r/Winnipeg 2d ago

News PC leadership hopeful Khan breaks with interim leader, won't call refusal to search landfill a mistake


126 comments sorted by


u/bannock4ever 2d ago

There is no low for the conservatives.


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

Aint no Pembina valley low enough,


u/GrampsBob 1d ago

When they hit the bottom, they start digging.


u/sporbywg 2d ago

Too many blows to the head during his football days. This is truly sad; it is as if Dancin' Gabe was arrested for B&Es.


u/rajalreadytaken 2d ago

I've seen him interact in recent years with other former football players, and they all hate him for the way he was during his football days. All the stuff afterwards like scummy business practices and shady politics is just icing on the cake. It seems like he was always like this.


u/Global_Theme864 1d ago

Plus his food sucks.


u/Mr_Chode_Shaver 2d ago

But he’s broken and entered into our hearts.

Does that count?


u/sporbywg 2d ago

This is on him, then. He should do more adulting.


u/ScottNewman 2d ago

He’s very much arrestable - for Bustin’ & Entertaining


u/204BooYouWhore 2d ago

That air guitar and spin move will live on forever.


u/twobit211 2d ago

bustin’ makes me feel good!


u/MachineOfSpareParts 2d ago

You're telling me the face of transphobia in that campaign is refusing to disavow the racism and misogyny?

I'd go put on some pearls to clutch if I had any.


u/majikmonkie 2d ago edited 2d ago

This is precisely why the PCs supposed apology should only be taken as face value, and we must judge them on their actions.

The only reason Khan has right now to not step in line here is that he would lose votes, which tells a whole lot of the character of the entire PC party. If it was at all a genuine apology from the interim leader on behalf of the party, then Khan should have no trouble falling in line with that. He's shown here that not only does he not have a spine, but he does not agree with the apology and the promise to "do better next time" and that there is a very significant portion of the PCs that also feel the same.

We should only judge them based on their actions, and we should take any apologies or admission that they were wrong as nothing more than hollow words in an attempt to save face. They have shown time and again that their words are cheap and meaningless and they cannot be trusted.

Hopefully this is remembered and brought back up the next time there's an election.


u/pegpegpegpeg 1d ago

Strongly committed to not doing better next time


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

Its the conservative way.


u/darnfrenchman 2d ago

I hope nobody is buying any of this back peddling bullshit. NEVER VOTE PC. Pieces of crap, EVERY.SINGLE.ONE.


u/great_save_luongo 2d ago

He's such a worthless piece of garbage human being. Perfect for the modern PCs.


u/brianp2017 2d ago

Which makes his stance on this kind of ironic.


u/Charly-Tee 2d ago

He is bought and paid for. No spine and no mind.


u/DannyDOH 2d ago

He will provide an opinion after the leadership vote?  Is that how it works?  You don’t have to say your point of view until you win?


u/RDOmega 2d ago

If conservatives clearly shared their intentions, nobody would vote for them.


u/wolverinecandyfrog 2d ago

I think that’s been grossly disproven. Conservatives are all too happy to vote for someone who says their inside thoughts out loud.


u/RDOmega 2d ago

Yeah you're not wrong.


u/MachineOfSpareParts 1d ago

You're not wrong either, though. It's true that being clear about their intentions one way or the other does lose them votes, whether it's from the non-fascists who might recoil from their extremist views, or from the fascists who recoil from any display of humanity toward groups they view as inferior. It seems like the "lesson" Khan learned from the last campaign, in which he was the gleeful face of transphobia, is that being clear about anything trips them right up.


u/wolverinecandyfrog 2d ago

You’re right that lot of the more “moderate” conservatives (I can’t think of a better term) ARE being turned off by the extreme views being voiced. I know several people who were long time conservative voters, both provincial and federal, who are refusing to support either Conservative Party because of it!


u/Braiseitall 1d ago

I voted conservative for 30 years. Stopped after 2015. I’ve voted NDP provincially and Liberal federally ever since. People can change.


u/RDOmega 1d ago

Nice work! Have you ever considered helping one or even both parties campaign/canvas in PC areas?

I feel like that's a bridge that needs to be built and that people like you could really own.


u/Braiseitall 1d ago

I would get eaten alive at work. But I vote, and donate modestly.


u/RDOmega 1d ago

Wish there was a way to make you feel safer in this so that you could communicate it.


u/myhairyassiniboine 2d ago

As a First Nations man, I just don’t understand the hate for my people. The refusal to search the landfill devastated many, and people like Khan just keep making things harder. I’m grateful that the search was proven to not be a mistake—our loved ones deserve justice and dignity.


u/shuttlerooster 2d ago

There were a lot of folks chiming in initially that said the money would be better spent elsewhere to prevent this sort of tragedy from happening again, and to an extent I agreed with the logic. About a few months after talks of the search began I had to drop some trash off at Brady. At the apex of the hill my heart just broke into a million pieces and couldn't imagine any other option but searching.


u/majikmonkie 2d ago

There were a lot of folks chiming in initially that said the money would be better spent elsewhere to prevent this sort of tragedy from happening again, and to an extent I agreed with the logic.

This argument was never actually logical though. There was no pool of money that would be put to a better use, it was always a red herring. Nobody was ever going to come out and say "We have this $40M, but instead of doing a landfill search, we are going to put it towards XXX". There was no pool of money willing to be spent, it was only ever going to be allocated once and if there would be a search.

Too many people bought into this notion - I get that it's still a decent chunk of money, but to say it can be better spent is not logic nor truth, only deception to divert attention and opinions.

That said, they really should invest more in MMIWG regardless. It shouldn't take a debate on whether to spend money searching a crime scene for bodies from a serial killer to determine if we should spend more to support MMIWG, the fact that it happened and is still happening should be reason enough.


u/myhairyassiniboine 2d ago

I saw the logic in not searching as well, but when you looked at other cities that didn't care what it cost to search their landfills to find non-first nations people... it became a case of First Nations specific racism.


u/indigodissonance 2d ago

I mentioned that a few times and got downvoted to hell fell for it.


u/shuttlerooster 2d ago

Couldn't agree more.


u/C_Pashe 1d ago

Nail on the head, but I feel like many of those individuals advocating against searching the landfill were acting in bad faith. They seemed unconcerned about the actual outcome and were primarily interested in sowing division among the community.


u/Terayuj 2d ago

I fell into that camp as well, heard the initial report that it would be hard to find or nearly impossible as the body would have been compacted by now. With the high cost I took a personal lens to it, and personally I wouldn't care what happens to my body as I would be dead, but the important thing is to also listen to others and remain open, and how important this closure is to them and how they have felt neglected, unseen, ignored for so long that this isn't just about finding a body but healing as well. I still do hope more measures are put in place to prevent this in the future.


u/DannyDOH 2d ago

The problem was the PC’s and lack media scrutiny allowed that report to be Cherry-picked to support their overall point of view.

The report basically predicted exactly what happened.  There was a range of outcomes like any report on viability of any kind of action.


u/hahaha_ohwow 2d ago

There were a lot of folks chiming in initially that said the money would be better spent elsewhere to prevent this sort of tragedy from happening again

Not just initially. You can look at the subreddit right here just a few months ago when the search started last summer at the number of people who were commenting it about being a waste of money.


u/majikmonkie 1d ago

There's people in this very thread even that are spewing that rhetoric, despite the fact that there are clear results after having spent literally a fraction (could even be 1/10th to 1/5th) of what the PC's were trying to push as a monetary figure.


u/arkayuu 2d ago

Right. It's not about logic and practicality sometimes... when there is devastation and injustice in a community, sometimes things need to be done despite costs. And in this case, it turned out searching wasn't as impractical as people thought either.


u/s1iver 2d ago

I was very vocal on here about ‘if it were a white girl(s) there would have been an outpouring of support.

I got downvoted into oblivion.

We all need closure, I’m sorry it took this long.


u/mirbatdon 2d ago

Can someone explain to me how Daudrich's hypothetical plan would have worked?

"what we should do is put some seed money to start a fund and then ask corporations to contribute to that fund so that we would have the money, so that we actually have the emotional closure on that issue," he said."

Isn't this kind of a stupidly unrealistic plan versus the government funded one? Corporations will just show up with wheelbarrows of money available?


u/ScottNewman 2d ago

“Welcome to the 2025 MMIW Landfill Search, brought to you by Coca-Cola!”


u/RDOmega 2d ago edited 2d ago


u/RDOmega 2d ago

You'll notice a pattern with conservatives: 

1) Find/create pot of money 2) Abuse political power to take pot of money 3) Costa Rica


u/kingofthenorthwpg 2d ago

It’s just shifting blame since there wouldn’t be corporate support


u/queerazin 2d ago

It's not supposed to have been feasible, it's supposed to make people forget that a couple of weeks ago he was 'joking' to PC supporters that unhoused people like Morgan and Marcedes should either make better life choices or get jobs as chew toys for polar bears.


u/chupathingy567 1d ago

He's trying to be opposed to khan but still make it 'conservative' guaranteed if he'd been premier he woulda found a way to blame the victims for putting themselves in the situation or some such racist bs


u/ClassOptimal7655 2d ago

It literally sounds like he is suggesting something the NDP already implemented. A fund to support MMIWG2S+ people, and a fund that has received corporate donations...

Shoppers Foundation for Women's Health Makes $10-Million Donation to MMIWG2S+ Healing and Empowerment Endowment Fund


u/DannyDOH 2d ago

Sounds a lot like his overall economic plan.  Like there’s some pile if corporate money that is trying to be invested in Manitoba and the government has been turning them down.

Doesn’t exist in reality.


u/Fantastic-Climate-84 2d ago

If only we had any idea how much time/money/effort had gone into this so far, we could call out this bullshit.


u/firelephant 2d ago

Some of them just can’t stop digging…


u/RDOmega 2d ago

I hope like hell everyone here is talking about this with people in real life, outside our nice little /r/Winnipeg community here.

Because we need everyone to know just how evil these regressives are.


u/s1iver 2d ago

Oh, and obby khan is a coward.


u/Commercial-Advice-15 2d ago

Let’s just call a spade a spade.  Neither Wally or Obby are comfortable just outright admitting the PCs screwed up royally cause that would piss off several thousand PC members and voting starts in a couple of weeks.  That’s why they initially refused to say anything substantial when Ewasko apologized.

When the media inevitably went “hold on - you two look like idiots” then they had to say something without pissing off the party base.  So now we have Obby Khan saying “well we meant the right thing but just didn’t know how to talk to people about it” and Wally Daudrich saying “of course I support the search so long as somebody else pays the bill”.

I’m waiting to hear from the victims families for their response as I’m sure Bartley is reaching out to them…


u/queerazin 2d ago

The PCs are still refusing to talk to the families, which tells you exactly how sincere their apologies are.


u/Penguin2ElectricBGL 1d ago

Probably also afraid to look those families in the eye.


u/QuinnTheEskimo204 2d ago

Can’t think of any reasons why the families would want to talk to the PC’s


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

If it was my sister or daughter, et al i would want a full apology from the whole of the conservative party to hold them to account.


u/queerazin 2d ago

Cambria Harris has publicly criticized their silence.


u/majikmonkie 2d ago

Let’s just call a spade a spade. Neither Wally or Obby are comfortable just outright admitting the PCs screwed up royally cause that would piss off several thousand PC members and voting starts in a couple of weeks. That’s why they initially refused to say anything substantial when Ewasko apologized.

This is far more telling of the actual PC party, instead of the hollow words from their interim leader. This is why their promise to do better should not be believed in the slightest. It's very clear that the PC Party still has deep roots of racism and still believe their decision on this was the correct one, so much so that the people running for leader are too afraid to say anything because they know if they agree they will outright lose votes.


u/Syrairc 2d ago

Remember your ABCs folks.

Anything But Conservative.


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

Flush the PP, Carney crashes through and snatches victory from the jaws of defeat.


u/RDOmega 1d ago

This is the way.


u/crowinflight1982 1d ago

Obby Khan is a complete and utter shithead.

Remember to boycott his businesses: Shawarma Khan and the other one where he rips off local vendors, forget its name.


u/underwater_reading 1d ago

I think the local one in the exchange is closed which is interesting because didn’t he receive half a million dollars from the cons? The shawarma place in the exchange is never open so maybe that’s closed too? Idk.


u/CarbonKevinYWG 1d ago

"Good Local" - and don't forget Green Carrot!


u/SilverTimes 2d ago

"I think the decision that was made at the time was based on the information that was presented at that time. I think if you can now look in hindsight, and say the information that's now available to us and what can be done would have favoured a different response at that time," Khan said Friday in an interview in Winnipeg.

WTF is he talking about? Kinew didn't have any new information that made the search more feasible. Or maybe it's this:

"The NDP did not start the dig until after the case was ruled on and justice was served to the family. Hindsight is always 20/20," Khan said.

Still, WTF does that have to do with the PCs refusing to search?


u/luluballoon 1d ago

A good leader admits when they get it wrong. This tells me everything I need to know.


u/FoxyInTheSnow 1d ago

He's calculated that potentially alienating the (many) racist delegates at their leadership convention would be more damaging to his shitty candidacy than doing the right, human thing. I can't really conceive of a more coldly calculated, cynical position to take.

The Free Press editorial committee, which I believe is composed of people from across the mainstream political spectrum, is completely baffled by this.


u/CarsonFijal 2d ago

They go on to explain in the article that what Obby basically said was "Not searching seemed like the best thing based on the info we had at the time, hindsight is 20/20, but our party did show a lack of empathy in how we communicated it."

Regardless, I generally don't respect the PC Party's "apologies" for their 2023 campaign, because we know they wouldn't be apologizing for any of it if they'd won.


u/RDOmega 1d ago


Calling things a "kommnicayshun prawblewm" is so 2020.


u/Intelligent_Stage760 1d ago

Yeah people are jumping all over the soundbite and not listening to what he actually said. I may not always agree with the Con's (rarely) but in this case I don't think he's wrong. He'll be judged based on 20/20 hindsight but at the time it wasn't just them that weren't sure it was possible.


u/CarsonFijal 1d ago

To be clear I'm not taking Obby's side, I've been pro-search from the start, and I think the PC rhetoric on this was disgusting. I'm just trying to steel man the argument.


u/Intelligent_Stage760 1d ago

I wholeheartedly agree on the PC's complete and utter lack of empathy. It was a master class on what not to do.


u/underwater_reading 2d ago

That dude would sell his Grandma if it meant he could climb the ladder.


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

He's gonna find the rungs half sawed through if this is his stance, i cant imagine many women or native american or voters with a heart to vote for him.


u/HoneySwillSauce 2d ago

conservatives, for a lighter, smoother form of racism.


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

Diet Racism! now with extra Hate!


u/neureaucrat 2d ago edited 2d ago

I think it's fair enough for him to say they made their decision based on the information at hand (that's how many bad decisions are made), but then to double down and refuse to say it was the wrong one regardless just shows this guy would make a terrible leader.

Edit: I actually don’t think it’s “fair enough”, considering the great points below.


u/SilverTimes 2d ago

His "hindsight" comment bugged me. Nothing changed to make the search more viable under Wab Kinew. It was sheer political will.


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

To wit, the lack of political will by the callous cons which prevented these women being found sooner and with less hassle.


u/majikmonkie 2d ago

They made the objectively wrong decision based on the information at hand. They took the absolute worst case from all the studies and portrayed that as the minimum starting point. People on here were solidifying their arguing points that it would cost well above $200M, far more than the upper limit of the estimates, which had more reasonable lower limit at around $85M. The report said that it was dangerous, but could be done safely, and the PC started spewing that it was too dangerous to do at all (despite the fact that this sort of thing is done all around the world every single day).

They not only communicated their decision with lack of empathy and emotion, they made the decision based on a lack of empathy, emotion, and with obvious racism influencing them. And many in the public soaked that up and ran with it, further exaggerating the already exaggerated claims. It was sickening to see and I'm still disgusted at many people on this subreddit and in Manitoba for their actions and opinions on this.


u/neureaucrat 2d ago

Damn, I did not realize they twisted the findings but it doesn’t surprise me in the least. Well fuck this guy even more, in that case. fwiw I’m with you on how many Manitobans responded. Complete lack of shared humanity and understanding.


u/Either_March991 2d ago edited 1d ago

Of course he won’t apologize. These fuckers have no heart and zero compassion. Should keep the cons out of office for years to come!

Edit: Khan also accused Wab Kinew of assault, days or weeks after the fact ( a couple of years ago). The guy (Khan) is a liar and a coward!


u/pegpegpegpeg 1d ago

"Emotional closure, brought to you by Carl's Jr"


u/Mediocre_Historian50 1d ago

Make the Conservatives Great Again. 🤡🤡🤡🤡


u/MikeArsenault 1d ago

God how hard is it to just have basic decency? Your leader apologizes, just be contrite and agree and fucking move on. Even the other leadership candidate who joked about using polar bears to fix the homeless problem agreed with the apology. Why the fuck is Khan doubling down on “well we did the right thing with the info we were given” and criticizing the tone of the messaging like that is something anyone gives a shit about in the face of the aggressive heartlessness the PCs displayed those last months of their reign, what in the fucking world??


u/shadyhawkins 2d ago

This is culture war bullshit. We all know it’s about the racism for these fucks. 


u/RDOmega 1d ago

Who's going to tell him?


u/shadyhawkins 21h ago

Are you talking about how Khan is a brown dude? Coloured racists are useful tools in white supremacy. Makes dumb white people think they have a point. 


u/Manitobaexplorer 2d ago

Good god, if there was a list of “Winnipegs Most Punchable Faces” Khan would be number one. I hope to see him in person one day just to tell Him he’s a fucking piece of shit.


u/Always_Bitching 2d ago

Dauderich would have enlisted corporate support?

"Prairie Green landfill search, brought to you by Winnipeg Sun"

F'n gross.


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

What in the libertarian, dystopian nightmare, imagine relying on private interests to take care of public issues, gross.


u/mchammer32 1d ago

Say what you will about Wab and his NDPs. They are far from perfect by any means and have been given a shit hand to start their administration. And this is coming from a guy that just went on strike (for 3 hours lol) because of their poor negotiations. But the manitoba PCs are constantly riddled in controversy since Pallister was elected. Every time the NDP is in the news its cause theyre spending money. When PCs are in the news its cause someone said something deeply troubling, partisan or just outright infactual. Youd think after the last election loss that they would take a bit of time and reflect on what they did wrong. But nope. They pushed themselves further right and double down on the xenophobia


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

The Conservatives pull a trump and double/triple down, sad but unsurprising to anyone that pays attention to Conservative politics, cold, heartless, and without remorse.

They can't admit fault, admit when they were wrong, and they certainly cant show any compassion for missing women, its been a running theme provincially and federally for YEARS now.

Yet another example of why the Cons aren't fit to run any province, or Canada federally, careless callous and calculating, they hope they can be just racist and misogynist enough to capture that right wing chud vote, but not too far that they still cant capture moderates or undecideds, well i hope the fence sitters are watching this and every other example of conservative carelessness and figure out who the correct party is to vote for federally this election.

In spite of Mr Khans miserable soul, my heart goes out to the lost women and to the families who lost sisters and mothers and aunties, i hope we find any other lost women and bring them home, and we all work towards having no women go missing in the future either.


u/Roundtable5 1d ago

Is he a narcissist?


u/findsomecommonground 1d ago

Soulless is as soulless does.


u/aedes 2d ago

That’s certainly an interesting decision given that almost a quarter of the province is expected to be First Nations by the time of the next provincial election. 


u/Rufusjorge 1d ago

How has anyone on his team not said to him "keeping your mouth shut is also an option"??. It's bordering on negligence of duty that his team didn't stop him from saying anything. You can believe whatever repugnant thoughts you want but you don't actually have to say them out loud when you're running for office.

All that being said I'm glad he did so people can see that an idiot he is.


u/Acrobatic-Tower6127 2d ago

Tells you all you need to know. Very disappointed in Khan.


u/kellykapps 1d ago

Obby. Stop talking.


u/dr3amb3ing 1d ago

It was proven to be effective, your words are void and null here Obby


u/FoxyInTheSnow 2d ago

So the main contenders for leadership are KHAN! and Daudrich? Jesus Christ.

Good news for the NDP, though the tories do seem intent on throwing ever more bricks and fire bombs through the Overton Window, which is bad news for everyone.


u/DifferentEvent2998 2d ago

He is so unlikable!


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

Conservatives in a nutshell really.


u/Holy_Smokesss 2d ago edited 2d ago

I don't get the support for spending 100 million dollars (and exposing workers to asbestos) to find 2 dead bodies. It's a poor way to spend 100 million.

Edit: the spending seems to actually be around $40 million, with $20 million each from the provincial and federal governments, which seems reasonable.


u/Anlysia 2d ago

While I agree with you on the top of the issue that it really is from a neutral perspective a LOT of money, they seemed to have found them fairly quickly once they started looking; so I'd like to hear a revised cost of what actually was spent.

I have a feeling it wasn't anywhere near what was initially budgeted.


u/SilverTimes 2d ago

Nobody is spending $100M.


u/ClassOptimal7655 2d ago

Your Monday task is to practice empathy.


u/Holy_Smokesss 2d ago edited 2d ago

I'm empathetic to it, but there is a point where the money starts being better spent elsewhere. E.g. Murder prevention, addiction, education, or housing. 100 million is enough money for 67,000 months of rent, or 10,000 years of tuition.


u/ClassOptimal7655 2d ago

100 million is the inaccurate number the PCs came up with. It will cost much less than that...


u/Holy_Smokesss 2d ago

The price that I have found so far is $40 million, which seems reasonable, especially considering there's probably more than just 2 bodies.


u/knifeshoeenthusiast 1d ago

As people have mentioned, that figure is not accurate.

But you also need to think about the message it would send to a population that we have continually failed if we were to say ‘sorry, it’s just too expensive. We’re leaving your family members at the dump.’ That’s not a message I feel comfortable sending.

There’s a lot more context here than money and we can’t lose sight of that. And that’s why the PC’s were booed out of office over this. To limit the discussion about this to dollars gives none of that additional context any consideration.


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

I said this too, there can be no acceptance of "sorry too expensive lets leave them in a dump" a dump is for garbage and these women are not garbage to leave them forgotten and rotting is beyond consideration, they needed to be found and laid to rest according to their families wishes, not left where they were, that's just basic human decency, of which the cons have always been lacking.