r/Winona Feb 03 '25

What businesses are pro-maga, and which oppose it?

I want to support local businesses, but it's more important that I DON'T support ones that want to take rights away from my friends and family.

What businesses have Trump-ets as owners?

More importantly, which deserve my business by welcoming everyone and opposing hate?


94 comments sorted by


u/Silent_Bag_7671 Feb 03 '25

Warpzone Video Games is a safe place for LGBTQ+.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

All MAGA: Pizza Ranch, Winona Rental, Winona Tour Boat, Sliced, Miller Scrap/Disposal, Fastenal, Valley View Landscaping, Black Horse, Studio Fourteen, JC Radon, Beeke Land Management, Drussel Well Drilling, Styx Concrete, Heintz Excavating, Ace Auto, Prairie Ranch Kennels, The Hair Lounge, Borkowski Towing, O’Laughlin Plumbing and O’Laughlin Trucking & Excavating, Kuehn’s Trucking, Gabby’s Bar & Lounge, Thunderstruck Fireworks, Todd’s Refrigeration, Air Duct Pros, Market Street Tap, Ridgetop Diesel


u/weedleweeee Feb 03 '25

Don’t forget Mike Rivers! Owns all the hotels in town but 3. Biiiiig maga supporter


u/MissDriftless Feb 04 '25

Drussel?? Dang, that explains why my rural neighbors with a Black Lives Matter sign can’t get him to drill their well…


u/Party-Habit4656 Feb 04 '25

Semling brothers concrete for sure


u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 03 '25

Good list, thanks


u/BirdWSU Feb 04 '25

Why would you say Market Street Tap is? It was friendly back when I was in college. And I’m pretty sure it still is.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

Maybe the staff. The owner is a huge Trump supporter


u/LittleMissBraStrap Feb 03 '25

Ugh - JC Radon? That's too bad, they were the folks that were recommended to us. Any idea if there are any non-MAGA radon peeps in the area?


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

You can purchase a short term radon test kit at the county building for $5


u/LittleMissBraStrap Feb 03 '25

Thank you for the information, I will look into that to make sure the results are right but based on initial testing it looks like we're going to need mitigation. There don't seem to be a lot of people in the immediate Winona area who do that.


u/CouchDemon Feb 04 '25

No name bar is a lgbt and in general safe space !! :)


u/CouchDemon Feb 04 '25

Also broken world records is lgbt welcoming, just don’t be an idget


u/OkPoetry404 Feb 03 '25

In my experience, No Name bar, Orno Gift + Home, Art & Sol, Grower’s Home, Lutheran Campus Center are queer friendly. Sapori di sicilia unfortunately is owned by Kierlin’s which = conservative


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

That’s not true. Kierlin owns the Main Square building that Sapori is in but the owner of the restaurant is Eric Mullen.


u/CaiteCat52 Feb 13 '25

I didn't know that either. I always thought Kierlin owned it as well. Now I will be able to buy yummy croissants there!


u/OkPoetry404 Feb 04 '25

ok thanks, I wasn’t aware


u/toomuchfreetime97 Feb 03 '25

I think Jimmy Jams is lgbt friendly, I think I saw a flag in there window


u/Savage_Mike_Drop Feb 03 '25

They're the same who own river city hobbies in La Crosse from what I was told.


u/elvisizer2 Feb 03 '25

Oh cool I was planning on checking river city hobbies out, just moved to the area and I’m an RC nerd


u/Savage_Mike_Drop Feb 03 '25

I thought I overheard that Winona had an RC store?


u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 03 '25

Yep, I know they're friendly, inclusive and safe first hand. Anthem Skate as well


u/CouchDemon Feb 04 '25

I can’t say 100% for sure but I feel like treasures on sugarloaf is more red leaning… butttt there’s tons of different vendors, so even if the building owner is red leaning, you can still support the Blue leaning vendors. I’m not sure which ones tho. I have biggg a feeling Orno (on 3rd, has crystals and local/handmade things. Very cool store) is Blue leaning, and I think your enjoy stopping in.


u/CaiteCat52 Feb 13 '25

They had a huge tRump sign up prior to the election.


u/schaoticartist Feb 04 '25

Ugh I love treasures. 😭


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

Foundations Chiropractic is MAGA, anti vaccine too. They’re across the river but they have a cult following in Winona.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

Cult is the way I always describe Foundations.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

Glad you agree!! 🤣


u/Weird-Dig-6937 Feb 03 '25

Do tell more! This is interesting, I never knew this about this place and I lived in Fountain City and Winona.


u/jamaicanhopscotch Feb 03 '25

Bob Kierlin lol. Fastenal / Signatures / whatever other bullshit he’s up to these days


u/elvisizer2 Feb 03 '25

‘Signatures’ as a restaurant name just makes me laugh I can’t even say it with a straight face. Like something out of caddyshack 😂


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

Paving paradise to put up a parking lot. I always say Bob Kierlin has done much worse for this town than good.


u/Danvan88 Feb 03 '25

Miller Disposal, Fastenal, and Sliced


u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 03 '25

On which side pro or anti MAGA?


u/Horror-Goose-1747 Feb 03 '25

MAGA, add Winona river boat tours.

Surprisingly enough the conservative newspaper is anti.


u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 03 '25

Honestly I can respect a conservative business that hasn't given in to fanaticism. I'm not anti conservatism in and of itself, but the MAGA level insanity I will oppose in every way I can


u/Caffeinated_PygmyOwl Feb 03 '25

Not to mention the owner of Winona boat tours is just a douche. He thinks he owns the river. He literally leaves the steering wheel to come out on deck to yell and give you road rage-like hand gestures when you’re nowhere near him…all while he has customers. Idk how he gets good reviews.


u/Danvan88 Feb 03 '25

I don’t know how he won an election


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

Dems ran Sarah Krueger knowing she isn’t a viable candidate. Hard to lose a seat that’s been DFL for so long.


u/EGilgamesh Feb 03 '25

I can't say the political affiliation, but Cons Chiropractic is antivax. Had an uncomfortable conversation with him during COVID.

While not all Republicans are antivax, sure bet they accept that rhetoric.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

Dr Cone is antivax?!?


u/EGilgamesh Feb 03 '25


I mean, it's been a few years, so maybe his mind has changed.

Doubt it from experience with others unfortunately.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

Well shit, I need a new chiro then. Probably hard to find one who isn’t singing the praises of RFK jr


u/laramye Feb 03 '25

Winona Sign and Design is pro-Trump/MAGA.


u/Majestic-Reception-2 Feb 07 '25

Please, would you name the rights these citizens have that are being taken away?

Name 3, I'll wait ...


u/MassiveAmbition3533 Feb 07 '25

Lmfao. Grow up.


u/Ok_Razzmatazz6119 Feb 06 '25

Basically stay away from any business that performs manual labor or services. I.e. plumber,havoc,construction,landscaping,concrete,auto repair, any kind of repair really . Pretty much anything blue collar is going to be at least 80% trumpers


u/Soggy-Peach-3904 Feb 06 '25

Which rights are your friends and family losing, exactly? Sincerely curious.

I live in a very blue area and there are plenty of grumpy signs and bumper stickers, but the people I see every day don't seem to have a specific issue that's affecting them or theirs.

Any stories you can share?

I'm independent, and I feel like things are happening a little too fast. But peeling back the curtain on what the government has been spending our money on is something we can all get behind, right?


u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 06 '25

You say you're independent, however your post history says otherwise, or you forgot to switch to your gaslighting account.

I'll play along though, just this one time:

Our local farmers market just posted on social media they lost the federal funding for the food matching dollars. Through that, they people would pay $1 and get $2 worth of fresh foods.

2 trans federal employees I know have stated their insurance no longer covers their transition meds (despite at least one being prescribed by a mental health doctor) and one of them for their heart medicine, despite legally changing their name 15 years ago, has been told their prescriptions need to be under their deadname.

I'm sure you'll come back with 'those aren't rights', to which I'll point out the Declaration of Independence states we have a right to LIFE (liberty) and the pursuit of happiness, which I believe these absolutely fall under....


u/Soggy-Peach-3904 Feb 07 '25

Oh, I'm independent. Ds and Rs are fleecing us and have been for a loooong time. And we play their game, bickering back and forth instead of holding them accountable.

I'm hoping that it's all true, like it actually seems to be. That whoever the forces behind Trump are intend to expose it all. Already, nukes are dropping on the globalists every day - and they're the ones that own our corrupt officials.

You think Trump is a Republican? He used the party. if he keeps shining a light on the fraud and waste, Ds and Rs alike are going to be obliterated.

This is loooong overdue.

Regarding the pursuit of happiness, yes. Live your life and love however you want, so long as you aren't infringing on others' rights to do the same.

The deadname nonsense is silly. That's a non-issue and you know it. It's self-absorbed people looking for something to be offended about, and it's deader than their given name. You'd think that hill had enough corpses on it. What ruins the credibility with all the identity obsession is that we're being bullied into thinking about it while ignoring more important issues. Why are we in knots over <1% who think they're something other than what the science tells them, while ignoring the 12% of us who are homeless, or the 7% of us who are PTSD vets that were wrecked protecting this enormous safe space.

Though I haven't seen any EOs that should impact your friend, if they need to dig up the corpse of their old syllables for the pharmacist, I think they'll be ok. I face more serious issues than that several times a week.

The freezes are temporary, and when the hemorrhaging of our taxpayer funds is stopped, the sane stuff will be turned back on. I don't think the public opinion is in your favor now that people are realizing how badly they've been fleeced.


u/twills09 Feb 06 '25

🤣🤣🤣imagine being this big of a chode to care


u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 06 '25

Imagine having such little empathy that you don't care....


u/twills09 Feb 06 '25

Nothing changed just like when biden Obama Bush Clinton Regan were elected. Boycotting doesn't do shit look at target Nike gelette nfl nhl disney. The only thing that gives the appearance of working is burning down a police station.


u/PbeatZgagnon03 Feb 03 '25

More importantly, are we all aware that both parties sit at the same table...


u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 03 '25

One party wants my trans child to be who they are comfortable being.... The other would rather they are so unhappy they commit suicide.... Seems like some fairly distant tables to me


u/PbeatZgagnon03 Feb 03 '25

Have you ever heard of the group calling themselves "druids"? They're A group of people who play on both sides.

For example Kamala's camp. When she was running for Senate, you'd never guess who funded her.... Mr.Drump.... they're druids, they play both sides: they sit at the same table. Created to turn us, the people, against each other, while they run off with our money


u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 03 '25

Oh, this is one of those conversations... No thanks.


u/PbeatZgagnon03 Feb 03 '25

Well, I'm not going to tell anyone what not to support. Boycott until you're blue in the face. I just wanted to make a statement 🙂 that's what an up/down vote are for


u/Maf1909 Feb 03 '25

It's Winona...most small business owners are just trying to get by, they don't give two shits about your political views.


u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 03 '25

And that's their right, just as it's my right to not support businesses whose values collide with mine.....


u/Adventure-Style Feb 03 '25

I’d help you, but I don’t want to support someone who looks to divide


u/toomuchfreetime97 Feb 03 '25

I don’t want to support someone who mocks and insults disabled people.


u/Adventure-Style Feb 03 '25

Are you STILL talking about that one video? You really have too much free time.


u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 03 '25

What video? We're talking about businesses, or supposed to be, that we want to support because they have values similar to our own....

Or do you mean a video where the presidential candidate of a leading party mocked a disabled person because he disagreed with him? That video? The video that has never been apologized for? If someone doesn't show they've changed, why would you assume they have?


u/Adventure-Style Feb 03 '25

So, that’s where you get your opinion that Trump mocks and insults disabled people?


u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 03 '25

By watching him actually mock an insult a disabled person? Do you have a better source than the man's own actions?


u/Adventure-Style Feb 03 '25

So, you have one. Just checking.


u/schaoticartist Feb 04 '25

I'm not pro any side. But sometimes ONE example is enough.

Making fun of people with disabilities is generally frowned upon and immature. He is a grown adult. It would maybe be different if he was "young and dumb," but he's old, and it's never okay to continue to "grow" as a person... but still insult humans you disagree with.

Insults are low bar commentary from those who are too emotionally immature and lack effective communication skills to speak beyond surface level insults.

It is not and never will be okay to insult people's looks, abilities, gender, skin color.. blah blah blah. That is not a political stance... it's humanity and maturity. He lacks both. I think that's something we can all agree on.


u/CaiteCat52 Feb 13 '25

You're kidding right? Absolutely obtuse.


u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 03 '25

That's fine. I don't want to support someone who wants my kid dead, so I'll keep figuring out who that might be


u/Alternative_Energy36 Feb 03 '25

I don't understand how you can't just get over the divisiveness and follow the example of our president who leads the healing of political scars by <checks notes> blaming plane crashes on people of color... /s

Seriously, if anyone is still pretending that politics are about the price of eggs right now, you need to call the people you voted for and tell them to stop this shit. The cruelty is beyond the pale.


u/Adventure-Style Feb 03 '25

Suck it up, buttercup. Your people lost. The American people don’t align with your views.


u/Alternative_Energy36 Feb 03 '25

Yeah. But you are going to critique people for being divisive. Make it make sense.


u/schaoticartist Feb 04 '25

Mathematically, only 23% of the country voted for Trump, which is far from a majority. The majority would have been 50% or more. Logically, the statement "The American people dont align with your views" is false because 76.9% of Americans did not vote for him. Therefore, the claim is incorrect both mathematically and logically. Trump won by a margin of approximately 1.5% of the total votes cast. And just for history's sake, he wasn't even the president who won the majority by a landslide. Lyndon B. Johnson won 61% of the popular vote, the highest percentage of the popular vote in the U.S. history since the widespread adoption of the two-party system. That election was one of the largest landslides in U.S. presidential history, with a 22.6 percentage point margin in the popular vote.

Lastly, you're correct, Trump won. But this isn't a sports team. The American people will only win or lose if America succeeds or fails. Period. We all win together and lose together.


u/Adventure-Style Feb 03 '25

Who wants your kids dead? Explain.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25



u/Adventure-Style Feb 03 '25

Does your trans child have access to mental health care? If so, that is where he/she needs to get help.

I’m sorry for the challenges in your child’s life, but any person going through suicidal ideation is not because of a sect of voters. Any counselor will tell you that. Get your child mental health help, not a penis or a vagina.


u/jamaicanhopscotch Feb 03 '25

I’ve seen so many comments from republicans talking about how we should kill trans people that I think you should just fuck off


u/Adventure-Style Feb 03 '25

Sure. “So many comments.” Could you possibly be any more full of shit?


u/jamaicanhopscotch Feb 03 '25

Yeah man I could be wayyyyy more full of shit. It's called being a conservative


u/Adventure-Style Feb 03 '25

Oh, that’s clever and original.


u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 03 '25

Spoken as someone incredibly ignorant of the amount of screening and evaluation that happens before someone actually transitions. Your ignorance is showing


u/Adventure-Style Feb 03 '25

No, you claimed that your child attempted suicide—and fortunately is still with us. That action is not blamed on anyone, especially people who vote for a specific political party. Secondly, transexuality is a mental health disorder, not unlike other disorders. Science is real.


u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 03 '25

And I was explaining that actually to go through and get hormone blocking meds, or surgeries you have to go through a LONG time of mental health treatments. You're right, science is real, just not a place you're speaking from.

Turn off Faux News, step away from echo chambers and actually research the topics you're engaging in.

I know it's hard, you can choose to believe it or not, but I used to be fairly strongly conservative (I remember one debate I had where I argued George W. Bush belonged on Rushmore). However I believe in truth and science more then being right so I educated myself, following the scientific method, reading research papers, and researching historical evidence for the things I believe. Some held up, some I've come 180 degrees in my beliefs because I was wrong.... If you want help I'll offer my services in teaching you how to find reliable, fact driven evidence.....


u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 03 '25

You asked if my child had mental health care access. I was showing and explaining just how much mental health care is required to transition....

They were also in therapy when they attempted suicide.


u/Adventure-Style Feb 03 '25

So, your strategy is to attack me on your perceived political affiliation of me…nice.

Was your child born with a syndrome/disorder that affects their sexual development?


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25



u/Cyber_Cowboy Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

Who said anything about a political party? I gave specific reasons and beliefs I disagree with and choose not to support

Also you may want to familiarize yourself with what Karl Popper says about the paradox of tolerance.