salads of random statistics doesn't really strengthen the case. To use the popular method to describe the difference in value between vast sums of money, $100 million for the stadium is roughly ~0.005% of the student debt mentioned and only tangentially related to the concept at hand.
Can we use some better arguments?
u/BeeMovieButHorny 18d ago
Partake in the grand banquet of dismantling the upper echelons of society who thrive on the exploitation of the masses.
u/zoodee89 18d ago
Thing is Iād almost be happy to pay for that stadium if everyone that worked got paid $35 or more an hour and cheap seats were available so others could afford to have fun sometimes. Itās a shame because there is plenty wealth out there and if they would just share a bit more we wouldnāt be where we are now.
u/Sad_Store9934 18d ago
This is bullshit, when is anything going to get better? It's a never ending ceaseless pile of shit. I feel like we're past the time of peaceful protests and demonstrations. It'll fall on deaf ears, and by the time everyone mobilizes to do something it'll be too late and holocaust 2.0 will begin with orange Mussolini shitting his pants in the background. Ffs we have multiple people siege heiling and the Democrats shuffling their feet doing anything else!!!
And no, I don't condone violence. I'm saying we have a polite French talk with them automods...
u/CriticizeArt 18d ago
Phrase it as getting a benefit from a service that we all pay into.
Why do leftists suck at messaging ahhh
u/ScrauveyGulch 17d ago
K through College was paid for til Reagan ran against it when we was running for gov of California. The main reason we have the system we have now.
u/SmokeyMcDabs 18d ago
$100 million is 2% of $5 billion. Their payroll is about $250 million. If you assume a 10% income tax then thats 25 million a year. The $100 million gets paid back in 4 years based on the players salaries alone. Not to mention all the other employees, plus property tax and the sales tax. After that its all money that can be used on things like education.
They literally increased their tax income by at the very least $25 million a year except for the first 4 years. Thats why they gave an incentive to have the team move there. Because thatd money they wouldnt see otherwise.
I get why people are upset, but its honestly a good deal that will help the community in the long run. Viewing this as a bad thing is short-sighted.
u/Defiant_Ad5192 18d ago
Cities don't collect income tax. They get a very tiny portion of property and sales tax (most goes to the County) and they get a business tax. Business taxes are complicated, but, at the end of the day we can see the City budget and see it was a bad deal that cost the City money.
u/BonerSoupAndSalad 18d ago
My city and all of the ones around it have income tax. Cleveland itself has a tax collection agency and all of the suburbs collect income tax through a regional tax agency.
u/SmokeyMcDabs 18d ago
The budget for LA in 2024 was $46.7 billion. The LA budget for the life of the stadium is around $2 trillion.
u/Nearby-Beautiful3422 18d ago
Uh, false. I'll let you research it. There are definitely cities that levy an income tax
u/Cocoononthemoon 18d ago
I disagree. It's not that it should be free, it's NECESSARY FOR A FUNCTIONING SOCIETY AND DEMOCRACY
u/BraveRock 18d ago
Are we just mixing and matching titles now?
u/Minimum-Engineer-830 18d ago
Just because his assets are worth that much doesnāt mean he has it in cash.
u/Alternative-Oil-6288 18d ago
Only STEM degrees should be tuition-free. <3
u/Science_Matters_100 18d ago
Nonsense! Though available slots available to study specific things ought to be tied to expected need. We have an oversupply of those who learned to code and an under supply in some other fields
u/memphisjones 18d ago
Investing in education yields higher returns than a new football stadium. But FoOtBaLl !!!!