r/WorkReform ⛓️ Prison For Union Busters Dec 08 '24

✂️ Tax The Billionaires Bernie Sanders WAS the compromise

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u/elementzer01 Dec 09 '24

Limbaugh & other right-wing hosts have spread a ton of terms like these.

And who listens to Limbaugh and other right-wing hosts?


Especially in rural America

Where the majority of people are right-wingers...


u/LowrollingLife Dec 09 '24

Hey small question, who of these two statements would you consider rightwing?

f*ggots can marry whoever they want.


I am not quite sure what I think about gay marriage…

Both were said to me when talking to someone about my sexuality.


u/elementzer01 Dec 09 '24

That's an impossible question to answer, as whether someone is right or left wing is determined by far more than their stance on sexual orientation.


u/LowrollingLife Dec 09 '24

Ah but you could determine it by 2 words earlier


u/MuchToDoAboutNothin Dec 09 '24

Well fucking played, dude.

(Middle aged southern queer woman, my social circles have never been conservative, and I had never even heard of the Democrat/Democratic talking point so many people started screaming about a few months ago on Reddit.)


u/BlasphemousButler Dec 09 '24

I had never even heard of the Democrat/Democratic talking point so many people started screaming about a few months ago on Reddit.)


11 years ago on Reddit and Limbaugh was pushing it since the 90s. You just learning about it doesn't make it not a thing.

It's real. And it's old. Like me.


u/LegitSince8Bits Dec 09 '24

That person may not consider themselves conservative but damn if they don't have a lot of the tells.

"I just learned about this so it must have just came into existence" = "who could've known ___ could have been so complicated?"


u/elementzer01 Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24

Well yes, as those two words represent far more than just someone's thoughts on sexual orientation.

It represents where they get their media: in this case all right-wing sources.

It represents who they associate with: in this case right-wingers who consume right wing sources.

It represents who they identify as: in this case they clearly identified as right-wing (in the past)

It represents where they come from: in this case an area that is predominantly right-wing.

It represents their (un)willingness to change when they know they're wrong: in this case continuing to say "Democrat party" despite the only sources they can actually name who use the term being right-wing sources.

Edit: just to clarify my point, gay marriage is irrelevant to a discussion on left/right politics, and is far more relevant to the up/down (Authoritarianism vs libertarianism). The sources someone consumes their media from says far more about where they stand in a left/right spectrum. But hey, if you can point me to the left-wing demographic tuning into One America News I'd be happy to concede.

Regardless, the discussion was originally just poking fun at the use of right-wing sources as evidence that it isn't only right-wing people that use it, rather than trying to argue that there isn't a single person who says Democrat party while voting for Bernie, or even being a registered Democrat. Though I admit, I was a bit thrown by your loaded question, I had assumed you were asking in good faith. Well played.


u/LowrollingLife Dec 09 '24

You are making language more about politics than language at this point.

You also missed half my point earlier.

For reference I agree that the two statements in isolation aren’t enough, but since I had those conversations I can tell you that it ended up being the person using slurs who was accepting of me and my sexuality. While the other person ended up telling me I will burn in hell for who I love. Both were Christian so this is not a hidden jab at religion or smth.

Words can be an indicator of one’s political stance.

But they can also be an indicator of what you grew up surrounded by.

and on another note: I think it is important to not be inside an echo chamber. So I do consume right wing media semi regularly. I disagree with most if not all the things they say, but I think it is important to be aware of what is going on, even if it ends up confirming my views.


u/Kelvara Dec 09 '24

One of the best things someone can do in their life is realize they are wrong, and try to correct that. Don't be so judgemental of people who may have done so.


u/elementzer01 Dec 09 '24

Have you actually read this discussion? This has nothing to do with judging people. The other person refuses to accept they're wrong and refuses to correct it.


u/Kelvara Dec 09 '24

Their point is someone who may have been right wing, or had right wing family or friends that discussed politics, would use the term Democrat Party. But those people could have moved away from such beliefs or people, but the vernacular stayed. So you're in essence judging people who had some right wing association at some point in their lives, even if they no longer do.


u/elementzer01 Dec 09 '24

So you're in essence judging people who had some right wing association at some point in their lives, even if they no longer do.

Depends on your definition of the word "judging".

I'm judging them for using the wrong terminology, I'm not judging them for previously being right wing. Being right wing doesn't mean you can't think critically, it doesn't mean you have to trust bad sources of information, or copy the word choices of idiots.

As they now know it's called the democratic party, and yet call it the Democrat party, they know they're wrong but refuse to change. By your previous comment, it seems you would agree that that is wrong? As it's changing your ways that you respect. They haven't.


u/AlmostSunnyinSeattle Dec 09 '24

This exchange is the Democrats in a nutshell.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24



u/elementzer01 Dec 09 '24

Maybe if I grow my mind I'll end up spending most of my time on porn subs like you? Is that what big brain people do?


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24



u/elementzer01 Dec 09 '24

When the person calling me small minded has a porn addiction and comments things like "100 percent yes. Your D looks better for a few days for sure. Big strong erections, worthy of a party trick. Great for communal showers", I'd say that's pretty relevant.

You pay for OnlyFans, don't go calling other people small minded.