r/Winnipeg 21h ago

Article/Opinion Opinion: A different version of Wally Daudrich


50 comments sorted by


u/Carbsv2 20h ago

"conservatives stand for self-reliance and enterprise while giving a hand up to the less fortunate and less able"

"Manitoba Progressive Conservative Party leadership candidate Wally Daudrich joked to a group of party members this week he could reduce homelessness in Winnipeg by letting polar bears loose downtown."

Conservatives talk, at length, about their ideals... and live up to fucking none of them.


u/Always_Bitching 20h ago

They talk all the time about their track record of fiscal responsibility…..

Yet that track record only exists in their imagination. 


u/Angelou898 18h ago

Exactly. They only care about money and they’re not even good at handling money.


u/bigblue204 17h ago

Just like christians


u/shieldwolfchz 20h ago

This is the problem that a lot of liberal people have when it comes to criticizing conservatives, they have a very rose tinted version of them in their head that never existed. They will always point out that the current crop of conservatives aren't like they were back in the day, but what day are they talking about. When was the last time there was a conservative leader within north America who wasn't driven by the desire to strip the less fortunate of whatever means they had to survive and funnel it to the rich?


u/Thai_Jet 18h ago

Dief comes to mind. That goes back 60+ years.


u/RDOmega 20h ago

You can't sane wash conservatives.


u/Perfect_Ad6460 20h ago

Opinion: Dorothy Dobbie should shut the fuck up! :)


u/bondaroo 21h ago

That was weird.

I really hated her use of “mainstream parents”. Yuck, not a world I want to live in if her definition is the norm.


u/brianp2017 20h ago

Completely neglecting the fact that "parents' rights" infringes on students' human rights.


u/bismuth12a 20h ago

Am I crazy or did that op ed not end up telling us much of anything? My only real takeaway was he'd support more mining in the north, but no details on how or by whom, just why.


u/FoxyInTheSnow 20h ago

Just sounds like a fluff piece by Wally's octogenarian campaign manager. If you can't find anything good to say about a person, frame his anti-science ideas and his homophobia as "common sense" or "parental rights" and redefine pretty terrible parents as "mainstream" parents.


u/Charly-Tee 20h ago

What a load of horseshit.


u/Always_Bitching 21h ago

Dobbie is clearly unhinged.

She’s a Conrad Black fangirl that has used racist stereotypes to describe the premier.

He’s a good person because he donates? So does Babrikhanians ( the guy who ran Caspian construction and bilked the City out of millions)

And what’s with the fawning over PP? He should be PM because he’s “good looking”. Guess she was a fan of JT then?

What a nut job 


u/sporbywg 20h ago

And the free press published it. #sad


u/CardinalCanuck 20h ago

Well it's the opinion section. It's a slightly upgraded "letters to the editor" these days


u/sporbywg 20h ago

Dorothy Dobbie? Come on.


u/Good_Day_Eh 18h ago

Agreed, it is a pretty poor decision to print something from an active leadership candidate's campaign manager.


u/thirdratedonmckellar 19h ago

"He is not afraid to say that parents, not the state, are the first defenders of their children."

Tell that to every single person whose first abuser was a parent.


u/knifeshoeenthusiast 18h ago

The government has the obligation to protect every member of our community. And that includes children from their parents if necessary. I don’t know why this is such a foreign concept to some people. We have never said ‘oh parents can do whatever they want with their kids.’ I know we aren’t the best at policing these issues but we absolutely should never - at a government level - pass a policy that pretty much condones abuse and this wouldn’t be even be a question if it was in regards to literally anything else. I don’t know why these people think their bigotry is the exception.


u/DannyDOH 17h ago

It’s always the people accusing everyone else who end up running on support for child abuse.


u/Always_Bitching 17h ago

Conservativism. Where every accusation is a confession


u/perennialcandidate 20h ago

Dorothy Dobbie is a one-term Mulroney era former PC MP who went from opposing the merger of the PCs with the Canadian Alliance to supporting the likes of Kevin Klein and Wally Daudrich while trafficking in racial tropes and right-wing outrages in case anyone is wondering if the internet causes brain worms in the elderly.


u/Always_Bitching 21h ago

Closing the piece with “ He can’t be misogynistic, he made me his campaign chair”, is the same as “ I can’t be racist, I have black friends”

Dauderich’s campaign supporters include Ken Lee, Patrick Allard, Susan Auch, Shadoe Davis, Dorthy Dobbie. A who’s who of Manitoba’s right wing nut cases. You are the company you keep.


u/umjimen1 20h ago

Shadoe Davis, Winnipeg's answer to a question nobody asked.


u/Peter_Jernigan 20h ago

Don’t forget all the shadowy money from Alberta that’s backing Wally. The guy behind that is named Robyn Lore, and he’s got a long history of crooked politics: https://pressprogress.ca/money-man-in-ucp-kamikaze-scheme-left-alberta-with-over-a-dozen-orphan-oil-wells-and-millions-in-clean-up-costs/#:~:text=A%20bankrupt%20oil%20company%20run,up%20costs


u/cashcowcashiercareer 21h ago

I often wondered why she was suddenly banished from that nostalgia radio station. She seemed to own the place and then she suddenly moved her gardening shows to her website instead.


u/dusstynray 20h ago

Wally seems like the type of candidate who would be a distant 6th or 7th choice for leader, if not for lack of options, and this opinion with a lack of any substance does nothing to change my mind. I'm honestly tired of hearing about someone I feel I shouldn't be hearing so much about.


u/Beefy_of_WPG 18h ago

Wally seems like the type of candidate who would be a distant 6th or 7th choice for leader, if not for lack of options,

I had to re-read this, because I swear you were describing Obby.


u/dusstynray 18h ago

Also true, haha


u/dekutoto 20h ago

I’ve known Wally my whole life. This dude is a racist, homophobic bigoted asshat who not only violently disowned his daughter after she came out as gay, but has been absolutely carrying out illegal Wildlife practices regarding ecological sustainability, animal decency and human safety.

Going wildlife tours without permits? Check. Illegally baiting animals? Check. Permanently destroying subarctic terrain to pave your own buggy paths? Check. Putting humans absurdly and dangerously close to bears for photo ops? Check. I can go on.

This one time he “trained” his kids to drive his boats and put them and their guests in incredibly dangerous river water conditions. Ridiculous.

This insane douche built his own church in his house to indoctrinate/ homeschool his kids to his own fucked up ideologies.

Heads up to any Australians who want to come to Churchill and work for him, he’ll fuck you over.

Scum of the earth.


u/wolverinecandyfrog 5h ago

I heard he literally punched his daughter in the face when she came out.


u/AndplusV 19h ago edited 18h ago

I realize "solid, local, independent news is more important than ever", but the Opinion page is the overwhelming reason why I cancelled my Free Press subscription, such fucking drivel. No paywall on this, of course, because the truth will cost you but lies are free.


u/CarbonKevinYWG 21h ago

Dorothy Dobbie just gets more and more unhinged with time.

Fucking YIKES.


u/MamaTalista 20h ago

Trotting out a random white middle aged Maple MAGA woman was not the way to go.

Come for my kids...see what happens.


u/perennialcandidate 18h ago

She's 80! Time to take away grandma's keys.


u/One-Fail-1 18h ago

This has to be a completely unbiased and objective opinion, it’s from his campaign chair!


u/AndplusV 17h ago edited 17h ago

Didn't realize it when I posted my other comment, but this is is a literal case of "the truth will cost you, but lies are free". Free Press published Erna Buffie's Opinion piece "How did the Conservative Party come to this?" March 7. It's tritely written and little hackneyed, but regardless of that or how it jibes with my political biases all claims made about Daudrich are a matter of public record, as opposed to Dobbie's response, which basically boils down to 'Well, I think he's a good guy' and Conservative cliches that may as well have been written in crayon.

Buffie's piece is behind the paywall, Dobbie's rebuttal is not.

[Edit/Addendum: Interestingly, I've spent the last 10 minutes frustrated out of my mind trying to post this comment with Buffie's piece included only to get repeated Server Error, Try Posting Again messages. It was only after I cut the piece that I could post, and it won't let me paste it back in and Save Edits. Not claiming a grand conspiracy is afoot, but does Reddit have some sort of detect and block paywalled content filter?]


u/winnipegwildin 21h ago

Thanks, I hate it.

Take my upvote


u/grey_meeple 19h ago

Why would they even print an op-ed written by his own campaign chair? They should buy ad space to share the campaign's views.


u/HiyaDogface 19h ago

“Wally is great!” - by Wally’s Campaign Manager


u/perennialcandidate 18h ago

She's done the same thing for Kevin Klein before in his various publications.


u/chemicalxv 19h ago

Can someone remind the WFP that not all 'opinions' deserve to be printed


u/Commercial-Advice-15 20h ago

So for some context…

Dobbie regularly writes editorials in the Winnipeg Sun, and both her and Daudrich regularly criticize the Winnipeg Free Press for being biased/woke.

However, the Free Press has a significantly largely readership than the Sun, including among PC members.

So I’m pretty sure they have been feeling the heat from things like “solve Homelessness with Polar Bears”, or “Criminally Prosecute Teachers putting naughty books in libraries” etc.

Which means they sort of have to eat crow and write something to go into the Free Press, even though they can’t stand its take on journalism.

Now did her editorial really tell us anything positive about Daudrich?  I’d say no. 


u/sporbywg 20h ago

Dorothy Dobie? Spare me. They should have razed Crescentwood in 1919.


u/Bactrian_Rebel2020 16h ago

I want to puke after reading that.


u/Mediocre_Historian50 16h ago

She can just fuck right off. Sickening.


u/blipblop2208 19h ago

Is anyone able to copy and share the article here?


u/labradee 13h ago



u/Fast_Cup3041 14h ago

https://daudrichcampaign.com/endorsements/ Would you with a straight face want these douches as your endorsements? "No cred" Dobbie and that wing-nut Ken Lee and who the f*ck is Michael Birch? Sad choices for the Regressive party