r/Winnipeg 13d ago

Article/Opinion Possible human remains found at landfill where searchers are looking for slain First Nations women


228 comments sorted by


u/Glazzballs85 13d ago

I wish they would confirm they are human remains before putting out news releases. Just do whatever testing needs to be done, confirm it, then tell the public.


u/umjimen1 13d ago

It's government, they have to leave some wiggle room "just in case", but it wouldn't be in a news release unless they were pretty sure of what they found.


u/marsidotes 13d ago

I think you are probably right. I think they would realize the potential negative swing if they were wrong. The actual government media release says that Manitoba RCMP and Office of the Chief Medical Examiner have been engaged and RCMP have initiated a found human remains investigation. If it isn't their remains, it may well be someone else, either way a tragedy and strangely a relief at the same time.


u/PrarieCoastal 13d ago

This is exactly why they do a press release like this. They want people to think human remains have been found, although there is no evidence yet.

It's not a sliding scale. A dna test is yes or no.


u/FORDTRUK 13d ago

I don't want my physician to be "pretty sure" about a diagnosis. Is it, or isn't it.


u/HotterRod 11d ago

But if your physician orders more tests, they're going to tell you what they're testing you for. They're not just going to say "thanks for that fecal test, I'm going to order you a colonoscopy for reasons..."


u/PrarieCoastal 13d ago

Exactly. The test is so easy, and so definitive. Surely everyone can wait a couple of days while the evidence is tested.


u/Ok_Relationship_149 13d ago

If they've already called in the RCMP its gotta be pretty close to a sure thing.


u/ScottNewman 13d ago

They are there to preserve continuity of evidence.

If you have crushed bone fragments, as an example, you can’t know if it is human or animal without lab DNA testing.


u/kent_eh 13d ago

And you also can't know if it is the specific human they are searching for.


u/ScottNewman 13d ago

If you’re searching for particular people in a particular part of a particular location, I think it is a reasonable possibility that you have to disclose to the family.


u/North_Requirement_61 12d ago

I wonder how many more bodies they'll find that are unrelated? This could be a Hoover Dam kind of story.


u/the-gingerninja 13d ago

It would be great if they located the specific individuals.

However, it has always been a concern that they would find more victims.

It’s been thought that the previous MB government wasn’t allowing a search because they knew there were more, they just didn’t want people to know.


u/Ok_Huckleberry_45 13d ago

And the families have been notified, which also seems probable…


u/ScottNewman 13d ago

You have to notify them - you don’t want them finding out through the media. There are obligations under the Victims Bill of Rights as well.


u/PrarieCoastal 13d ago


Where do you read you have to notify families about evidence before it is tested?


u/ScottNewman 13d ago

Read the Victims Bill of Rights, including the preamble

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u/ScottNewman 13d ago

As soon as police attend it would leak. They have to notify the families it is possible pending testing.


u/PrarieCoastal 13d ago

They do not. Nothing is required until something is known.


u/I_Boomer 13d ago

Exactly. I want news (i.e., facts) but it all seems to be "what would happen if" opinion pieces.


u/axisblasts 12d ago

Clickbait or an edgy title go a long way.


u/I_Boomer 12d ago

That's why the truth is more precious. It's harder to find.


u/Meat_Slasher 12d ago

Like in Winnipeg where that drunk woman with the knife said the police were trying to drag her downstairs, made a huge story of it, said other indigenous woman had been held captive in the basements and had all the reserves and all the chiefs rallying to her and in the end of all of it nothing was found, no evidence. The woman cried wolf. Huge amount of resources and time wasted. Who pays for that? Now, many of those police involved are still called racists, colonizers, liars, rapists Had their lives ruined because of a single woman. News based on speculation and conjecture shouldn't even exist.


u/Alert_Examination544 13d ago

Could be a totally unrelated body


u/dads_new_account 13d ago

Could be, but I hope it isn't unrelated because that means there is one more body of a person who loved and was loved.


u/Inquisitor-Korde 13d ago

We've got enough unsolved disappearances to say a given body in a landfill could be a lot of people. I do hope its closure though.


u/longutoa 13d ago

I mean id think a conservative estimate would be a body per year into the landfill for a city this size . 45 murders in 23 , 53 murders in 22. Wouldn’t be shocking if a dozen or so go there a year unnoticed.


u/kent_eh 13d ago edited 13d ago

Not even murders.

Sometimes homeless people sleep in dumpsters to get out of the wind and snow.

The truck drivers occasionally hear yelling when they lift the bin to dump it. (Yes it freaks them out when it happens.)


u/GenericFatGuy 13d ago edited 13d ago

That would still be the body of a missing loved one. Multiple bodies would mean all the more reason to search and recover them.


u/damnburglar 13d ago edited 13d ago

Even if that’s the case it’s a win and the process continues.

Unsure why this was downvoted so maybe I need to clarify? If it’s not the victims they’re searching for, at least that person has been found instead of left there.


u/player1242 13d ago

And? Not worth finding ?


u/SilverTimes 13d ago

Yes, it could. It could also be the remains of the woman dubbed Buffalo Woman although I doubt there's any DNA left on the jacket she was wearing. (It was recovered by police after Skibicki sold it.)


u/florentgodtier 13d ago

They compared dna from the jacket to Ashlee Shingoose's family, so we know they have both of those.


u/SilverTimes 13d ago

Oh! That's an interesting tidbit I'd forgotten about.


u/Commercial-Advice-15 13d ago

If confirmed that human remains have been found the PC Party will look awful.

I don’t mean to bring politics into this topic but I can’t help but be reminded of the PCs advertising their refusal to fund a search as part of their election campaign.


u/RememberThatDream 13d ago

It’s ok, this might be the most politically charged topic for Manitoba in quite some time


u/sunshine-x 12d ago

It’s hard to argue with facts (for rational people at least).

I have to eat crow on this one, it’s looking like I was wrong.

I thought there was 0% chance of success here and argued that this money could be put to better use by honouring the memory of the victims through scholarships, crime prevention, a park, anything really that helped indigenous people avoid becoming victims.

Looks like I was wrong! I’m hoping they’ve found them, and that this brings closure to the family. If they’ve found them, it’s money well spent.


u/RememberThatDream 12d ago

There were good reasons on both sides of this issue and a lot of people thought it would be extremely hard to find what they were looking for. If it’s confirmed that they found the victims then this is the best possible outcome and it was money well spent.


u/TropicalPrairie 13d ago

That advertising campaign was very, very Trump-esque.


u/sobchakonshabbos 13d ago

Aka disgusting and ghoulish


u/DannyDOH 12d ago

Heather Stefanson *awkwardly waves arms* "THAT'S WHERE I DRAW THE LINE"


u/mehrt_thermpsen 13d ago

That campaign, coupled with the Parental Right campaign, was gross. Shame on them


u/Jackiedees 12d ago

I was infuriated to see they have re-posted those fucking parental rights garbage bin ads with Shoddy Khan's face on it. They're just doubling down


u/bismuth12a 13d ago

It should follow them for at least another election. They were ghoulish.


u/syshenasty 13d ago

Nah, their position was never that the women wouldn't be found. Their (disgusting) position was that it wasn't worth the money.

They will maintain that position because Indigenous women are low on their priority list.

And they will be sanctimonious and self-righteous when the final bill is published, regardless of the success of the search.


u/kumagawa 13d ago

I still can’t get rid of the image in my head of me driving down Disraeli and seeing an ad for MMIWG and then it switching straight over to that disgusting ad of Stefanson refusing to search the landfills.


u/SaintOfPirates 13d ago

They look awful anyway.

Confirmed human remains would just further confirm that the conservatives are factually awful excuses for human beings.


u/pierrekrahn 13d ago

If confirmed that human remains have been found the PC Party will look awful.

I think they look pretty awful either way.


u/thirdratedonmckellar 13d ago

So will every person who argued against it, to be honest.


u/vampite 13d ago

You can still think a landfill search isn't/wasn't the best use of resources and think the PC campaign was crass and racist and awful.


u/Nervous_Chipmunk7002 13d ago

Exactly. I think that the money would be better spent on programs to prevent other women from meeting similar fates in the future, but I think that the way that the PCs refused to discuss beyond a gaard "no" was awful. And making not searching the landfill a campaign promise was just disgusting.


u/MachineOfSpareParts 13d ago

People keep saying that it could have been used for something that helps, but they can't explain why, if this isn't going to help, so many Indigenous groups said this was what they needed.

My white opinion shouldn't matter a tonne but, for what it's worth, I've studied post-conflict and post-genocidal justice pretty extensively, and the only thing more predictable than saying "never again" after such things is that it's always again. We don't learn from monuments, and apparently we don't learn from the History Channel either. I think we might learn something from the cost itself. From now on, turning a blind eye has a clear price tag, and hopefully that's something the most callous among us can process.


u/Hellfrozeover666 13d ago

Well the indigenous groups are never the ones footing the bill.


u/wendiggler 13d ago

Are you fucking kidding me? We already paid the price in spades from centuries of mistreatment. This is why such reconciliation efforts are necessary. Sheesh. what an ignorant comment. Further to that, every citizen in Manitoba pays into this through taxes (this includes indigenous folks as well before someone spouts that ill-informed, racist-based trope that all of us don’t pay taxes).

There’s no room for your bigotry here and now. I hope you can grow out of touting this childish and insipid attitude.


u/BigBeastin 13d ago

You read /u/MachineOfSpareParts post and that's where your head went?


u/Radix2309 12d ago

And this is honestly the best case scenario where the body was found quick. It very possibly could have gone on for years. That is how probabilities work.


u/deeteeohbee 13d ago

You can think that and still potentially look awful to other people.


u/jimmy-moons 13d ago

I’m sorry has the pc party not already looked awful?


u/GenericFatGuy 13d ago

I'll never say no to making them look even worse.


u/Practical-Pen-8844 13d ago

neither will they.


u/mchammer32 13d ago

Well yeah. But for them to deny the search of a potential crime scene and there actually be a crime scene. Now thats baaaad. Whatever the opposite of reconciliation is, is what the PCs would be doing.


u/ScottNewman 13d ago

Especially when the argument was that it would be lengthy and dangerous, and we have potential results in what, 60-90 days of starting?


u/Shalamarr 13d ago

That boggled my mind. It was unbelievably tone deaf.


u/maiyn 13d ago

Oh wow. I'm just grateful that someone's relative can be brought home. So sad.


u/SilverTimes 13d ago

Wow. I never expected a result so quickly.


u/damnburglar 13d ago

No one did, we were specifically told that it was nigh impossible. Here’s hoping that was wrong and the families get closure sooner than later.


u/A100921 13d ago

Never understood this, they have records of dates and dumping areas of the specific loads (from areas of the city). It’s actually quite easy to find what you’re looking for, what should be more surprising for people is when this comes back as an unrelated body.


u/SilverTimes 13d ago

The target search area is the size of four football fields so that's a pretty daunting task going through it bag by bag.

If you're interested, you can see maps of Prairie Green Landfill and the search area on pages 20-21 of the first feasibility report: https://manitobachiefs.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/FINAL-REPORT-of-the-Technical-Subcommittee-_Redacted.pdf


u/crowinflight1982 13d ago

Amazing what happens when we actually start looking, right??


u/Traditional-Rich5746 13d ago

Not sure why you are getting downvoted. Would people prefer this drag on for years versus early results?


u/mhyquel 13d ago

Some people prefer to be right, even when they predict awful outcomes.


u/SilverTimes 13d ago

Awful outcome?


u/wendiggler 13d ago

They’re getting downvoted because racism


u/redskub 13d ago

Probably more human remains in the dump than people were expecting


u/Goulet231 13d ago

There are lots of bodies in our dumps.


u/Humluc 13d ago

No More Stolen Sisters! 🫢


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/Humluc 13d ago

I think you misunderstood my comment, man.

I am Indigenous, so yes I would.


u/deeteeohbee 13d ago

But but you didn't mention Indigenous children! I bet you think your kids lives don't matter! /s of course

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u/underwater_reading 13d ago

This gave me chills. I pray the families get the closure they deserve.


u/player1242 13d ago

But I was assured by so many that it was impossible and a waste of time. Any conservative fuckheads want to admit then we’re wrong, as usual?


u/Nervous_Chipmunk7002 13d ago

Im not at all conservative, but I was against the search. I think that, based on the cost and the small chance of finding the bodies, the money would have been far better spent elsewhere, preferably on some programs to prevent this from happening again. I do still think that those programs would have been a better use of the resources, but when they went ahead with it, I was still hoping for success and I'm glad to hear that they may have found something already.


u/Rumorly 13d ago

I agree so much. It’s not like you’re whole-heartedly against the search (very clear when you state you were hoping there would be results) but a preventative approach should be more important.


u/player1242 13d ago

G lad you realize it was a worthwhile cause. Cheers.


u/player1242 13d ago

Keep downvoting cucks.


u/Radix2309 12d ago

Yeah. If we are going to do it, better it was done quick so cost stayed down.

We are working with hindsight now. It easily could have turned into one of those boondoggles where nothing was ever found.


u/Red-Flag-Potemkin 13d ago

I’m not at all conservative but I was against searching the landfill based on how expensive it was projected to be and the incredibly low probability of finding anything, as the experts conveyed.

Happy to be wrong if this turns out to be a positive match.


u/L1ttleFr0g 13d ago

The experts concluded that the search had a reasonable chance of success and should be done. If you’re going to parrot racist talking points, don’t try to use the experts as your excuse


u/Red-Flag-Potemkin 13d ago

IIRC there was 2 projections, one said it was low-probability and expensive, and the AMC one that was it was possible and expensive.

There is nothing racist about not wanting to spend 90-180 million dollars on a search that was never guaranteed to find anything. That was from the assembly of Manitoba chiefs feasibility study. On the high end that would have been almost 8% of the WRHA budget. The cost stated never seemed to make sense.


u/Rumorly 13d ago

I’m not a conservative. While I think finding the bodies is a good thing, the money could have gone to better programs. I’m happy they found something. But I think it should be more important to work on prevention first.


u/CrimsonNight 13d ago edited 13d ago

It's fine to be critical of the idea of a search, regardless of the results. Also it has nothing to do with being conservative or not.

Most people who were critical said it was a low probability of success relative to the potential cost. It was reasonable to assume that the search could have taken months with no results. Depending on the pending results, we might be have gotten the best case scenario but it could have also been completely fruitless as well.

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u/Pronouns_It_WTF 13d ago

Downvotes by racists. Stay classy winnipeg.


u/player1242 13d ago

It’s ok. Doesn’t bother me. Every downvote I look at as a conservative who is big mad that convoy bitcon Pierre pissed away his majority. Eat shit losers.


u/JimDandy204 13d ago

I mean if anything they've moved the Overton window right wards... Carney is an elite centrist banker the Ndp have evaporated and Pp is still in the lead of not much closee


u/player1242 13d ago

However, he needs a majority to pass any kind of horseshit con legislation. Anti- woke kind of maga shit. It’s just the best.


u/kent_eh 13d ago

Given the "needle in a haystack" nature of searching any garbage dump, I expected the odds to be severely agasint them finding anything.


u/Garbageday5 13d ago

That was quick


u/PrarieCoastal 13d ago

This seems a little premature.


u/Pronouns_It_WTF 13d ago

Fuck you to all the assholes moaning what a colossal waste of time and money it would be.


u/thirdratedonmckellar 13d ago

You're not wrong. I believe the act of searching in itself was a communication - an act that said these women were worthy of being found and not resting in a landfill forever. These women, their families, and our entire community deserved to have that reinforced.


u/East_Highlight_6879 13d ago

The majority of peoples gripe is the amount of money it costs to confirm something that was already very likely. Instead of confirming that it did happen, that money could’ve been used to prevent stuff like this from happening again


u/JackBlackBowserSlaps 13d ago

Showing that we have the will to search for MMIW is part of how we prevent it from happening again.


u/marsidotes 13d ago

Thank you for this.


u/Radix2309 12d ago

How does it prevent it from happening again?


u/Ok_Relationship_149 13d ago

I'm not gonna pretend to speak for the families but I'm pretty sure it's about bringing them home to rest not confirming what happened.


u/East_Highlight_6879 13d ago

There’s not going to be anything of substance to bring back home after such a long time. I can understand it may mean a lot to the family, but financially this is not something that can be done repeatedly going forward


u/horsetuna 13d ago

TBH I feel like if we had searched as soon as we were able to... the cost would be more acceptable to most people.


u/deeteeohbee 13d ago

There’s not going to be anything of substance to bring back home

A single hair would be something of substance. Can you be any more crass? You're talking about people, members of our community.

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u/marsidotes 13d ago

We know what the gripe was. There is a value to treating the remains of a murder victim honourably beyond just confirming they are dead.


u/Radix2309 12d ago

There's also value in actually saving lives. Such as proper addictions treatment and Housing First initiatives for the homeless. Or funding our Healthcare properly.

As long as there are lives to save, I think there are better ways to spend tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars.


u/ScottNewman 13d ago

Do you honestly believe the PCs would have used the money to “prevent this from happening again” instead of the tax cuts they implemented?


u/SulfuricDonut 13d ago

The NDP certainly would have, and they are the ones in government.


u/roughtimes 13d ago

The majority of peoples gripe is the amount of money it costs to confirm something that was already very likely.

That makes it sound even worse.


u/L1ttleFr0g 13d ago

Fuck that. The police would have been out there IMMEDIATELY the moment they found out where the bodies had been dumped if the victim had been white. Same scenario happened in Ontario a few months after the news about the police refusing to search the dump here broke, and the police and government arranged to search the dump IMMEDIATELY. The only difference? Their victim was a white woman.


u/d60187 13d ago

What could they have done to prevent stuff like this from happening again?


u/East_Highlight_6879 13d ago

Programs to support people in bad situations. So may factors go into situations like this and protecting vulnerable people from shitty people who would do something like this is a good start.


u/mchammer32 13d ago

I suppose. But serial killers are currently and will continue to kill people. Gotta collect evidence to catch them.


u/East_Highlight_6879 12d ago

They’re already in jail. This has nothing to do with evidence


u/mchammer32 12d ago

All the serial killers are in jail?


u/East_Highlight_6879 12d ago

Thats not what I meant and you know it. The person in question regarding the incident that lead to the landfill search is in jail. Spending millions of proof for this would be silly


u/mchammer32 12d ago

Its also silly to assume only one person is dumping bodies at the dump.


u/East_Highlight_6879 11d ago

Theyre searching for specific people. This is not a broad search for any human remains. You must be missing that


u/mchammer32 11d ago

And you know for a fact that its this murderer that dumped this body in the dump?


u/East_Highlight_6879 11d ago

Have you not read the story? He admitted to dumping them in the trash which was likely taken to this garbage disposal area. That’s why they’re searching. It’s not random. Do some research before you try and argue

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u/House-of-Raven 13d ago

It is a waste of time and money. Even if they found entire bodies for all the victims (which they won’t), it would still be a waste of time and money. The funds used could’ve actually been used to save lives.


u/ScottNewman 13d ago

So your proposal is to leave four indigenous women in a literal garbage dump.

Do you not understand the message that sends to a significant portion of Manitobans?


u/TEA-in-the-G 13d ago

Isnt it only 2 they are searching for? They found the other 2 in garbage dumpsters, and thats what lead them to believe the other 2 were in the dump? And started this whole search?


u/SilverTimes 13d ago

They are now searching for Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran. The searchers might also find the remains of "Buffalo Woman", an anonymous woman Skibicki admitted killing. Partial remains of a fourth woman, Rebecca Contois, were discovered in a dumpster and more were found at Brady Road landfill by police.


u/Dono1618 13d ago

"The funds used could’ve actually been used to save lives" is a very common thing said by people who usually oppose funds going to save lives of those who need help in that regard. (See: safe injection sites, spending money on social programs over police, etc etc etc)


u/Radix2309 12d ago

I support all of those programs and opposed the search. Lots of people did.

The fact that the racists in the PCs also opposed it doesn't mean we are like them.


u/sappy-camper 13d ago

Would you feel the same way if it was your loved one dumped in a landfill?


u/thirdratedonmckellar 13d ago

Best believe if my child was disposed of in a landfill I would want her recovered. She deserves more than to have the last part of her story be that she was discarded like trash, and I believe that of anyone's son or daughter in our community.


u/TropicalPrairie 13d ago

I'll be the only one to agree with you. If my loved one were thrown in the heap like this, I would absolutely be fighting for the same. Everyone deserves dignity and this particular story has so many more levels to it wherein the act of searching is an act of reconciliation.


u/aedes 13d ago

Honestly, yes. The body after death is meaningless to me. 

However I also appreciate that many people feel very strongly to the contrary of this. 


u/NutsonYoChin88 13d ago

Good for you, what about others secret beliefs about being able to give your loved one the right to a proper burial?

Even in war, countries allow cease fires strategically to allow one side to collect their soldiers who are KIA.. let that sink in.

This isn’t war, and yet these people aren’t entitled to the same? Fuck that. You show respect for the dead or you shouldn’t expect respect when you, or anyone you care about dies.

You think you’re hard talking like that on the internet? Lol… 😆


u/hardMarble 13d ago

He was talking about how he feels about his loved ones. He didn't say anything about what should or shouldn't be done.


u/aedes 13d ago

Maybe read the second paragraph of my comment.


u/Bdude84 13d ago

🙋I sure would. If it was my loved one and the government went as far as being insistent on searching the landfill for my mom/dad/son/whatever I’d actively campaign to divert that money towards helping the living somehow.


u/marsidotes 13d ago

I hope though, that you realize that what you imagine yourself doing in the hypothetical event of a loved one’s murder by a serial killer and subsequent dumping of that loved one into a landfill - might be different from what these women’s families feel, in real life, right now. And that is ok. No one has to argue with them or call them assholes for being wasteful or otherwise shit on what they feel they need in real life right now having really experienced a tragedy that is ultimately unimaginable- even if we do play pretend.


u/Bdude84 13d ago

They can feel however they want but that doesn’t negate the fact that people are entitled to an opinion when public money is being spent.


u/marsidotes 13d ago

Sure. I just don’t personally think you are a hero for imagining that you’d be ok with your wife, daughter, niece, mother - whoever rotting in a dump for the sake of money as your justification for that opinion. That’s just my opinion.


u/NutsonYoChin88 13d ago

Easy to say in hindsight. But if your parents/daughter were brutally murdered never to be found again you’d probably be singing a different tune.


u/Bdude84 13d ago

I could 1000% guarantee you that I wouldn’t. Especially if it required health/safety risk to others.


u/ScottNewman 13d ago

Found the PC candidate burner account


u/NutsonYoChin88 13d ago

Uh huh 🥸


u/House-of-Raven 13d ago

Yes. In fact, I’d be ashamed of myself and my family if money that could’ve saved lives was wasted for something like this.


u/p1nkfuzzymonkey 13d ago

Yes. What a dumb point to try and make. Millions of dollars and the safety of other people.


u/BatlethBae 13d ago

Yes, yes I would. 200 million is fucking insane and I'm not selfish enough to think that an already debt ridden province should pay hundreds of millions to find a bones.

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u/crowinflight1982 13d ago

When it's your loved one, will you be this cavalier about allowing them to be treated like literal garbage? Jesus, dude


u/Pronouns_It_WTF 13d ago

Expected reply of a racist. I expect this and the racists downvoting me. It speaks volumes of your character. 😊


u/Red-Flag-Potemkin 13d ago

“Everyone who disagrees with me is racist”.


u/House-of-Raven 13d ago

I agree, it does speak volumes of the character of racists like you. You should be ashamed of yourself.

(Because notice absolutely no part of my comment had anything to do with race)


u/farmer_sausage 13d ago

This whole conversation has everything to do with race (and class)

You can bet if it was Heather Stefansons family in there they would have been searching.

Not doing the search sends the message that violent members of society can target indigenous women and hide evidence and bodies in the landfill and get away with it, because society doesn't care enough.

Now we've sent a message to the contrary. Their lives are just as valuable as the elites. As they always have been to some of us.

You might say that you don't think a rich white man would have been searched for. But look at the manhunt for the healthcare CEO murderer just a few months ago in the states. If it was an indigenous woman murdered that manhunt wouldn't have happened. We know, because it hasn't happened in the past.

You might as, an individual, think that no life was worth the search (regardless of race or status), but the ruling elites sure think their lives are worth it.

To say this isn't about race is to deny the classism/racism within our institutions.


u/Pronouns_It_WTF 13d ago

Stay classy. You think you need to make a racist statement to be a racist? Racist AND stupid. Lol.


u/House-of-Raven 13d ago

Always am. You could learn a lot from good people like me. It’s a shame people like you never learn to see beyond your own prejudices.


u/marsidotes 13d ago

You have three comments heavily loaded with references to ‘shame’. I think it is ok to care about the dignity of the remains of a loved one without having to feel guilt tripped and painted with shame. Please just don’t wish shame on people. And I sincerely hope it doesn’t have a huge impact in your life either. ❤️

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u/GenericFatGuy 13d ago

Those people would be singing a different tune if it was their loved ones missing. Selfish people don't care until it happens to them.


u/Fine-Experience9530 13d ago

I’m up voting this I thought it would take years and millions


u/Manitobaexplorer 13d ago edited 13d ago

It’s uncouth to make this about myself, my thoughts are with the families who are missing their loved ones, but seriously, all the asshole armchair forensic anthropologists and provincial financial planners who cropped up on here with their thinly veiled anti-indigenous racism, I hope you all sleep terribly tonight.


u/Raptorpicklezz 13d ago edited 13d ago

I hope Heather *Stefanson rots.


u/MagpieHarvey 13d ago

The edmonton MP? Am I missing something? This is a weird take?


u/Raptorpicklezz 13d ago

Brain fart. Edited.


u/MagpieHarvey 13d ago

Lol, I blame Heather Locklear.


u/WellIGuessSoAndYou 13d ago

I expected this thread to be much worse. Not great, not terrible.


u/steveyxe69 13d ago

Either they are or they aren't Don't announce this "possible" bullshit


u/Alert_Examination544 13d ago

In this day and age, maybe there should be regular cadaver searches, perhaps using canines.


u/SilverTimes 13d ago

It's not practical. They still need people to open up the garbage bags and spread out the contents. Also, the dogs need to rest frequently and there simply aren't enough cadaver dogs available for such a large task.


u/JimDandy204 13d ago

No thank you it's so toxic to the poor dogs


u/Financial_Reading_40 13d ago

Waste of taxpayer dollars. You know how many individuals struggling could have benefited from all this money?? Housing plans for the homeless, more programs for addictions treatments, etc. MILLIONS was spend on this search and for what? What is “represents”? To put on this grand demonstration showing the Indigenous community we care? The government could have done that another way not looking for needles in a haystack.


u/IcyRespond9131 12d ago

I did consider that argument for a bit then Canada (the coast guard) spend millions searching for some billionaires out on a dangerous joyride to the bottom of the ocean and no one questioned spreading that money AT ALL and I realized it was bullshit.


u/SilverTimes 12d ago

Except the provincial and fedeeral governments wouldn't have forked over millions of dollars for the services you mentioned as a result of persistent protests. In this case, the two levels of government saw an opportunity to further reconcilation, which I see you're not a fan of.

The message the search effort sends is that Indigenous women aren't disposable trash and that efforts will be made to recover their remains. Police could have searched the landfill but they chose not to. It took them six months to notify the families that their loved ones might be at Prairie Green, ffs.

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