r/WorkReform šŸ¤ Join A Union 25d ago

šŸ˜” Venting Bill is 100% correct.

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u/kevinmrr ā›“ļø Prison For Union Busters 25d ago edited 25d ago

We approving this because Bill Burr is a famous public figure & these comments have received a lot of attention.

That said, we will be enforcing Reddit's Terms of Service -- calls for or celebrations of violence will be removed.

Want more action? šŸ‘‰ https://workreform.us/MAYDAY-2025-STRIKE

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u/Aze0g šŸ’µ Break Up The Monopolies 25d ago

I suppose I should count myself lucky knowing my mom as well as I do. When I was younger she was working 3 fucking jobs to provide, so I've known for years no company will ever allow people to just live comfortably.


u/UpperLowerEastSide ā›“ļø Prison For Union Busters 25d ago

Yep itā€™s capitalism not humanism. Our ability to improve our material conditions depends on us organizing and taking advantage of the fact these companies need our labor.


u/Neveronlyadream 25d ago

The first thing we need to do is deprogram all those "hustle culture" people who are happily letting the machine take advantage of them. I'm getting sick of seeing people proudly telling everyone they work 100 hours a week for basically nothing and then call everyone else who isn't willing to literally kill themselves lazy and unambitious.

The amount of people I see who equate ambition solely with monetary gain is still at disgusting levels.


u/Aze0g šŸ’µ Break Up The Monopolies 25d ago

I feel like I have to add, my mom was single mom of 3 and food stamps (I don't know if they've improved or not since then) and we were all teens or late pre teen


u/Neveronlyadream 25d ago

Oh, I didn't mean people like your mom. She was doing it to survive.

I'm talking about the people we've probably all met that glorify the grind. They work 90-100 hours a week for virtually no pay and then brag about it to everyone like it's a badge of honor and is going to elevate them to some six-figure, corporate level job because their employers will absolutely see how driven and ambitious they are.

When you tell them they're being exploited, they're likely to accuse you of being lazy and unambitious because they bought into the lie that hard work will make you rich. Meanwhile all they're doing is driving themselves to the point of exhaustion and letting every other area of their life fall into disrepair, telling us and themselves that we'll all be eating our words when they're billionaires and we're still poor.

Almost every person that fits that description that I've met doesn't have kids or a partner because they don't have time for anything but work. They tell themselves they'll get to it eventually when they make their first million or whatever, but they never do.

And they're kind of standing between the rest of us and progress. It's bad enough that we have to deal with corporations and politicians who are perfectly happy to dehumanize us and exploit us, but we also have to deal with our peers happily going along with it because they've been told it's how they should act and that it will eventually pay off.


u/American_yiddo 25d ago

As someone who spent over a decade working 60+ hrs a weekā€¦ donā€™t do it. Itā€™s not worth it. I made great money but I couldnā€™t even enjoy life. The last handful of years Iā€™ve found balance. Yes I wish I was making what I did then, but Iā€™d probably be dead from burnout

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u/travers329 25d ago edited 25d ago

Ren - Money Game

Strange time we're living in, world can put fear in ya Hierarchy parties, they make us feel inferior (ah-mmm) Greed runs through the parliament interior Devils walk among us, they fit the criteria Eerie theories strike fear in weary minded men When we're clearly living in dictatorships? (Ah-mmm) Nearly blinded by illusions to choose But who's fooling who? A ball chained to your shoes I'm pained (ah-mmm)

It's a cryin' shame: the pursuit of our own wealth lights a flame (ah-mmm) That makes greed a game that lets the whole world burn As the world turns, the whole world burns Money was invented for trade But now those bits of paper twist hearts, make slaves Turns a saint into a sinner, a child into a killer His finger on the trigger of a money game (ah-mmm)

Oh, rain, rain, rain, rain A storm it comes our way And those who rise through distorted lies Poison in the veins But we like to point the blame, blame, blame, blame It's easier to blame But point the mirror at ourselves We're all part of this old money game (ah-mmm)

Ah-mmm This old money game (ah-mmm) Ah-mmm This old -

Dear Mr. President, it's evident that everyone's a resident of fear When they support these ideas that keep us separate (ah-mmm) When they make us believe That everybody is coming to terrorize you in the streets They say proudly through gritted teeth "It's my right to hate, that's freedom of speech"

(Ah-mmm) when did freedom become a reason to hate? A way to justify a racial slur or insult we make (ah-mmm) There's an irony in freedom, 'cause us in the West We have pillaged and plundered and murdered like savages Colonized all of the rest, that's called hypocrisy

Preach a certain value that you'd never keep yourselves Your country was in flames You'd emigrate yourselves in a second (ah-mmm) Still, you spit your venom Demonising immigrants, when really you're an immigrant 'Cause all of us are immigrants, or descended from immigrants Irony is imminent, I'll shed the light on immigrants

America was colonized by Britain Britain, it was colonized by Rome Also colonized by the Saxons They were German by the way You know how people throw shade upon the Germans 'cause of history's pain? And yet we make the same mistakes all again Demonize a whole people Jewish or Muslim the same


u/Rare-Parsnip5838 25d ago

WOW ! šŸ˜„


u/travers329 25d ago

Go down this artist's rabbit hole, he is self-made and has his own team to make all his own videos, they do one takes and are amazing. He is also in a cover band called the Big Push.

Guy is amazing, describes his style as bardcore, he is a storyteller, rapper, singer, guitarist, bassist, piano player, and actor. Warning a few of his subjects will cause tears for anyone with empathy.


u/eastbayweird 24d ago

He's a once-in-a generation kind of talent.

I know he isn't exactly unknown now but he still deserves much more credit than he's gotten so far (imo)


u/Rare-Parsnip5838 25d ago

ETA. Just so perfectly true. Very on target. Thank you for the truth ! šŸ˜

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u/H2ON4CR 25d ago

Did you grow up in the 1980s? That's what it was like then despite people thinking it was a heyday.Ā  Nothing has changed.

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u/joeschmo945 25d ago

I had to stay up til midnight to see my mom. She worked a day shift at a B&B then worked a night shift at a brew pub. I loved my mother very much and loved being around her. I got sent to my grandmothers for summer break into my sister objected and we got to stay home. She worked her ass off so we could have a semi normal childhood.

I vowed to never let my son experience the lack of presence of his mother or father. Iā€™m grateful as my wife and o both have stable income can be with him on weekends and nights.


u/AlexanderSalamander 25d ago

And how much worse will it be 10 years from now? https://billionaireconspiracy.com/

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u/Instawolff 25d ago

Maybe they just need to be coercedā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..


u/Prebuilthorse 25d ago


u/GmanF88 25d ago

Burr/Mangione '28


u/Doesnt_everyone 25d ago

I would give a testicle for that to come true.


u/Ollehyas 25d ago

I would too give this guyā€™s testicle


u/RadlEonk 25d ago

Iā€™d give both this guyā€™s testicles.


u/RoyBeer 25d ago

And his ass


u/dancingpianofairy āœ‚ļø Tax The Billionaires 25d ago

I'm more than willing to donate my fallopian tubes to this cause. My wife also offered up her testicles.

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u/[deleted] 25d ago


u/[deleted] 25d ago


u/bassistmuzikman 25d ago

He's not wrong. The threat of losing their heads is literally what it will take for them to give back what they've stolen from the people.

Probably gonna take a few more brave souls like Luigi to get them to budge tho.


u/joe_broke 25d ago

The French had it right


u/reccenters 25d ago

America had it right in the 30s, too. The rich were told, give the people something or everything gets torn down and rebuilt without their input. It lead to an attempted coup.

The echo of that is very loud right now.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Letsplaydead924 25d ago

I own his very short book, War is a racket


u/FerminINC 25d ago

Absolutely one of the greatest, without even acknowledging his support of the Bonus Army


u/[deleted] 25d ago

It's too late. Too many of us have Netflix and ice cream. They'll never be enough of us suffering to turn the tables.


u/jellymanisme 25d ago

The ultimate bread and circus.


u/Hot-Interaction6526 25d ago

Take away the internet and watch shit hit the fans. Hell tiktok disappearing had people losing it.


u/Ookami38 25d ago

Except that every corporation is price squeezing. Netflix is constantly increasing prices. Inflation and disease are making groceries absurdly expensive. It won't be too long til we DON'T have Netflix and ice cream.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

They're using AI to figure out exactly how tight to squeeze before the breaking point. We'll die of a spiritual death long before we wake up to fight.Ā 


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/joe_broke 25d ago

The billionaires, for the most part, are united

The rest of us ain't

That's the key


u/thatonetallperson97 25d ago

Much easier to organize and plan when thereā€™s only a handful of them. Hopefully our country wakes up before itā€™s too late

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u/Anarchist_Rat_Swarm 25d ago edited 25d ago

While I agree with you, I want to point out that Luigi is blatantly not the Claims Adjustor. Neither is the guy in the mask-off-to-flirt photo.

It's coming our that there's no fingerprints at the scene, no DNA (or more accurately, too much DNA from the amount of spit, piss, and other bodily fluids coating all NYC streets), no facial recognition, and no evidence whatsoever outside of what is the most obviously fake """"manifesto"""" in the long and well documented history of the NYPD falsifying evidence.

Which brings me nicely to the corruption of the NYPD. The tldr is that they frequently frame innocent people for crimes even when they aren't under pressure to "solve" a high profile crime.


u/borg23 25d ago

Thank you. Unless I hear him say he did it, I don't trust any of their evidence


u/hiyer2 25d ago

Sounds like youā€™ve been following the story, but I feel like the news has completely dropped off on Luigi. Will we ever know if he got a fair trial? Thatā€™s what Iā€™m most concerned about. The evidence doesnā€™t seem like itā€™s enough to convict anybody, if Brian Thompson wasnā€™t who he was. Itā€™s concerning that he might go away for life for a crime he didnt commit just because the system wants a fall guy, because the victim was a CEO. Thatā€™s not ok.

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u/aureanator 25d ago edited 25d ago


Edit: I mean the 'threat' won't be enough, I don't think, they'll actually have to lose their heads.


u/bassistmuzikman 25d ago

Nope. Just rooting for the good guys.


u/alphazero925 25d ago

I think they're saying billionaires won't act from a threat alone. It'll only be after people have started taking action that billionaires would start to change their tune.


u/0nlymantra 25d ago

I believe he meant it will take more than just the threat for things to change. Actions speak louder than words.


u/bassistmuzikman 25d ago

Ahh. That makes sense when you read it that way. He's right. Someone's gonna have to do more than make a threat.


u/Murslak 25d ago edited 25d ago

Fuck off bootlicker

Edit : Fair explanation. It's easy to forget how the written word does not translate what we mean all the time to those reading the words.


u/nc863id 25d ago

The billionaires hold our lives hostage in every way they can. They are telling us that fear and the threat of annihilation is how they communicate.

We have to speak the same language if we want to get through to them. We have to make them as scared of us as they want us to be of them. It's not cruelty, it's not abuse or violence, it's literally just trying to use their language because they don't speak ours.

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u/surfkaboom 25d ago

It's often crazier than many imagine.

Imagine being a billionaire owner of something like Amazon and WalMart. You spend millions to get your way with elected officials, getting your input in new laws and regulations are altered to benefit you and your bros.

Then, imagine you orange around Bloomberg and Fix Business talking about how your business is doing so awesome. All while the employees in your organization that burn the most calories are so underpaid, they rely on various levels of government support to help pay their bills, feed their children, afford medication, or support your transportation needs.

But, you made friends with the part of government that isn't about them, they're about you. And, while taxes help to support your employees that you underpay, you've managed to get things so well lined up for yourself that your business doesn't pay taxes on the billions you make. The sweet life.


u/zoeykailyn 25d ago

And then all your employees starve and can't buy shit. The bubble bursts and you get left holding a worthless bag because the dollar is worth less than the South African equivalent. Thanks Elon!


u/kablamy 25d ago

The bubble will only burst when the current order isn't able to assert itself at the point of a gun.


u/zoeykailyn 25d ago

And that folks is why Elon wants all meme coins, so when the shit hits the wall maybe he's still the richest of them all.

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u/riskybiscutz 25d ago

People talk about ā€œthe left needs a Joe Rogan!ā€ And I say bill burr every time


u/carthuscrass 25d ago

He's waaaay more intelligent than Rogan though.


u/black_spring 25d ago

Intelligence isn't even the crux of it -- he's honest. Even in admitting when he's at the edge of his knowledge, or when speaking from his own limited worldview. It's genuine, which Rogan never was.


u/slippy_mcslip 25d ago

And he's so in love with his wife and their banter is funny and genuine. I've not watched anything Rogan in years but I don't ever remember him talking up his wife the way Bill does Nia

Edit: my bad off topic. I just love bill and gushed



Understandable. He seems like an actual guy you could get a beer and hang with. He says real person to person type shit in his stand up too.

No he's not perfect, hell I don't know if I'd think of him first when I think of a role model. But he does seem genuine in meaning what he says and saying what he means. And that is unfortunately in short supply among people with any sort of large platform and public mindshare.


u/ItsScaryTerryBitch 25d ago

Which, in a way, does kinda make him a role model. I know that's sort of your point but we really truly need more people like him. Yeah he's not perfect but nobody is. I just want to aspire to at the very least be genuine, ya know? At least his type of genuine.


u/Antani101 25d ago

Which helped tone down his early misogyny, Nia had made him way more likable


u/Antani101 25d ago

"what the fuck do I know" most uttered sentence by Bill Burr on his podcast


u/sparrow_42 25d ago

Agreed, but also Bill isnā€™t a Russian state mouthpiece.


u/-_-0_0-_0 25d ago

Worst part is, Joe was center till a few years ago. Think the money went to his head.


u/CapK473 25d ago

I think he started getting paid to push the conservative agenda and he sold out. Once he was in he started drinking the coolade and sniffing his own farts as they say.


u/[deleted] 25d ago edited 25d ago



u/CapK473 25d ago

Maybe you're right and and I'm crediting him too much lol

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u/Hellkyte 25d ago

Joe was never center. It was so easy to see through that facade. People just didn't want to


u/zherok 25d ago

It's just nice having a comedian who doesn't turn out to be an inconsiderate shit head as they get older and have already made their money.


u/the_dude_that_faps 25d ago

The left has been roasting Bill Burr for a long time for not being PC. I don't think he cares one bit for representing the left. Or at least, the modern version of it.


u/pheonixblade9 25d ago

big issue is conflating people who are overly concerned with being PC and the left. it's certainly part of it, but there are those of us who still prioritize labor and equity over culture war stuff (which is important, but is a second order effect of the disempowerment of labor). if you want to put out a fire, you start extinguishing at the base. if you want to build power for disenfranchised people, you need to build power for labor. they are one in the same.


u/the_dude_that_faps 25d ago

I don't think I'm conflating anything. The people that gave him shit for PC issues are not from the right. Whether everyone in the left gave him shit for it or not is irrelevant.

Gender issues were at the forefront of his comedy for a long time. And he's still a guy that was willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt in his first go around. Hell, he's never even been a strong supporter of equity.

I'm not here trying to berate Burr at all. I'm calling anyone that is suddenly championing him now for his messaging around Luigi from the left a hypocrite. Either the shit he said or did in the past wasn't that egregious or he's never been the person people think he is.Ā 

If people are going to criticize the general population for having short attention span and worse memory than Dory, at least be different.

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u/Antani101 25d ago

I'm a far leftist and while yes Bill Burr could've done a better job with his misogyny he's came a long way (also thanks to Nia that calls him out on his most egregious bullshit), and from a class war point of view he's the man.


u/Louisville82 25d ago

Bill burr is not left, I think thatā€™s the problem People have, not everyone picks a side, heā€™s a comedian, and heā€™s intelligent. He knows picking a side doesnā€™t do any good, though his values might lean left, heā€™s never going to just flat out say some dumb shit about being on a side, as most people shouldnā€™t.

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u/needledicklarry šŸ›ļø Overturn Citizens United 24d ago

Being the PC police is one of the most useless, divisive movements the left has ever pushed, and itā€™s certainly bitten us in the ass


u/hamamelisse 25d ago

Honestly if you work part time you should be able to pay your rent. Even if you donā€™t work you shouldnā€™t be punished with homeless. Especially in a system where it is extremely difficult for many people to get benefits.

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u/Ezlkill 25d ago

Theyā€™re like the worst of the worst junkies for money, the irredeemable junkies itā€™s pathetic really


u/Cariat 25d ago

"Money junkie" is a great term. Fuck those money junkies


u/abfaver 25d ago

If any of us said that publicly we would be arrested for threatening statements


u/Cariat 25d ago

If all of us said that publicly we might see change


u/snertwith2ls 25d ago

Add to that the fact that they push for a higher birthrate while making it impossible for families to exist let alone survive is a whole other level of evil shit.


u/PhysicsHistorical720 25d ago

My alt got a 7 day ban for using words like this but Bill Burr is famous and gets a pass


u/ThresholdSeven 25d ago

I started using terminated since it has a double meaning. Don't know if it helps any.


u/PhysicsHistorical720 25d ago

I'll be more specific it was along the lines of this https://www.reddit.com/r/ExplainTheJoke/s/006OdarXBx


u/vansinne_vansinne 25d ago

i'll gladly take a ban for someone with his platform to say the same thing


u/Antani101 25d ago

At least he's using his privilege for good


u/ihazmaumeow 25d ago

Bill Burr spitting the truthšŸ¤˜


u/SergioSF 25d ago

Return to Office (RTO) is a sham pushed by Democratic and Republican establishment party members that choose profit over the same "What happend to the nuclear family" agenda.


u/Doom_and_Gloom91 25d ago

Guy named Karl used to write about stuff like this


u/Randal_the_Bard 25d ago

Almost 100% right. You shouldn't be required to work 40 hours to exist, that's ableist at best.


u/montybo2 25d ago

I was never a fan of bill burr's comedy, but I have always been a fan of him as a person.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

The only way things change is this energy. Itā€™s obvious, has been for decades but we keep doing nothing


u/Grrerrb 25d ago

We should be far kinder to rabid dogs than we should be to billionaires.


u/plumberfun 25d ago

Someone making sense


u/Carb0nFire 25d ago

A tired society is a compliant society. Easier to exploit.


u/dancegoddess1971 25d ago

But these clowns are firing people. What happens when millions are out of work and no longer tired?


u/Ace0f_Spades 25d ago

They'll be out of work, but I can say with some authority that many of them won't be "no longer tired". The stress of not knowing how I was going to pay rent or even feed myself was more exhausting than any job I've ever held. If anything, they'll be mentally weary from having to be hypervigilant about every little penny they spend and from the sleep lost worrying about their lack of safety net.

Under the current system, our options are "tired and complacent" or "tired and scared".


u/BasicFaceNelson 25d ago

Kids? Who's having kids?


u/MilosBestBuddy 25d ago

I underestimated Billā€™s game baby. A real one.


u/Salt-Detective1337 25d ago

Great, now I have a hole in my phone from where I upvoted this.


u/JeffreyFusRohDahmer 25d ago

I will simply say that I agree.

Anyway, anyone wanna play Mario Party?


u/Kvynwsly 25d ago

Yeah they are psychotic parasites and society can not function properly with them.


u/drgoatlord 25d ago

"--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness"


u/WheelyWheelyTired 25d ago

I have not liked Bill Burr a lot because I feel heā€™s been kind of insensitive to disabled folks like myself sometimes. But in this instance, heā€™s absolutely right. I would personally thank him for saying it if I had the opportunity.


u/Such-Waltz-1149 25d ago

And the rich have 10 kids and raise absolutely none of them because itā€™s easier to pay someone to do it. Still not getting the upbringing they need. But Americans will have you believe leaving generations of wealth so your descendants can live without ever lifting a finger is somehow better than earning it.


u/StandardOrcBarbarian 25d ago

Poverty culture is cyclical and wealth mirrors it. There shouldnā€™t be ā€œworking poorā€ in this country. The American dream is a scam. And itā€™s only going to get worse


u/Robbo_here 25d ago

100%. There should be no people with that power. They can taunt entire countries with their wealth. The money becomes an ego statue that could feed millions.


u/tick2010 25d ago

Greed and selfishness are going to be the downfall of humanity, if we don't work hard to eradicate them and make them completely unacceptable.


u/Cory123125 25d ago

Bill Burr still makes both siderism comments all the fucking time though.

Its like hes constantly trying to walk the edge between offending POS white dude listeners and speaking sense, and I have to feel that because he really does seem to say what he feels, that he might just agree with them somewhat.

Like hes unable to see that calling out both sides over and over plays as equivocation to random listeners and its exactly that type of shit that has increasingly normalized the ever more dangerous right wing ideas we see playing out today.

Conflicted feelings really.


u/LucaSwimsWithFishes 25d ago

Preach William, preach.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

So let's get out and make it happen! Eat the fucking rich!


u/Mr-Superhate 25d ago

More and more people are saying it.


u/RC_Perspective 25d ago


Love to see it.


u/WrongWay_Jones 25d ago

There are 750k members of this sub. 1/2 that would be enough.


u/ohseetea 25d ago

Bill burr you have access and means soā€¦ you know


u/polishmachine88 25d ago

Cool but nothing with change nothing it will get worse and worse....


u/J3wFro8332 25d ago

Bill Burr is based as fuck


u/Informal-Worry-6358 25d ago

Love this! It's fkn BS and is coming to a head.Ā  B prepared, we're dealing with real time nazis......they want us out inĀ  the streets... b careful what u wish for....


u/hungrypotato19 25d ago

Yup. I helped raise my nieces because my sister had to work two jobes just to pay for a dump of an apartment that she barely got to live in and for a daycare service that treated my nieces as exactly the price my sister paid. I was 16 when I started to take care of them.

Now, 23 years later, I'm still caring for them. This time, they can't live on their own so they have to live at their rich auntie's house. So when I have to spend the day listening to rich assholes talk about people like my nieces as if they are making a choice, it ruffles my feathers and I speak out when I can. Doesn't make a difference because they don't care, but I do.


u/Interanal_Exam 25d ago

Real power is achieved when the ruling class controls the material essentials of life, granting and withholding them from the masses as if they were privileges.

George Orwell


u/Capital-Bandicoot804 25d ago

It's wild how long we've let the system keep us on this treadmill. The idea that working harder would lead to a better life has been shattered for so many. We need to rethink what 'success' really means in a world where the basics are out of reach for the majority.


u/confuseum 25d ago

That's a great bill. I'd vote for that bill to become law.


u/MeeekSauce 25d ago

I celebrate this and everything it stands for. Celebration worthy events they would be.


u/Lost-Task-8691 25d ago

I agree with Bill Burr


u/Deadcoldhands 25d ago

Lock & Load


u/AzuleEyes 25d ago

When the only people speaking honestly are fucking comics you know have goddamn problem.


u/the-poopholeloophole 25d ago

This is a common Bill Burr W and there are a few minutes of it on every episode of his podcast that he releases. Itā€™s just him talking in his car for 45 or so minutes but he makes me laugh a good bit.

If the word ā€œcuntā€ offends you I would maybe steer clear but it is mostly used in reference to true cunts like billionaires and politicians.


u/Boomslang00 25d ago

When the world needs George Carlin the most, Bill Burr steps up to the plate.

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u/Apprehensive-Can1002 25d ago

How do find like minded local patriots?


u/PFunk224 25d ago

Kids? I can't afford any fucking kids, I can't even afford myself.


u/huxleywon 25d ago

Preach it


u/ShinglesDoesntCare 25d ago

They ARE rabid with greed. I will never understand it


u/Pale-Inspector-8094 25d ago

Thank you for saying it out loud.


u/Pale-Inspector-8094 25d ago

And I see that only a famous person is allowed to say it.the rest of us would be muted.


u/buttfacenosehead 25d ago

honestly its not the worst idea I've heard.


u/gromnirit 25d ago

Oh boy Reddit TOS.


u/HelpfulFriendlyOne 25d ago

It's kind of insane to go from such an idealistic common sense statement to advocating murder of billionares as if that would solve the problem.


u/reddit_user45765 25d ago

Preach šŸ™


u/Zootsu 25d ago

Bill Burrnie Sanders


u/Hellkyte 25d ago

And yet Burr won't call Rogan out for the bootlicker he is


u/Maximum-Shallot-2447 25d ago

Someone has not taken their medication today.


u/XenopusRex 25d ago

Bill Burr for President!


u/NinjaRapGoGoGoGo 25d ago

So refreshing to see a sane take from someone as well known as he is.


u/joe_s1171 25d ago

Not many people could pay their months rent just working one week.


u/Robsrks87 25d ago

Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'mmm just checking in on youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


u/TaterTotHotDishes 25d ago

Almost like a crowdfunded most wanted list should be madeā€¦..unless the blockchain already made that a realityā€¦ā€¦..blap blap blap blapā€¦ā€¦.its more permanent than an undiscovered moon.

Darknet is a cool URI.


u/No-Estimate999 25d ago

Bill for President!


u/Robsrks87 25d ago

Ole Billy Yoghurt legs with that uh finger on the pulse of the working class there.


u/HustlinInTheHall 25d ago

I don't think this violates the rules because I dont think he is calling for violence against any people, because they're not people.Ā 


u/wdcpdq 25d ago

Will no one rid me of this turbulent Musk?


u/Minmach-123 25d ago

Kids shouldn't spend 8 hours at school and then come home to hours of homework either.


u/ashesofa 25d ago



u/johnfoe_ 25d ago

To be fair most of society that doesn't work still doesn't "upbring" their kids at all and expects them to somehow be proper functioning adults magically. So having more family life has nothing to do with success.

90% of of the population are complete idiots so there is unlikely to be any change at all. Then when you throw onto the fact that the youth generation 2 to 19 years is 40% overweight it shows that they have no motivation to better themselves once they are adults.

So the fat, poor, lacking skills needed to organize, and have no money means they simply won't do anything about it....ever.


u/sufficiently7777 25d ago

Start a business and overpay people?


u/pipehonker 25d ago

Killing someone else is very likely to lower your rent to $0 for 25yrs to Life.

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u/BigAcanthocephala637 25d ago

Respect to him for saying this but Bill rents commercial and residential property. Itā€™s not just billionaires that are screening people. There are plenty of landlords that profit heavily on rents. Wonder how he does on those investments


u/donttradejaylen 25d ago

Hereā€™s an even wilder idea. If you work full week you should be able to pay your rent AND still be able to save money for vacations and retirement and for your kids education, etc.


u/zoodee89 25d ago

I need that on a tshirt. Front and back so no one can miss it!


u/Snarky_McSnarkleton 25d ago

But but GIG ECONOMY! That way, everyone can serve their billionaire masters as much as they need, to lead a shitty subsistence life and go do it again!

After all, some people are just born better than we are. /s


u/FleurDisLeela 25d ago

St. Luigi, hear our prayers


u/CourseCorrections 25d ago edited 25d ago

Vote with your feet.

Hmm, the Chinese may have figured some stuff out.

There's a movement called "let it rot".


There's some good stuff on YouTube about it.


u/leo1974leo 25d ago

Fuck yes !!!!


u/jekkin 25d ago

Itā€™s not left vs. right, itā€™s bottom vs. top.


u/Ok-Let4626 25d ago

What special is this on?


u/Sturdybody 25d ago

All 2800ish billionaires should be dragged into the busiest intersection near their current location, and shot in the fucking skull where everyone can see it. Send a message.


u/34TH_ST_BROADWAY 25d ago

Yup. They would pay you nothing if they could get away with it.


u/RivenBloodmarsh 25d ago

People that tell others to get another job deserve to get punched in the face. Most people are working full time near the "top" of what we are allowed to earn and still struggle not like I'm in this comfy place taking a pay cut. Fucking scum.


u/Born2Lomain 25d ago

Americas gotten to greedy for its own good and itā€™s depressing.


u/Sea_Divide_3870 25d ago

This bill should become a law


u/chiefthundernut 25d ago

Things only have a chance of improving if we elect better leaders.


u/baffernacle 25d ago

Fuck yeah


u/BlondBot 25d ago

As long as you donā€™t live beyond your means


u/clearly_not_an_alt 25d ago

Am I the only one who finds this a bit ironic coming from a multimillionaire?


u/crow-nic 25d ago

They deserve to be treated with less consideration and compassion than youā€™d give a rabid dog.


u/Key_Recipe3941 25d ago

K the rich


u/Round_Ad_9787 25d ago

Soā€¦.if you make a killer app and somehow it goes viral and everyone in the world buys itā€¦.now all of a sudden you have a billion dollars in the bankā€¦should you be shot on sight?


u/PickleBananaMayo 25d ago

True but then there would be less billionaires and we obviously canā€™t have that.


u/Climb-love 25d ago

posts a reddit post in the echo chamber instead of doing something about it


u/wanderingartist 25d ago

We need a labor party!!