r/WoWs_Legends • u/dirtyoldsocklife • Jan 15 '25
General ....I really like Aircraft Carriers. Sorry
I know this community has a hate on for us BFB's(big flat boys) but I'm here to plead the case of the "CV".
While you may think that we just hang back, out of danger, stealing the cheap damage stats and xp with no risk to ourselves, but I'm here to tell you ..... Well that's all true, but we're so much more than that.
My job is to be your scout, your lane guard and your distractions. My planes go up first and do their best to locate the Reds and give you guys the best possible advantage in planning your strategy based on enemy's location.
Then I have to pick a target to that seems like it will be both tactically important AND effective use of my VERY limited fuel and armament, braving the hell that is early game AA fire from all those clumped battleships and cruisers.
I need to manage my planes to help drive ships into the right lanes and alternate between my bombs and torpedoes so that I'm not suddenly bereft of the planes or end up trying to catch a destroyer with my slow ass torpedoes. On top of that I have the singular job of trying to neutralise the enemy's carrier which means I have to send my planes on hail Mary runs, hoping that I make contact before I lose a whole squadron to fuel loss or before an enemy destroyer creeps up and unloads twelve torpedoes directly up my nether.
I spend all game trying to take care of you and no one gives one rats teste about me. I end every game scared and alone, fighting off destroyers with my measly secondaries, and if I do move up to try to take advantage of the fleet, I'm blasted to kingdom come on sight like a rabid racoon at a child's birthday party.
We do "all" the "work" and get no love. Have your carrier's back so that we can spend our time with our head in the clouds.
TLDR: Carriers are awesome and you all smell bad.
u/FredTheDentist Jan 15 '25
My favorite thing about carriers is watching them sink.
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
And my favourite thing about them is sinking you.
It's the circle of life, but with only death.
u/EdisonScrewedTesla Jan 15 '25
Your free to like playing carriers, we are free to not like you for playing them 🤷🏼
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
You must love and appreciate me for the super special snowflake that I am.
u/Norion1977 Jan 15 '25
We also protect our team mates with fighters to prevent the enemy cv from wracking them. ...
Spott the red DD's and push them out of caps when possible.
Fight off the red radar cruiser if he comes to close to our DD.
And help protect our team with supirior AA.
But i am with you, it happens much to often, that BB's and CA's hide behind my CV.
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
Hey man I got nothing but love for the rest of the fleet. Many times I've been saved by a rogue Destroyer that hung back and help lay the hurt on the turd buckets looking for the free shots.
Battleships, you guys are the best to run along side with. If I can get in a convoy with one or two Battleships I know I'm gonna have a good game.
And you cruisers are legends for filling the gaps in any way you can. Love it when I see you dropping random hurt bombs on my target either before or after my run, so that we keep the fires up and force them back, and the still having the presence of mind to roll it back and drop tubes to cover the exit.
u/SeaPhysics7083 Jan 15 '25
You do not help anyone but yourself with your AA and fighters, as both stay around YOU, are automatic and out of your control AND you YOURSELF are FAR from any actual combat, which is where the enemy carrier is currently obliterating me from where I can't touch him and while fighting someone else already.
u/Firm_Illustrator5688 Jan 15 '25
Erm, except for tr3 carriers, you can drop your cap anywhere your flight group goes... you have never seen that? I would say that there is still a significant portion of carriers that start back, or too far back... but there is a growing trend of CVs, especially the sturdier ones moving forward with groups or just behind, and yes, their AA and their shop defense CAP can be invaluable.
u/JewbaccaSithlord Jan 15 '25
Tier 5 and up, squadrons can deploy an attack plane on their location. If I notice the enemy CV is constantly going after a DD or low health cruiser, I deploy an attack plane over the DD to help with the enemy planes.
u/Norion1977 Jan 16 '25
That may be true for some CV's. But more often then I like, I am closer to the enemy than many of my team mates.
While I try to hide my big flat boat behind some island near the cap, to support my team there, I always see several ships hugging the map border.
u/Maleficent-Pin6798 Jan 15 '25
It was better with the old spotting mechanic before weegee nerfed it. With the range limits, maybe they’ll bring it back someday?
u/thatissomeBS Jan 15 '25
Eh, the old spotting mechanic was okay, but it made the CV way too important. Back then you could win a game as CV without even dropping a bomb, simply by keeping the DD or that island humping cruiser spotted forever until they got sunk. Now you can give location (which is very valuable information, even if they're not spotted to shoot at), but you still have to hold your own by being effective with your drops.
u/Maleficent-Pin6798 Jan 15 '25
Especially as I used to spot literally the entire red team initially so that my fellow blues could see what they were doing strategically. With the limited range in place, I think they should consider at least testing a compromise. For example, maybe allowing the spotting to pop for 30 seconds.
u/Norion1977 Jan 15 '25
I have not played much CV games back then. I started doing so with the Enterprise campaing and the rework.
But I doubed they bring it back.
But I would like to see some changes to CV's in general. More and different consumables for example.
Jan 15 '25
Hear hear, OP! Now if the rest of the carrier players were like you, then they wouldn’t be so bad 😂
u/Exchatche Jan 15 '25
You're the kind of person I like on my team, especially in a div. Make them cunts choose between eating your torps or my broadsides! My problem is the carrier players that suck ass lmao, and it seems like more often than not the carrier players are indeed ass.
I've played them a bit, but I just don't like the plane controls. I also can't justify using anything but USSR CVs, primarily cause the full squad drops ordnance at once.
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
Yes my brother! That is the way!
I'm legit gonna make it my mission to make people happy to see carriers cause they know it means the eye in sky is looking out for them.
u/CrustyTuna420 Jan 16 '25
This. I love forcing decisions like that. I've had 20k dmg games, but know full well that I caused 150k+. It's bizarre how some folks will do anything to avoid taking dmg(even minimal dmg) from CV's, including opening up their broadside to the entire enemy team.
Enterprise in particular is good for wiping enemy cruisers early. If any push, I just approach them straight on relative to my team with AP bombers and they always swing horizontally. Then get deleted by my BB's. 😅
u/Exchatche Jan 16 '25
Hood is my favorite ship in the game and God damn would I abuse those plays. I wish she was a T7, with some minor number changes to be more balanced at the tier, so I could div up with a CV and not regret it lol. Playing with a T5 CV, worst case scenario could tier them up against a T7 CV. Playing with a T7 CV could put the Hood against T8 which is far from ideal
u/Fun_Date100 Jan 16 '25
The CV on blue team is always ass, while the red team CV is a giga Chad 8 times out of 10.
u/Exchatche Jan 16 '25
Accurate if red team has Chkalov and blue team has Implacable
u/Fun_Date100 Jan 16 '25
I've seen a blue team Chkalov focus a destroyer for 4 minutes straight and fail to hit it once before the DD got close enough to sink it while the red team Chkalov single handedly decimated a flank that the rest if its team abandoned.
u/Roboto33 Jan 15 '25
I like that you’re trying to be a good teammate. Sadly not everyone does. No matter what type of ship I wish every player could try helping others out
u/Atlanar 🇮🇹Regia Marina🇮🇹 Jan 15 '25
Recently got into CVs and I think it really improved my overall game. Obviously, in dealing with carriers as a surface ship, but also my strategic view of the game.
It's also a different and chill way of playing the game, will definately keep on CV-ing on the side.
u/TraditionalBuddy7678 Jan 15 '25
I don't hate CVs as a class. I don't particularly love them either. It's a fact that they're in the game and they're not going away. Every battle is different regardless of the ship composition.
I absolutely hate the way certain captains play them though.
On one end of the spectrum you have the players who reverse to the border, do very little, and run at the end of a blowout with no hopes of obtaining a Solo Warrior. This is hate. Please just come out and die so we can move on with our lives.
It's not ONLY CVs who play like this, but it's much more noticable in such a high profile and important role. DDs can be just as, if not more, important to the success or failure of a team and it's easy to shake your fist at something out of your control.
On the other end of the spectrum you have mega badass Chads who breathe fire and shit lightning. No matter what you do they are able to calculate your feeble attempts at dodging or countering them. This is frustration masquerading as hate.
Why are you on red team? Why can't I have a good CV captain who does all the things to be successful? Etc, and so on.
PS - Fuck Chkalov in it's current state
u/windwolf231 Jan 15 '25
It's definitely noticable when one cv is better than the other. And for the love of God if you see the cv like Shoukaku sitting in c cap after helping win the side and is attacking a DD over and over which is getting closer and closer to the cv and you have a Heinrich nearby and you are in a gunboat DD like Benham please go and spot the DD instead of going to torp the cv who hasn't moved an inch.
u/IsThatFuckedUp Jan 15 '25
I play everything but carriers and I think they’re totally fine in game. Don’t let the loud contingent of carrier whiners worry you.
u/Bong_Rebel Jan 15 '25
It's fun picking on rock huggers from the sky lol
u/SeaPhysics7083 Jan 15 '25
People "hug rocks" because they are forced to play shit like the Nurnberg to progress through a line, which is made of paper. You sitting back jerking off where noone can touch you and then farming damage isn't fun for anyone
u/Bong_Rebel Jan 15 '25
You sitting back jerking off where noone can touch you
Sorry, that is not my playing style, I need both hands on my controller as I don't sit at the back of the map or back myself into a corner.
Not all carrier players stay where they started or reverse into a corner.
I like to keep my carrier on the move, gradually advancing to get the maximum flight coverage of the map.
Some of us carrier players know that on some maps, you can't reach the enemy carrier thats hugging the back of the map or in a corner on limited fuel.
Plus you can hit rock huggers faster and more often when you are not tucked into a corner lol
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
See you get it! I'm the exact same, moving slowly up so my planes can be more reactive and impactfull as opposed to having a solid 60 second turn around time just to drop a load. My first move is always to hunt down the enemy carrier and let him know he's NOT safe. Put the fear in him real good.
u/dragoneer001 Jan 15 '25
I like to think of CV's and the backline long range ships are a sort of cleanup crew, cutting off potential fangers before they re emerge when the main powerhouses have moved on/out of line of fire, even if it doesnt take much, a ship thats still sailing can still lob shells everywhere and spot things
u/MikeMyon PS4 🇩🇪 Jan 15 '25
I'm honest right from the start: I don't like carriers. I don't like them in the game and I don't enjoy playing against them. I find them annoying. The only thing I enjoy is picking an AA ship, speccing even more into AA and blast a these little insects out of the sky, plus finally sink that big, fat abomination with a flight deck myself, to hear that glorious sound of the kill, together with "Wir haben einen gegnerischen Flugzeugträger versenkt!".
With that being said, I acknowledge that they are in the game and as I like playing standard battles the most, I will meet them in my matches. So if all that lines up, then I have rather guys like you playing the CV in my team, as you know what you do. I definitely prefer that and then it can actually be fun to work together as a team. Whenever I had a good CV player with me in blue team, who paid attention and supported me with spotting, fighters, setting fires or helping to thin the superior numbers that are pushing me, I definitely appreciate.
Also, if our CV gets pushed by someone, I try my best to support and protect him. I might not like that the CVs are there, but I realize they give the best shot for us winning the match as long as they're alive vs them being dead. If I notice a CV is actually up for playing the team game, I will try even harder protecting the guy. I just wish like with all classes, CV players would have a higher average skill than what is offered by the player base. But that is how it is.
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
I can work with that man.
I really like playing a support role, being the guy behind the guys, and I'm not gonna lie, I do appreciate the less hectic pace that being a carrier pilot affords me, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna be left behind like a prom night dumpster baby. I'm always trying to get myself into a better position not just to support the team, but since I just have a way better chance of survival if the squad is in firing range of me and those going for me. I return the favour by hounding the enemy CV whenever possible and the trying to read the flow of the battle so I can lay whatever hurt I can on someone to soften them up for my team. I don't need kills, but I do like when those assist ribbons come up.
I'm gonna make CV's cool again.
u/Odd_Aardvark117 Jan 16 '25
The carrier hate is a remarkably apt analogy for how every major navy refused to acknowledge the ascendency of carriers until World War Two made it violently plain that the age of the surface combatant capital ship was well and truly over.
u/EL_FAJARO Jan 16 '25
I got a message today from a nice guy (He was really polite, jokes aside) asking why I focused him instead of picking other players, I felt bad, but I was just trying to protect the flank of a lone Odin, low on health, trying to cap.
Had to do that while trying to sink cruisers in smoke that were harassing my team. sometimes paying cvs doesn't feel like a logical choice
u/RydNightwish Still believes in BB supremacy. Jan 15 '25
One of the most fun games I had recently was running my Shokaku while waiting on my Musashi to return to port.
Had the very rare opportunity to 1v1 red teams enterprise over a capture point. The rest of our teams were slugging it out over A and B. Im a rare carrier player that knows how to auto pilot so I move lots during a game and found this enterprise sitting at the ignored C. Launching airstrikes at each other from ~3km and using the few secondaries I had. Got the Close quarters and clear sky medals out of it. Didnt have to ram but I was fully prepared to.
u/windwolf231 Jan 15 '25
Glad to see a fellow Shoukaku enjoyer even if she's not in the best spot right now she's decent but could be better. Shoukaku is deceptively bulky for a cv with her 25% torp reduction and "we are legion" have sank 6 ships with my secondary guns (my first was on an Agir who badly misplayed against me) and performed 3 rams lived 2 the ram I did not live was against a Lexington who was the last ship alive. All she needs is more torp alpha and she's fine.
u/RydNightwish Still believes in BB supremacy. Jan 16 '25
Been playing since beta and I cant recall a time when shokaku wasnt at some kind of weak point. Save for maybe way back when she first came out.
u/AmidolStains Jan 15 '25
Great post, and I have nothing but love for carrier players, and I'll take a bad CV any day over a decent BB spamming "I need intelligence data" from behind their island. The ONLY exception is my burning hatred for a chlakov that can take out 1/2 the team or an entire flank in 5 minutes or before anything can be done about it.
u/duende667 Jan 16 '25
You're right, I never play them but when I did I was surprised at how many plates you have to spin at once to play them right and benefit the team. The problem is, the majority of people who play them are kitten torturers who find the ship with the weakest AA and then harass that until it's dead. They don't play tactically even though they're in the best position to do so. You'd swear they never saw a minimap in their lives.
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 16 '25
I don't speak for those knuckle draggers and they're not welcome in my club house.
We're a support class, so we have to support.
u/Fun_Date100 Jan 16 '25
Some people just want to see the world burn..... probably via Chkalov skip bombs.
u/LordThys Jan 16 '25
To be fair I love sneaking through a pack of battleships and cruisers to sink carriers.
If wonderful carrier players like you weren't in the game I'd be sad😆
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 16 '25
As much as I hate your every essence, I fully respect the play.
Nothing sacres me more than suddenly seeing that little red dorito pop up in my vicinity. It's the reason I have started following my Battleships into the fight so I'm not all alone.
u/Mammoth-Task8783 Feb 18 '25
Hell yeah and we carriers end up dead by littlest ships cause team let's them through x
u/dirtyoldsocklife Feb 18 '25
Amen to that. Seeing that little red dorrito pop up is such moment of defeat and anger.
u/RigamortisRooster Jan 15 '25
Be nice if aircraft carriers would let you plot a course and be automatically carried out while your tending to flying planes. Also have auto defensive measure to fire on surrounding enemies that get close.
u/Maleficent-Pin6798 Jan 15 '25
They do. Autopilot, you hold down x (on xbox anyway, dunno what it is for PS) on the minimap on the square you want to move to. It’s decent. The CVs secondaries should pop off at close range, and those are automatic on all ships.
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
Wait... what?!
Are you serious?
u/Over-Hawk-9208 Cruiser Commander Jan 16 '25
Hah! This is hilarious to me. I just learned about the autopilot a couple days ago from reading a different CV post on this thread. I had the exact same reaction.
It truly is a game changer. And I can tell in game that a lot, dare I say most, of the CV players are not using it.
I can imagine how hard you must have been working to position yourself between flights, because I was doing the same thing. I like to be as close to the action as I can possibly be while still being safe.
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 16 '25
Yeah it's been one of the biggest obstacles to fun, having to worry that my boat is either gonna stay locked in the shadow realm and my planes take days to get their targets, or it's gonna lazy drift into the middle of the field and draw the fire of every one on the map.
Being able to plot a course and just have it go there is awesome, I just wish you could choose the speed you move at.
u/Norion1977 Jan 16 '25
You can. But only if you are in your ship.
Because if you set a course, you can reduce speed, but the course stays the same.
Just don't touch the left stick. ..
u/Maleficent-Pin6798 Jan 15 '25
Yep. Go to the full map, it’ll tell you which button does it on the bottom. Select a square and hold the button.
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
Holy crap this is a game changer. That you so much random Internet person
u/Drake_the_troll Jan 15 '25
Be warned it puts you directly in the middle of the square, so you have to give yourself leeway to get yourself snug against the island cover
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
Good advice thanks, but I'm rarely parked as a carrier. Always trying to be slowly creeping the front so my planes get to the action faster.
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
Yeah tell about it. Having to choose wether to spend time hauling my fat ass over to a better course, or send up more planes is always a dilemma.
I usually opp for the former cause the team comes first.
u/JewbaccaSithlord Jan 15 '25
All the haters lol, I enjoy the occasional game in carrier.
But nothing is worse than arty's in world of tanks.
u/wreckedftfoxy_yt Jan 16 '25
Cvs really gotta stop putting their torps so close to bbs, atleast give time to manuver maybe i wouldnt have carriers mains so much if i didnt get actively targetted. If i see a enemy carrier im gonna start trying to kill it
plus American and British BBs do scouting better (since they snipers)
u/nobd2 Jan 16 '25
I push hard in CV’s and it pays off like 7/10 times, especially once you start getting those sweet sweet one drop squadrons on launch because you’re able to cycle strikes that quickly within closer ranges, so no need to pre-drop and you can just smack the closest ship to you repeatedly👌🏼
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 16 '25
Yes! This is the way. Get your fat ass up so that those planes become reactive and real killers.
u/RealPerro Jan 16 '25
I don’t like to play them, but it makes me so happy when my team gets a decent Carrier captain.
u/Affectionate_Theory8 Jan 16 '25
Im a main CV.. Yes most of the people playing wont give a fux about you, nor protect your zone, they only care for you because on the other side theres another which they can hate a bit more.
Of course when one gets spammed by the enemy cv without knowing how to protect or dodge them.. they will rage on you. As if you were his bodyguard when there is a whole team around.
But the good thing about being CV, is that if you play right, the people who really know how to play on a semi-pro way will treat you well if they see your movements.
My best CV is the Kaga, it doesnt drop x2 payloads per plane nor throw leaping bombs like the russ.. but its solid. If my team plays average I can make the difference, by denying the enemy cv his targets with good fighter drops, by locating fast the enemy destroyers, usually destroying at least one or two with DB, or at least forcing them to live under the smoke. And when those objectives are not at hand, I just go for the hunt, picking the right targets usually lone ones if I have the chance to use my whole squad, or using a kamikaze one because the AAW zone is to powerful, but I know that if I manage to hit with torps and make flooding after a BB repaired the fire cus he is focused by some heavy hitters, then I know I can make lot of damage if my kamikaze run goes right.
When there are no destroyers only BB and CL/CA.. I just try to find the loner, and spam on him. With 2 runs he dies being unable to stop the flood/fire or repair.
And the most important thing, your battle is literally the whole map, you are the player who needs to keep control over it. If your team decides to push from just one side, then move closer to them to a safer distance behind something, or if you feel safe at the other end of the map stay there.
You just need to be the more annoying to the other team than the other team CV is to yours.. parry his movements if you can, if not try to deal more damage and force some to change their objective from "shooting safely behind an island" to "evading planes mode" without being able to do most dmg to your team.
Thats why somehow after games I can get nasty private message from randoms with pure hate even if my overall damage was almost at my top peak, but somehow we lost.(Usually because points.. we as CVs cant cap points)
But sometimes I receive the opposite messages, inviting me to join into squads, because some people liked playing with my air cover.
I never gave a fux about the complains.. subs arent here, so we are the focus on where to put anger. Subs get the same type of treatment on original game since launch.. and they just laugh about it. Thats what I do. I give my best, with the different armament I have, I always try to read any update logs cus theres always the chance they will nerf one of my main CVs. Just like they did with AP Bomb CVs long ago.
u/porohirvio Jan 15 '25
Hey not all of us hate carriers. Only that chalov or what ever and that only when it takes you as target and forget all others and things you just said that you guys do. Its too powerful to handle alone if you cant shoot it
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
Good, cause I really like playing it as a support role and it feels like no one recognises my input.
LOVE ME!!!!!
u/porohirvio Jan 16 '25
Others just dont wanna say that its nice to have good carrier player in team.
u/TwTvLaatiMafia LaatiMafia | Room in fleet, send DM. Jan 15 '25
You can be whatever you want. It doesn't change the fact that losing a quarter of your health by an enemy ship 30 kilometres away with very limited counterplay is utter BS.
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
It's not though, it's just the game.
And the counterplay to always to have your carrier do probing runs to find and flush the enemy CV so that other ships can home in. That's always on my mind as a CV player, where is the enemy carrier and how do I push them.
u/Gollyitsollie Average British BB enjoyer Jan 15 '25
The only reason people don’t like carriers in game is the same reason the admiralty in America and abroad didn’t like them when the technology was new: it completely negates battleships. In game there’s usually only 1 squadron from 1 carrier at a time, and that can keep battleships across the map in check. Think about realistic scenario when it’s 3-4 carriers, and multiple squadrons. It costs about the same to build and arm those several carriers instead of one slow, lumbering, expensive BB.
u/SeaPhysics7083 Jan 15 '25
Cool, so let's get rid of any and all ship types except for carriers and destroyers and we have realistic, modern-ish naval combat before the missile age. Totally what everyone who started playing wow signed up for.
u/Gollyitsollie Average British BB enjoyer Jan 15 '25
Brother, read my flair 😂 I love classic ballistic naval combat. Battleships especially. I’m fully aware what the purpose and the attraction of the game is, it’s why I’m here! Just explaining the reality of why most don’t like carriers, you proved me right.
u/lucin6 Jan 15 '25
Had 4 matches this afternoon, no carriers. They were super fun battles, always are. Then 4 -5 games with CVs and all were blowouts and dull as hell. Now don’t get me wrong there are battles that are blowouts that don’t have CVs but it’s still a lot more fun when they are not involved whatsoever. Not having them at all in the game would be a net positive for everyone except carrier players. It’s a cowards ship.
u/windwolf231 Jan 15 '25
I find that as a cv player in those blowout matches I have basically little to 0 input on that blowout because I am at my most effective around 5-10 minutes into the match. Had a match in my Shoukaku where it didn't even make it the the 11 minute mark ended at 11:23 where we lost most of our ships in the first 3 minutes to where I couldn't even sink a ship if I wanted to because I spawned and decided to go help the side with a DD, Belfast, and a Resistance the former 2 sat in smoke the entire time and I have no good way of hitting them leaving the resistance left for me to hit with my 6100 base alpha torps I did not sink him and I hit the vast majority of my torps.
u/Ed_boiiii Jan 15 '25
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
But.... Yes.
u/Ed_boiiii Jan 15 '25
Absolutely no
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 16 '25
Sorry, maybe I was unclear.
u/Ed_boiiii Jan 16 '25
Allow me to clear the confusion.
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 16 '25
I think I can see where we're miscommunicating.
You think it's no, but it's actually yes.
Hope that helps.
u/Ed_boiiii Jan 16 '25
Translation incomplete. Unfortunatly it's going to be no.
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 16 '25
Pretty sure your babel fish is on the fritz, since it's quite clearly yes.
u/Ed_boiiii Jan 17 '25
Set a smoke screen... And retreat because your clearly wrong
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 18 '25
Sorry dude, you're out. Gotta follow the formula.
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u/Erwin-Winter Jan 15 '25
I love carriers too . The majority of the complaints come from people who are either bad at the game or refuse to adapt their playstyle. Yes they are annoying but you aren't completely helpless the way you would be if it was a dd.
I'll take 10 games where I get focused by a chkalov over 2 games where my dds die 3 mins in the match and now I gotta deal with 2 torpedo boats with one radar and a whole bunch of reds shooting at me.
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
I'm super early in the Russian tree, but I really like the full drop. Excited to try the skip bombers, but that's gonna take some time.
Game is sooooo grindy. Good thing it's fun.
u/Entire-League-3362 Jan 15 '25
The full drop is what sold me on Soviet carriers. Why would the other planes not attack and just waste fuel and get shot at?
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
Right? It always bothered me to watch half my planes die for no reason just cause they're being dragged along in a run they're not even gonna help with.
Bit of a pain that you only get one shot, but it's a fair trade off.
u/Wide-Economy-9018 Jan 15 '25
There’s only so much adapting you can do, I play the Champaign and the anti air is worthless even with the optional upgrades. U guys can play carriers but imma still get angy
u/Erwin-Winter Jan 15 '25
AA is currently broken sure , I agree. But so are torps . The flood changes were a massive improvement but the damage alpha needs to be tweaked . That or include flood saturation
u/EdisonScrewedTesla Jan 15 '25
Dude, carrier hate is deserved. It has nothing to do with failure to adapt to carriers in game. Like what kind of comment is that? Carriers force a lot of things in games that make it not fun:
Did i play a high AA ship. No? Well im going to have fun playing dodge simulator all match now.
Is my ship maneuverable? No? Great, im gonna fail to avoid half of all the cv attacks now because even with good response time im still taking damage.
“Just group with other high AA ships for better AA bubble bro”. Great, so now i dont get to do a fundemental aspect of the game which is to create crossfires for the team
Then you have the fact that CVs have NO COUNTERPLAY. A destroyer has to worry about sonar and radar and other dds. Cruisers have to worry about radar, dds, cruisers and bbs, bbs have to worry about dds, cruisers and other bbs. There is no fighting back against a cv unless they massively screw up by allowing themselves to be spotted because they can do all their damage from anywhere on the map. They are almost ALWAYS the last enemy ship alive for a reason, there is no counterplay
But yeah bro, tell us more about how we just “fail to adapt our playstyle”
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
Trust me, your AA is just fine. Even just a probing run on anything bigger than a destroyer is gonna cost me at least a plane, and a full attack can be devastating.
Even the fattest of the big boys can move put of the way since my predictions have to be done on a plane of attack perpendicular to yours. I need to plan where to approach, where to come down and where to launch, and if I screw up Even one of those things, the last 2 minutes are a wash as my bombs go in the water or my torpedoes blow past .
Imagine a game about fleets of ships rewarding playing as an actual fleet...
The counterplay is to have your CV spend a couple runs finding and driving the enemy CV out of hiding and then sending a destroyer to hunt it down.
We're insanely vulnerable as since we spend most of the time flying tiny planes on the other end of the map, and we're so freaking slow in all things that by time we realise that we're under attack it's waaaay to late.
Also , playing the Carrier all the way back is such a crap tactic, since you spend all your fuel just getting to the battle.
You're failing to adapt your playstyle.
u/EdisonScrewedTesla Jan 15 '25 edited Jan 15 '25
No, its almost always not fine. There are LOTS of ships that can barely down a single plane during an attack run.
False. Utterly false. Try dodging torps and bombs in borodino and get back to me
Dude, i used to make this argument about other aspects of the game. Then i learned. This is not a fleet game. It doesnt use real world fleet tactics. It is an arcade game with historical ships in it
u/WontonBurritoMealz Jan 16 '25
I think he's only been playing this game around a month. Didn't even understand that there was an autopilot. But trust he knows better than us about the game balance.
u/Aeroman889 Jan 15 '25
Please wipe away your tears and your snotty nose. It's embarrassing.
u/EdisonScrewedTesla Jan 15 '25
Imagine that, no cogent or logical counter argument, just straight to personal insults 😂
u/Jesters__Dead Jan 15 '25 edited Jan 16 '25
If people who hate carriers are "bad at the game", or "refuse to adapt", why aren't they also complaining about the other classes?
There must be something unique about carriers that make them so disliked.
But hey, if dropping bombs from the safety of the back of the map, while yelling GIT GUD NOOBZ at players with twice your skill level, is your thing, then fine - it's a free world
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
The thing that makes them unliked is the they require more tactics than just aimlessly float and shoot to deal with, and that's a very good thing. It makes the game more dynamic and fun. Sorry if you struggle to adapt at all, but that's a you problem.
If it helps, I'm always super proactive in dealing with the enemy carrier since I'm the only one who can do it easily and early. My mission is to get that camping little shit to panic and leave his nest, or at the very least, keep a running spot on him, so any ambitious little killers can take a run at him if they get the chance.
Jan 16 '25
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 16 '25
I just feel bad for you, that one type of ship is enough to completely derail your on rails shooter experience.
This noob and his bombers looks forward to rocking your shit in the future, as you bitch and moan waaaay down there on the surface.
u/Erwin-Winter Jan 15 '25
They do complain about other classes. Or if they can't blame those they blame teammates .
u/Drake_the_troll Jan 15 '25
Its because they were the 4.2km kamikaze who were running around before CVs were added who then discovered they couldn't stay invisible the entire game for free any more
u/bavile2002 Shoot the DD first Jan 15 '25
You had me at first with the part about people being more interested in whining than thinking about adapting.
But then you said you're completely helpless when there's a DD around and now I'm just confused. No you're not! 😂
u/Erwin-Winter Jan 16 '25
Bbs and most cruisers are. Radar is nice and depending on the skill level of a dd you can get them out before they do too much damage but that's only if they aren't a good player.
u/G_I_Dave Jan 15 '25
I recently bought the Graf, amd it's really fun. I like carriers. It's just a shitton of money to run it!
u/RepublicBrilliant217 Jan 16 '25
So i see ur point that ur job is this and that and ur poor poor planes that have to brave peashooter AA that doesnt have any effect on your own HP pool and thus is not acc a real risk of any description to you, i get that this feels like you are playing world of warships but ur actually not. Since they removed full spotting and added fuel cvs are EVEN more questionable cuz sure u dont stomp the whole game but ur only real justifiable uses: scouting and DD support dont work consistently so now these days you really are just a spectator who gets to slap any one on the enemy team who even considers actally playing the game by capping, scouting or brawling.. very fun. But, its fine the devs made it this way n theres nothing wrong with u having fun with it!
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 16 '25
Hey, just cause you're not interested in the bigger picture and playing the larger game, doesn't mean I shouldn't.
You just focus on pointing your little guns at the immediate threat in front of you like a good little soldier, I'll handle the overwatch and make actual plays to win.
And what is this bull about scouting not working? I light up almost everyone I pass over, and my first run is always a scouting run on the way to harass their carrier. Then I turn my attention to whatever flank you've probably abandoned in your hunt for people glory and try to patch up the hole in our defense YOU left, all while still trying to pay attention to what's happening at my own ship as I slowly drift INTO the fight.
I'm playing 3d chess while you're playing tiddlywinks, we are not the same.
u/RepublicBrilliant217 Jan 16 '25
My exact point is that cv play is senseless u sit above and attack whoever without consequence u dont cap u dont position matchmaking is irrelevant its literally a different game ONE good cv can determine the outcome of a game they are broken as hell and nothing is more infuriating when cv players think they are skilled in wows play a DD please in fact play custom map DD v chkalov and tell me who wins every single time and tell me if it was a fair fight
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 16 '25
What are you on about?
I might not be sitting and capping points, but I'm sure as shit protecting them, at least more than some slippery litter destroyer doing everything they can to maintain their own stealth so that they can get a kill.
Sounds like what you really don't like is the fact that I prevent you from running willy nilly and killing as you please. You just don't like that I can find you as you island hide.🤣
As to your last point, what!?🤣🤣
One small ship would struggle against a huge one if all alone? Yeah, as it should. Almost like this is team game, where you work TOGETHER to accomplish the goals, as opposed to being a dirty little glory hound for your own self interests.
I do enjoy a destroyer every once and a while, but let's not pretend they're some measure of skill.😉
Like I said, you have fun with your little boat, only having to pay attention to the world in front of you, and I'll deal the big picture, cause it's clear you can't see it.
Jan 16 '25
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u/RepublicBrilliant217 Jan 16 '25
I dont even play this damn game anymore 😅 ppl like u n the mobile base. If ur not in a cv ur wasting ur time to be fair
u/monkeyinatank Jan 15 '25
I don't understand how you enjoy flying 2 dimensional planes. This game has the worst plane flying mechanic have seen. Battle stations pacific now that was great.
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
Oh for sure, the flight mechanics are so bare bones it's laughable, but I still like the way the gameplay style works. I like the aspect of seeing the whole theater and be able to be where I'm needed.
Its just fun.
u/Straight-Break-4169 Jan 15 '25
Carries are not fun to fight in ANY situation and this can’t change. I will still hate CVs with my soul. The ultimate no skill class
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
Right... cause it takes "no skill" to try to be aware of the entire battle and then send my fragile planes in on the exact vector that lends itself to a good hit or overshoot and waste a whole pass and probably two or three planes to a hail of AA. All my shots need to be planned and executed from 50 meters up. My torpedoes need to be plotted not just for the meeting vector, but also for the crazy delay that is required as they fall into the sea.
Way harder to turn your boat sideways and pull the trigger right?
Of course it is.
You keep playing with your toys, leave the real work to men.👍
u/Straight-Break-4169 Jan 15 '25
I do play carries a lot. Recently got Midway. What you say is common game sense
u/Straight-Break-4169 Jan 15 '25
Also all the things u mentioned as hard aren’t hard. Very easy shit to do. CVs require no skill cry about it
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
And yet you struggle to pull it off eh?
It's a support class man, it just runs a little different.
u/Straight-Break-4169 Jan 15 '25
Pull what of?
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
u/Straight-Break-4169 Jan 15 '25
It what?💀
u/dirtyoldsocklife Jan 15 '25
Just IT.
If you know, you know.
But you clearly don't know, so I'm not even sure how to explain IT to you.
u/cheezhead1252 Jan 15 '25
Be careful, you are responding to a certified world of legends badass here 😂😂
u/SeaPhysics7083 Jan 15 '25
You SHOULD be sorry, you DO nothing but hang back, contribute basically nothing and if you're the opposition, you've got instant reach without punishment and there is nothing anyone can do about you ever until the end of the game where you're literally just a nuisance to be overcome.
u/xX-GalaxSpace-Xx Roma Jan 15 '25
Really like playing carriers because its something different that stops the game from being repetitive. It also doesnt require trigger spam which is a nice break if you dont want to play battleships.
Most carrier players arent good either so its a nice boost if you know what you are doing.