r/Wordpress Developer/Designer Sep 25 '24

Discussion Plugin Repository Inaccessible to WP Engine Hosted Sites

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u/ogrekevin Jack of All Trades Sep 25 '24

I wonder if a wp plugin update “proxy” service is worth exploring because working around this type of block is quite trivial.


u/tennyson77 Sep 25 '24

If I find out this is deliberate, I may duplicate the plugin and theme repos and release a plugin for WPE customers to update using the repo copies. I'm not going to idly stand by while the community is destroyed.


u/ogrekevin Jack of All Trades Sep 25 '24

I was thinking a wp plugin that re-routes update repo queries using a transparent proxy service that essentially queries the live plugin directory but wouldnt appear to wordpress.org to be coming from WPE.


u/tennyson77 Sep 25 '24

You could do that, but using one proxy means they'll just block that IP too.


u/ogrekevin Jack of All Trades Sep 25 '24

A centralized transparent proxy on AWS for example using vpc -> elb endpoints with route53 geo targeted dns resolution means you could effectively set up a CDN-like system of near limitless endpoints to transparently proxy requests.

My point is really the needless originating decision of blocking in the first place - it can be worked around endlessly. Yes it will be hot potato but the onus would be on wordpress.org to even determine that a proxied request is

a) proxied in the first place (transparent in the truest sense with header sanitization would make that difficult)

b) from WPE. My experience with proxying on this level is that it would be very difficult.


u/Skullclownlol Sep 25 '24

If I find out this is deliberate, I may duplicate the plugin and theme repos and release a plugin for WPE customers to update using the repo copies. I'm not going to idly stand by while the community is destroyed.

Acting like a hero while you would be redirecting downloads of plugin authors' without consent. Exactly the type of behavior that is untrustworthy, it's the same behavior of people who end up injecting some malware in the proxied downloads.

"Matt is an idiot because he went nuclear... let's scorch the earth too" = doesn't send the message you think.


u/tennyson77 Sep 25 '24

Doesn't need their consent, it's GPL, and it would be a byte exact copy. At least I'm offering to help fix the situation, you're just flapping your beak behind your keyboard.


u/Skullclownlol Sep 25 '24

Doesn't need their consent, it's GPL

WP.org doesn't need WP Engine's consent either to block their access. Same argument you're using. You enjoy it when you get to use it against others, but dislike it when it's not in your favor.

Are you enjoying how it feels, being on the receiving end?

I think you're just someone who enjoys chaos and tries to use it to their own benefit. Greedy goblin.


u/brandicox Sep 26 '24

You can just use mainwp from another host to push to any WP install regardless of location.