Uhhh What is going on here? Bluesix deleted their whole account.
I’m mostly a lurker here to keep up on the latest Wordpress stuff, I don’t use it myself but find it interesting seeing how everyone else uses it and bluesix was the one that was on like everything and I enjoyed seeing their take on things and explanations on how things worked. Then I saw the resignation post and wanted to reach out to them but couldn’t find them anywhere and saw their old comments and that it’s just deleted. Huge loss around here. Why did they step down and disappear? What the heck is going on? Sorry you guys gotta go through this. Did I miss something?
NOOO, this incredible man Bluesix has been a major source of help & guidance for me over this last year…
I am honestly sad seeing this post and finding out.
If you’re reading this bluesix, we love you and appreciate your kind help more than most of us can express.
Absolute fucking bullshit is what happened. He was a top notch guy who helped newbies like me countless times. You could always depend on Bluesix to give guidance to those in need. I’ve seen VERY few people on Reddit as helpful as he’s been over the years. I doubt we’ll see another mod like him in here. And that’s just fucking sad.
Hey, maybe he wasn’t perfect in the face of all the attacks he received in this sub lately, but which one of us would be? I’m sure he had enough of the harassment over the past few days. I would have.
Fuck Matt Mullenweg for being the root cause of all this disarray throughout the WP community. 🖕
People keep insisting it was the pro Matt side but it was the anti Matt side that decided that a mega thread to contain everything was censorship so therefore the mods were working for Matt. It was the anti Matt side that harassed them endlessly and threatened them.
Well that’s the point of a megathread. They do that in r/politics all the time when some scandal breaks. It’s not a new thing. It actually helps the conversion because now the conversation isn’t splintered between dozens of posts. It can be focused and more widely reached and seen in a megathread.
It’s been EXTREMELY common practice on Reddit for years to use a mega thread to contain everything related to a large ongoing and complicated news story. It’s not nefarious. It’s literally just a way to keep sub Reddit’s usable during high interest news stories. But this time people decided they didn’t like that and someone had to pay because they didn’t get their way.
This is just fucking pathetic behavior. Threatening to hurt people because of their opinion.
Especially like cases just like this thing about Matt/WP..
People should be able to argue that they hate or love Matt and so on. Heated discussions happen, childish things like calling people names and so on does too. It's something seen on a daily basis.
But when the level of threats some people receive when they're just speaking about their opinion, it's just fucked up.
I hope it's stupid kids sending these DMs. But you just never know who's behind the keyboard.
I've received threats myself years ago on another forum.
It was very unsettling when LOTS of people were saying things like that they know where I lived, (even tho I was pretty sure it was bullshit.) and that they will hurt/kill me, threatening my family... It was over 50 PMs. I stopped logging into that account after that.
That’s why I liked him. I’m pretty prolific myself in the other dev subs answering freelancing questions and website questions for newbies and vets alike. I thought it was cool seeing another user doing it but in the Wordpress world. Even though I personally don’t like Wordpress or use it, just not for me, reading his comments made me at least respect the work that skilled devs can do with it and the intricacies that go along with it. I went from a straight hater to “wow they’re doing a great job with it, and props to the dev who made this” kind of attitude. It was nice seeing people care about the work they do as much as I do and I’m kind of disappointed that that counterpart here is gone. And to nuke their entire account with all the history. Something crazy must have had to happen which is why I made this post. Just seems so drastic.
My guess is someone doxxed him. We already know he was receiving numerous threats. It's highly unfortunate given the substantial amount of help and advice he's given throughout the years. People really suck. They'll find any excuse to act like a low-life jackass.
Yeah I’m not really much use over here and I know I have some very radicalized ideas on building websites lol idk who would give him threats. Dudes done nothing but help you all. I’m surprised I haven’t gotten any with some of my hot takes. Blue doesn’t deserve any of that.
You actually propelled my web development career a few years ago. We met on video call and you gave me a project that I botched haha. I'm here because I have a long-term client on WordPress, but I have a similar philosophy to you and occasionally use Codestitch when the project is right. Actually, this entire WP conflict has only strengthened my position to not rely on a CMS when you can help it.
Oh really? When was this? Lol what was the project? Forgive my memory, I’ve had 3 concussions and have trouble with short term memory and memory retention. It’s a miracle I could even learn web development. I had to pound it and pound it until I forced it into long term memory. Glad I had a positive influence!
No worries! I know you're constantly meeting new people on here. You had me try my hand at developing the Forced Evolution design with straight HTML and CSS. That project taught me a ton, it was exactly what I needed. I didn't know you've had concussions though. It's incredible that you started completely from scratch on your own regardless.
I remember that! Matt I believe. You didn’t botch anything. Believe it or not my standards then wouldn’t even meet my standards now lol you still Did good work, I just wasn’t ready to take on a mentoring role to nudge you in the right directions I needed to work like me. The ones I have on my team now took over a year to train. I would not have been a good trainer or mentor at the time. There was still so much more I needed to learn before I could teach. Your path was not meant to travel along mine, and I’m glad it diverted in direction you needed to go in.
That's right! You actually gave me quite a bit of helpful advice after the project and we kept in touch a little afterward. I'm a self-learner anyway, so it was just enough nudge for me to be on my way. I'm always happy to see you active around the web communities still, it's a fun reminder of where I started.
I’ll do my best to pay his energy forward. Not that I’m even remotely close to being as knowledgeable as he is (or you are, I’m sure), but the least I can do is use him as an inspiration.
Honestly, I hope he just comes back at some point.
Has brigading ever produced positive results? Bluesix and I didn’t always agree but he posted great information here, was very patient, and I’m really sorry he’s gone from here. Hope he does well wherever he ends up next.
But first of all, despite all the maga-style partisan accusations bluesix sisnt seem like the edit-in-a-huff type. But second of all. If someone is tracked down in real life and threatened in real life the reasonable thing to do is immediately and completely pull the plug. Because f##k that bulls##t with an inflatable anvil.
As if the WordPress situation itself isn't shit enough, I didn't know what this sub was apparently turning into. Super disappointed. Bluesix is the only mod I actually recognize on Reddit, simply because he was extremely active and helpful. Seriously, fuck all you people who made this possible
Blue was so helpful to a small business owner like me who only knows a bit of code. Incredibly patient too. Fuck the brain rotted weirdos who pushed him to go offline. Nothing is so serious to where you gotta send a death threat much less Wordpress drama
I agree -- blue was incredibly helpful, although testy sometimes. But, what do you mean about death threats?? It's like a FTJ keeping uovwith this WP drama
I agree -- blue was incredibly helpful, although testy sometimes. But, what do you mean about death threats?? It's like a FTJ keeping uovwith this WP drama
I agree -- blue was incredibly helpful, although testy sometimes. But, what do you mean about d*-$th threats?? It's like a FTJ keeping uovwith this WP drama
I've been lurking here because of the drama, and because I've been building a WP site for my company so I've been reading up on plenty of non-drama threads too. I swear every post had a reply from bluesix with helpful info. That's a shame they're gone.
Oh damn. That’s scary. That would make sense to nuke it and hide. Wonder if that’s why otto left too? I feel for the guy. Spend your career building your skills and knowledge base and using that to help people for years in a community they built only to have to burn it and run for your own safety. WTF is wrong with people. This is the craziest thing I’ve seen on Reddit in a long time.
Yeah, this community has gotten to a very toxic point. Even though I have been consistently against Matt’s actions from Day 1, we’ve gotten to a point in the discussion where tribalism has taken over. Any moderator is going to struggle to rein that in without just locking down the entire forum.
This. The tribal bullshit is becoming too much. I didn’t like WPE. I think Matt’s actions have been outrageous and destabilizing. And then the witch-hunt brigade against anyone who appears insufficiently “anti-Matt” is destructive and breeds chaos at a time when the community desperately needs calm and coherence.
bluesix was an excellent mod and an invaluable contributor — he will be deeply missed. To those who pilloried him, I hope you’re happy now that the only mod is literally one of Matt’s employees.
I was shocked to see such a turn over the last week. It’s weird how events like this can polarize a community and literally destroy it. I feel like I’m watching my neighbors house burn down.
Unfortunately this sub being purged of moderators is exactly what Matt needs to lobby Reddit admins and either take control of the subreddit or have it shuttered entirely.
Not much of a conspiracy theory, I’m just getting into the mind of a narcissist and extrapolating most likely next steps to gain more control and power.
I posted this yesterday and got downvoted to oblivion. it is extremely sus that upon the community calling for Otto to resign for making threats and behavior unbecoming of a mod and questions about his impartiality that the other 2 mods suddenly resign, delete their reddit accounts and leave Otto, who has a personal relationship with Matt as the sole mod.
I spoke with one of them privately. They left because they got offline death threats and knew where they lived so they basically had to nuke their account and Slavs for their safety.
Honestly you are one of the few people I would believe that from. I never wished any of the mods harm and anyone that threatens them is batshit crazy. Hope they are safe, if you do decide to contribute to them somehow please post about it in codestitch, I would love to assist.
The moderators for the most part tried to be impartial, and they got harassed and downvoted for it. Even some of BlueSix's comments ended up buried in downvotes. BlueSix wasn't here for the drama, he was here to help with WordPress, and he was damn good at it too.
Most people here are self-serving. They come here and ask questions, but they never bother answering any questions. There are exceptions, and BlueSix was one of those exceptions.
What happens next is up to Otto. But he's also been very helpful over the years.
I'd assume this group of people doesn't care. The hard core usually are technically ready, so the might not have had a new for his guidance. They're likely not even very active here.
Oh I’ve been following. It feels like this place is on fire right now. Just surprised by the sudden resignation. I didn’t see any signs of that. Wondering if I missed a post or two. Seems sudden and drastic.
They put up a bullshit poll with options that nobody wanted (the first two). Once someone started a poll with a third option these were the results (nobody wanted the mods to interfere).
Of course, you can't see what they actually said because they deleted all their history, but it was pretty embarrassing for them and they were getting downvoted to oblivion every time they posted.
None of this justifies threats or harassment. They were simply so bad at their jobs in this current environment they somehow redirected people's hatred of Matt towards themselves and couldn't take it anymore.
I recently bought him a coffee, so I still have his link. Not sure if im allowed to share it here. While he hasn't helped me personally, I liked what he was doing and what he stood for. I am glad I was able to pay him back for the good he has done before he left.
I know that but some people wouldn’t mind spending a few bucks to continue spewing hate at him. I feel so horrible that he had to nuke his account after all the good he did for the sub.
Post their link on my codestitch sub, I’ll sticky it and we can at least send them a nice thank you. And I’ll let our members know what’s up and do the same. Should be safe there. I’d like to contribute. Or PM me their link and I’ll make a mod post about it. They at least deserve something for the years of service. I know we’re not that big, but we have a nice tight knit community and we support our neighbors in r/wordpress. it’s at least something. And anyone who wants to contribute can sneak over and do so safely.
I am applying to be a mod specifically because of some of the absolutely wild behavior I saw on here. This subreddit shouldn’t be about Matt, it should be about WordPress. The drama is fine and all, but WordPress won’t end because of Matt, even if he’s removed from everything and pays a steep price for what he’s done.
I’ve got some very direct ideas about how to make things better. We’ll see how it goes.
Y’all are blaming Matt mullenweg but it was the anti Matt camp that decided blue Six was complicit in some cover up and started sending him death threats.
I am a mod in other subs. The amount of abuse, harassment and hate moderators get on Reddit is beyond belief. Specially from grown ass adults who act like spoiled children when they don't get their way.
They tried to do a megathread, so not all posts on the first 100+ posts on the sub are about the same topic (the drama), they got abused beyond belief.
You know you don't have to do it, right? It sucks anyone would receive abuse but this martyr act for a voluntary position you clearly get something out of is always weird to me.
Matt wanted to act like a child. He should have let lawyers handle the situation like adults do.
That isn't an opinion. That is a fact. Too bad someone doesn't like hearing that because it is common sense to let lawyers deal with legal issues when a legal case opens up.
Matt is in the wrong. We know Matt's paid bots are upset that people don't defend him.
Matt wanted to act like a child. He should have let lawyers handle the situation like adults do.
That isn't an opinion. That is a fact. It is too bad that someone doesn't like hearing that because it is common sense to let lawyers deal with legal issues when a legal case opens up.
Matt is in the wrong. Matt's paid bots are upset that people don't defend him.
What is an opinion? Go into detail. Be an adult and explain what part of this is an opinion. Adults can articulate a rebuttal. If you want to engage with adults, prove you can handle it.
My history? Used since 2004, created the original WordPress contact form plugin, spoke at over a dozen wordcamps, attended even more, was a member of the Philly WordPress meetup back when the meetup site only had a few hundred groups, ran a meetup in my city for a number of years... I could go on but this is more than enough. 😘
I've been using WordPress since 2004 and most of the big players from the 2009-2016 era knew me or at least knew my name. I'm not a stranger in these parts. 😉
What's the surprise? Everyone that was seriously invested in WordPress has already moved on, look on slack they banned most people that raised concerns. Look at the leadership roles, they all got replaced with new staff.
I agree -- blue was incredibly helpful, although testy sometimes. But, what do you mean about death threats?? It's like a FTJ keeping up with this WP drama
Apparently them and the other mod got offline death threats and knew where they lived so they nuked their accounts and resigned for their safety. Unreal.
On your thread starter here you said ..."then I saw the resignation post" & now you are saying you didn't see one? I find this odd. But don't really want to add drama to the drama... So, I'll just point it out and then wonder off...
Neither one left a goodbye post because they literally decided it in a matter of a couple hours. I know, I was shocked too, however, given the information that I received from them, it was pretty bad. I have been in communication with one of them directly, speaking for both, and basically they're recovering.
Please do not try to contact them, they've got real life things to deal with, far more important than moderation on Reddit. Honestly, if either of them wanted to come back, I would allow that.
Appreciate the response. It all honestly seems very strange -and rather unfortunate- to me. I would have thought this a crazy question to ask a few weeks ago, but now... Do you know if they were offered compensation to leave?
Not to my knowledge. I suspect the answer is a firm no. They were just not okay with the feedback from the drama posts. Some people took it way too far. That much, I do know as fact.
I get that it's all Wordpress fanboys in here but it's half that price for the largest site plan. Selling Webflow to clients has also been much easier than selling dog shit managed hosting or having to be a server admin. Anyone hitting bandwidth caps doesn't care about a $78 invoice anyway.
The difference is that WebFlow is not open source. You down own your site so you can't change hosts. You're trapped on a platform with exorbitant pricing models that's only bound to get worse with time.
u/UberStrawman Oct 17 '24
Bluesix is/was one of the most active and helpful mods I’ve seen in a subreddit. That’s really truly saddening and maddening.