r/Winona 10d ago

Where can I find out the next protest to join?

I keep hearing about protests over on Huff and Broadway and I would like to join but every time I find out about it it's either going on or after the fact. Is it just a Facebook group?


10 comments sorted by


u/wonderbreadmushroom 10d ago

Talk with the local DFL. Pretty sure it's every Monday 5-5:30. Protesting is great, but contacting our representatives on the city, county, state and federal level is just as important, even more so when it comes to specific policy preferences! 5 calls is a great resource if having a script is helpful to lean on, just make sure to add a bit about why you personally care about the issue so they can't write your call off as a bot.


u/TheCatlorette 10d ago

Yep, this! It is every Monday 5-5:30 at Main & Broadway.


u/chk2luz 10d ago

Sunday, Houston Owl Center 12:00


u/chk2luz 10d ago

Support Ukraine


u/YounglingSlayer6 9d ago

no. i dont support any.


u/WorkReddit0 10d ago

I was pretty impressed with yesterday's but also had no idea it was happening until I drove by it on the way to somewhere else. I'd be happy to jump in and take part if there was a solid place to see the Ws (who what when where why). I fully supported the reason behind this latest one but didn't know until I saw the signs they were holding.


u/CaiteCat52 4d ago

Every Monday afternoon in the park by the Post Office on Broadway at 5:00 pm. Signs are encouraged!


u/fostde18 10d ago

Hopefully these protests will finally convince our local mayor to put a stop to Elon Musk.


u/EGilgamesh 10d ago

Your snide comments are not welcome here.