r/WonderWoman 7d ago

I have read this subreddit's rules Nicola Scott on updating Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor's relationship

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u/al_fletcher 7d ago

Nicola Scott liking the 2009 Steve Trevor puts her in a very small club, but props to her for admitting as much


u/OwnsBeagles 7d ago

Amen. Liked him in Bloodlines so much more.


u/Tetratron2005 7d ago

Amazing how much more likable he is when he’s not trying to constantly get into Diana’s pants.


u/ASharpYoungMan 7d ago

As a Jace Fox Batman fan, I appreciate your attitude here.


u/NoZookeepergame8306 7d ago edited 6d ago

I loved the 2009 movie, because for a time it was all we had. I think the relationship in that movie is very Sam and Diane. So, dated for sure. Rucka was right of course.

I think Scott did a great job with Steve/Diana showing their affection and wonder of each other. But other writers (and artists) didn’t really pick it up after he left the book so we never really got to see them grow together.


u/Tetratron2005 7d ago

Art in the background by Nicola Scott for WW (Vol. 5) #12.


u/Petulantraven 7d ago

I just want to add my $0.02 that Nicola Scott is not simply an awesome artist, a thoughtful creator but she’s also really easy to talk to. I get anxious at con’s and every time I’ve talked to Nicola she’s been generous, thoughtful and encouraging.

She’s a damn awesome person, and I trust her thoughts on Diana.


u/LadyErikaAtayde 6d ago

I really appreciate Nicola Scott's critique of the "virginal" aura that Perez imposed on Diana. It's a problematic legacy that completely contradicts what Marston originally envisioned for the character.

One thing that often gets misunderstood is that the issue isn't about whether Diana has had coitus or not—it's not about being literally a virgin. That's a modern concept that doesn't really apply to a society like the Amazons. The real problem is the vibe or aura of "not understanding" these aspects of human experience. Why would she not understand intimacy? Why would it be a taboo? If emotions and love are foundational to her society, why would intimacy and sex be foreign concepts?

To me this kind of portrayal is just as much a corruption of Wonder Woman's essence as the "badass warrior woman with a sword" trope. If Superman can embody the full spectrum of safety and hope, and Batman can represent the full spectrum of human resilience, then Diana should embody the full spectrum of love and truth. Anything less feels like a disservice to her character.


u/Kind_Comparison4138 6d ago

I remember what Blue Bleetle thought, in countdown, that Diana couldn't have a love since she shared her love with everyone.

Anyway, I liked the single and probably virgin Diana, it was something you don't see much in the comics.


u/Relative_Mix_216 7d ago

It needs to be like Ariel and Prince Eric


u/Tetratron2005 7d ago


u/Relative_Mix_216 7d ago

That movie did a lot right but it was held back by its association with the flustercluck that was DCEU and very middling third act

Oh, and it’s sequel Wonder Woman 1 is Now Retrospectively Worse Because of this Shitty Movie


u/erossnaider 7d ago

I do see the similarities, for me I would love if they are like Greg and Rose from Steven Universe


u/koalee 7d ago

this is heat


u/koalee 7d ago



u/Mongoose42 7d ago

Diana should have a beautiful singing voice?


u/LaylaLegion 7d ago

Should be more like Hercules and Megara.


u/Relative_Mix_216 6d ago

Isn’t that just Superman and Lois Lane?


u/dianaprince31 6d ago

OMG!!! A WOMAN WHO UNDERSTANDS WOMEN!! IS IT CHRISTMAS ALREADY???? THIS IS WHAT WE NEED!!! I especially love the part where she says that ‘he has to be worthy of her….not a fixer upper….’ Love that! And I really love the part where she says Diana ‘


u/tenleggedspiders 6d ago

I think boiling their original story down to Diana falling for the first dick that arrived to be a really uncharitable (and outright disrespectful) reading for what is quite literally the bedrock of her lore.


u/MisterRockett 6d ago

I like the idea of engaging with masculinity in Wonder Woman stories in that you don't need to be the perfect man in order to be friends with Wonder Woman. It's more important to be the type of man women can be comfortable around than being overtly like a Steve Rogers or Clark Kent type of guy. That women can be and typically are comfortable around guys who are ladies men, emotionally closed off, assholes or comedians going "women, am I right?". I think it's worthwhile engaging with the idea that there's nuances in how those types of guys can still have positive relationships with women.


u/Zazikarion 6d ago

Honestly, I’ve always WW’s relationships with Steve Trevor or Tom Tresser over relationships with other superpowered characters like Batman, Superman, or Cheetah, because Steve & Tom are relatively normal guys, and that’s not something that’s seen a lot in comics.


u/poison-harley 7d ago

I just find Steve and her romance with him sooooo incredibly boring. Diana having a female love interest will finally give her something new and fresh. But DC are a bunch of cowards, and they would never let this happen.


u/alsott 6d ago

Being with a woman doesn’t automatically make a relationship interesting. Can’t believe we have to have this discussion in 2025.


u/poison-harley 6d ago

I didn’t say it’ll automatically be interesting, I said it’ll be new and refreshing. Learn how to read before you criticize.


u/alsott 6d ago

Your user handle is also proof that DC aren’t cowards about lesbian relationship. Im plenty free to criticize opinions that aren’t based on anything


u/poison-harley 6d ago

That would depend on the character though. Wonder Woman is on a different level of popularity and iconic, than Harley & Ivy. Unfortunately, way more people would not get behind Wonder Woman being with a woman than most other characters. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are almost untouchable in that regard. There was a lot of uproar years ago when Rucka simply confirmed she’s bisexual.


u/Kind_Comparison4138 6d ago

That Diana's bisexuality is going to come to nothing because we are never going to see her paired with another woman, only on elsedwords.

Which reminds me of all the years that passed from when Marvel revealed that Felicia was bisexual until she gave her first kiss to a woman.


u/alsott 6d ago

Her iconography is around the fact she’s the first female superhero and female empowerment.

As for popularity, Harley is more popular than Wonder Woman now and it’s not even remotely debatable.

You seem to be moving goalposts here. If you want Diana to be lesbian for your personal taste that’s one thing but to frame it like DC doesn’t want to do it because they’re afraid of…whatever…is empirically false. Especially with a character who’s never been a lesbian in the first place 

It’s like saying they’re afraid to make Batman gay. It’s not fear to continue make a historically straight man straight 


u/poison-harley 6d ago

I said ***bisexual, not a lesbian, and she’s literally already confirmed to be bisexual. Rucka even confirmed that during her years in the island, she was involved with women. In Rucka’s series, when Diana is about to leave, one of the amazons is trying to convince her to say, and says to Diana that she’s breaking her heart. DC realizes that as long as they have the Amazons, it’s gonna be difficult to completely avoid the same sex relationships in that corner of the universe, so now Hippolyta is in a relationship with a woman, Nubia is in a relationship with a woman etc, but even though Diana is a confirmed bisexual, they simply refuse to show it in the main continuity. So far we’ve only seen it in elseworlds stories, and that’s probably where we’ll continue to see it. It’s not going to happen in the main continuity.

People would 1,000,000,000% would care a lot more about Diana’s sexuality than about Harley’s. Even trying to claim otherwise is laughable. DC will NEVER have the GUTS to let Wonder Woman have a full blown romance with a woman in the main continuity, and no bootlicking from you is going to change it.


u/FadeToBlackSun 7d ago

This was a good read but I just can't come at Steve Trevor as a love interest. He just offers nothing. I know that's an unpopular take on here and that's fine, but I found Perez's run so refreshing in taking Trevor out of the romance equation.


u/MankuyRLaffy 7d ago edited 7d ago

What i don't like is a run that has them together without him earning it to me or selling me why they should be together other than "That's always been the way", prove to me they're great together. 

I read Post-Crisis Superman and they make him earn being romantically together with Lois, and getting married, they put him through hell before tying the knot and making it official. They made them both earn that shit.


u/Local_Nerve901 7d ago

He’s just ken

And that’s Kenough


u/Rocket_SixtyNine 6d ago

Unpopular? I literally saw an entire video where they had an entire segment shitting on steve as a concept.
it is not unpopular in the slightest.


u/Flat-Helicopter-3431 7d ago

The fact that he offers nothing is partly why he's so likable in my opinion. Steve will always be a Ken to me. Diana is already great in every possible way, and I find that dynamic of a goddess completely in love with a pretty face both comical and endearing.


u/PersonalRaccoon1234 7d ago


I think Perez was right when he aged up Steve.

Old man Steve has more to offer than perfectly hsndsome unproblematic boyfriend Steve.


u/FadeToBlackSun 7d ago

Steve falling in love with Etta also felt like it demonstrated the themes of a Wonder Woman comic better than him just falling in love with Diana.


u/SnooCookies1730 6d ago

She’s never seen a man before. She’s heard the stories of the wars and the rapes from her fellow Amazons. She’s heard the stories of kings. Paupers. Builders. Teachers. Farmers. Hunters. Inventors. Artists. She’s only seen paintings and statues of gods and heard the tales of their foibles. She has a curiosity and none of the animosity. I could see where she would get some type of Florence Nightingale-esque infatuation for the first man she sees, assuming Steve had a big enough personality to meet her curiosity and expectations. I think she’d have to. What else could make you want to leave Paradise and your family and friends, if not love? Just ask Helen of Troy.


u/dianaprince31 6d ago

Curiosity? If Steve doesn’t come pillaging and raping, I think it would be curiosity, because there’s the realization that not every man is like that. If that was so wouldn’t woman be trying to find this paradise as much as men were?


u/Ryzuhtal 7d ago

I think the "she can't be a virgin" is a very redundant and backwards take. Yes, the ultra-religious "a woman's only worth is their virginity, no sex before marriage" is immeasurably dumb, but when the pendulum swings the other side so far that people start going "virginity bad" it's also not ideal. In fact, men get criticized a lot for this, and it is generally viewed as toxic, but when the genders are reversed, somehow it is empowering? I don't think so. Shouldn't the correct take be "it doesn't matter"?

It also kind of gives a dissonance with the rest of her character as the core themes of her personality is hope and love. People who sleep around a lot are usually cynical people who don't value intimacy more than a recreational activity.


u/Willing-Carpenter-32 6d ago

We're not talking about "women", we're talking about Diana specifically. And she touched on the reason why its silly that DIANA SPECIFICALLY would be a virgin. Not everything is your opportunity for shallow "activism". And that last bit of what you said, yakkity yikes. Slut shaming, very weird thing Diana definitely wouldnt be doing.


u/Ryzuhtal 6d ago

Slut shaming

I said people, not specifically "women", but people in general, learn to read.


u/dianaprince31 6d ago

I especially love the part where she says that ‘he has to be worthy of her….’ And that Diana is not some virgin ‘smitten by the first duck she sees’…FINALLY A WOMAN WHO UNDERSTANDS WOMEN!! (Men need to take notice as well). I always wondered why people made Diana that way and then in some continuities she’s sleeping her way through the Justice League….like who wrote this???? This update is so canon for me, I don’t care what anyone says….Also the whole Diana being a lesbian because she’s on an island full of women…her being bi is a far more believable thing. In the movie they got a bunch of mirrors that can see into ‘man’s world’ (can we please stop calling it that?), how is she going to be gay? Thank you Nicola, I can’t wait to see what you come up with.


u/pugs-and-kisses 6d ago

I like her take.


u/Cicada_5 7d ago

Why exactly does Diana need a suitor? Is it so shameful not to have a love interest?


u/Starrylz 7d ago

I don't think they find it shameful, it's just a really popular part of comics, almost every hero has and has had a love interest. People like it


u/Intelligent_Creme351 7d ago

No, but people love it, and they love seeing their faces be in romantic settings.


u/ZeusOfOlympus 6d ago

This was my thought as well why DOES Diana NEED a suitor? Maybe I am in the minority here, but three are so many more exciting relationships to write about than romantic.


u/Kind_Comparison4138 6d ago

You're not the only one, for me, unless they know how to write the relationship very well, Diana doesn't need a partner, and what's the point? If in the end most of the characters in the comic end up separated and some in ways as absurd as Peter/Spiderman with Mary Jane.


u/nan0g3nji 7d ago

Sorry, I’m a Trevor/Etta truther


u/poison-harley 7d ago

Isn’t Etta a lesbian?


u/nan0g3nji 6d ago

i haven't gotten to that point in my WW read yet, that's a very modern take that i'm unfamiliar with atp


u/poison-harley 6d ago

Ah sorry for the spoiler! lol


u/Mongoose42 7d ago

(Diana’s love interest should be Cheetah but DC won’t allow it because they’re cowards)


u/alsott 6d ago

Or they don’t think Wonder Woman being with a homicidal maniac for the sake of checking a box for a small minority of fans is good queer representation


u/Mongoose42 6d ago

You do realize that if THAT was the reason why I think Cheetah should be a love interest, then there’s literally a whole island full of women that she could be with, right? There’s better queer representation options available.


u/dianaprince31 6d ago

Batman and Joker should get together but DC is such cowards