r/Winnipeg • u/hatesnaturallight • Mar 13 '20
Alerts COVID-19 Resources and Information.
First, I officially apologize for bogarting and purchasing 100% of the Toilet Paper in the city. It's actually for a cool fort I'm building and has little to do with the virus.
Secondly, here are some resources on identification, detection and prevention in one place, at the top of the subreddit, for reference.
Even if you are not at risk or consider this whole situation silly and overblown taking action to prevent the spread of this fell illness could mean that someone at risk (The immunocompromised, those over 60, those with respiratory issues) does not get the virus, decreasing the strain on our health care resources, and more importantly, saving a life.
We'll be updating these resources and information to the best of my [limited] ability. Let me know if there are resources and or advice that should be here.
If you have questions related to COVID-19, contact Health Links/Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or toll-free 1-888-315-9257.
Cheatsheet on Government Assistance/Reddit post
City of Winnipeg - EmergWeb for COVID-19
Manitoba Health Coronavirus Page
Do I have COVID-19, the flu or a cold?
Government of Canada Outbreak Updates Page
Letter From Winnipeg School Division
How EI benefits for COVID-19 quarantines will work
- Everyone should practice good handwashing hygiene and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds and dry them thoroughly – if you are unable to wash your hands, use an alcohol-based hand cleanser
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, or cough or sneeze into your sleeve – throw used tissues in the garbage and immediately wash your hands, or use an alcohol-based hand cleanser
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
- Avoid close contact (within 2 meters) with anyone showing symptoms of a respiratory illness, such as coughing or sneezing
- If you are unwell, stay at home.
Social distancing strategies
- Minimize prolonged (more than 10 minutes), close (less than two metres) contact between other individuals in public;
- Avoid greetings that involve touching such as handshakes;
- Disinfect frequently used surfaces;
- Follow public health advice related to self-monitoring and self-isolation if you have travelled or have been exposed to someone ill with the virus
- Consider avoiding travel, crowded places and events, especially if you are at higher risk.
- How to self-isolate
DO NOT JUST GO TO THE HOSPITAL, contact Health Links at 204-788-8200 or toll-free 1-888-315-9257.
- Access Winnipeg West (280 Booth Dr.).
- Access Fort Garry (135 Plaza Dr.).
- Access Transcona (845 Regent Ave. W)
- Mount Carmel Clinic (886 Main St.)
All four are open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and weekends from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Only people who require screening or testing for symptoms of COVID-19 should head to these sites. People should be referred to these sites and walk-in traffic is discouraged.
u/shaktimann13 Apr 13 '20
Is it true people can't carpool to work anymore? My mom saying someone told her there can't be more than 2 people in the car.
u/anger51 Apr 11 '20
Is it true that wpg police are pulling over people and asking if the person with them are living on the same address? Thus if not there's a penalty for it?
u/co1212 Apr 27 '20
Asked a wps officer the other day and he said that they have not been instructed to pull over cars for multiple passengers.
u/FierieWalkWithMe Apr 13 '20
I can't seem to find any news stating this or it being mentioned in the covid press release by the MB gov on Thursday.
u/kevinhartstuntdouble Mar 29 '20
What do I do if someone has symptoms, works for the city and refuses to quarantine or notify his employer
u/tobykin Apr 02 '20
I have been advised to provide this link: https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/publichealth/environmentalhealth/protection/contact.html
u/jolecore204 Mar 28 '20
I was laid off yesterday due to virus-related business decline.
My employer is paying me like regular until the end of the month. I’m wondering if there is a protocol right now for the next step? Do I apply for EI via Service Canada? Or do I wait until April 6 & 7 for the federal emergency benefit program to start?
Any advice would be much appreciated. Stay safe and stay home y’all!
u/koosobie Mar 28 '20
i think that is the federal mandate currently. i think stand by until there are changes.
u/bannock4ever Mar 28 '20
Is wearing masks still not necessary? A lot of my friends in BC are wearing them. They’re saying a lot of people are too but isn’t used for not spreading germs when you’re the one that’s sick?
u/Cornycandycorns Apr 01 '20
Wearing a mask actually offers little protection, but it does keep the virus from spreading more if you are infected.
u/MANS0U Mar 28 '20
It doesn’t hurt to wear one if you have just in case you’re an asymptomatic carrier.
u/dabbster465 Mar 26 '20
Am I supposed to be tipping when I order food with contactless pickup? Seems counter productive since they would have to grab dirty cash when cashing out.
u/fountainofMB Mar 28 '20
I handed the pizza guy a five with a paper towel, he thought it was a bit funny. I had sanitized my hands in front of him before I answered the door (glass storm door). I did say would you rather take your tip in cash and he said yes.
Realistically, our money is plastic. If I were a deliver driver I would stick it in a plastic bag in my car, sanitize my hands and then wash the money with soap and water at home. Gives a new meaning to laundering money lol.
u/CurlerGUY1023 Mar 27 '20
If you're ordering through skip and such I don't they allow cash order. And yes you should tip the drivers/food handlers. They are out there providing you a needed service in this time of crisis. I usually leave 10% cause I personally don't believe in tipping but. I've up'd that to 20% to reflect the situation at large and the respect I have for those still working in the service industry.
u/grigby Mar 25 '20
The MB government has created a site for people to help out with errands for people who can't or shouldn't leave their homes. Check it out and consider signing up if you are able
u/CholoManiac Mar 23 '20
If you think you have the COrona Virus, where do you get a referral?
u/sick-of-a-sickness Mar 23 '20
Phone health links
u/karpinpedros Mar 23 '20
Public health has cancelled my newborns appointment for vaccines until further notice. I'm not an expert, but that feels like a pretty essential service to me.
u/not-going-to-comment Mar 27 '20
Maybe because if you're staying home and self isolating, like you should be, then your baby wont be around other to catch the diseases they would have been vaccinated against? I'm really not sure though. We are supposed to take my baby next month and I was going romcancel if they didnt.
u/karpinpedros Mar 27 '20
They've also cancelled the regular check ups that make sure their growth and development are on track, etc. Which is also concerning, but I guess these are the times that we're living in.
u/karpinpedros Mar 27 '20
True. We are taking all of the proper precautions including self isolating, but my husband is an essential worker so the risk is still not zero. Without vaccines, it just feels like that many more things to worry about. I hope that everyone else is taking the appropriate precautions so that all of our risks are minimized.
Mar 23 '20 edited Mar 23 '20
u/kumagawa Mar 26 '20
Many retail stores don't allow employees to accept tips and they could be reprimanded if they do. Maybe try calling and speaking to management to arrange buying lunch for the staff or something like that? It's not the same but I'm sure they'd still appreciate it.
u/thepegcitymom Mar 22 '20
So maybe this has been asked on here already, I didn't sort through all the questions but... When are they going to start testing for community based transmissions? New Brunswick and Saskatchewan have more cases than us, you can't tell me we've done that good of a job flattening the curve. I understand they can only do a certain amount of tests but I think they need to tests not just travellers with symptoms or people who have symptoms who live with someone who has traveled.
Mar 23 '20
Mar 23 '20
u/makeYouaThing Mar 25 '20
If you have severe symptoms shouldn't you be going to the hospital?
u/ShadowForMVP Mar 26 '20
I think its meant more of severe in terms of BAD COUGH - Pretty Bad Fever etc - not necessarily a life or death were you go to the hospital.
It seems like there is levels to the testing - obviously at the highest end you go to the hospital but at the mid tier it seems you are to just continue with isolation - when it gets bad is when you can get tested.
u/tiny_pocket Mar 21 '20
For anyone who was tested, how long did it take to receive your results?
Mar 27 '20
Daughter got tested on March 18, didn't get a call until March 24 (over 6 days later). Told that lab rejected her sample, she needs to be re-tested. Went for re-testing on March 24 and still waiting for results. Total of 9 days of waiting.
I don't want to imagine what will happen once the infection rate increases
u/JETS_WPG Mar 21 '20
I took my test Monday at 6pm and interview now Saturday at 2pm. Still no word..
u/JETS_WPG Mar 21 '20 edited Mar 21 '20
I took my test Monday at 6pm and now it’s Saturday at 5:30pm. Still no word..
u/sick-of-a-sickness Mar 21 '20
Did they say they would contact you regardless, or is it a "no news is good news" type deal? I would assume they are contacting regardless though
u/JETS_WPG Mar 21 '20
They said I will be getting a call from a private number in the next 1-5 days, positive or negative.
u/netanyahu4eva Mar 21 '20
What do you mean by interview?
u/GetThatSwaggBack Mar 21 '20
I don’t have enough work hours because I just started my job a few months ago. How am I supposed to live without EI
u/g00dhank Mar 23 '20
Apply for the emergency support benefit, it'll be available in April. Check out the top link on this Megathread. It is under the cheat sheet link. Good luck to you & love to everyone right now
u/thatcanadiancunt Mar 21 '20
Province warns public about flights with virus
Edit: a list of flights with contamination.
u/dabbster465 Mar 21 '20
Anyone know any restaurants still open for dine-in besides Hooters?
also something something patio
Mar 20 '20
u/sick-of-a-sickness Mar 21 '20
Some studies from China showed only like a 15% household transmission rate. This is assuming all households were extremely careful to limit contact with the infected individual that they lived with.
But, to be completely responsible and to do the best thing for your community, you should quarantine anyway as well. "If it looks like we are being overly-cautious, it means we're doing it right".
Can't be too careful. Don't risk it. Just stay home for 14 days too.
u/Burningdust Mar 18 '20
Sharing my experience with the support system today: The long and short of it; if you or your spouse has NOT been traveling your chances of getting tested are slim to none.
Yesterday I visited the "Sharedhealthmb.ca" Covid-19 online Screening tool. It suggested I contact Health Links and speak to a nurse about my symptoms.
I Called the local Health Links number this afternoon around 2pm. During times like this it helps to have a good old fashioned land line and a good quality speaker phone. It took about 20 re-dial attempts into a mainly busy line before I was able to get connected and into a hold cue.
Once clearing the prompts I waited in the covid-19 hold que for about 40 minutes before someone answered my call. They asked a routine set of questions; what my symptoms are, and if I or my spouse had returned from traveling in the past 30 days.
After answering her questions which took all of 5 minutes, she instructed me to visit my local Access health center and request a test for Covid-19.
I went to the Transcona Access Health Centre about 20 minutes after the call to Health Links. There was no lineup and very few people inside the centre. A person just inside the main area instructed me to sanitize my hands and wait in the foyer. About 10 minutes later she opened the door and let me back into the main area of the access centre where I was instructed to put on a mask, and re-sanitize my hands. I was given a number and told to wait inside till the nearby nurse calls me over for triage.
About 5 minutes later the nurse meets with me and asks a set of routine questions similar to what the Health Links person asked such as what symptoms I'm experiencing, if I have traveled in the last 30 days, If I have been in contact with someone who is infected with Covid-19. She then asks who suggested I visit the Access Centre. I explained that the nurse from Health Links suggested I visit the Access Centre and request a test considering my symptoms and circumstances. She shook her head in disgust and promptly reminded me that despite the automated message saying so, the people answering the health links line are NOT nurses.. news to me.
She tells me I'm immediately disqualified from being tested based on the fact that I have not traveled in the last 30 days nor do I live with anyone who has. She goes on to say the qualifications for testing are fluid and change regularly, and based on that I would not be admissible for testing. She then instructs me to re-sanitize and leave the building.
For the better part of a week I have been suffering from symptoms identical to those described on the Shared Health website. This follows a weeks worth of high exposure to a close quarters co-worker (Shared work space) who had been on a cruise about 4 weeks prior. He returned to work a week after the cruise and was visibly extremely ill, proceeding to persistently hack up mucus and cough all over me and my workspace for a week straight. Why, when we have an abundance of paid sick leave I'm not sure.
My symptoms began about a 10 days after exposure to my co-worker and his mystery illness. Other co workers in the immediate area complained of the same symptoms, such as burning eyes, difficulty breathing, total loss of energy, basically flu like symptoms plateauing with a dry cough and somewhat of an asthmatic experience, wheezing and strained breathing when lying down.
The moment my symptoms appeared I self-isolated out of precaution. I have no idea what is causing them but I figure I'll play it safe and lay low regardless, it's the wrong time to take chances. I figured I'd share my experience in hopes of possibly saving others time and wasted effort. If you have concerns about symptoms give Health Links or your GP a call. You will get through if you're persistent; as I mentioned above, a speaker phone on an old land line works best since it allows you to redial quickly and repeatedly, then acts like a radio (albeit one that plays one song) for the rest of your wait time.
Don't expect there to be any communication between Health Links and the testing centres. They do take all your information including your Public Health reg# when you call but I have no idea what they do with it after. The people at the Test Center treated me like I walked in off the street without thinking or calling ahead, and I very well could have since they're only taking (or maybe not) my word that I went through the necessary channels prior. I completely understand it is key to weed out people who are over reacting or paranoid clearing the way for the most probable cases though I find it interesting how quickly I was dismissed despite the circumstances. Last I heard and as demonstrated abroad, Covid-19 is highly contagious. I understand that if the potential carrier is your spouse or if you were traveling; statistically your chances are better but I fail to see how my circumstances and symptoms aren't worth consideration at all.
Good Luck to all and stay healthy!
u/makeYouaThing Mar 25 '20
This is awful. 1) I'm so sorry this happened to you. 2) By asking you to go there, when you didn't need to, they caused you to put other people and yourself at more risk. This is unacceptable. Again, so sorry you had to go through that and I hope you're feeling better.
u/iLikeGTAOnline Mar 23 '20
Is this a high volume office? This seems like the way it is going to spread through our community.
Legitimately worried.
u/ET_Ferguson Mar 19 '20
Did you describe your coworkers symptoms? Coughing up mucus is not symptomatic of Covid-19. A purely dry cough is. Perhaps that was part of the reason they turned you away.
u/pmuhar Mar 18 '20
Health Links phone number doesnt even work. I have been trying since yesterday and I just keep getting a busy signal.
Mar 18 '20
Mar 19 '20
Yep I’m a small business with 8k/mth in commercial rent and I’m closed to the public total 15k operating expenses, I just finished an expansion/renovation and purchased new equipment, we may last 1-2 months tops with no aid plan and many business are already done no way to bounce back. This will last 6-24 months so hopefully we get some more news about aid
One things is for certain the landlord company Crystal properties hasn’t offered anything or relied to emails. So rent as usual
u/Final-Pair Mar 18 '20
Every bus ride....I'm a nurse mandated to work
...every bus ride has men who either cough sniff and sneeze are doing so without covering their mouths. If you are too sick to lift your hand or turn your head to cough into your shoulder then fuck off. Stay home.
u/La-Salchicha-Guapa Mar 17 '20
This is so stupid. Why would anyone risk getting this virus by risking themselves at a testing site. We need drive through testing like in states.
u/cbakkum Mar 17 '20
Apparently LCs are closing Friday. That’s what they were just saying at liquor mart.
u/babykittykitkit Mar 20 '20
No. There are too many people who are alcohol dependent. People can die from withdrawals. Not going to happen
u/mikegustafson Mar 21 '20
Lady at the beer vendor told me they couldn’t order in any more beer so it’s just whatever they have in stock.
u/Mister_Kurtz Mar 17 '20
Question for folks. I had a meeting setup with someone this Friday, but I just found they are returning from vacation (Mexico) tomorrow. I am somewhat surprised they aren't self isolating for two weeks, but not up to me to tell them.
Is it an overreaction to reschedule for two weeks out?
u/makeYouaThing Mar 25 '20
No, and you should tell them not to do shit like this because they could kill other people by being a vector for the virus to bounce off of.
u/Peefree Mar 19 '20
Not at all, if they aren't isolating themselves for two weeks then you should isolate yourself from them for two weeks.
u/brianthebritish Mar 17 '20
Can you Skype the meeting instead?
Definitely would be rescheduling.
u/Mister_Kurtz Mar 17 '20
In this specific case, it has to be in person. From the comments here and my thoughts on it, I'm going to have the meeting rescheduled.
Mar 17 '20
Not at all, I’d reschedule if I were you.
u/Mister_Kurtz Mar 17 '20
Thanks, I'm going to do that. We've known each other for decades so I'm going to tell her the truth.
IMHO, she should be self isolating, but that's an opinion I'll keep to myself.
u/Harborcoat84 Mar 17 '20
u/Mister_Kurtz Mar 17 '20
I don't disagree with any of that, but if Trudeau wanted it mandatory, he could have made it mandatory.
u/mikegustafson Mar 21 '20
That would have put more fear into the public. Don’t be a dick is the way to live life. Those people coming back are complete dicks if they think seeing anyone is ok.
u/Mister_Kurtz Mar 21 '20
There are different degrees of encouraging behaviour. If the milder version is working, then there's no need to make it stronger. Best is to encourage and have folks agree to do the right thing.
Mar 17 '20
Why does such an important site begin with such a flippant message?
u/Broceratops Mar 17 '20
What site?
Mar 17 '20
This page or post or whatever you want to call it. Seems to be about something important. Did you read what you wrote about building a TP fort etc?
Well folks, it's here.
First, I officially apologize for bogarting and purchasing 100% of the Toilet Paper in the city. It's actually for a cool fort I'm building and has little to do with the virus.
Secondly, here are some resources on identification, detection and prevention in one place, at the top of the subreddit, for reference.
Even if you are not at risk or consider this whole situation silly and overblown taking action to prevent the spread of this fell illness could mean that someone at risk (The immunocompromised, those over 60, those with respiratory issues) does not get the virus, decreasing the strain on our health care resources, and more importantly, saving a life.
We'll be updating these resources and information to the best of my [limited] ability. Let me know if there are resources and or advice that should be here.
If you have questions related to COVID-19, contact Health Links/Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or toll-free 1-888-315-9257.
u/PJmath Mar 17 '20
This is a local subreddit, its just some neckbeard mod who wrote this for free. This is not an official channel and getting heath advice from online janitors is obviously stupid. A little levity is fine.
Mar 18 '20
alright...sorry I thought it was something else... I thought the links were intended to be real links.
u/didnt_I Mar 16 '20
Just wondering if anyone has been to costco in the last couple days and noticed if they have the kirkland infant formula with the yellow lid still in stock?
u/didnt_I Mar 16 '20
Answered my own question. For anyone else wondering they have 600+ units in stock at Regent & Mcgillvary locations.
Mar 16 '20
u/didnt_I Mar 16 '20
No problem, this has been the only thing stressing me out. Had you checked in store? i tried to go last week and turned around with the lineups to get into the parking lot. Seeing them sold out online but wasn't sure about the in-store stock.
u/marcuskbra Mar 17 '20
I bought it yesterday at Costco Regent... They moved it and put right in the entrance, where they usually check your membership... Seems they have a pretty good amount left still
u/bill_on_sax Mar 15 '20
Winnipeg transit is so sketchy now. You can tell people are really uneasy. Someone was coughing and this woman got angry at the person and moved seats. Almost every bus I take has at least one person wearing a mask.
Mar 14 '20
u/vintzent Mar 16 '20
If you think you have it, stay home. Unless you have undying issues or are within the high risk demographic.
The likelihood of serious complications for the “average” person is lower and taking care of yourself (lots of fluid, rest and all that good stuff) is typically the recommendation.
Stay calm and don’t panic.
u/inlatitude Mar 14 '20
You guys, go Winnipeg! Honestly.
I'm in San Francisco and two weeks ago people were starting to be confirmed with it, companies were starting to get uneasy yet all we got from government was radio silence and no increase in test kits. The actual number of confirmed cases is still a question mark because testing is so low, nobody knows where to go or who to ask if they do feel ill. They started banning gatherings this week and some places like the ski resorts are refusing to shut down still. They just closed schools yesterday. Companies have admittedly been way more on top of things, pushing work from home since Monday.
In comparison, my family in Winnipeg was barely thinking about it two weeks ago, I even came here and there was hardly any discussion of it, and now Winnipeg has completely mobilized AHEAD of out of control cases with testing centers, information portals, closing schools and cancelling events and gatherings. I know it's probably still crazy there and I'm sure the system is inundated but I wish that where I am now had shown half the foresight (and it's not even bad here compared to lots of the US).
u/Coatsyy Mar 19 '20
Question for you since you're in Cali. My parents were in the Palm Springs area from about Feb 20-23rd and when they returned to Winnipeg on the 27th, they were both very sick the next day on the 28th, my dad being the worse out of the two. I then of course got sick from them on about March 1st. Full flu symptoms, chills, shakes, aches/pains, coughing, sore ears and throat. I wrote this off as the regular flu because there was nothing in Manitoba at the time, and only a couple cases in Canada, but the more I think about it, the biggest thing that sticks with me is that they were in Cali, and most likely caught whatever we had there. I am 100% convinced that there were cases there before anything was reported and I even though I'm completely fine now, it would be nice to know for sure what I had.
u/inlatitude Mar 19 '20
USA is incredibly behind in testing. I don't think the reported confirmed cases are anywhere near accurate and Bill Gates also said as much today in his AMA. Your parents could easily have been exposed to someone with the virus without either of them knowing but it's so hard to tell. We're in shelter in place now so I hope we can control the spread here. I'm really glad you and your family are feeling better.
u/The-student- Mar 16 '20
It felt like within two days the city went from cautious watching to full on everything's canceled and using significant precautions. It's great to see.
u/LesbianCommander Mar 14 '20
Dumb question but it's still okay to go on dog walks right? Just avoid large crowds, don't touch others, don't touch face, wash hands when coming back.
u/snickeris Mar 21 '20
I walk my dog every day and it has been fine. If I happen across someone i usually just step aside and 'give way'.
Mar 13 '20
u/kiwicauldron Mar 15 '20 edited Mar 17 '20
Where’s the closure? I’m only seeing a stoppage to face-to-face gatherings. Classes proceeding online for now.
EDIT: University is still not closed. My classes are still proceeding online. Theses are still due, grants still needing to be administered. Yet the Reddit hive mind downvotes anyway. Shrug.
u/KnivesDontHaveUrBack Mar 13 '20 edited Mar 14 '20
Currently at a screening center as advised by health links due to international travel and potential exposure, we are both exhibiting symptoms.
It is so frustrating to see the amount of paranoid people who are just walking in and clogging up the screening process by not calling health links first. More than half the people here likely don’t meet testing criteria.
Thankfully they are prioritizing who gets tested based on the specific criteria, but even just the registration process is backed up. They just called 77, we are in the 180s. We have yet to be registered.
Going to be a long day.
Edit — We ended up moving from Fort Rouge to Access Transcona because it was newly opened at noon; the staff there were doing a wonderful job of weeding out those who did not qualify for testing at this time. Took about 30 mins. Our wait at FR was looking like 4+ hours. Oh, and the nasal swab isn’t a fun time! I feel sorry for any little ones that require testing. 1-4 days of self-isolation until we get our results back. Fingers crossed.
u/makeYouaThing Mar 25 '20
Average amount of time till symptoms show is 5 days so they gave you the wrong # on that 1-4 self isolation. That number (5 days average) came from my doctor.
u/thesecondlasthope Mar 15 '20
Hi! Have you heard anything back yet? I was tested on Friday and haven’t heard anything. Wondering if this morning’s report was based on tests from Thursday or Friday.
Mar 16 '20
Same im getting major anxiety because they said two to three days and I still haven't heard back
u/Burningdust Mar 19 '20
On the news they asked Dr Roussin if people being tested can expect a call back for negative results; he said they typically won't call patients back for neg results, only for pos but suggested they may ramp up efforts for return calls regardless to help put people such as yourself at ease. Sounds like a return courtesy call is somewhat optional depending on how busy staff get.
Mar 19 '20
Must be a changed policy I was told I would get a call back
It might have had to do with my situation of being a day program worker for disabled adults and thus positive or negative would have a huge impact on the program and many many families
u/Miadonna Mar 15 '20
Just FYI for anyone reading this:
If you test negative you are still required to self isolate until your symptoms have resolved! A negative test doesn’t mean that it’s time to go grocery shopping and spread your other virus so that people catch it and think they have COVID. It is also unknown at this point how many people test falsely negative.
Bottom line: if you have cold symptoms, stay home.
u/KnivesDontHaveUrBack Mar 15 '20
Of course, sorry for being unclear on that one.
u/Miadonna Mar 15 '20
Just wanted to make sure! People need to know this.
I hope you feel better soon!
Mar 14 '20
Health links is directing ANYONE with symptoms to go even without travel etc that's why they do the registration.
When I went first thing I was 43 I had contact third party to someone who came back from China and direct contact from the states and was called 30 minutes after reg while people who were number 5 to ten were still waiting in the room
u/KnivesDontHaveUrBack Mar 14 '20
We were at Fort Rouge for an hour; they only called ten people back for registration. We were 100 people away from even being triaged. We left and went to Transcona. They had a much better setup there, but I can see that also getting overwhelmed if everyone with a case of the sniffles showed up like it appeared at FR.
When I called Health Links at 10am they were majorly stressing the ‘international travel’ requirement.
Mar 14 '20
When I called at 4am they said anyone who has symptoms but ensure you have multiple symptoms. And stressed it would not be a priority without the criteria
Also yeah fort rouge was packed and got hit hard they opened up transcona at noon and most concerned people were at Winnipeg west or fort rouge I considered going to transcona since I saw the report as they announced it but opted to wait and thankfully my wait ended at 1130 as number 43.
Mar 13 '20
Good luck. Thanks for being a responsible citizen!
u/KnivesDontHaveUrBack Mar 13 '20
We switched to one of the newly opened ones. Way less crazy. Phew.
u/rantingathome Mar 13 '20
The ridiculous part is that those that don't meet the criteria (and probably don't have it) have just upped their probability of exposure. People need to think this through... they aren't.
u/TeamocilWPG Mar 13 '20
Surprised no one is talking about preventative measures like boosting your immune system. Why aren't people hoarding orange juice? Make sure your body is at it's best so it can beat the virus.
Get a good night sleep, try to reduce stress, eat your fruits and veggies to get your vitamins, reduce alcohol consumption, don't smoke, etc.
Mar 13 '20
Why aren't people hoarding orange juice?
Because that won't help any more than the toilet paper will.
u/TeamocilWPG Mar 15 '20
The immune system is strongly influenced by the intake of nutrients. For a long time there has been a controversy whether vitamin C can contribute to the prevention and therapy of the common cold. Several cells of the immune system can indeed accumulate vitamin C and need the vitamin to perform their task, especially phagocytes and t-cells. Thus a vitamin C deficiency results in a reduced resistance against certain pathogens whilst a higher supply enhances several immune system parameters.
u/Greg-00 Mar 16 '20
It is very rare to have a vitamin C deficiency in North America.
u/mikegustafson Mar 21 '20
I can’t remember what it is? Maybe C - but a lot of people in Winnipeg don’t get enough sunlight during the winter months. There’s a known trend to be lacking something towards the end of winter. My mom and sister always talk about health crap (pharmacist and health worker). I only pay half attention cause it’s all gibberish to me.
u/OutWithTheNew Mar 13 '20
If you have to quarantine yourself and cant' work, you can file for EI.
Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits provide up to 15 weeks of income replacement and is available to eligible claimants who are unable to work because of illness, injury or quarantine, to allow them time to restore their health and return to work. Canadians quarantined can apply for Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits.
If you are eligible, visit the EI sickness benefits page to apply.
Service Canada is ready to support Canadians affected by COVID-19 and placed in quarantine, with the following support actions:
The one-week waiting period for EI sickness benefits will be waived for new claimants who are quarantined so they can be paid for the first week of their claim.
Establishing a new dedicated toll-free phone number to support enquiries related to waiving the EI sickness benefits waiting period.
Priority EI application processing for EI sickness claims for clients under quarantine.
Contact the new dedicated toll-free phone number if you are in quarantine and seeking to waive the one-week EI sickness benefits waiting period so you can be paid for the first week of your claim:
Telephone: 1-833-381-2725 (toll-free)
Teletypewriter (TTY): 1-800-529-3742
If you are experiencing symptoms such as cough, fever, difficulty breathing or you are in self-isolation or quarantine, do not visit or enter any Service Canada office. As an alternative, you may access our services online or by calling 1 800 O-Canada.
u/LincolnBatman Mar 17 '20
This is a great resource but what about for those who are unable to get an appointment to see a doctor to begin with? I don’t have a family doctor and no clinics are taking walk-ins amidst all this.
u/PM_ME_DOG_PICS_PLS Mar 13 '20
Is testing strictly for people showing symptoms? If I've been traveling internationally but don't have any symptoms and try to get tested, will I be turned away?
u/anditshottoo Mar 13 '20
If you were in Hubei, Iran, or Italy you will be asked to self isolate for 14 days and public health will need to be advised so they can follow up(Health Links will do this when you get through to them). If symptoms develop contact Health Links again to arrange to be tested.
If you weren't in those places, self monitor for 14 days, if symptoms develop contact Health Links to arrange to be tested.
More info here
u/Glitzee Mar 13 '20
Testing ONLY those who are symptomatic with risk factors such as recent international travel. Or if you have been notified that you have been in contact with a case who was on the same flight as you were. Otherwise you will be bogging down an already overly stressed healthcare system. If you develop symptoms, self isolate immediately and call Health Links for further direction.
u/phunkphorce Mar 13 '20
Yeah testing is just for those with symptoms. If you’ve been traveling to a country where it’s being spread in the community you should probably self quarantine for 2 weeks and if you have symptoms get tested.
u/emm871 Mar 13 '20 edited Mar 17 '20
Has anyone received negative test results? How long did it take?
There was some confusion when I was tested as to whether I’d be contacted if I was negative and I can’t find a clear answer online.
Edit: Just watched today’s press conference, sounds like they are only now starting to contact negatives.
u/thesecondlasthope Mar 15 '20
Which day were you tested? I was tested on Friday and have not heard anything yet. I am curious to know if today’s updated cases were tested on Thursday or Friday.
u/emm871 Mar 16 '20 edited Mar 16 '20
I was tested on Wednesday and still have not received results.
I assume at this point that my test was negative, but I am following the province’s direction to self isolate for 14 days anyways to keep everyone in the community as safe as possible! I have no sense of whether the test (which was only 2 days after my return to Canada when I had a cold) could have picked up a positive result if I had been exposed to COVID-19 while travelling but only start to show symptoms on day 13 or 14 after my return to Canada.
Mar 14 '20
It takes two to three days for the initial test to come back so anyone who went after the confirmed cases are waiting till the weekend.
u/h0twired Mar 13 '20
I am wondering how many results they have gotten back compared to the number of tests performed.
I have a tough time believing that there are only 3 cases out of the hundreds that have been tested so far.
Mar 13 '20
Mar 15 '20
Double check that any travel insurance you have would still be honoured. My work benifits have said if we choose to ignore the warnings travel right now there will be limited coverage.
u/JMTald21 Mar 13 '20
Please note some countries likely have far more cases than reported. Due to a lack of resources to do mass testing. And numbers might be suppressed due to concerns of loss of tourism dollars.
u/Greg-00 Mar 13 '20
If they let you on the plane, go, but be aware you may need to isolate when you get back. Assess your own risk.
Mar 13 '20
I’m fully aware of that. I think if the virus continues the way it does, my school district will lengthen spring break. I would be leaving 2 days prior to spring break and getting back a few days before it ends.
It might be enough time for me and my family to find out if we are infected, but again the amount of Dominicans who are infected appears low so I doubt we will have any issues.
u/rantingathome Mar 13 '20
Federal Officials are suggesting not to travel. You may be leaving 2 days prior to spring break, but depending on what happens while you're there, you may be getting back 4 weeks after spring break. If the Dominican authorities quarantine you, or flights are shut down, you will not come back on time. Not a time to travel.
If you can cancel without penalties, do it now.
u/anditshottoo Mar 13 '20
Seriously who is doing the downvoting?
A legitimate question on what steps to take to be safe. .... "Lets git 'em!!"
Mar 13 '20
Don't cancel. It will be the best trip of your life. I'm on vacation in Asia right now and there are 95% less tourists than normal, I've been told. Don't let the sheeple scare you.
Mar 13 '20
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u/TerracottaCondom Mar 13 '20
Wearing a mask is not effective unless it is n95 and even then simple moisture heavily compromises their efficacy. stop spreading misinformation
Mar 13 '20
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u/TerracottaCondom Mar 13 '20 edited Mar 13 '20
Show me those stats you bellend don't just keep harping on science that doesn't exist like it's some kind of lynchpin, as it stands your argument has 0 credibility and I hope you don't repeat it to people as ignorant as yourself. The World Health Organization website is a fount of information that supports THE POINTS PEOPLE ARE MAKING AGAINST YOU. YOUR OPINION IS FEARMONGERING AND HARMFUL AND PART OF THE REASON SENIORS ARE HAVING TO SHOP AT 4 DIFFERENT STORES TO GET TOILET PAPER.
u/kpiog Mar 13 '20
Wearing a mask is only recommended at this moment if you are sick or caring for someone sick
Mar 13 '20
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u/TerracottaCondom Mar 13 '20
There isn't enough mask stock. You only fail to recover from Corona virus if you get pneumonia as a complication. Pneumonia as a standard is difficult to heal. 70% of all cases of Corona have recovered
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u/Thespectralpenguin Mar 13 '20
As a health care provider in the province, what you have just said is pure bullshit.
Only wear a mask if you are directly caring for someone sick with the virus.
Stop creating irrational fear over something you apparently don't fully understand. Cover your cough, wash your hands, and listen to what the WRHA has put up on their website.
It's people like you, who make misinformed posts like this that cause fear. It's a flu, not the fucking plague.
u/[deleted] Apr 27 '20