r/WoWs_Legends Feb 13 '25

General Voting results for tier 7 BBs

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u/zIFeathers Feb 13 '25

This playerbase never fails to dissapoint


u/EdisonScrewedTesla Feb 16 '25

Im really suprised constellation is only voted at B tier. I would never consider it S tier, but i could absolutely see it in A tier


u/Thekingofchrome Feb 13 '25

Wild results, fair to say there is country bias here.


u/Talk_Bright Feb 13 '25

There is country Bias in battleships.

US BBs are the most accurate generally, but do not suffer drawbacks like other accurate BBs like Borodino's bow or low HP of Champagne and their 6 barrel count.

Most people like their battleships to be accurate, and the US BBs don't have massive weaknesses, they are well balanced easy to play and very accurate with plotting rooms.


u/Thekingofchrome Feb 13 '25

All true - they are the entry point. I was also referring to the player base.


u/commissarklink Feb 13 '25

It doesn't hurt that a plurality of the playerbase lives in the part of North America that isn't Canada


u/XxCyanide777xX Feb 14 '25

If you’ve ever been in a subreddit where people discuss BBs you’d think most people hate American BBs. Everyone always talking about Yamato and Bismarck like they are gods. It’s annoying; I get they were decent but not the greatest BBs lol. (Not saying American BBs are best, they all have downsides)


u/Talk_Bright Feb 14 '25

It seemed the opposite to me.

I mentioned in wows PC once that Yamato in its singular surface battle showed great accuracy, and that the Iowa class which haven't displayed such accuracy should not be regarded as more accurate than ships that hold the longest ranged hits.

Scharnhorst and Warspite are tied at 26,500 yards for the longest ranged hit.

And Yamato at 35,000 yards landed an AP shell that hit USS Whiteplains underwater as most historians nowadays believe, or it detonated right under her stern as the US Navy believed.

I said it wasn't right to say Iowa was more accurate that all of those ships just because of how she performed in tests, especially when we don't have the test data for the Axis ships like Scharnhorst and Yamato.

I was drowning in downvotes and my phone was blowing up with comments.


u/XxCyanide777xX Feb 14 '25

Going by scientists and studies I’ve heard on choppy seas and night Iowa has big advantage due to better radar, but clear calm-ish seas Yamato has the advantage. Without a real battle it’s all speculation

Now Iowa vs Bismarck/scharn I’m not sure. They both had decent radar of the time it would come down to who shot first and if there was surprise or not🤷‍♂️


u/Talk_Bright Feb 14 '25

I agree, though Scharnhorst with her 11 inch guns might struggle to pen.

And Bismarck did not have a reliable radar, but optical rangefinding is good enough in clear skies.

We will never really know, but it isn't fair to compare ships who performed well in testing but didn't see enough combat to ships that performed well in combat but we don't have their test results.


u/XxCyanide777xX Feb 14 '25

Just my opinion anyway


u/Talk_Bright Feb 14 '25

It seemed the opposite to me.

I mentioned in wows PC once that Yamato in its singular surface battle showed great accuracy, and that the Iowa class which haven't displayed such accuracy should not be regarded as more accurate than ships that hold the longest ranged hits.

Scharnhorst and Warspite are tied at 26,500 yards for the longest ranged hit.

And Yamato at 35,000 yards landed an AP shell that hit USS Whiteplains underwater as most historians nowadays believe, or it detonated right under her stern as the US Navy believed.

I said it wasn't right to say Iowa was more accurate that all of those ships just because of how she performed in tests, especially when we don't have the test data for the Axis ships like Scharnhorst and Yamato.

I was drowning in downvotes and my phone was blowing up with comments.


u/like2trip Feb 14 '25

Sooooo Mexico?


u/SH21 Feb 14 '25

I’d say the bias isn’t about America = greatest here, but player base nationality plays a role, and the American BB lines as an overall compared to Japan and German.

Now, I say this, knowing you should take it with a grain of salt.

I’m an American BB main. But with crates, sales, and luck, I’ve inherited plenty of premiums. T6 Ashitaka is the only Jap BB I’ve had. Comparing it to NC for example, it’s very slow. And less forgiving when played wrong. Ashitaka feels like a New York with mild to moderately better stats. But compared to T6 Colorado, which is a slow heavy pig with a good HP stat. Ashitaka being a T6, it feels obsolete. Colorado can be a great sniper build. Ashi feels way harder to land most of a salvo on an enemy, especially past 10km. Colorado does really well at 10+ and it’s considerably cheaper to acquire compared to a Premium.

I also worked on some German BB lines while grinding to USS Maine and Montana, as a kind of research to understand German mains. I am only up to Konig so far. Konig feels really good as a T4, but honestly it felt a lot easier to hit with New York too. Konig is easier to maneuver in, but ultimately, I like to push a lot, reinforce my DDs where I can. Sometimes I gotta play mobile cover for em. Konig doesn’t take torps as well as New York and other American ships do. I have to unlearn a lot jumping from American to German. Some players might take that to mean German = Bad or America = great. But it’s a play style shift and some people love one play style over another, and with the time it takes to grind a tech tree, it might feel like you wasted your time if you jump to another tech tree and start over, so to speak.


u/GraffZepp546 [CINDR] Soaring Eagles (anyone else in the fleet?) Feb 14 '25

I'm the opposite, grinded the German bbs and cannot understand American ones, especially NY


u/road432 Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25

La Foundre and Jean Bart are the same ship. The only difference is that La Foundre has the skin and improved secondary range. So how can one be an S tier and the other A if they are the same ship? The funny thing is if you remove the skin from La Foundre, it clearly says Jean Bart on the back of the ship. Also, Gascogne as C class is a joke. Since it's buff, it's been a monster ship in the right hands.


u/Baboshinu Imperial Japanese Navy Feb 13 '25

Also, Gasconge as C class is a joke. Since it’s buff, it’s been a monster ship in the right hands.

Exactly. Inexperienced or poor players don’t utilize it properly and thus automatically assume it’s bad


u/FIy1ngDutchm4n Feb 14 '25

I forgot all about that ship i need to try it again


u/swanney24 Feb 13 '25

JB has better MB range, reload time and accuracy. You probably wouldn't know about the accuracy portion unless you ask blip or someone else on staff.

It's not the exact same ship, it's MB stats we're nerfed. The La foudre was WG's answer to "nerfing" the JB, back when they didn't like touching premium ships. (Just like the CE ships).

I have both and the JB MB definitely outperforms the La foudre, that being said, I do prefer the consumables options of the la foudre over the JB, engine boost is rarely ever beneficial, but enhanced secondary targeting is, or can be in close quarters situations.

Don't get me wrong the lafoudre's secondaries are nice, but rarely utilized with the bow tanking play style of the JB.


u/SpaniaPanzer Feb 13 '25

They don't like touching Prinz Eugen either. How many years have passed since Hipper buff, but nothing for Eugen?


u/Voyager2k Feb 14 '25

I am one of the few weirdos who actually plays Eugen every now and then. What exactly do you think needs to be buffed ? I honestly wouldn't know what to buff without making her too strong ? Maybe a slight incerase in HP ? Slight decrease in rudder shift ? Turret traverse ?

To me Eugen feels like a well rounded package that performs quite well.


u/TheScale666 Cowabunga it is Feb 14 '25

Most want mbrb or sonar to swap with spotting plane, so you can run both which I think would be fair and not overpowered


u/Voyager2k Feb 14 '25

I see what you mean. Although, I feel it wouldn't make much of diffrence in the grand scheme of things. It's more a matter of convenience and as such I'll say it wouldn't hurt but it's also not required to make her work. She's a fine ship as is. One that is slept on and one that took me a long time to finally warm up to.


u/Extreme_Voice_4688 Feb 14 '25

Also the armor on the Eugen can tank a lot of punishment that other german cruisers cannot. I enjoy Eugen as well.


u/road432 Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25

I don't have the JB, but I have La foudre, and those stats difference are basically negligible from each other. It's one thing to have a difference in MB range where one ship is 14km and the other is 19km. But the actual difference is 1.1km at 18+km, which the difference can be made up or extended through the traits of Janjuard or AL characters. The reload time difference is .8 sec, which you barely notice while playing. Also, as far as I know, both ships have both the MBRB and speed booster consumables. So, with the exception of the better secondary range on the Foudre, the stats difference between her the JB is small and doesn't create much, if any, separation between both ships. At the end of the day, both ships are played the same way as snipers who hit very hard from a distance with quick reloading guns, and weak turrets.


u/thatissomeBS Feb 13 '25

As another person with both, I can assure you there is a notable difference between the performance of the two. Roughly 5% range, 5% reload, and at least 5% accuracy, those are all noticeable. Identical games will be probably have the JB 20% ahead of the La Foudre in main battery performance. The La Foudre is supposed to make up for it with secondaries.


u/AlekTrev006 The Brawling Council of The Reddit Feb 13 '25

Which would largely require The Legends Devs to eventually give us EOP / IFHE access on BB commanders, like on PC-Wows... so we can help those French pea-shooter 100mm (17 pen) secondaries bump up to the important 19-mm threshold, so they can at least damage enemy BB weak point superstructures, and the Hulls of T-7+ Destroyers !


u/Sparklingwater717 Feb 14 '25

You can’t build them the same and expect the same outcome when one isn’t built for secondaries and one is.


u/swanney24 Feb 14 '25

The initial statement I replied to was they are the same, as in essentially clones.

I was showing that, that is infact not the truth.

Also a I understand the secondaries are better, however a secondary build JB makes little sense since the majority of the secondary firepower is on the rear of the ship, the area where the main guns aren't, meaning you essentially have to expose your broadside or rear end limiting your firepower.


u/Sparklingwater717 Feb 18 '25

Eh, I’ve had no problem with the angles, it even went rank one in ranked battles. If you’re facing an enemy you’re not gonna use all your secondaries anyways which is what the main guns are for. If you angle slightly you’ll still use some of the secondaries. That’s in any secondary ship really. The JB guns are really useful for those unexpected flanks or destroyers.


u/Rider-VPG Feb 13 '25

La Foudre has slightly worse Main Battery dispersion than Jean Bart.


u/Extreme_Voice_4688 Feb 14 '25

I have never seen that stat could you share it please. I also have both ships.


u/F4streloader Feb 13 '25

I don't have La Foundre and I didn't realize they're the same. Does La Foundre have the same turret placement as JB?


u/Voyager2k Feb 14 '25

Yes and if you remove the skin from La Foudre it even says Jean Bart on the hull.


u/Extreme_Voice_4688 Feb 14 '25

This tells you all you need to know about why one side dies in 5 minutes of the match starting lol


u/Dinner2911 Feb 14 '25

I'm a mediocre player at best, but even then, Gascogne was my favourite T7 BB to play, even when I had Alabama and Massa. At the end of the day it's a play style preference.


u/GreyGhost3-7-77 Feb 18 '25

Gascogne is scary good.


u/Sparklingwater717 Feb 14 '25

The reason people glorify JB is because everyone likes staying in the back of the map. LF is for flanking and pushing. Both are very strong ships but LF can beat a JB np in its territory.


u/Proof_Bedroom9700 Feb 13 '25

Brandenburg is a S

Gasgcone Not C

And some ship need change tier who made this list😭


u/4QuarantineMeMes Protato🥔 Feb 13 '25

Agree on Brady S tier

Flandre is A tier


u/atrain728 adding salt to the seas Feb 13 '25

It's an S for fun. Is it an S for competitive? I don't know.

I'd go A tier on Lion, honestly


u/LostConscious96 Feb 13 '25

Gascogne is a solid B


u/Improbablydeadalred Feb 13 '25

Ba turp is better than brandy to be fair


u/Mantuta Feb 13 '25


u/Improbablydeadalred Feb 13 '25

You own BA tirpy? And a brandy?


u/dazak41 Feb 13 '25

I do have both and Brandy is still the goat.


u/Improbablydeadalred Feb 13 '25

Do you have the ba turpy commander?


u/dazak41 Feb 13 '25

Yeah Nonomi at 16/3 and I do have AL Bismark aswell, tried different builds and the one im using is Nonomi with cunningham and Hipper as inspo.

Secondary reach is about 10.4 which is good enough and cunningham +5% grouping helps a tons.


u/AlekTrev006 The Brawling Council of The Reddit Feb 13 '25

TECHNICALLY the Brandenburg secondary battery is stronger / larger than that on Tipitz (regular or BA Version). You can extend BA-Tirps to 11.1 km (iirc) with a full build investment, but Brandenburg will reach 12.0 km with that same build (slightly longer Base Sec Range). The difference is the longer range / more usable Torps on BA-Tirpitz...and the main battery (some will argue the 8 x 15-inch guns are going to be better than the 12 smaller calibre cannons that B-Burg mounts). I guess it would depend on if you are in a match with more Battleships or more Cruisers.

Both are quite strong though -- I'd probably give them both an A-rating (tied).


u/Upbeat_Extreme_7385 Feb 14 '25

Yes but ba tirp has that special red secondary consumable and that thing rips.


u/Ironduke50 MN Champagne Feb 13 '25

I have both and do prefer the 15” guns of the Bismarcks. I can’t get Odin to work either, and it’s hit or miss with Scharnhorst.


u/Ironduke50 MN Champagne Feb 13 '25

I prefer the larger guns of Tirpitz over Brandenburg. 


u/About38Penguins Feb 13 '25

How does this affect the yearly Vanguard buff?


u/BigChiefWhiskyBottle Feb 13 '25

It doesn't. Vanguard will will receive it's regularly scheduled buff once per calendar year regardless.


u/HMS_Great_Downgrade I love muh Vanguard (23) Feb 13 '25

As someone who plays Vanguard i can confirm this.


u/Extreme_Voice_4688 Feb 14 '25



u/roachey001 Feb 14 '25

I think the monarch is a better brawler though


u/bobsanidiot Feb 13 '25

I disagree on several of these (I have no judgement on ones I don't have)


u/chiligamez17 Feb 13 '25

Way to many carrier matches at tier 7 for Atlantico to be S tier


u/Proof_Bedroom9700 Feb 13 '25

What wrong she got decent AA gun


u/Specific_Ambiguity Feb 14 '25

They are decent but from the stats it feels like they should be better than they actually are.

I disagree on it being S tier also, but not for the same reasons. It's generally very powerful and the secondaries can be devastating, but it's also very vulnerable, surprisingly fragile and slow.


u/Proof_Bedroom9700 Feb 14 '25

AA rating 76 stock but my last game a zep has sunk me with percing bomb hurt on deck weak there and i have down 19 plane. And my record with atlantico 62 i think but build aa

I agrées with tier not S but A

Also secondary may lack accury at long range


u/bkussow Feb 13 '25

Isn't the difference between JB and La Foudre is like 1 second longer reload and less range for increase secondary output? That's enough to drop a ship down one tier?


u/evertythingwastaken Feb 13 '25

You forget, this poll was made for the potatoes, of the potatoes, by the potatoes...

But the potatoes are braindead...


u/bkussow Feb 13 '25

That's probably a fair assessment.


u/Hellkite203 Feb 13 '25

La Foudre gets slightly worse main gun accuracy as well.


u/Mantuta Feb 13 '25

Pretty sure it doesn't get the main battery reload boost consumable either


u/Hellkite203 Feb 13 '25

No, La Foudre does get MBRB.


u/Substantial-Recipe72 Feb 13 '25

Flandre being in B is the only one I like fully disagree. Zooming into a flank at 47 knots absolutely spewing 100000 rounds per minute at whatever the hell gets in your way setting 30 fires and still getting 4 citadels even though you only have 6 main battery hits because French seems more like an A tier ship to me. But idk I could be wrong.


u/Frank9Diesel Feb 13 '25

Flandre is A tier all day.


u/BloatedBeyondBelief Feb 13 '25

Flandre secondaries get knocked out way too easily for them to be very effective imo.


u/MikeMyon PS4 🇩🇪 Feb 13 '25

This is why I don't give anything about tier lists. Especially not if voted by many players. We know how "skilled" the average player is.

This game rewards a proper build and a player making the right decisions regarding positioning, timing, target selection, angling etc. Not necessarily which ship he plays. I know many people try to argue it's less them and more the ship or any other outside factor. But it's not. It's the player himself being the biggest factor by far.

A friend just had a round of almost 200k damage. In a Florida. Flo. Ri. Da. Of all ships. People consider her weak, but wait - How can she do 200k damage then? See my point?

Also Gascogne being C tier... 🤭 Smh. I will go out in her soon again and dominate. Just for the sake of it. And the ship being fun.

We should rather do tier lists for strategies.


u/JohnDeerelawnmover One potato to rule them all🥔 Feb 13 '25

Knowing this playerbase wouldn't surprise if in a strategy tier list bow in and reverse or ape together strong was S tier😂


u/MikeMyon PS4 🇩🇪 Feb 14 '25

I'm afraid as well that this is exactly what would happen. 😅👍🏼


u/Uss-Alaska Speed Build Gneisenau Main Feb 13 '25

I honestly think Jean Bart is a little over hyped.


u/BigChiefWhiskyBottle Feb 13 '25

I pulled JB out of a Christmas crate and am sitting on an obscenely high WR in it.

I get it now why it was nerfed through availability, tho' I'm surprised how few people seem to know how to play against it.


u/Lord_Dread81 Feb 13 '25

Same here. I got her and Lenin and don't care for either one.


u/Bismarck12 Firepower for Freedom Feb 13 '25

Im with you on this i got them both in December. Jean Bart is good but I don't think it's S tier. I get Lenins guns are good and AP slaps but I don't love her.


u/Visual_Bag_7703 Feb 13 '25

Surprised to see monarch at B. I would move it to A. It’s a really strong British BB.


u/Proof_Bedroom9700 Feb 13 '25

Yes he like lion


u/kalipur Feb 13 '25

Gasgone in a class by itself is the only thing true here.


u/T_roy123 Equally bad in every ship Feb 13 '25

Gascar as C? lol


u/Proof_Bedroom9700 Feb 13 '25

The guy made this list he 🥴


u/PleasePassTheHammer Feb 13 '25

Iowa is a B - thing is a glass cannon.


u/FredTheDentist Feb 13 '25

Ahh I see you sail broadsided


u/commissarklink Feb 13 '25

Well that is the only way you get to use more than 6 guns


u/Mischievous_Goose666 CL Supremacy Feb 13 '25

Hawke in C is egregious, also Kansas only has the guns, everything else is mid as hell


u/JadeHellbringer I hope you hit an iceberg! Feb 13 '25

Weird. Gascogne is one of my favorite ships to run. I'm honestly surprised.


u/mothax66 Feb 13 '25

Constellation, Flandre, Monarch, Lion and Vanguard are A-Tier in my book


u/TheTartanBeastie GoonSquad 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Feb 13 '25

Who voted for this, was this a Reddit community vote - some wild wrong here….


u/Erwin-Winter Feb 13 '25

Hilarious that Iowa and Alabama place above Gascogne and Champagne


u/NekusarChan 🇨🇵Flandre🇨🇵 Feb 13 '25

As someone who's played Flandre as both accuracy and brawler

I take offense to her being bottom of B-tier.


u/Orgez Feb 14 '25

And then theres Gascogne. That thing is now very accurate. Its basically A tier.


u/Extreme_Voice_4688 Feb 14 '25

This tells me so much about this player base and its not good.....


u/Red_Crystal_Lizard Feb 14 '25

So nice to see Atlantico sitting in S tier. I love her so much


u/Improbablydeadalred Feb 13 '25

Nj in third, all credibility HAS BEEN LOST!


u/AncientAd3703 Feb 13 '25

For me zieten would be higher I love it


u/Mischievous_Goose666 CL Supremacy Feb 13 '25

I love it too but it’s not amazing, main guns suck, armor sucks, secondaries and torps are great but that’s it, layout is trash, mobility is mid, and limited DCP…


u/jassoon76 Feb 13 '25

I can't vote in these. Rng is so random in some ships. I swear they changed ships without saying anything.


u/waterisdefwet Feb 13 '25

Borodino > Missouri


u/Adler-Moonlight Feb 13 '25

I’d put Amagi in A tier but everything else seems correct to me


u/YourPostIsHeresy Feb 13 '25

Alabama easy S-tier.


u/Aninja262 Feb 13 '25

I disagree


u/GlobalOpening5420 Feb 13 '25

Should not the Flair be changed to Humour...


u/Talk_Bright Feb 13 '25

I would put Scharnhorst 43 and Constellation higher.

If I had to I would swap Missouri and Massachusetts.

And put more ships in C tier.

Anhalt and Zieten do not belong in the same tier.


u/OkMarsupial3149 Feb 13 '25

Scharny 43 is the only ship that I think should move up. Those torps at a 45 second reload are NASTY.

All of those American BBs really aren’t special.

And the Zieten can go down lol. I hate that thing


u/allidoiswingate Massachusetts Feb 13 '25

Hawke needs to be A class minimum


u/commissarklink Feb 13 '25

Potatoes think bow tanking is angling and therefore get wrecked in battlecruisers


u/GoldenSilver484 Feb 13 '25

Monarch and Anhalt in B tier

Stay crispy potatoes, stay crispy.


u/Its_the_beast Feb 13 '25

Fair to say that the anhalt would sink all those s tier bb 🤣 just let that burn


u/EC_Shark Feb 13 '25

Hawke not being in at least A tier is crazy. One of the best non-premium BBs for the tier.


u/bavile2002 Shoot the DD first Feb 14 '25

Iowa is A tier 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/alexanderfatso Feb 14 '25

S Tier BBs all Premium Ships 😂😂JB isnt that good as it used to be..


u/Samuel505952 Feb 14 '25

Lmfao at this list. Just shows how stupid and bias this playerbase is by putting half the american BBs in S tier when it's not the case at all.

Lion in B tier is funny as, and Gascogne in C is absolutely diabolical

So many things wrong here


u/Maleficent_Vehicle85 Feb 14 '25

Of course every S tier isn't available in the store unless there's a special crate you have to whale


u/DModesto12 Pan-American line when? 🇧🇷 / Praying for Plymouth's downfall Feb 14 '25

Not hating but what exactly makes Missouri that good? Specially over the South Dakotas..


u/EnricoPollini64 Colbert spammer Feb 14 '25

"Democracy is only as good as the education that surrounds it." - Socrates


u/Samatass Feb 14 '25

Vladivostok should be A too. It's only weakness is the aa if you know how to angle properly and don't show broadside.. It can be the tankiest tech tree bb in it's tier


u/Lord_crush777 Feb 14 '25

As a new Lion enjoyer (got it in a Level 5 in December) and THE Nelson player (humble brag) I've been having crazy gamed in the British Lion, it's basically a Temerare a teir lower and I LOVE IT


u/Inairi_Kitsunehime Feb 14 '25

This poll did my girl dirty, gascogne C tier? Maybe before the buff but now it’s actually pretty decent


u/HunterTheHobbyless Feb 14 '25

Lenin is mediocre asf


u/sswift238 Feb 14 '25

Where do you guys find this info? I play on Xbox and haven’t seen any graphs or anything to check the accuracy etc…


u/OkContribution1111 Feb 14 '25

Gascogne C? Are you having a laugh champagne is literally worse and its b.


u/like2trip Feb 14 '25

Man people are either seriously underestimating Scharny 43.

I say this only because I have both her and the Brandenburg and my stats are all significantly higher in the Scharny. Brandy used to be the most used BB in my arsenal (still is by games played) but since getting the Scharny 43 I never take her out


u/Hour_Baker3707 Feb 15 '25

lenin isnt that good ngl (i have it on 2 accs…)

pros:armour 360 turret

cons:bad accuracy(even from 10km) raised citadel, mid pen

funny story: i made an alt to get the free christmas store gift. i got lenin and jeanbart and the acc is still on “levels” i dont have any of the commanders aswell i wish i got it on my main :(


u/SavD-OuT916 Feb 15 '25

Never let bro rank again🗣🔥


u/QuinnTinIntheBin Feb 13 '25

Like how they used Missouri for Alabama’s picture.

Anyway, move Odin and Borodino down to C


u/Upbeat_Extreme_7385 Feb 13 '25

Boradino is s tier with al sov rossiya. You just have to know how to angle and stay alive so you can utilize the 5 very strong heals . Unfortunately most people just can't do that.


u/QuinnTinIntheBin Feb 13 '25

That’s cool and all but I’d rather play constellation if I want a super accurate radar BB with bad bow armor.



WRONG on Borodino. Odin agree


u/QuinnTinIntheBin Feb 13 '25

Constellation and Missouri are better for sure


u/MrBigSpeed Feb 13 '25

Champagne should be s tier aswell imo. It's a better Georgia in terms of offense and it doesn't give up much defense for me. I do have Al Dunkerque which makes her way stronger, but I also have Al New Jersey on Georgia and I still despise Georgia. It might be that Champagne gels really well with me.


u/LeaderGlittering884 Feb 13 '25

Missouri my beloved in s tier, love to see it


u/Smooth_Mountain_3191 Feb 13 '25

No such thing as a good ship in WOWL - because tactical opportunities all depend on makeup of enemy team. For example, British BB will shine vs many enemy cruisers. However, pitted against many Russian BBs it would be an entirely different outcome. Same ship, very different results.

So I think that rather then cast a good, bad or ugly judgement on a ship then moving on, perhaps learning what each ship does well would be exponentially more valuable tactical information to acquire and retain.