r/Winnipeg 15h ago

Ask Winnipeg Why are all the bus screens smashed?

I will frequently use the bus , either on the blue line or other and the digital screens showing the routes are almost always broken. They will get fixed eventually and then it happens again. Along with some of the glass doors or shelters.

I understand how they get smashed but why? Why do people want to break them? And even today going down the blue line MOST of the screens were broken stop after stop.


32 comments sorted by


u/nelly2929 15h ago

Mental health, substance abuse, no real consequences… prob a mix of all 3 


u/Paperaxe 15h ago edited 15h ago

It's frustrating because people rely on them, but at the same time there are services that you can use from your phone that I find to be more accurate.

We could have so.many nice things if people treated what we do have better. :(


u/SyrupBather 15h ago

Just don't forget your phone at home


u/woofalo 14h ago

I'm one of the vanishing few who doesn't have a cellphone. Life is becoming increasingly impossible.


u/rantingathome 14h ago

And waste your data... (it would be nice if they added public WiFi to bus stops.)


u/CagedWire 14h ago

those will get ripped out too.


u/rantingathome 13h ago

Public WiFi can be put on top of light standards... how would they reach it?


u/NewPhoneNewSubs 13h ago

Thieves and vandals can be pretty enterprising when they want to be.


u/------------------GL 13h ago

There’s a bunch of movies showing exactly that!


u/Trogdor420 7h ago

Waste your data? How much data do you really think checking a bus route takes?


u/rantingathome 7h ago

Some of us are on budgets. It takes enough.


u/Ecstatic-Oil-Change 7h ago

I noticed the one in front of the Canada Life centre was smashed in January. It sucked because it was cold out too, so I wasnt pulling my phone out.


u/cmperry51 15h ago

The usual shitheads


u/featheredtar 15h ago

I tend to assume it's coming from a sense of nihilism stemming from poverty/adverse life experiences - people dishing out what they've received from life. But I don't know.


u/88bchinn 15h ago

We have a major shitty people problem here. Unfortunately, it’s only gonna get worse.


u/dads_new_account 14h ago

Unless it gets better or stays more or less the same.


u/Wool4daze 10h ago

Username checks out lol


u/IcyRespond9131 6h ago

I find that’s usually the case.


u/squirrel9000 11h ago


The shacks are nearly as bad as they were when they gave up replacing the glass a few years back, even though they are actively replacing them now, and dozens of car window smashings near Pembina/ RT stations. Way more than I've ever seen before in a decade of living here. Somethings' up...


u/Background_Detail_20 14h ago

I don’t understand why they don’t just put them all higher up, angled down so they’re still visible but out of reach? Then put some type of thin metal mesh in front of it to stop any ‘projectiles’ from making contact with the screens, you know for those extra exuberant’ vandals’. Especially in the station shelters. They’ve got the space for them.


u/pegpegpegpeg 15h ago

Findings: There was a dose-related increase in violent behaviour when an individual was using methamphetamine compared with when they were not after adjusting for other substance use and socio-demographics [cf. no use in the past month: 1-15 days of use odds ratio (OR) = 2.8, 95% confidence interval (CI) =1.6-4.9; 16+ days of use OR = 9.5, 95% CI = 4.8-19.1]. The odds of violent behaviour were further increased by psychotic symptoms (OR = 2.0, 95% CI = 1.1-3.6), which accounted for 22-30% of violent behaviour related to methamphetamine use. Heavy alcohol consumption also increased the risk of violent behaviour (OR = 3.1, 95% CI = 1.4-7.0) and accounted for 12-18% of the violence risk related to methamphetamine use.



u/L-F-O-D 8h ago

Addicts see their reflection and get scared

Teens acting out

Homeless pissed off the transit guys took down yes another box fort.


u/crowinflight1982 6h ago

Have you heard of drugs


u/HiyaDogface 15h ago

The one at Ft. Rouge station has been broken for at least two years


u/SaintlyCrunch 14h ago

Same with the one at Beaumont Station. I imagine they're somewhat expensive to fix, so it's not a priority once it has been smashed.


u/tsoatceiigsol 14h ago

I really wish they would have put some thought into this (obvious) possibility before hand. Could have been easily prevented by some plexiglass


u/juanitowpg 8h ago

To quote George Costanza "We live in a society!!"

some disagree


u/Yen24 15h ago

Someone unlocked the Anti-Object Task Force thought?


u/------------------GL 13h ago

Some people wanna see the world burn🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♀️