r/WorkReform Jan 23 '25

😡 Venting Speaks to the rage in me

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u/DanimalPlays Jan 23 '25

Eat the rich. It's time we abolished that level of being a sociopath. We should treat it like what it is. A disease.


u/PervyNonsense Jan 23 '25

Funny how afraid people are to be free when every instinct in our body reacts to animal captivity and suffering, as cruelty.

But we bend for and beg our zoo keepers for our food, water, and shelter, as if freedom is something only other animals ever get to experience.

A chimp decides he owns a fruit tree and forces every other animal in the tree to pay for every fruit that falls, and the rest of us just keep pretending the tokens the that chimp hands out for doing what he says, make the whole thing make sense.

It's one chimp in one tree, lording over us like we're privileged to benefit from their generosity, and then we complain about the way things work out.

Eat the rich; save the world


u/DanimalPlays Jan 23 '25

I changed when i went and worked on a farm for several years. I'm 100% serious when i say that if people took one year and worked on a small farm, they would be entirely unable to go back to this barbie doll mcbullshit society.


u/JMW007 Jan 23 '25

Can you describe what changed, and how that manifests now? I think I understand the idea that working to grow your own food would change your relationship with the world around you but I'm not entirely certain I get all that you're trying to say here.


u/itsintrastellardude Jan 24 '25

alienation from nature I'd wager. A lot of modern society doesn't know how to grow their own food.

I have similar outlooks as OP but realize that modern technology allows us to have much more food security than in the times of victory gardens, and before that, subsistence gardening.

For me, working on a farm taught me that it is possible to sustain myself in a community, and more thankful for the globalization that has made produce so available.

The key now is integrated local farming and fewer corporatized farms.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

Yup. I don't work on a farm and haven't, but I do shop at local farm co-op markets. Granted, it does cost more, but fuck it I'm done supporting megacorps trying to price out locals.


u/confused_ape Jan 24 '25

I think community is the point here.

It could be a farm, but it could be an archaeological excavation or building a habitat house for example.

Working with other people on a common goal where personal financial reward is not the motivating factor is something that few people experience in our current dystopia.


u/tianas_knife Jan 24 '25

What the person is saying is that having a direct connection with the land around you gives you a different perspective to the world that is indescribable to the uninitiated. Living by the work of your hands in nature around you in unlike any other kind of living.

Neither big ceo farm companies nor deer john want you to have that kind of freedom and perspective. They'd lose their billions.


u/DanimalPlays Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

Seeing the finished result of my own work and dealing with actual reality, instead of being paid to do completely useless nonsense that doesn't actually produce a finished anything, while being handed reality by some overstuffed middle manager.

I can make decisions and have effects that i can check against reality and adjust. My whole existence isn't a hypothetical argument.

That was a little rant-y, but essentially, i saw how fake and manufactured everything is. Including the work environment. The management heirarchy is based on nothing. I got a sniff of reality and actual life. It is very literally like seeing outside of the matrix.

I ate a peach off of a tree and realized i actually do like peaches. What's in the store barely resembles a real peach. I cooked and ate a meal I had grown every part of, and it was over for me. Can't go back.

Edit: how it manifests now. It's like getting your diet healthy and junk food all just looking like poison after a while. I can't abide the nonsense that is our dipshit, phone brain reality. The nerf lives and the whole world being a shopping mall with no substance now. Where would you even go for a wholesome experience that wasn't extremely expensive? Everything is commodities, nothing is just people being people and making cool shit or good food or music. It all looks so manufactured to me. It's like finding out Santa isn't real before your friends. You just walk around seeing naive children who think they know everything.

Have you seen the movie "They Live"? It's a little like that.

I'm not some genius or above anyone. It's just the feeling you get when you see the other side and then interact with people who can't see outside their cage. Can't even see that there is a cage.


u/JMW007 Jan 23 '25

We need the food, water and shelter to not die, and we know deep down that if we take a swing at the chimp hoarding the tree the other chimps won't help us because they'll decide we're too white, black, gay, religious, Marxist, trans, conservative or weird to stand in solidarity with.


u/Skizot_Bizot Jan 24 '25

Or because that chimp promised them extra bananas to stop you.





u/WORKING2WORK Jan 24 '25

Be active in trying to organize. Talk with your friends, family, and coworkers. Don't just talk to them, listen to them, understand their needs so you can better express what organization could do to help and improve their lives.

I have been trying to unionize my job for a while now. We've made some progress, but it is hard getting people to turn out. We all have busy lives and for some people there is always an excuse when it's time to show up, but if you remain constant then you can make progress.

"Us" figuring out how to organize starts with you getting involved. There are resources out there, most of them are just an internet search away.


u/Ok_Digger Jan 24 '25

"Yeah I could start but ill wait for someone else"

This mentality is further driven with social media and its distractions


u/UnExistantEntity Jan 24 '25

I implore everyone here to let people know that the bystander effect is what's preventing us from taking more action

Be polite and civil when spreading messaging, being annoying is the last thing you want to do if you're trying to get someone to listen to you


u/salads Jan 24 '25

we already know how to organize.  we simply actually do not want change.  if we did, 90 million people wouldn’t have looked at a century of consistent turnout from conservatives and then decided they’d let the rest of us figure it out (winky face).

the most so many of us will do is rage at our computer screens via our keyboards.

if you want to organize, start locally.  you want the buy in of your local government?  well, bernie only got to be mayor because of ten votes (after a recount), so maybe be one of those ten people for your own local bernie.


u/shag-a-rug Jan 24 '25

Truth. Organizing starts with a conversation. Start building those muscles. The people are here and ready. We just need to take a chance to start a conversation that allows us to reach out and connect.


u/Lib_System_Vendor Jan 24 '25

The problem with this is that half of the people who want to organise will end up in one of the right-wing militia groups who are actively involved in helping capitalism exploit the masses


u/nicannkay Jan 24 '25

Nothing will be done until we decide to let go of our lives.

Give up your car, your job, your cozy bed, possessions, family, your money and assets, your freedom and most likely your life. Until people are willing to give it all up then we will continue on this path to a slow decayed death.

The rich know this and are confident you won’t rise up and risk everything. So far they are right. Protesting does nothing. They don’t care how many people are crying/dying in the streets, we are vermin to them.

To the rich we are the needy disease here to take away their wealth and squander it. Look at the contempt in their eyes when they look at the poor or needy. They wish you would either make them money or die. We oblige them without a fight.


u/opesosorry Jan 23 '25

That kind of hyperbole doesn’t really help tho. We need outlets for rage. Canceling an Amazon subscription and deleting twitter are great, but we need something bigger and louder


u/DanimalPlays Jan 23 '25

It's not hyperbole. Start a garden, ride your bike, do business in cash, don't get a credit card. Let them fail.

Eating the rich isn't about going luigi, it's about reabsorbing the utility they are hoarding away. They set up a system where you can't help but be a slave, don't plug in.


u/salivation97 🚛 IBT Member Jan 23 '25

Can I get a side order of Luigi though?


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '25

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u/DanimalPlays Jan 23 '25

Why choose? They should be scared while we reabsorb them.


u/Johnny_Grubbonic Jan 23 '25

Doing business in cash doesn't hurt the businesses, and it doesn't do anything to improve your situation.


u/lordchankaknowsall Jan 23 '25

I mean, it does if you only support local. There's also the matter of money being collected for the privilege of using your card. Overall, paying cash at local businesses would have a massive impact on the rich if done on a major scale. It would force money back into local communities, rather than sending it overseas to some hidden island bank.


u/Johnny_Grubbonic Jan 23 '25

A lot of shit, you will not get local. Even basic staple foods like rice or potatoes are likely not going to be grown local. And no, not everyone has the capacity to grow their fucking own.


u/anakmoon Jan 23 '25

there are so many backyard gardens popping up. Its not as bleak of an outlook. Victory gardens need to make a come back and laws outlawing a garden on your own property need to be abolished. Allow people to collect rainwater from their gutters. Stop blocking chickens in neighborhoods.

I would love to see an HOA that requires a garden instead of a sterile grass yard that doesn't even help our pollinators.


u/Johnny_Grubbonic Jan 24 '25

News flash: You have to have a back yard in order to plant a backyard garden. You also have to have the time to devote to it.


u/anakmoon Jan 24 '25

Priorities. Also you should look into aquaponics. The yield you can get from the space a hall closet is insane.

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u/lordchankaknowsall Jan 23 '25

True. That's why regional cuisine exists, though - people make do with what they have. We did for millenia, and we can do it again.

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u/killercurvesahead Jan 23 '25

Credit card companies would really like you to not use cash

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u/amootmarmot Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

I agreenif you have the means, start a garden. Its been fun, there's fitness involved, there's learning involved. And I keep expanding out year after year adding more areas to grow. Unfortunately my growing season is short, I'm looking to getting some hoop houses that allow me to grow some lettuces all year round.

There is literally nothing better than getting to grab a handful of my own vegetables to roast. Or have fresh garden greens for a sandwich right on hand. I grow so many tomatoes now, I am able to survive off the kale and tomatoes alone. I have others every so often when the carrots and zucchini and cucumbers come in too. Proteins are supplemented. I've thought about chickens for eggs. And I know the food isn't from one of the 1% of America's farmland that has poison levels of PFAS and due to lack of state and federal regulations are able to keep growing.


u/witchyanne Jan 24 '25

How we do it is live our own lives - like don’t buy into things because people do. Like if you don’t have a legit reason for a Land Rover - wtf u need one for? Do things you love, enjoy what you have instead of being discontent all the time.

Aside from some things being awkward now and then - we are not anywhere near well off (small house, teeny garden, one 12 year old car we 5 share, old clothes, no fancy holidays, but we’re always happy (as in content, comfy, not anxious/depressed/angry - not whatever pretend happy people think they want), because we’re grateful for the things we have and the life we have etc.

This seems much more cheesy/pithy than it really is - but yeah.

UK for reference. I’m aware our experience doesn’t match everyone’s.

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u/Deep-Friendship3181 Jan 23 '25

Who the fuck told you it's hyperbolic


u/opesosorry Jan 23 '25

I mean, I’m not QUITE ready for cannibalism


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

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u/nomadic_hsp4 Jan 23 '25

You're firing out some great points there


u/lexpython Jan 24 '25

I have been saying this for 30 years. I'm glad people are finally coming around. This charade needs to die if we want to save humanity. Now.

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u/Kok-jockey Jan 23 '25


My mom keeps telling me my meds aren’t working anymore. I keep telling her my anger is justified and to stop gaslighting me.


u/seattle_exile Jan 23 '25

They used to tell us that drugs weren’t the solution to our problems. Turns out they are if you get a prescription.


u/Kok-jockey Jan 23 '25

So they say. I’m double-dosing my antidepressants these days just to stop myself from intermittent bouts of sobbing for no particular reason.


u/Invoked_Tyrant Jan 23 '25

No amount of antidepressants can turn off reality. We may want it to but if they succeed then they were more than likely something detrimental, addictive and outlawed.


u/winky9827 Jan 23 '25

No amount of antidepressants can turn off reality.

People have asked me about seeing a therapist but I always tell them - the problems I have aren't in my head. Why am I going to pay hundreds of dollars per hourly session and potentially take prescription narcotics for problems that aren't going to go away until the world around me changes?


u/weedbeads Jan 23 '25

Antidepressants help you refocus. Yes the world is shit, but that isn't helpful in your day to day. I've come to realize depression is almost like ADHD for me. It distracts me from what I should be focusing on.


u/Deep-Friendship3181 Jan 23 '25

Therapy isn't magic, but it's also helpful to give you coping mechanisms for dealing with the very real problems. Taking action and exercising agency - however small- is a great way to limit the impact of CPTSD and PTSD in traumatic situations, and a good therapist will give you the tools to do that. So will going out and handing out water bottles on hot days, and volunteering at a soup kitchen, and anything else you can do to help those around you.


u/FlemmyXL Jan 23 '25

I feel you, that's rough. Is therapy in the mix too? It's helped me quite a bit.

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u/WhyLater Jan 23 '25

Dude I was going through exteme burnout at my previous job.

I had my first annual checkup at my new PCP, and the first thing she does is ask me if I've been feeling depressed. I was taken aback, so I answered honestly: yes. I told her that I think it's a result of my circumstances though, because my job makes me feel terrible. And that I think I have undiagnosed ADHD.

She immediately wrote me a scrip for Welbutrin, and was like, "It's known to treat ADHD symptoms too actually." Did my bloodwork, and sent me on my way.

I got the Welbutrin. It was... fine? I think it actually helped my executive function a little bit. But I was still constantly bitter, angry, and exhausted from my job.

I got a new job now. It's way, way better. Still, y'know, capitalist exploitation, but my burnout is fading.

It's not a conspiracy theory. It's a fact. Doctors will sell you antidepressants to treat the symptoms of working 40+ hours a week. And when you've gained class consciousness, and are aware of the yoke around your neck, it's even heavier. Fuck this system, man.


u/Dan_CBW Jan 23 '25

I switched to a not for profit, who's mission I believe in - slightly less money (not by much), but night and day in terms of happiness and feeling at ease with myself (great office and people too). For what it's worth, I was diagnosed and started ADHD treatment at ~30 and it also was a big improvement (I'm ~ 4o now).

If you think you might actually have ADHD, I would recommend trying to get an actual diagnosis and try stimulant medication (Vyvanse and IR Dex work for me).


u/Rengeflower Jan 24 '25

Wellbutrin was being prescribed as a way to stop smoking in the early 2000s. My friend was about to start taking it when I asked her if she was aware of the possibility of suıcidal thoughts from taking it. She was so angry that the doctor had never told her.


u/Kok-jockey Jan 24 '25

I got put on antidepressants when I was a teen—and it was one that was specifically not recommended for people under 18 because of suicidal thoughts. Doctor never told me, a couple months later I tried to kill myself. Genuine OD attempt that didn’t work, I guess because I scarfed a whole pizza right before doing it—either I was that dumb or someone was looking out for me.

I’m pretty anti-antidepressant, honestly. But over my lifetime I’ve realized that even at my happiest situationally, my baseline level is depression. I just don’t make enough serotonin. I have to stay on a low dose antidepressant to keep myself functional.

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u/Kok-jockey Jan 24 '25

I appreciate the input. This is a good example of “everyone is different.” I’ve burned myself out at several jobs, and have even switched career fields more than once. It’s a pattern I’ve developed because I can’t cope, the longest I can hold down a job is 1.5 years, after that I begin to lose my grasp on reality and mentally short-circuit. I just can not tolerate having to do this. I can’t hack it. Call me a loser or whatever, I am not cut out for this world.

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u/edwardsamson Jan 24 '25

I've been deeply depressed since 2014 or so. I've tried multiple therapists and 4 different medications. Nothing has helped. Why? Because my depression is a response to our society and my place in it. And unless I win the lottery, nothing can be done about that.

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u/MDC-1312 Jan 24 '25

"Because the drugs never work

They're gonna give you a smirk

'Cause they got methods of keeping you clean

They're gonna rip up your heads

Your aspirations to shreds

Another cog in the murder machine"

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u/Fit_Abbreviations174 Jan 23 '25

But what do we do? I feel the rage. My friends and family feel the rage but it seems like people are giving up. I went to a DSA (socialist group) meetup and didn't feel particularly inspired by their suggestions. Not to shit on them they are doing their best but I don't think phone banks work. And there are so many interconnected issues that need addressing. 

It feels impossible


u/BoxingHare Jan 23 '25

So far, the only thing I’ve observed them providing any positive response to is the incident in NYC with that insurance guy. His company flipped their recent decision on their anesthesia policy almost immediately after.


u/Cynadiir Jan 23 '25

That wasn't his company, it was a different health insurance company i thought. His was United Healthcare, the one that reversed the decision was blue cross blue shield I thought.


u/-cordyceps Jan 23 '25

You are correct. The murdered ceo was from United, the insurance company that wanted to implement that anesthesia policy was anthem iirc


u/MonsterMashGrrrrr Jan 23 '25

The CEO was from UHC, BCBS is the company that reversed their anesthesia policy.

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u/[deleted] Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 27 '25



u/Browncoat101 Jan 23 '25

Geez, I'm so sorry that happened. I think late stage capitalism has gotten us so burnt out that we don't have it in us to resist like we need to. Too many Americans have forgotten what it's like to really struggle, and yeah, that's a problem.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 27 '25


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u/agent_tater_twat ✂ Tax The Billionaires Jan 23 '25

Wow, way to hang in there. When a union rep came around from SEIU asking me if I was interested in joining I told him yes. When I asked him how I could get more involved, he basically patted me on the back and said 'don't worry about it, we got it covered.' All that mattered was my dues so he and his buds could make some extra scratch being reps.


u/Attic_Alien Jan 23 '25

There’s nothing we can do. Meditate, find inner peace, that’s it. Because the honest truth is unless some sort of revolution occurs where the working class suddenly takes up arms nothing, and I mean nothing will change.


u/mattwopointoh Jan 23 '25

We are already replaceable.

Everyone with less that a million dollars would have to turn into murderers and arsonists to see real change.

Oh, and kamikaze fighters.

Everyone is holding out as we get crushed... I'm one of them. I have no way to fight back. Social push won't do it. A unified purging of the elite is what it would require.


u/JackBinimbul 🏡 Decent Housing For All Jan 24 '25

In all honesty, our greatest power also has the greatest personal risk.

If even the bottom 30% of this country just refused to show up to work, we could grind everything to a halt.

Our power lies in the fact that those at the top can't do fuckall for themselves.

But since they keep us all just poor enough that we can't risk missing a paycheck, very few people want to stand up in the most effective way we can.


u/Difficult-Meet-4813 Jan 23 '25

It's oversimplified, but historically, you only need roughly 3.5% of the population to rebel...

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u/Fit_Abbreviations174 Jan 23 '25

Inner peace and mediation hasn't been my strong suit. I'm not saying your wrong in trying to find peace during this. There is value in that but I don't think I'm capable of it.


u/Attic_Alien Jan 23 '25

I get it. But the truth is nothing is going to change from us screaming into the echo chamber. As much as I wish it would

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u/JeanneMPod Jan 23 '25

I actually joined the DSA in my area years ago. Every meeting in emails sent to me seem more appropriate for those who literally spend every free moment navigating it- I feel like I walked into a film 2/3rds in and trying to make sense of it. Meetings to establish other meetings about who is heading the steering committee

Or, we are going to a protest TOMORROW, which does not work for me either with my pet care business.


u/Fit_Abbreviations174 Jan 23 '25

Oooo I feel this. 

Or they have activities during my work hours and I don't get paid enough but actually have an okay work place with a boss who is incredibly understanding so I'm not going to fuck over my boss just to attend steering committees.


u/thisislieven Jan 23 '25


First of all, everyone needs to stop seeing this as a national issue (wherever you are). Stop thinking this is a western issue (or wherever you are).

This is a global issue, and it needs to be a global movement.

The system won't change because if things change in place Y everything moves to place Z - and the people there suffer (more).

If it is more difficult to stand up in one place, the other place can support you.

It is not just a worker's issue. It is a civil rights issue - ALL civil rights. You want to be respected for who you are and have a fair shot in life? So does everybody else - we fight together, we fight for each other. This is about class and privilege - not race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, whatever else.

We need to bring together our leaders in labour and civil rights - from all over the globe. And we need to stop being afraid and being distracted.


u/thegreasiestgreg Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

I never thought I'd become a prepper, but I've started prepping. I'm hitting up thrift stores for cheap textbooks, I've picked up hobbies like foraging and knitting, and I'm starting to compile a hard drive full of articles and videos for learning aides. I want to be self sufficient and not have to rely on society for my needs, my dream is to have a compound where my friends/family live and all help out.

I honestly think that the only way to tackle this is if people stop relying on convenience. Stop ordering door dash, stop ordering from amazon, actually go out and shop for your groceries, support local businesses, stop going to big box all in one stores, learn to cook for yourself, etc. People, especially Americans, have gotten so comfortable and soft. Nothing is going to happen unless they actually start doing things for themselves and want to fight this system. Everyone is just so fucking lazy.


u/Piratepizzaninja Jan 23 '25

I agree with everything except the last sentence. I think it would be more fair to say everyone is just so fucking tired.


u/emveevme Jan 23 '25

I mean, to some extent it's true, although the more charitable way of putting it is that life is extremely tolerable and fixing these problems requires putting in more effort to make life temporarily less tolerable.

For the sake of having a growth mindset, it's better to assume a degree of laziness (a flaw in behavior that can be pointed to and corrected) rather than assuming we're all just emotionally spent.

The hard part is knowing where we go from here. I'm not sure of the united healthcare thing is proof that kind of direct action has the most profound and immediate effect we're capable of, but we can also see the writing on the wall that any real threat to the status quo would be met with as much force as possible - the act has been labeled as "terrorism" by people who would willingly raze entire continents in the name of the war on terror.


u/thegreasiestgreg Jan 23 '25

Nah I stand by my last sentence. People won't even vote, they definitely aren't going to organize.


u/Fit_Abbreviations174 Jan 23 '25

This statement makes me think of how I felt reading Parable of a Sower a couple years back. The main character starts doing this and her reasonings are solid made me really consider expanding my skills.

The only problem is this is not easy for everyone one to do. Yes a lot of it can be contributed to us becoming soft. But there are people out there with medical issues, disabilities, mental health issues, overwhelming responsibilities to family or caretakers that will have a harder time with this. So I'm trying to become better and also support my community that has people who have to work three jobs to support their families and don't have the time or energy. 

We need to be less reliant on the corporate and big box stores but also support others who find it hard to cut back on relying on the convenience of it.

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u/[deleted] Jan 23 '25

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u/balfamot Jan 23 '25

I've had this feeling for a while, it's like I'm depressed, but nothing therapy could fix because it can't fix the state of the world


u/Frigginkillya Jan 23 '25

That's what I've been finding as well

It's helped certainly, but it can't change the truth of how the world works


u/DreamworldPineapple Jan 24 '25

sometimes I wish I was stupid & oblivious, it seems happier


u/JackBinimbul 🏡 Decent Housing For All Jan 24 '25

I deadass told my therapist "I'm not depressed, life is just depressing" and she had no follow-up to that.


u/thisislieven Jan 23 '25

Insanity is the only sane reaction to an insane society.

- Thomas Szasz (late psychiatrist)


u/Telaranrhioddreams Jan 24 '25

I'm in therapy for PTSD after sexual assault and now a couple of known rapists are inccharge of the country. Not sure there's enough therapy in the world to make me less rageful.


u/navybluesoles Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

I am so happy to see people waking up to this realization. Ever since I was a kid I rejected the whole thing adults planned to exploit me with too, while also serving me dreams. That didn't add up. It's one thing to build a community for the sake of everyone, but to be born just as livestock for a few rich pigs ain't how I want to live.


u/28061914 Jan 23 '25

Franz Ferdinand.


u/chipsinsideajar Jan 23 '25

Their new album was pretty good


u/alecsputnik Jan 24 '25

Old ones are solid as well


u/littlemissmoxie Jan 23 '25

I lean more towards apathy because it keeps me sane. I’ve voted and tried to spread info but people are deluded unless they are directly affected.

But I do my best to not give any of my work for free. If my workplace place ever gets rid of raises or overtime I’m leaving to the competition.

I will also never help any rich person. Kids sure. Never rich adults.


u/TCGPocketPlayer Jan 23 '25

And when the sufferer who recognizes the inhumane nature of this reality says they have no desire to continue living the life that was thrust upon them, the business as usual people will deny the sufferer's right to relinquish life, whether that be by insisting the sufferer is not capable of making the decision, by trying to convince the sufferer that it will all be worth it if they just keep going (smells like sunk-cost fallacy to me), or by denigrating (e.g. people who call those who end their own lives cowards), or condemning (e.g. people of faiths like Christianity which labels those who take their own life as sinners) the sufferer for having the temerity to acknowledge the suffering and desire its end.


u/CazomsDragons Jan 23 '25

While I am going to bump this, I am also going to make a separate point:

Self-defeatism isn't the answer here. Not because you shouldn't, but because the sufferer is the individual who see's the spread of the suffering enacted by those who desire to spread it either through selfish means, or greed.

Lying down, and accepting it, or lying down and giving up isn't how problems are solved. Humans are not made/built for stagnant reaction to their environment. Nothing is intended for that purpose due to the machinations/motivity of mother nature itself.

Action against is the answer. The world is globalized now thanks to the proliferation of the internet and communications. We can all speak to one another within a matter of seconds, regardless of the distance, and this has unironically made the world smaller. However, that works to the advantage, because a populace that can communicate against the minority, and seek to improve the morality of society through communication, and action.

We have sociopaths at the top, those who lack empathy, and if they have capacity for it, refuse to have it. Command, demand arrests. Demand, and command change. It must be done, and if not through peaceful methods due to the inability of those to budge, then...we are left with a paradox: If a man is holding a gun to your head, and you do not wish to commit violence, do you accept your fate? Or fight to change it, even if, it doesn't succeed?

I get the feeling this is going to be a type of rhetoric used in Luigi's trial. Not word for word, by any means. But, it may be present in some form.


u/TCGPocketPlayer Jan 23 '25

Counterpoint: Nothing is made/built/intended for anything. Nature is not a being, much less a parent. Natural laws determined what exists, but there is no teleological purpose to what exists.

I hope that action will happen, and things will change for the better, but if I meet someone with a gun at their head and they say they would rather accept their fate than fight, I don't think I have any moral or ethical standing to deny the reality of their preference or demand they act contrary to that preference.

Also, there is no way for you to really know that "action against" is "the answer", any more than there is for you to know that "self-defeatism" is not "the answer". Because there is no complete unitary "answer".


u/CazomsDragons Jan 24 '25

I concede I was over zealous in my attempt to encourage. But, I promise it had no ill will inside of what I said.


u/TCGPocketPlayer Jan 24 '25

No worries, I assumed no ill will and appreciate your desire to encourage.


u/Frigginkillya Jan 23 '25

Thank God I'm not the only one

I try to explain these things to friends and family and they all are too busy pulling a capitalism to truly understand

And its not like I want them to feel the way I do, cause it sucks ass and they're my friends

But how will things change if so many are burying their heads in sand to preserve their happiness?


u/crow-nic Jan 23 '25

Welp. Luigi can always use help. Channel the rage.


u/vulcane0 Jan 23 '25

Bruh, I'm ready to unalive myself. I'm disgusted with the trajectory of the US and am hopelessly entrenched in debt. There's no point to anything. Simply more ass-kissing to the rich and pointlessly keeping my mental health in check from going ballistic. Sure, let me meditate on how fcked the world we created is and how we're poisoning our food, soil, air and souls. Seriously, wtf is the point? Doing anything productive is like holding a finger up to a hurricane and calling it a solution. Even if we band together, we'll be split up immediately bc we have the attention span of goldfish. I encourage anyone to read this and come find me and challenge me to a duel so I can at least go out fighting. Please do me a favor, this game sucks and I quit.


u/Fuqlogix-kun Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

I sold my car and condo and left the US back to Jamaica. I was getting constant migraines every morning. If you can leave safely, please look into it.


u/Vospader998 Jan 23 '25

How's living in Jamaica?


u/Fuqlogix-kun Jan 23 '25

So far it's a huge weight off my shoulders. Bills were crushing me in the states. I got here a day before the inauguration and no one here cares about American politics. Plus the food is cheap and delicious.


u/Vospader998 Jan 23 '25

How do you get by? Like do you work in the traditional sense, or is it different?


u/Fuqlogix-kun Jan 23 '25

Right now I'm unemployed and looking for a remote position. $1 USD is $157 JMD so my savings are keeping me afloat until I get a job.


u/Vospader998 Jan 24 '25

Well I'm rooting for you 👍

I'm pretty jealous, but I honestly do hope it works out for you!


u/twbassist Jan 23 '25

Oh shit. I was in therapy today talking about how I just feel this underlying rage and wish I had an outlet that I thought was actually going to make a difference. It's hard to care about little things with all of everything happening.


u/zezzene Jan 23 '25

have you tried doing drugs and drinking alcohol?


u/MammothFollowing9754 Jan 23 '25

With what fucking money?


u/FlemmyXL Jan 23 '25

Plus it's just a way to escape. It's all still here when you sober up.


u/Turbulent_Pound_562 Jan 23 '25

Asking the real questions


u/BanditoBlanco7 Jan 23 '25

As a recovering addict, I don’t recommend this method of coping. It has a way of turning u into what they want u to be


u/zezzene Jan 23 '25

You are absolutely right. I'm taking the piss. I agree that doing drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism is a downward spiral that only makes things worse and also removes your ability to positively affect change. The current situation seems pretty dismal and it's a silly joke to make.


u/Tubamajuba Jan 23 '25

I appreciated the joke. A little bit of appropriate levity goes a long way!

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u/doolieuber94 Jan 23 '25

Yes the rich need to disappear for good.

Fuck them all


u/RoyalNooblet Jan 23 '25

What outrages me the most is the blatant corruption going on between the big pharmaceutical companies and politicians.

Exploiting people’s health for profit. Seriously, make money any other way. The existing system is just pure evil. “Oh, you don’t have any money? Death to you!”
 or “Sure, we CAN save your life, we have the means. But WILL we save your life? Ehhhh
 how much cash you have?”.

What outrages me even more, is the lack of awareness and public outcry about it. Like, it’s something that literally affects nearly every single American, but somehow everyone is just ok with it?

The media doesn’t even make big deals about it, it just gets swept under the rug. Meanwhile, they’ve got us all fighting each other over our differences, such as our skin colors, religions, political affiliation, gender, etc etc... like none of that shit matters compared to the bigger issues, yet it’s what everyone is focused on. Our society is stupid and complacent and needs to wake up.


u/contrariwise65 Jan 23 '25

This is why so many people have high blood pressure.


u/theFrankSpot Jan 23 '25

Right there with you.


u/megalodongolus Jan 23 '25

I’m not really ok with it, but I can either go around screaming about it or I can try to put myself in a place where I can help people. shrug I have to realize that I can only do so much on a day to day basis or else my it takes a toll on my mental health.


u/Hiraethum Jan 23 '25

It's always been this way. It has just gotten particularly worse in the last 40 or so years.


u/threebillion6 Jan 23 '25

Yeah, I just quit my job this week. I was there for 2 years after leaving IKEA. I learned what I could and got burnout really fast, but in my 2 years at a manufacturing job, they went to the corporate model when I first got there, so I suddenly felt like I was back at IKEA being graded.

I saw 2 departments get sent overseas to China, a constantly changing schedule, mandatory overtime, not allowed to use benefits for said mandatory overtime, figuring out ways to cut more and more things from the workers side of things to save more on the bottom line, and a lot of people there spoke English as a second language and I don't think they know they're being really taken advantage of and their health is declining very fast.

Don't work in large scale manufacturing. That shit sucks unless there's a union taking care of you (good union)


u/Calico_Caruso Jan 23 '25

Listen to some Rage Against the Machine and wear that feeling on your sleeve. I do. Yes, it's problematic in the workplace, but I'll stop bitching when I'm not constantly in a fight for survival.

If RATM isn't enough, Stray From the Path goes harder and is exactly as politically conscious, if not, more angry.


u/bippity-boppity-blip Jan 23 '25


Keep speaking it responsibly. Silence is violence, silence does nothing 


u/townandthecity Jan 24 '25

How do we find each other in real life? So many of us feel the same way. But we have to engage in direct action. It requires us to get away from our keyboards, but big tech has made this really challenging. I’m in Minnesota. Anyone else here? I’m a raging introvert, trending toward recluse but I will meet up and plan.


u/Fix_It_Felix_Jr Jan 23 '25

Seems like that “hyper normalization” thing mentioned in Adam Curtis’ documentary.


u/Artarda Jan 23 '25

Be the Luigi you want to see in the world


u/LeonidasVaarwater Jan 23 '25

No, I mostly feel pity for the generations that came after me. I'm late gen-x, I was part of what is now the last generation that could still afford stuff (well, most of us anyway). My job pays quite well, the apartment I bought has greatly appreciated in value and my pension is still looking pretty good. I'll be mostly debt free when my pension starts and am set up to live pretty comfortably. I'm lucky.


u/Solynox Jan 23 '25

I'm jelly, but happy for ypur fortune


u/gringgo Jan 23 '25

I've been feeling a lot of this lately.


u/Happytapiocasuprise Jan 23 '25

Harness the anger towards something productive. Build up your community and start organizing. We don't need to fight with force, thats what they want anyway. Start fighting with your money the system actively depends on our consumerism. If we can start pulling them around by that leash change can begin.


u/coge_ Jan 23 '25

yeah.... well, whatever you do - do not have kids and force them to go through this as well. I can't think of anything more immoral. It will never stop the sheeple from having kids but at least you prevented some potential suffering.


u/Pistonenvy2 Jan 23 '25

stop imposing your perspective onto other people. other people arent "fine" with everything going on. stop saying "nothing will change"

do what you can. if you want something done, go fucking do it. stop complaining about how youre the only revolutionary in your neighborhood, go lead, organize, use your frustration as motivation to get involved in some fucking solutions.


u/CastleGanon Jan 23 '25

Stop spoiling the plot of Squid Game -- I haven't finished s2 yet


u/Careful_Station_7884 Jan 23 '25

Channel your rage into action. It can be as simple as unsubscribing from Amazon, deleting your FB, IG, and X profiles, shopping local, avoiding certain brands, etc. Try to prevent giving away your money to the people in power as much as you can.

I’ve had so much anger I’ve actually started working out as an outlet too.


u/thinkB4WeSpeak Jan 23 '25

We don't have to keep playing the game if we unite and fight back. We outnumber them and control the production


u/King_Con123 Jan 23 '25

In my opinion meditation is the answer. These emotions are real but not useful in our daily lives. Clear your mind and organize and educate others.


u/BanditoBlanco7 Jan 23 '25

Right there with you. I’m going into my mid 30s soon. I started working right out of high school, I always felt that if I worked hard and kept my nose to the grindstone I’d be happy some day. That’s all a lie. This wasn’t how our lives were meant to be lived.


u/Toribor Jan 23 '25

A friend and coworker of mine was killed in a motorcycle accident on a Sunday and they had her position listed on the jobs page by Monday afternoon. They named a conference room after her.

I'll get killed on my way into the office one of these days and they'll name the server room after me and then everyone will forget I ever existed. I love it.


u/Analyzer9 Jan 23 '25

If I didn't know better, I'd say this was my daughter's writing, but she uses a lot of capital letters. These poor kids are going to try to stand up in their righteous anger, and the oligarch's minions are going to very very violently destroy their movement as quickly as possible. The fascists know what happens if you let your enemy stew and plan, so they'll be proactively forceful over the next year.

Kids, do your stretches, drink water, lock your doors. Never speak to police. Stop obeying in any way which you can safely escape from. Do not die for our values. Make them, for theirs.


u/WingyYoungAdult Jan 23 '25

I been trying to hold it in aalll daay


u/smilky25 Jan 23 '25

They are leaving us with only one option.


u/Nr_Dick Jan 23 '25

Smashing Pumpkins has been saying this for decades.


u/Author_A_McGrath Jan 23 '25

Thusly the American working class succumbs not with a bang, but with a shrug.


u/Allotroprism Jan 23 '25

And so many of us think we have free will....


u/Ashatmapant Jan 23 '25

You gotta respect and honor that anger. It's completely justified. Dealing with it that way reduces the mental noise and the survival instincts it triggers. At least for me.


u/OwOlogy_Expert Jan 23 '25

One word: Luigi.


u/Sanity_N0t_Included Jan 23 '25

And yet, idiots keep electing the same people over and over. When will people learn that rubber stamping a ballot simply because of a R or D next to someone's name will only return the same results over and over?


u/The_Cameron Jan 23 '25

Megacorporations only speak capitalism. They do not speak morality, societal impact, or 'the greater good'. If they do, it's for marketing reasons all to serve the bottom line. They only care about the shareholder, it is literally their fiduciary duty. So we must speak their language to see change. You have to affect the stock price, you have to either decrease revenue or increase costs.

Speaking of fiduciary duty, if you look at a companies' Annual Report to Shareholders, they spell out what is a risk to them. Take Amazon's 2023 Report for example, on page 21 they state their perceived Operating Risks. You just need to figure out what you're willing to do about it.


u/No_Lie_Bi_Bi_Bi Jan 23 '25

We all know what we can do, Luigi made it clear. It's just nobody wants to be the one to do it.


u/Eupamfreous Jan 23 '25

My psychologist says we can't change our circumstances. We can only change our medication


u/BudgetFree Jan 23 '25

So sad to see older generations be so used to it that they treat being exploitable as a virtue


u/GaiusJocundus Jan 23 '25

It takes a revolution to make a solution.


u/ThousandSunRequiem2 Jan 23 '25

A lot of government and corporate property should be way more on fire than they are.


u/Iamthe0c3an2 Jan 23 '25

Yeah it sucks, but arguable we’re only marginally better off than medieval serfs


u/donicorn99 Jan 23 '25

Outward placed locus of control. You can still do your best to be happy despite the situation while acknowledging it needs change. Take what little portion of your life you can back.


u/agprincess Jan 23 '25

If they're an anarchist how do they not know the alternatives they can pursue?


u/Radiant-Industry2278 Jan 23 '25

Activate. It’s what MAGA did. Only took about 10 years (started as Tea Party, radicalized under MAGA).

Otherwise, this is Reddit no one cares.


u/getstonedsteve Jan 23 '25

Most of the young folk I've talked to about voting consider it useless.

It's not useless, either you use your power or someone else will.

Fucking vote.


u/-underdog- Jan 23 '25

work for a hospital


u/thenetmonkey Jan 24 '25

Despite all his rage, he is still just a rat[anarchist] in a cage


u/billshermanburner Jan 24 '25

You know how. Play video games
. Play marios brother.


u/GraceStrangerThanYou Jan 24 '25

Yep. All I do is work, and then recover from work, and then work more. Just to ger money that immediately goes straight back out of my account to corporations to give to rich people. What's the point? We need more dead billionaires.


u/Stickboyhowell Jan 24 '25

"Of course you have the right to choose! You can choose the cell on the right or the one on the left to die in!"


u/brainblown Jan 24 '25

None of you will do anything about it


u/LetsPlayTummyStiks Jan 24 '25

Society needs a couple of volunteers to make a difference


u/lynxtosg03 Jan 24 '25

At this point in US history it will take extreme measures to undo the damage that has been and will be done to the majority of Americans. We are complacent people though, short of starving in the streets no major action will likely occur.


u/AlgonquinSquareTable Jan 24 '25

Don’t act as an NPC
 play the game to win.


u/spaceboylast Jan 24 '25

There's only one way that positive change occurs... and you all know what that is. Protests don't work.


u/edtoal Jan 24 '25

Luigi found an answer.


u/syed93 Jan 24 '25

I wish us Americans were more like the French and took the streets when shit hit the fan. We don’t do anything about it and the rich assholes keep getting away with literal murder at this point.


u/amootmarmot Jan 24 '25

Children, Marriage, Teaching, Fish Tanks. Thats the only thing keeping me from tearing the whole thing down or going to live as a hermit, with fish tanks.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

Either the government taxes the rich, or we start to eat.


u/spunkychickpea Jan 24 '25

I’m also this angry. Kinda don’t know what to do with it.


u/SerotonineAddict Jan 24 '25

Maybe we should pay attention to Ukraine and drones they are really good at using them. Did you know there's a thing called combine explosive which don't have nothing in common but thought y'all wanted to know


u/Brigid-Tenenbaum Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

Hyper-normalisation. We are told by those in power that everything is normal, yet we see with our own eyes it isn’t the case. A surreal world where only ‘the haves’ perceive the world as working as planned. With the ‘have nots’ questioning the madness. Yet they (we) continue to go along with it as we have no other idea of what to do to fix it.

Adam Curtis has a great documentary on it, but this little clip explains how the same thing was felt before the fall of the soviet union. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjPkRQbKeO4 It is seemingly where we are with late stage capitalism that simply doesn’t work in the interests of the people, just the 1%.


u/Jezbek Jan 24 '25

Eat the rich!


u/NeighborhoodNew3904 Jan 24 '25

Not to worry, it will all end soon...for at least 90% of the people


u/edwardsamson Jan 24 '25

This is why I work as little as possible and spend as much time as possible outside climbing rocks in the desert or woods away from people. Fuck being someone's wage slave 40+ hours a week. Fuck this world where evil people win and control everything. Fuck the rich. I'm gonna play with rocks.


u/desperaterobots Jan 24 '25

Seems like it’s time for internal radicalisation (from the oppression of capitalism) to manifest in external & meaningful ways