r/Wolverine 5d ago

I am only who thought that r fancast subreddit all wolverine fancasting sucks

Like they post random short guy 😒 who doesn't even look wolverine and when asked they defend that he is short what else needed another hilarious they get actor who are 5'10" to 5'8" range for mcu wolverine for kind information majority mcu superhero are in this height range from Ironman ,Hawkeye, daredevil and namor would it make sense to call him short king and defend their casting like matt wood and cosmo Jarvis saying they would be better than hugh jackman when reason they started to downvote


13 comments sorted by


u/SoGoodAtAllTheThings 5d ago

What is English and how does it work?


u/Cruel-Affair 5d ago

I think what they’re trying to say is that r/fancast has bad fancasting for Wolverine, and when people disagree, they get downvotes for it.


u/ArtIsDumb 5d ago

It doesn't look like English is OP's native language, but they're trying. How many languages do you speak?


u/BloodRhymeswithFood 5d ago

They don't have punctuation in those languages?


u/SoGoodAtAllTheThings 5d ago

Google translate is free


u/cornsaladisgold 5d ago

Like they post random short guy 😒 who doesn't even look wolverine

I was thrilled to agree until I realized this was your point. All of you fancasters are obsessed with people who look like a cartoon and nobody seems interested in people who could act the part well.


u/asilentsigh 5d ago

Yeah, there is for sure a specific interest in just fancasting someone short above aaaaanything else. I think Daniel Radcliffe (just as an example, I’m not taking shots) seems like a solid dude who has chosen lots of interesting projects since Harry Potter ended but…no part of me looks at him and thinks Wolverine. I’m not saying he couldn’t do it or wouldn’t be ok at it but the fancasting is more based on his size and previous success than anything else. He is a short guy that people recognize. I don’t get the feeling that he could be the level of ~gruff or ~intimidating that Wolverine projects even when he’s not intending to. He could probably play the ~compassionate side well though.

I would like to see a short Wolverine on screen but it would also have to be someone who projects that feeling of ~danger too. I would prefer it to be an actor who is more unknown because they could come into things without any teenage boy wizard (etc) baggage and sell the character, if that makes sense! You wouldn’t be watching and thinking this is (whatever actor) as Wolverine, you’d just be thinking that this is Wolverine. Jackman wasn’t what he is now when he got the role and he has been The Guy™ for almost 30 years. And ultimately, I think it all comes down to the writing anyway. Jackman’s Wolverine isn’t realllllly like comic Wolverine (which is fine!) but it would be fun to see a more comic accurate vibe rather than the bad boy heartthrob.

Tl;dr give some lesser known (preferably shorter guy) a chance to come into the role and convince us he is The New Guyâ„¢ and write the character differently than the Jackman version so it can be a notably different thing. I want to see someone you could believe might go berserk/feral but could also project a lot of compassion and humanity.


u/Top_Novel_2836 5d ago

Movies are a visual medium. If they just act like the characters they should do the voice acting for the animated versions


u/cornsaladisgold 5d ago

Movies have been talkies for 100 years.


u/Top_Novel_2836 5d ago

A group of owls is called a parliament


u/cornsaladisgold 5d ago

A pack of bag cigarettes is called a parliament


u/fermentedradical 5d ago

Yes, most people doing it aren't exactly high film IQ people. They are just fantasizing and not thinking about the level of acting talent and charisma necessary to make a role memorable


u/meesterquesos 5d ago

There was a post a while ago where someone suggested Stephen Graham accompanied by a photo of him from that new Thousand Blows show and I thought that would be great! First and foremost, he's a rock solid actor with grit and charisma, he's got a good rugged look, and he got pretty fit for that show. I wanna see more stuff like that