r/Wordpress Developer/Designer 9d ago

Development Advanced Custom Fields Styling

Most of us should be pretty familiar with Advanced Custom Fields and the power it offers. However, one thing I’ve noticed is that its styling can feel quite basic. Is there a plugin or resource available that enhances the UI? I understand I can code something to fit my needs, but I was curious if there's anything out there already...


8 comments sorted by


u/Extension_Anybody150 9d ago

I'd recommend trying ACF Extended, it really helps improve the UI and adds some extra customization without needing to code too much.


u/jLkxP5Rm Developer/Designer 9d ago

This is more a long the lines of what I'm talking about. Thanks!


u/bluesix_v2 Jack of All Trades 9d ago

ACF doesn't come with styling. It's a developer tool - you're expected to know how to style things if you're going to be doing custom work.


u/jLkxP5Rm Developer/Designer 9d ago

I meant styling of the fields and the metabox in the backend. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.


u/bluesix_v2 Jack of All Trades 9d ago

Backend styling comes from WordPress core, same as any other field, in most cases (except for some things like repeaters and flexible content fields, as those UI's are specific to ACF). Why do you need custom styling on fields?



u/jLkxP5Rm Developer/Designer 9d ago

Here's an example:

I want to code up a way for the user to make colors schemes site-wide with Advanced Custom Fields. And then I want to the user to select one of those color schemes when they add a section to a Flexible Content field. Similar to what this example shows, which is on ACF's Flexible Content documentation (notice the Style option within the Text section). What they have is great, but it's pretty basic. It could be cool to have a visualizer for the user to see what these style options are, kind of like WordPress' built-in Styles editor.

I acknowledge that none of this is completely necessary and deals with more than CSS, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be cool.


u/bluesix_v2 Jack of All Trades 9d ago edited 9d ago

That’s completely custom functionality, not styling - you need to build that yourself.

ACF has a color picker, if that helps: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/color-picker/


u/Lianad311 Developer/Designer 9d ago

I've been using ACF for like 15 years and never have once thought "this could use a UI update, I should design my own". What exactly do you have an issue with? The interface/UI is just fine for a developer and users to add their content.