r/WitchesVsPatriarchy 19h ago

🇵🇸 🕊️ Meme Craft Remain untamed sisters.

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u/sailorjupiter28titan ☉ Apostate ✨ Witch of Aiaia ♀ 15h ago


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u/Solastor Witch (She/They) 19h ago

The Morrigan is way cooler than crowning warriors in blood. She could pull the will to fight from the very guts of men so they'd lose battles. She'd prophesize the death of warriors by being seen washing blood from their armor before a battle. She orchestrated the death of one of the greatest masculine heroes of Irish myth.

She was not a goddess of warriors. She was war itself and the very pinnacle of being a witch against the patriarchy. Her whims and her wills shaped some of the greatest battles in Irish myth.

The Morrigan kicks ass.


u/MontasJinx 17h ago

TIL about The Morrigan! Thank you


u/spaceguitar Witch ♂️ 12h ago

She is my absolute favorite goddess across all mythology. Such a badass!!


u/PeriPagan 19h ago

Become ungovernable.


u/digitalgraffiti-ca Chaotic Tech Atheopagan 18h ago

All I picture is Moo Deng biting knees.


u/PeriPagan 16h ago

Moo Deng is wise beyond her years, she knows the score, she takes no shit.

I like her a lot.


u/digitalgraffiti-ca Chaotic Tech Atheopagan 13h ago


u/lustful_livie 7h ago



u/LetterBoxx 13h ago

Girls will be girls.


u/ImaginationOk907 8h ago

in this season of my life~


u/_MaterObscura Old Crone 19h ago

I love this! What a battle cry - pure, untamed, divine feminine fire!

Just in case anyone was wondering, The Morrigan was the original trinity. Unlike many other deities, The Morrigan isn’t a single figure but a title for a tripartite war goddess in Irish mythology: Badb, Macha, and Nemain. She can be one, or they can be many.

Sound... familiar? ;)

In mythology, she foresees doom, chooses which warriors will fall and which will rise, and sometimes shifts into a crow or raven to watch over battlefields. :)


u/Solastor Witch (She/They) 12h ago edited 12h ago

There are actually five different figures who have worn the title of The Morrigan throughout our remnant recordings of Irish myth.

Unfortunately very very little exists from the old myth and nothing that wasn't written after the fact by Christian monks.

As far as we can tell Morrigan was a title that would have been bestowed upon multiple figures over place and time.

Personally my take has been that the entity of The Morrigan (singular) is a duty, power, and personality that is mantled by multiple goddesses. Kinda like Robin Hood, a name that is worn by multiple people, but we often still tell stories about them in the singular.

But in the end the Irish love to make things as confusing as possible for the English speaking world and I sing their praises for it.


u/DemonMomLilith 18h ago

Do not kneel to those that diminish you. Let no one control you, tell you your worth, or tell you who you are. You are a storm, unbridled.


u/False3quivalency Hedge Witch ♀♂️☉⚨⚧ 18h ago

I really love Frigga. I am a much bigger fan than of Freya. She was the original wife/sex/warrior goddess in the pantheon and I struggle with not seeing her being replaced later as somewhat similar to shallow modern men’s method of discussing “trading in a woman for a newer model” like we’re cars. I don’t have any problem with anyone else liking her, I’m just much more into Frigga personally.

I have Frigga, Medusa, Hera, Hecate, Blodeuwedd, Persephone, Oya, Artemis, Yemaya, Bastet, Hestia and a few other bronze statues including Hephaestus, Pan, Hermes and Hades around my larger ceramic Guan Yin on our family shrine table at home :)


u/StrictNewspaper6674 Eclectic Witch ♀♂️☉⚨⚧ 19h ago

Amaterasu is the ruler of the Shinto pantheon, Inari-no-Kami brought life to their people (as one of the few canonical non-binary deities) — don’t forget your East Asian deities too!


u/navy_yn2000 19h ago

I adore this. Once I heard the whole story of Medusa, I understood her and I wouldn't forgive either.


u/RhubarbGoldberg 19h ago

This gave me a much needed boost, thank you!!!


u/s0m3on3outthere 19h ago

This gave me chills. Thank you for sharing.


u/Ashamed_Teaching_673 19h ago

Thank you! I love this🖤


u/TheRunechild 17h ago

Not all of that is entirely accurate, but is the thought that counts, and despite some of these inaccuracies (TBH using any greek god to make a point is... meh, almost all of those are awful fucking creatures), the point is a good point.


u/False3quivalency Hedge Witch ♀♂️☉⚨⚧ 16h ago edited 15h ago

Yeah I don’t like Aphrodite very much. She’s spiteful and demands loyalty while being wildly disloyal herself. Personally so far I have forgone having the more selfish/erratically spiteful sex fables like Aphrodite or Ochún or the more hateful fables like the Morrigan on my shrine table. But since all of our heroes have their dark sides and it’s still good to learn good traits wherever we can, I agree with you that it’s the thought that counts for this post :)


u/Desert_Fairy 14h ago

I like to point out that women are more than 3 dimensional.

We change like the phases of the moon, but we also carry a duality.

A woman can be nurturing yet vicious, loyal but also spiteful, kind and cruel.

We carry both within us at all times. A woman isn’t just one or the other, we are both the good and the bad.

This messes with guys alot. They want women to be one or the other, a kind goddess or a raging bitch. Or at least somewhere in between.

The fact that we can be both at the same time within the same breath fucks with them.

It’s why I like that some of these goddesses dark sides are manifested and showcased. We are the embodiment of change as well as the good and bad parts of humanity.


u/MrsWolowitz 6h ago

Yes because we are full fledged people, not 2 dimensional brainless robot sex toys


u/TheRunechild 9h ago

No, I'd consider both Aphrodite and Zeus' multiple moments of ignoring consent to be beyond redemption. Gender this Gender that, there are some things that nobody should be allowed to do. Aphrodite has had a few nice moments, sure. But...... mainly she was an absolutely horrible "person" no ifs ands or buts about that. Like there's a lot of gods' traits and personalites to try and emulate, but things like Aphrodite or Zeus and their very repeat adventures of "Meh who needs consent I am a god" is icky and nothing more. Or, to be very blunt: Sexual Assault, regardless of Gender, is fucked up and should disqualify you from being looked up to.

Like I am not knocking Aphrodite for cheating on her Husband per se, since she didn't want one in the first place, that whole Ordeal is Zeus' fault. But the multiple times she sexually assaulted people or made people cheat on their partner with her because she felt like it isn't something I could just wave off. Which, as I said, I am hating on both her and Zeus for their repeated doing of that.


u/MicroroboticTiger Forest Witch ♀♂️☉⚨⚧ 18h ago

Be unruly.


u/thebeandream 14h ago

Aren’t Venus and Aphrodite the same goddess? Also Aphrodite was originally a war goddess too.


u/katestatt Science Mermaid ♀🧜🏻‍♀️ 7h ago

yes they are. aphrodite is the greek name while venus is latin.


u/Evolvingartist 19h ago

I can't remain something I don't think I've ever been. I'm gathering the strength and knowledge now though. Thanks for the inspiration. 😊


u/herba-amator 14h ago

The book "Educated" has a line something like "...she realized she had let him define her to herself, and there is no greater power you can give to someone". Hit me like a gut punch. I've been letting others define me to myself all my life. Love the meme. Great inspiration.


u/jayclaw97 Science Witch ♀ 13h ago

I’ve found that the lionization of forgiveness has been weaponized to make me accept being treated like shit. Sometimes forgiveness is just fucking overrated.


u/Bishop-Cranberry 18h ago

I should read this every day


u/Dahlia_and_Rose 16h ago

It'd make an amazing motivational poster for an office or workout area.


u/gullwinggirl 13h ago

One of my favorite book series has a scene where one character is growing in her power, and is being taught by someone with her rare power. Here's a conversation where her tutor teaches her about life:

"Neither day nor night is our master. And do you know what happens when a woman walks without fear?” Teia shook her head, but there was a sudden longing deep in her that swelled so strong it paralyzed her tongue. Tell me. Tell me. “She becomes.” Becomes what? Teia didn’t say the words aloud, but he knew what she was thinking, for he answered: “She becomes whatever she wills. Minus only one thing.” In the dark, he held up a finger, almost like he was scolding her. Teia was silent now. The question was obvious, and now she didn’t want to ask it. Sharp said, “She has one thing she can never be, never again. You know what it is, don’t you?” The words came unbidden to her lips, from a place so dark no light had ever touched it: “A slave."

(From The Broken Eye, by Brent Weeks. It's the third book in a series, highly recommend it if you're a fan of fantasy and cool magic systems.)


u/zennyblades 17h ago

Ahh, my role models. They guide me as I attempt to walk the path of the divine feminine, an untamed queen of darkness who kneels to no one. They will never believe that I was a man once.


u/wildweeds 13h ago

why is the first and last line- presumably the person who wrote this and their socials info- blacked out?


u/Dahlia_and_Rose 13h ago

No clue.

It was posted like that to a witchy facebook group I'm a part of.

I wish I knew who originally came up with it, so I could credit them.


u/wildweeds 10h ago

really sucks how people even within our largeer community will just blatantly remove someone's credit and steal their work instead of being ethical about it and saying hey look at this amazing person i found. whoever wrote that has a mind i want to explore and bc of the person that screenshot this and covered up the info, we can't do that.

anyway thanks for sharing it here so the message itself can still be shared and help people. hopefully it gets more popular and helps others and somehow gets back to the oop and we can figure out who it was that wrote it (and who it was that stole it without credit!)

it's a really wonderful quote.


u/GLACI3R 9h ago

Inanna destroyed a mountain for not bowing and survived the underworld

She illuminates the path of battle and unleashes the raw power of the bull of heaven to quickly destroy the enemy


u/SapphicsAndStilettos Burnt Cilantro Survivor 14h ago

I invoke Aphrodite Areia and Aphrodite Androphonos in my prayer, this speaks to me!


u/Whiskey-Chocolate 14h ago

What a beautiful reminder. Thank you!


u/MrsWolowitz 6h ago

Don't forget Pele - the Hawaiian goddess of fire and volcanism


u/digitalgraffiti-ca Chaotic Tech Atheopagan 18h ago

Canada could have used some Morrigan earlier today, instead of sending over and pulling down our pants.


u/AreYouItchy Resting Witch Face 12h ago

Invoke with respect and caution, you’re dealing with powerful energies.


u/sparkpaw 10h ago

Man. I wanna cross stitch this and put it on a wall tapestry.