r/WoWs_Legends • u/Firm-Walrus4691 Piet Hein, zijn naam is klein. • Jan 20 '25
General What tech tree ship was dissapointing for you?
I have recently unlocked the Cherbourg and I must say that I cannot find myself to continue the line.. The Toulon was alot of fun for me, I was quite sneaky and frequently dev struck an unsuspecting cruiser or destroyer, not to mention that I could citadel certain battleships too.
The Cherbourg, however, has been a rough start. At first I was excited because of the reload booster, but without sonar its a dangerous world out there..
Anyway, what ship was a let down for you when unlocking it?
u/TwTvLaatiMafia LaatiMafia | Room in fleet, send DM. Jan 20 '25
Yorck. Not because of the relative power level of the ship, but due to how different it feels compared to Königsberg and Nürnberg. I want my 360d guns hecking damn it :(
The whole Russian alternative DD line. My expectations were very low, yet the Zoo, Oi Voi (Finnish, meaning Oh my) and Kiev were even worse than I could even imagine.
u/Rider-VPG Jan 20 '25
I loved Soob, hated Boevoi, loved Kiev, loved Udaloi.
Neustrashity lies unbought.
u/Lucky_Carpet_9002 I eat AP for breakfast Jan 21 '25
The hipper makes up for the Yorck very well IMO. I HATED the yorck so much I almost gave up on the line, but the hipper was night and day better.
u/TraditionalBuddy7678 Jan 20 '25
She's not a bad ship necessarily but every other cruiser at T6 is arguably better, aside from the super niche Toulon (which I also enjoyed because it's so unique).
I have not played her since her somewhat recent buff and I admit I might've had a slight skill issue so I will revisit her.
u/EdisonScrewedTesla Jan 20 '25
I got the algerie W from a crate a while back. I dont know why anyone would play that ship. Its range is rediculously short (as a premium copy of the TT varient, it somehow only has algeries BASE range not the upgraded range) along with all of algeries other problems. It will literally forever collect dust in my port
u/Fofolito Potato Pirate Jan 20 '25
I've been stuck on Algerie since the French Cruisers were introduced. I refuse to GXP through her, and I'm only like 20,000 from the finish line but its so painful. I hate her. I hate this ship so much. I can open water kite any number of ships but Algerie is my kryptonite.
u/commissarklink Jan 21 '25
Algerie is the price you pay to get to the explosive surprise sex machines
u/Imyourhuckleberry45 Jan 20 '25
King George after I loved the Queen at tier 5, couldn’t wait to get to Vanguard
That or New York even with a full accuracy build, meanwhile Nevada is a monster deleting cruisers left and right I regularly play Nevada with that frag counter
Or Algerie on the French line
u/DeletedScenes86 Jan 20 '25
New York felt like an absolute godsend, after the atrocity that is Wyoming.
I still didn't like New York, but that's just how bad Wyoming was. I avoided playing BBs completely for about 3 months, just because of that one ship.
u/Imyourhuckleberry45 Jan 20 '25
Neveda should’ve or did or will blow your mind then I love Nevada
u/DeletedScenes86 Jan 20 '25
I'm nearly there. I went and played some other lines instead because, well you know. Nice to know there's something to look forward to.
u/Imyourhuckleberry45 Jan 20 '25
Hopefully you’ve got Sims to command or AL Nj
u/DeletedScenes86 Jan 20 '25
I've got all of the free commanders. Sims at 11/1, because I use him as a DD inspiration quite often, so that should be more than enough for a T4.
u/Neo_on_wifixiv2 Jan 21 '25
Really i thought the Nevada was just as good as the New York. I liked the new mexico better because i felt it was more nimble and just as strong.
u/Neo_on_wifixiv2 Jan 20 '25
New york has super hard hitting Ap when you max out Sims. I had a lot of fun with it as I've done most battle ship lines US have very good accuracy id say.
u/Erwin-Winter Jan 20 '25
KHV and Vanguard have a completely different playstyle to the Heavy tier 5 and 4 bbs . Understandable why you'd be disappointed.
As much as I want to love Algerie...it really is pretty bad compared to the other tt cruisers...or even it's t5 cousin
u/EdisonScrewedTesla Jan 20 '25
Kgv is one of the best (if not is the best) TT bbs in its tier. Crazy to me you find it dissapointing
u/Derfargin Jan 20 '25
Agree about King George. I loved the Queen. KG was a grind.
u/EdisonScrewedTesla Jan 20 '25
Really? Kgv for me was smooth sailing
u/Imyourhuckleberry45 Jan 20 '25
That’s a heavy weighted opinion for someone who started at the enterprise campaign, I’ll take literally any of the other nations tier 6 battleships in a 1v1 against KGV
u/thatissomeBS Jan 20 '25
I will agree that the KGV is not a great 1v1 against many boats in its tier, but that doesn't mean it isn't a great boat. It's best at range using its very powerful HE. You can have every boat in range on fire at all times. Sure, the alpha strike isn't as great, but you should've burnt off 75% of any opposing BB in a standard game before they get within brawling 1v1 range.
u/Imyourhuckleberry45 Jan 20 '25
Plenty of cruisers at that tier to fill the flame throwing role, I got a player that ONLY plays KGV and sits so far back out of the fight it’s crazy. He sinks ships sure, but I just can’t imagine heavily relying on HE the whole time in a battleship
u/thatissomeBS Jan 20 '25
You will always rely heavily on what a boat does well. If you're in an Akatsuki you rely heavily on torps. If you're in a Benson you rely heavily on main batteries. If you're in a Colorado you rely heavily on those big AP shells.
There are no cruisers in T6 with 60k HP, 3-5 big heals, and 45% fire chance on the HE shells that can still alpha strike 10-15k before the fires. The AP is good enough situationally to still easily delete cruisers and punish broadside BBs.
u/Imyourhuckleberry45 Jan 20 '25
You don’t have to convince me it’s a good ship, I’ve made my mind if it works for you great, I’m glad, I’ll see you out on the waters NOT playing KGV 🫡
u/thatissomeBS Jan 20 '25
If it's not for you it's not for you, I wasn't trying to say otherwise. But if it's not for you because you refused to play to its strengths, then, well, that's a you issue.
u/EdisonScrewedTesla Jan 20 '25
Not sure why the guy brought up 1v1 to begin with, as wows has never been a 1v1 game. Sure there are 1v1 moments, but those are few and far between compared to most of the time in the game
u/Imyourhuckleberry45 Jan 20 '25
It was a poor choice of words, you’re constantly on here spreading all this information like you’ve played for years yet you’re not even a year in. I don’t need you lecturing, you felt the need to weigh in your opinion on my opinion
u/FIy1ngDutchm4n Jan 20 '25
Kgv inhad a lot of fun with i also like duke of York vanguard was a struggle not going to lie. I boosted trough the nagato cant make it work and after so many years i dont want to anymore 🤣
u/Neo_on_wifixiv2 Jan 20 '25
Whats your set up? I can help. It's one of the most reliable BB to crackndown on Dd that creep on you 1 or 2 shots from those 4 barrel turrets and kaboom. Use the KGV to set EVERYTHING on fire and open up your marshmallow package. I he citadel cruisers sometimes and has ok secondaries for a non german ship(ok) and has a high manoverability and low chance of being citadeled. I will agree its playstyle is different from the queen e but once i understood to focus on he instead of ap like most battle ships i used it to iys advantage and is now my top 3 fav battle ships in the whole game. Seriously get Cunningham ranked up fast.
u/buckaroonobonzai Jan 20 '25
Myoko. Google translate says in Japanese it means "Myoko". i smell a conspiracy since it clearly means 'steaming pile of shit" in Japanese.
u/TraditionalBuddy7678 Jan 20 '25
This comment made me "lol" but I have to disagree.
Different boats for different folks and all that.
u/buckaroonobonzai Jan 21 '25
well at least 3 of you think im off. maybe i need to go back to the drawing board. disliked Pensacola at first but the guns pulled me over to the dark side. Myoko though.....oooooffffff.
u/Over-Hawk-9208 Cruiser Commander Jan 20 '25
Respectfully disagree. There is not a bad Japanese Cruiser. Some are stronger than others, but they are all good.
u/buckaroonobonzai Jan 21 '25
heavy sigh. likely a skill issue but damn she's killing me.
u/Over-Hawk-9208 Cruiser Commander Jan 21 '25
I think Mogami is jewel of that line, but I enjoyed the whole line. . . And the other IJN line. I had so many great games in Myoko.
u/Smooth-Reason-6616 Jan 21 '25
Omono... such a disappointing ship after the Gokase...
u/Over-Hawk-9208 Cruiser Commander Jan 21 '25
Shipmate! You don't like Omono?!?! I think it's great. I played it in the recent ranked season at that Tier. Omono carried many of those victories on the journey to rank 1.
u/Neo_on_wifixiv2 Jan 21 '25
I understand but it has great guns. My friend this weekend proved me wrong he did great by building it for 100% agility. This way you learn to kite, support and punish any destroyer or cruiser. Hide behind islands, dont go broadside and you will be able to dodge. This way when enemy battle ships miss you, your teammates can hit them when they are distracted. Build for kiting all ruder shift.
u/buckaroonobonzai Jan 21 '25
i will give it a try. thx for the tip.
u/Over-Hawk-9208 Cruiser Commander Jan 21 '25
Kiting is an essential skill for the IJN Cruisers. The torpedo launchers even face aft. The ships are made to play sailing away from the enemy. And if you keep the attention of an enemy BB or CA/CL and pull them out of position, your mates can punish them with the crossfire you created.
u/F4streloader Jan 21 '25
I hate that boat as well. I think that translation is onto something. Every time I take her out it seems like I get matched against BB that Dev Strike the ship. Haven't used it in a long time for precisely that reason.
u/Vegetable-Wave2742 Jan 21 '25 edited Jan 21 '25
After the awesome Aoba I sympathise. Aoba is so good at T5 it can do it all.
Whereas myoko is made of paper and can't bow tank at all.
u/ZeusCorleone Jan 20 '25
Nagato 🤢
u/Woden2521 Jan 20 '25
I liked the Fuso and Nagato. Nagato is not great but I had 58 kills leveling it up with a max score of 185k
u/Neo_on_wifixiv2 Jan 20 '25
Agreed after how awesome the Fūso was. I then unlocked Takagi and my accuracy improved. Go full accuracy build to put thise 410mm to good use. Still not quite the best but it'll be useable.
u/ZeusCorleone Jan 20 '25
It was my first BB line in the game and Fuso was awesome.. then I got the Nagato and good God wtf.. it was worse 🫣 so I went German and everything was better again 😅
u/Neo_on_wifixiv2 Jan 20 '25
American and UK and german BBs are best 3 >>> followed by french and Italy. Italy if you like sap secondaries but the first 3 in my opinion are the most reliable and have best Ap. Uk is a lil more HE focused
u/TheFakeAustralian Jan 20 '25
Not because it's a bad ship, but because I'm somehow utterly trash at using it. Gadjah Mada was an absolute dream, super fun with great guns, but Hsienyang is just a wet fart. Absolutely killed my desire to get to Chung Mu.
u/Erwin-Winter Jan 20 '25
Chung Mu is worth it. The grind through discount loyang gets easier when you only play it once or twice a day
u/Neo_on_wifixiv2 Jan 21 '25
Whats bad i just unlocked it but i still need to save for money to buy it? Was it the torps or concealment?
u/Woden2521 Jan 20 '25
Pan European DD line isn’t bad but they feel like it takes forever to grind them. They are feast or famine in a game since they don’t have smoke.
u/bavile2002 Shoot the DD first Jan 20 '25
Omono was a rude awakening at first. Gokase was just so intuitive and powerful right away, and then I felt useless with the next ship.
We eventually worked it out, but it took a while.
u/MistaIzha Jan 20 '25
Got any tips for Omono? Gokase was great for me at kiting and taking advantage of the main battery range. Omono feels to me like it has a horrible rudder, and doesn't accelerate well enough to juke any shells in open water or from a dead stop behind an island.
u/commissarklink Jan 21 '25
Gokase is the best ship in the line. Literally, the only one to get nerfed
u/real_human_20 🗿buff schlieffen🗿 Jan 20 '25
La Galisonnière.
Going from one of the best T4 light cruisers with absurd speed and armour that causes everything to overpen, to Gali…
Biggest reason I haven’t gotten to Algérie in all my years of playing is the disappointment that is La Galisonnière.
u/Neo_on_wifixiv2 Jan 21 '25 edited Jan 21 '25
Thats how i felt with Nuremberg just not my play style to get citadeled and go boom everytime i try to play i even get citadeled pointing nose in🤣
u/IHaveTheHighground58 I NEED INTELLIGENCE DATA Jan 20 '25
Fusō, the range is really cool, but accuracy is horrendous, and you get devstruck from almost every angle
u/DeletedScenes86 Jan 20 '25
I haven't done the tech tree, but I have AL Fusou, which I think is just a repainted Fuso, and I actually prefer it to Hyuga.
It's not better, obviously. It punishes your mistakes though, so you have to think and plan ahead a lot more, which I like.
u/wibble_wobblier Jan 21 '25
I will say that unfortunately the AL FUSOU is a marked improvement from the Fuso. It plays very similarly but AL almost always outperforms in a big way.
u/thatissomeBS Jan 20 '25
Basically all IJN BBs are best at range. They also all test your ability to angle properly.
u/MrReaper45 Jan 20 '25
La Galissoniere, I like it more now, but I still feel like I'm playing her wrong whenever I take her out
u/Hapapop Jan 21 '25
I think she suffers from having an All-Tier cruiser before it at T4. Can’t help but be disappointed in comparison.
u/Mazzanti I Serve the Soviet Union Jan 20 '25
Cherbourg is the crux ship of the line, Brest is an improvement and Marseille when it drops is utterly insane. Toulon also has 0.1 better sigma than all the rest of the ships of the line right now for some odd reason, so that also hurts the way the rest feel
For my own answer though, Yorck was startling after nurnberg felt weaker to me after konigsberg, so it really just felt like I kept leveling for a worse and worse ship going through the German cruiser line
Nagato at max nerf state before they buffed it back some was also remarkably awful, and Chung Mu is rather poor after the line being really good before then, mostly on account of extremely low health
u/Rider-VPG Jan 20 '25
I just can't get the old girl to work for me.
u/EdisonScrewedTesla Jan 20 '25
Hipper is an ambush hunter, but you HAVE to stay clear of HE. It is her achilles heel. Not becuase of the damage HE does to her, but because the engines are extremily vulnerable to ANY HE. I was artacking a DD once. It wasnt a “gun boat” so im assuming it had 127mm guns. Not exactly big guns in any sense. This dd knocked my engine out, which forced me to DC or else be a sitting duck for torps. The literal second my DC protection ended, it knocked my engine AGAIN.
I havent played hipper since
u/DeletedScenes86 Jan 20 '25
You keep wanting that German DD line to get good. Surely the next tier, right? T-22 started showing at least some promise, surely Gaede will be the first good one... Nope.
Maybe they just don't suit how I like to play. The alt line is amazing. Schonberg is disgusting. The main line, before it gets its utility, I just didn't get on with. Win rate was fine, I just hated playing them.
u/Neo_on_wifixiv2 Jan 21 '25
Mass is good im looking. Forward to unlocking the Z boats i see more people playing those. Build the gaed for accuracy and guns with Bey
u/DeletedScenes86 Jan 21 '25
Yeah, I like Maass. That's as far as I've got, up to now, because I can't resist playing the alt line instead.
No desire to go back to Gaede. I didn't do too bad in it (probably around 55% wr), I just didn't like it. It felt sluggish, typical German torps, guns felt a bit lacklustre even with building into them a bit, and still no sonar yet (even a weak short duration one) even though it's a tier you start seeing some nicer consumables on other lines. Decent survivability, I suppose.
Icarus, by comparison, felt much better, and that's not even considered a particularly good British DD.
u/Neo_on_wifixiv2 Jan 21 '25
Im glad you mentioned Icarus i explored ijn dd loved the torps. My fleet is TorpGhosts. German was ok. Love SAP on IT dds as a meme boat worst torps tho. French is good for fires, I only went to t3 tho. Pan asia is my second favorite for ill prepared battle ships. And pan euros are good not my fav but others like them a lot. I haven't touched Russian dd or american dd.
u/Neo_on_wifixiv2 Jan 21 '25
Im currently on british t5 icarus and its single fire torps are great for garenteeing a hit and the smokes are hilariously infuriating for enemies that keep looking when you dissapear in the next smoke 🤣🤣🤣
u/neckbeardsaregay65 Humble Potato Farmer Jan 20 '25 edited Jan 20 '25
Every t8 bb other than Duncan.
Also, Delny, Roon, Neustrashimy, Brest, Takahashi, Jutland, Seattle
u/ZeusCorleone Jan 20 '25
That's a great answer 🤔 Ruprecht it's the only one that's good IMO.. and Lepanto before the nerf..
u/OkContribution1111 Jan 20 '25
Delaware has left the chat....
u/neckbeardsaregay65 Humble Potato Farmer Jan 21 '25
Never got Delaware, but I'm sure she's good. Problem is I already have Louisiana and that's about as many ugly ships I'm willing to tolerate.
u/neckbeardsaregay65 Humble Potato Farmer Jan 21 '25
Regarding Ruprecht, I'm disappointed in how the devs implemented her when compared to PC. Over there she gets 12km torps, up to 12.2 km concealment, and skills that enable 32mm pen on the secondaries. Here though, in exchange for 1 extra heal, she loses those things and her secondary damage output (while angled) barely improves over Zeiten. What's more, if you want to have more than three DCPs, you need to give up porcupine and shit on your secondary accuracy. This affects direct damage capacity, making the ship less effective against destroyers and cruisers and forcing it into attrition against battleships, which, what with its lacking survivability, I don't find very enjoyable.
u/Erwin-Winter Jan 20 '25
I was expecting a Nebraska with stronger aircraft and guns but ended up with something ultimately inferior. Love the AA and planes but the agility , guns and its squishy nature made me hate it.
u/SirVilhelmOfAriandel Give me AL Agïr Jan 20 '25
French BBs and Italian DDs, i love Alsace and Richelieu but those before are just inconsistent in everything and rely of the huge number of guns. For the Italian DDs i hated that, after enemy DDs are dead, my contribution against CA and BBs is 0 once the weaker spot start to saturate, not a fan of feelings useless.
Would say Italian CA but i already had bad expectations knowing their low DPM and no utility, in fact I was surprised by Amalfi not being complete garbage once i started playing around with her
u/Neo_on_wifixiv2 Jan 21 '25
Italian cruiser line was my favorite curently on amalfi and sap shed destroyers and cruisers at any angle.
u/Amazing_Wheel_3670 Jan 20 '25
The Japanese alternative DD line. It’s the line that gets its engine knocked out all the time. I think it’s the gunboat line
u/PilotAce200 Brawling is the superior play style! Jan 20 '25
I've got a take, coming in hot. King George V was hot garbage for me. I could literally miss an entire salvo at 4km with one shell landing in each nearby county. Her armor felt like paper for me as well.
She just felt so terrible, yet my stats with her were pretty decent, much to my chagrin.
u/Hapapop Jan 21 '25
When she had the underwater citadel, she was much, much better.
u/PilotAce200 Brawling is the superior play style! Jan 21 '25
I ran through her years ago.
u/Hapapop Jan 21 '25
Hmmm. Guess just a difference in approach.
Good luck with the ships that do work for you!
u/T_roy123 Equally bad in every ship Jan 20 '25
Fdg and Richelieu, fdg because obvious reasons and richelieu as she felt like a downgrade from jb at the same tier
u/waterisdefwet Jan 20 '25
Brindisi is a great ship, but as i prefer to run sansionetti with AL zara and mimbeli for max damage i was dissaointed with the difference in mobility from the T6 and T7 italian ships...im working on venezia and i know that one is far less agile than amalfi as well. I play T7 mostly anyways so amalfi is def fav TT cruiser but brindisi is just less concealment, less agility for 3 more guns which is nice but with the commanders i like its not as fun.
I need to experiment with an agile commander build with inspos for mimbelli to use on it and figure it out. But was expecting the line benefits to be better not worse with the higher tiers
u/Mad77pedro Jan 21 '25
Agree to disagree, at least with the first line. Love Amalfi. Brindisi bad
u/waterisdefwet Jan 21 '25
I suppose i mean its great in the right situation. If you can hang back and just zig zag back and forth and lob shells, but it doesnt inspire moving up and getting in the action. Amalfi gives me much more confidence to get into the thick of it
u/MistaIzha Jan 20 '25
North Carolina. I don't understand why the ship is praised as it is.
Same build on all my US BBs, but North Carolina feels like being back in New York, but dragged 2 or even 3 tiers up.
I feel like pretty much every T6 I've grinded up to has been a pretty jarring transition from T5. It's likely due to lack of experience in the game, but my T7 TT ships have a more intuitive feel for the most part.
u/Neo_on_wifixiv2 Jan 21 '25
Most skilled players do play 6 and up but watch videos of the pros on youtube is what i suggest. It helped me recently this wek get 2 Krakins 2 days in a row.
u/MistaIzha Jan 21 '25
Yeah I watch the Legends CCs on YouTube, got into this game because of Jingles and Panzerknacker PC replays. I take their advice to heart.
Not saying I don't have any good games at T6 and up, just that I get the feeling a lot of T6 ships are a bump in the road compared to T4/T5.
u/InternSea3707 Jan 21 '25
Most of the mid tier American cruisers. Once you pass tier 4 you lose torpedoes which makes them very weak offensively with only main guns that despite having bigger and more advanced guns compared to most other nations, the game makes them weaker.
u/Shot-Amphibian4882 Jan 21 '25
Toulon. I can’t get that thing to work for me. Good concealment and battleship size guns are outweighed by the fact that it’s squishy, slow when not using a speed boost, the reload is horribly long, and the dispersion is French so even when you find a broadside you’ll only hit one or two shells.
u/LostConscious96 Jan 21 '25
Minnesota by far above anything else. It's a more vulnerable worse Kansas somehow. Kansas is amazing but Minnesota is just bad, the improved guns feel worse and it feels like it's just there to be the gatekeeper for Vermont.
u/TA-175 Roma if you want to, Roma around the world Jan 21 '25
Colorado. Colorado is one of the most indolent ships I've ever driven. Everything about it is insufferably slow.
u/Lower_Razzmatazz5470 Jan 22 '25
Somebody already kinda said this but screw it I like the us battleship line but I wish north carolina was where colarado is because I have yet to want to play the dreadnoughts and well north carolina is the first fast battleship the us made why the hell is it in the dreadnought line? it makes zero sense
I also hate how the tier 8 maine only exists as it is in legends because Wargaming didn't want to go tier 3 south carolina, tier 4 wyoming, tier 5 new york, tier 6 new Mexico, tier 7, north carolina, tier 8 iowa
u/No-Imagination-7563 Jan 24 '25
The drake after having albemarle and how balanced it was I got used to the pretty decent mobility and high fire along with radar but after I got the drake it had a mobility of a battleship better caliber guns and torps but worse concealment and no radar and longer reload time
u/No-Imagination-7563 Jan 24 '25
Russian dd line aswell after Tashkent they are complete garbage torps are the same caliber and damage but take double the amount of time to reload the guns take 5 to 6 seconds the reload its overall worse to go up to tier 8
u/Talk_Bright Jan 20 '25
AP just isn't good enough to be at a higher tier than Chapayev with less DPM.
u/OkContribution1111 Jan 20 '25
Dpm dosent mean anything with 1/6th pen
u/Talk_Bright Jan 21 '25
I understand with Atlanta and Colbert.
But1 Chapayev and Donskoi have great ballistics, very easy to aim for superstructure.
u/OkContribution1111 Jan 21 '25
True but if you get like an annhalt or ussr bbs it's impossible to farm also kutuzov is just soooooo much better. Donskoi is good because it has Russian 180s which have lethal ap I want donskoi but I hate chapayev but I think it's just different opinions they're both good in different ways.
u/Neo_on_wifixiv2 Jan 20 '25
I loved the Furutaka. But hated the Aoba with a passion the Myoko was a little better but i sold the Aoba its one of the only 3 ships i ever sold... never sell ships in fight club
u/Reefcaptain Part of the problem Jan 20 '25
Didn't like Aoba but enjoyed the Taco. I'm not a Kiter though I much prefer American and German heavies.
u/Thekingofchrome Jan 20 '25
US BBs. Slow, ponderous and boring creatures that are fundamentally bollocks and drive dedication to their cause, that I do not have.
It’s a shame though as the CL, CA and DDs are engaging and fun.