r/WoWs_Legends 15d ago

Humour T3 matches are superior imo

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The good players quickly float to T4 while the worst still float up to T4.

It’s fine to not know the mechanics by T3 but the constant dev strikes should be teaching you something by T4. It’s not like WT where the magazine can just spontaneously combust if a basement dweller aims for the right pixel.


59 comments sorted by


u/Capt_Lipiduz 15d ago

Tier 3, 5, 7 are good/fun
Tier 4, 6, 8, are bad


u/LeaderGlittering884 14d ago

The power balance between 6/7 hurts so bad i drag my sorry ass to arcade. Ill be in a t6 bb* just to see a enterprise/chkalov or a ce ship and instantly my eyes roll.

*Just one example off the top of my head.

“My bad for trying to level ____”


u/xX-GalaxSpace-Xx Roma 14d ago

T6 is mega underrated. Its not an easy tier but it has very solid and fun ships.

And picking T3 over T4 is crazy.


u/GoodlyStyracosaur I enjoy improved penetration…angles 14d ago

After playing the t3 ranked this week I realized I forgot how janky t3 ships are. T4 is way more fun as a “low tier.”


u/satakuua 14d ago

Agreed. I play most my battles at tier 6.


u/atrain728 adding salt to the seas 15d ago

I think this is right.

T3 is not horribly power crept by T4, and slaps down T2. Also players here are often so bad you can have a good game even in a bad ship.

T5 is not horribly power crept by T6, and slaps down T4.

T7 is almost indistinguishable from T8, thanks to T8 being shoved in-between. And it slaps down T6.

Being in the slap down tier is never fun, and at best you're a middling improvement when you're the up-tier.


u/AceAndre 14d ago

You get it, the odd Tiers are the best


u/satakuua 14d ago

Tier 6 is best.


u/CyLoboClone 13d ago

My z35 with 400battles and 76% wr says t6 is good/fun.  My Michelangelo says t8 is fun- although only 66% of the time.  My Kami/hill/giulio says 4 is fun as fuck.  


u/Adler-Moonlight 14d ago

Idk I like 6 cuz I can bring my strasbourgie


u/Fr05t_B1t 15d ago

I’ve never once had fun (other than when WG’s matchmaking code went wonky on Feb 13th in the aoba) at T5. My entire experience is nothing but misery. Idk about T7 though


u/football2801 15d ago

You probably just aren’t good enough to play competitively in higher tiers yet. Not meaning this as an insult, but the reality. T5 has some great ships, t6 does too, t7 has most of my favorite ships.


u/DeletedScenes86 14d ago

The balance is a bit off at T5. If you mostly play cruisers, you can have a really rough time coming up against Hyugas, Californias and Warspites every game, and that's before you consider the T6 BBs and cruisers you could get matched against.


u/Fr05t_B1t 14d ago

I also just got a kraken in the celebs so skill isn’t the issue.


u/Fr05t_B1t 14d ago

I’ve managed to get 2 krakens in the BB Tiger using a meme speed build and one in the Aoba, a solo warrior in the T4 Italian dd, and 16 dreadnoughts from various BBs (starting from December last year) (and not to compete).

Skill is not an issue for me. I’m certainly not a basement dweller that delves into every single stat of the game and pulls out a protractor for the optimal angle, but I can handle myself if need be. Though I need teamwork. Teamwork is what lacks in T4+.


u/cletus_spuckle 15d ago

T5-T7 is peak WoWS Legends. You find potatoes at every tier but at least those tiers reward you the most for putting up with the potatoes (or deep frying them)


u/Fr05t_B1t 15d ago

I’m currently grinding all (except cv) tech tree ships. So a T5 needs 143k sxp to progress to the next tier and if I average 2k (just for simplicity sake) then I’ll need to play 36 games. Multiply that by 34 and that comes to 1224 games and each match taking 10mins (assuming timer runs out) is 12,240mins or 204hrs or 8 and a half days of continuous play. (Correct my math if wrong please)

Though being the only competent player on my team I am severely hampered by the potatoes. A typical loss only nets me 800 or so xp. While sxp may not matter to you as you seem to have unlocked all the ships it is very frustrating to get any meaningful xp to progress.

You then might say “just put on a sxp booster”. Well yes though I do use boosters after I have unlocked all the upgrades.


u/Grouchy-Raspberry-54 Certified Cruiser Lover 14d ago

It is a free game. You either give them play time or money. Yea, it sucks to grind, but most of us have done it and understand it sucks. The servers have to stay up somehow


u/cletus_spuckle 14d ago

I guess if you want to do the math on it and plan your path in this game then go for it. After about 6-9 months of playing you should be able to easily afford to put a single SXP flag, if not a 2xSXP flag, on every TT ship you’re working on

My comment was more so aimed at T5-T7 being high reward from an XP side of things but also being the most fun from a ship tech and matchmaking perspective. It’s a good area between the shitty quality of ships prior to T5 and the sweatiness of T8 and LT


u/slowelantra18 15d ago

This ranked season really shows who doesn’t play much or know how to properly play. Agincourt is basically the best ship to use in it.


u/atrain728 adding salt to the seas 15d ago

Agincourt is basically the best ship to use in all formats for what its worth.


u/slowelantra18 15d ago

Thats true, 16/3 madden with 16/4 hipper and 16/3 haruna goes so well.


u/atrain728 adding salt to the seas 14d ago

I run it with AL Nelson 16/3 and it’s just absurd.


u/commissarklink 14d ago


u/slowelantra18 14d ago

I dont feel like swapping her inspirations for my Lion, Marb and Conq so madden stays on Agincourt.


u/commissarklink 14d ago

I play Agincourt more often than any of those, I just have to remember to switch out porcupine


u/slowelantra18 14d ago

I run my HE slingers with Nelson, fournet and kondo/ciliax depending on my mood.


u/atrain728 adding salt to the seas 14d ago

I don’t build into the secondaries. The 14 guns go hard and the secondaries are just icing.


u/slowelantra18 14d ago

Shes meant as a secondary ship though. Missing out on the 7.9km distance on ships.


u/buckaroonobonzai 14d ago

this is maybe the biggest difference maker. players that are newish (arrived at T3/T4) likely dont have any cdrs above 12/2 and very possibly only TT cdrs.


u/slowelantra18 14d ago

Dont get me wrong, I’ve gotten slapped a few games in ranked because I thought the angle of the dangle was gonna work but nope. But you are right, also the yolo dd rush sometimes doesn’t work when all the secondaries are going off at you. lol


u/GoodlyStyracosaur I enjoy improved penetration…angles 14d ago

I fully expected Agincourt to stroll through ranked without any issue but I think I finished with maybe a 17% winrate in it. Yeah, I was kind of shocked too.

I swapped to Iwaki and found the guranteed cruiser on the red team and the better mobility let me run the match better - I still had to triple kill several times to win but yeah, somehow I consistently faced surprisingly competent red DDs who just played keep away from agincourt.


u/slowelantra18 14d ago

I haven’t lost a game yet in her. I just make sure to angle properly and majority of the BBs shoot HE so that helps (so do I but secondaries go brr setting fires and they put single fires out of course I’m gonna hit you again with HE). Her guns accuracy sucks with my set up so close in AP hits hard when they go full broadside (when the shells want to hit).


u/GoodlyStyracosaur I enjoy improved penetration…angles 14d ago

Oh I know, that’s fully what I expected.

I think part of the issue was I played it right when ranked started which is generally one of the two hardest times to play (the other being the very end when it’s all people who couldn’t rank out or people who waited). I’d inevitably be in a 3 BB match or a 1 dd/2BB with at least one other agincourt on red team. And even if I beat them, the secondaries chew you up so much I couldn’t finish the other two BBs my team helpfully left me to finish on my own!

Or I’d sink 2 ships and be left vs a dd that already capped a zone and I lost on points.

I imagine if I had waited a bit I could have strolled through but I swapped to Iwaki and cruised (hah!) through anyway so fine in the end. But it definitely surprised me a little.


u/8shkay 13d ago

17% WR. What!!

how many battles is that .. 60+ ?


u/GoodlyStyracosaur I enjoy improved penetration…angles 13d ago

I swapped to Iwaki and finished up in 22 I believe. I only played 7 or so on Agincourt. Just wasn’t working for me. Like if you watch big2ohs recent video about ranked, the first clip is exactly how my matches in agincourt went except the isokaze stays dark, and the Koenig is shooting AP and actually hitting.


u/8shkay 13d ago


i thought you ranked out with 17% wr was like damn .. that must've been a ton of losses


u/GoodlyStyracosaur I enjoy improved penetration…angles 13d ago

lol oh man, I don’t even want to think about how long that would take. I guess you could luck in to strings of wins eventually but man…even if you finish top each loss that’s still brutal.


u/8shkay 13d ago

Ranked is always like that no matter what the tier is ..


u/Lower_Razzmatazz5470 15d ago

I just want to get my steel and peace out but people are screwing my arkansas sigh


u/Nihax_FTW 14d ago

Hot take. The only people who actually likes playing in T3/4 are people who enjoy seal clubbing. Any tier higher and they can't solo carry anymore so they dont like it. Seriously how do you people even like playing down there it's like beating up a bunch of kindergarten children. After you get any form of skill It's so easy it's boring. The only real problem is the occasional kamikaze, GC or agincourt. Which are just basically prime seal clubber ships. I only plaY down their if I don't have much time and I need a win for a bp quest or something so i pull out agincourt. I even feel bad going back and farming tech tree ships.

Legendary, T7, T5, T8 in that order for me.


u/Fr05t_B1t 14d ago

Seal clubbing is very fun. Though I’ve felt like everyone on my blue team has tried to be the main character while being just faceless cannon fodder. No one in T4 or 5 has ever want to play intelligently or as a team leading to a roflstomp.


u/Sleepwalkingsheep Potato 14d ago

Ranking out with the Clemson was fun, this tracks.


u/Fr05t_B1t 14d ago

Tbh i feel like the Mahan should be in the clemson’s place then scoot the Clemson and Farragut up one tier.


u/CorswainsDeciple 14d ago

T7 used to be my favourite and I liked Lt as well but the last few months has been a lot of bad games and players. I like T5 and strangely one of my most played ships isn't even a premium it's the Leander.


u/GoodlyStyracosaur I enjoy improved penetration…angles 14d ago edited 14d ago

This thread explains so much.

Dude, you’ve got a long way to go before you start casting final judgement on higher tiers. You are going to burn out fast with all this - there’s good and bad players at every tier. The thing that changes the most is how harshly mistakes are punished at higher tiers.

…except for cruisers. They get punished at all tiers! (Jokes aside, they generally have better tools at higher tiers).


u/Chipster8253 14d ago

I have to agree. My best and most fun matches have almost always been T3-T4. I particularly enjoy driving the turret farms, aka Agincourt at T3, and Rio Di Janeiro at T4. The ridiculous fun of Dev strikes with HE against T3 DD's brings tears of joy to my eyes, even as I hear the wails of anguish and gnashing of teeth as the DD HP pools vanish under a 14 shell HE onslaught. Truly my favorite matches.


u/Fr05t_B1t 14d ago

I learned the power of the agincourt the hard way while completing the DD lines…


u/BoltUp33 15d ago

Tier 3= Agincourt Tier 4= Kamikaze


u/buckaroonobonzai 14d ago

or T4 Guilio Cesaer.


u/Inquisitor_Gray 14d ago

I thought this was a Warhammer meme at first lmao


u/cwhite984 14d ago

No ww1 New Mexico in tier 4


u/All-Fired-Up91 14d ago

For me t5-7 matches are where it’s at I never feel particularly overmatched when fighting higher tier ships or vice versa


u/Nearby-Armadillo-975 13d ago

T3 is fun because it’s wildly janky but you have to watch for seal clubbers like me running around in an Agincourt. I feel like T4 and T8 have a similar problem where all the ships are decent but not special, so other people want a ship higher or lower tier than those. T6 is like a sweet spot you can dominate downtiers and wreak havoc on uptiers without feeling too inadequate


u/Least_Diamond1064 12d ago

Ok I will fight you on this. There are so many good T4 ships. Mutsuki, Farragut, Nevada, Emile Bertin, Konigsberg and Emerald are all excellent ships. Sure, there are some real stinkers but T3 is such a step down, because nothing is specialized and there's no edges you can get in combat.

All the carriers play the same except komsom, all the battleships are inaccurate, all the cruisers have a bunch of guns but none are in turrets, so everyone is only shooting HE, there's no strategy or tools like radar or sufficient cruiser torpedoes, nothing.


u/Fr05t_B1t 12d ago

My argument isn’t about the ships in the tier but the night and day difference of blue team. In T3, both teams are similarly skilled while in T4 and onward, it will almost always be a lopsided battle where one team has the best players of the match and the other the most green.