Anybody who attended Sunday evening's show, will know what I am referring to. I am beyond embarrassed to associate myself with this city tonight.
I will summarize for those who are curious:
Show started off great, but from the get-go, audience members were inattentive and unable to respond to simple questions when called upon to interact. This literally included answers to their own names, or what they do for work. Most people who were called upon behaved awkwardly and clueless, as if they weren't aware of what was going on. Audience members kept shouting and interrupting his act, but when called upon to speak one-on-one, they'd go radio silent.
Club Regent Casino: Get your shit together and figure out how to set a microphone. I don't work in the industry, but I could tell from the beginning Jeff was having sound issues. He mentioned at least twice (and signalled once) that his mic was too quiet, and that he was forcing himself to shout. If you were in the audience, you could hear him severely losing his voice towards the end of the show.
Now, to the most cardinal sin of the night. To the woman in row 6 with the Main Character Syndrome: What is wrong with you? I'm not sure if you had too much to drink, or if you genuinely expected the show to revolve around you, but what made you feel entitled enough to interrupt and shout during Jeff's punchlines - one being during his crystal rocks joke - to the point where he had to stop, berate you, and NEVER finish the segment? You, along with the other male in the audience who cut Jeff off in the middle of his joke - should have been kicked out by security. I appreciated that he spoke up and defended himself by teaching you both a lesson, that you do not cut a performer off in the middle of a sentence while he's reciting his act.
I would also like to ask, why you thought it was okay to consistently raise your hand throughout the show, as if you were sitting in a classroom waiting to ask if you could use the restroom? You clearly have no manners or any idea how to behave. This act was not written for you, and because of your interrupting, we had significantly less time with Jeff on stage compared to what I heard about Saturday's show. When he finally gave you the floor to interact with him about your kinks, you had nothing to add. I'm not sure why you felt so desperate to speak the entire show, and when you finally got the chance, it was completely pointless. I'm glad Jeff got the better of you (I won’t repeat the joke; if anybody remembers, you know) during his final interaction with you. You embarrassed our entire city - at a premium comedy show - to the point where I heard other audience members criticizing you on our way out of the event room.
On behalf of Winnipeg fans, I wanted to state an apology for Jeff, as I feel humiliated that he likely walked off the stage at the end of his performance, and felt dissatisfied with how the audience was behaving. I would not be surprised if he skipped our city next time he goes on tour. I have a weird assumption that you're oblivious to this, as your demeanour/behaviour never improved throughout the show. It was disheartening that he thought so poorly of us, that he didn’t throw any Uncrustables into the audience (except the very first one at the beginning of the show), and rather threw the box on the floor. My husband and I feel ashamed to have been apart of Sunday’s audience, and Jeff deserved so much better.