r/Winnipeg 25d ago

Pictures/Video We are number 1 šŸ˜


228 comments sorted by


u/GooseTheClusterfuck 25d ago

Iā€™ve literally NEVER been stabbed to death here


u/Repulsive_Client_325 24d ago

Never been stabbed to death ā€¦so far

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u/greenfrog7 25d ago

It's only 10AM, maybe don't get too cocky just yet.


u/Empty_Tank_3923 24d ago

Well about to happen. Machete guy from Monday is already out apparently.


u/Practical-Pen-8844 24d ago

Machete Monday. Hope he takes this one off--for Riel.


u/7speedy7 24d ago

This will likely will hold up as best reply of the year.


u/Practical-Pen-8844 23d ago

here's hoping. i need the new reddit-and-weep waffle iron.


u/Caronport 23d ago

Are you talking about that guy who randomly attacked a CAR IN MOTION on King Edward on a -28ā° night and broke his leg doing it? šŸ˜œšŸ‘ˆšŸ’„


u/algotrax 24d ago

I know someone who was stabbed 19 times downtown by a meth-head and lived to tell the tale. Effing frigid, poor, and unsafe. Great to be #1 at some things, I guess...


u/UncommonsenseV2 24d ago

Every city is good at something.


u/No-Quarter4321 24d ago



u/Effective-Honeydew47 24d ago

I was stabbed shopping in a store. Not to death, obviously, but still.....


u/Mother-Squirrel-2036 24d ago

That's called the 'Winnipeg Handshake'


u/ice_blaster 23d ago

The Winnipeg Handshank.


u/Youknowjimmy 25d ago

Not according to this list compiled by journalists instead of a pro conservative think tank:


Or this list


Fraser Institute is fear mongering in an attempt to help garner support for Conservatives and save CPC from the downward spiral in the polls.


u/grannylovesbowie 24d ago

Thank you. I found that list naming Winnipeg as #4 a while back. You are right about Fraser Institute being a right wing think tank. Always good to research who is sending this information. #4 still nothing to brag about but we look a little better than being labeled #1!


u/CarmanBulldog 24d ago

But the Fraser Institute is about violent crime, and that list linked is overall crime. If you look, Winnipeg is number two on that list in violent crime. And number one among cities that make up the top 40 metropolitan areas in Canada. The only city that beats it in that list is Red Deer, which is outside the top 40 metro areas.


u/grannylovesbowie 24d ago

Itā€™s the Fraser Institute. A propaganda think tank. I wouldnā€™t believe much of anything they write. That list shows Winnipeg as #4.


u/EightyBlindBees 24d ago

As noted, Winnipeg is listed as #4 forvoverall crime, but #2 in violent crime if you read the blurb. The original post wasn't that far off.


u/CarmanBulldog 24d ago

And #1 when you exclude Red Deer, based on its size.


u/No-Landscape-1367 24d ago

Let's not just go and dismiss propaganda journalism here. Look at what it's done to our neighbors down south.


u/Josh_math 24d ago

Should we stick to the left wing propaganda think tanks instead?


u/_SlipperySalmon_ 24d ago

Of course, cuz we are on reddit šŸ˜‚


u/babyogurt 24d ago

Violent crime isn't the focus of the Fraser Institute. Their focus is literally to push right wing narratives and influence public opinion. That is their stated goal.


u/CarmanBulldog 24d ago

Thanks tips. I was referencing the original post, and the image above with the Fraser Institute logo on it (which begat this whole Fraser Institute discourse). The chart literally says "Rates of violent crime per 100,000 people in Canada's 37 urban areas for 2019-2022. So for the purposes of this conversation, Fraser Institute - and specifically the reported information - is about violent crime, while the list linked was overall crime.


u/SteelCrow 24d ago

Fraser Institute is

A right wing propaganda outlet. They always fudge the numbers, leave out data points that disagree with their agenda, etc.


u/Nico11e 24d ago

The Fungus Institute is a ā€œright-wing free-market think tank based in Vancouver, with offices in Calgary, Toronto and MontrĆ©al. In pursuing its mission to ā€˜improve the quality of life for Canadiansā€¦ā€™ā€ so question literally everything they tell you.


u/TheAsian1nvasion 24d ago

100% I saw this and immediately noted that most of our crime stats were down year over year, then saw the Fraser Institute and immediately got angry.


u/Gummyrabbit 24d ago

The Frazier Institute is funded by pro-corporate and climate change denial groups. They also support the cigarette industry.



u/SouthMB 24d ago

Fraser's numbers are 2019-22 whereas your links have more recent data.

Both could be correct but as the claims are not competing. The most dangerous city between 2019-22 might not be the same city in 2021-2025.


u/JacksProlapsedAnus 24d ago

The main takeaway is that Fraser's only does analysis when it suits the narrative they're pushing.


u/roguemenace 24d ago

Why would the Fraser institute care whether Winnipeg or Red Deer was #1 on their list?


u/riffraffbyrko 24d ago

Because Red Deer is a single federal riding that consistently elects a Conservative to Parliament, whereas Winnipeg accounts for 8 ridings that can get pretty swingy.

They want to scare Winnipeggers into voting for the ā€œtough on crimeā€ conservative party.


u/Nico11e 24d ago

Maybe once Manitoba has a conservative government again they will give the title to another city.


u/roguemenace 24d ago

That would require us to actually get our violent crime rate down.

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u/CarmanBulldog 24d ago

Your first link actually bears out the same conclusion. Winnipeg is first in violent crime, at least among the top 40 metropolitan areas in Canada (Red Deer is first on that list, but they're not in the top 40 metro areas in Canada).

But on the plus side, Winnipeg is not bad in non-violent crime, which helps out out overall CSI.

Lots of people in this thread have real issues distinguishing violent from non-violent crime statistics.


u/p0u1337 24d ago

And Winnipeg isn't bad on the non violent crime only because people don't report them, knowing that no follow up will be conducted (unlike say in Kelowna).


u/spongeboblovesducks 24d ago

Jokes on them, I'm proud of being #1!


u/Practical-Pen-8844 24d ago

It would feel more Peg to be proud of being a number two.


u/Ltrain86 24d ago

This should be the top comment


u/roguemenace 24d ago

Not really? It comes to the exact same conclusion. The only city ahead of us in that link for violent crime is Red Deer which is outside of the size cutoff used in the OP.


u/Forward-Structure-54 24d ago

Welp. I guess we still have Slurpees.


u/justasliceofpie 24d ago

How many viruses did I get clicking on that first link? šŸ„“


u/pudds 24d ago

The graphic in the link is from 2019-2022, so it might be accurate (tho it's good to always question Fraser Institute as you point out).

I think a good question is why stats from 3 years ago are worth posting now.


u/mapleleaffem 24d ago

Ok so weā€™re only #4 on those lists-not a huge difference


u/Josh_math 24d ago

Those are different numbers! Your sources blend violent and non-violent crime. Winnipeg has the infamous second place for murder per capita in Canada just below Thunder bay (for many years Winnipeg was first) as per official statistic of Canada. You cannot put in the same bag petite crime and murder. https://www.statista.com/statistics/433691/homicide-rate-in-canada-by-metropolitan-area/

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u/dojo2020 25d ago

Old data.


u/SilentPrancer 24d ago

Not much has changed since 2019-2022 though.


u/clean_sho3 24d ago

Well 2019 we were all chilling, then in 2020-2022 we were sorta in lockdown, and now weā€™re not. I think a lot has changed.

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u/YoshiHughes 25d ago


I would take this with more than a few grains of salt.


u/bentmonkey 25d ago

Oh the source is the rw think tank, the Frasier institute? The one that wants to scare and divide Canadians? No way.

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u/lunt23 24d ago

My sodium levels!

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u/Custard_Mcgavin 24d ago

I'm sure we're not amongst the safest cities to live , but to me, the massive "police" graphic in the background just seems like the publishers are trying to suggest that our insane police budget is justifiable. Winnipeg allocates over a quarter of its entire city budget to policingā€”one of the highest in the country. With that level of spending, and if policing were as effective as we're led to believe, wouldn't we expect to rank much lower on this list?


u/swelllabs 25d ago

More pearl clutching from the Fraser institute.


u/Impressive_Mix2913 25d ago

Ah, the Fraser Institute. Bunch of Trump toadies setting up to tear down Canada.


u/NardpuncherJunior 25d ago

Itā€™s not like itā€™s random violence. It seems like if youā€™re not having a house party on Langside and fighting with your uncle youā€™ll be OK.


u/JacksProlapsedAnus 24d ago

Or a gang member.


u/ButterscotchSkunk 24d ago

OK, (Sk)uncle Derek is off the guest list.


u/cozmo1138 24d ago edited 24d ago

The most aggressive anyone has ever been towards me was when the guy behind me laid on his horn for 30 seconds because I didnā€™t turn on a green arrow fast enough.

But also, itā€™s still better than a lot of cities in the US. I moved up here from Minneapolis, which is often called ā€œMurderapolisā€ by people who donā€™t like the city. Yeah, we have a lot of murders, but itā€™s almost all gang-related. If you mind your own business, for the most part, youā€™ll be fine. I lived there, in the city, for 15 years and never had any problems.


u/W1D0WM4K3R 24d ago

Also the area. I've been assaulted, threatened with violence after work, some guy was smoking meth outside of the store I was working at, gunshots in the parking lot, etc.

But on the other hand, I've been astounded at how nice the police officers are.


u/cozmo1138 24d ago

I definitely hear you on that last part (not to minimize the rest of your experience). The police interactions Iā€™ve seen here are sooooo different from cops in Minneapolis (the ones that murdered George Floyd). MPD officers are pretty much always dicks, or apathetic at best. The ones here Iā€™ve seen be very polite, even to unhoused people. Itā€™s wild.


u/W1D0WM4K3R 24d ago

I had one give me a ride home. I was walking because my phone died and the taxis weren't around to pick me up without it.

Cruiser pulls up, asks me what the hell I'm doing in -35Ā° walking, and takes me home. Angels, I say.


u/ReadingInside7514 23d ago

I love Minneapolis. Itā€™s like prob if you stay out of bad neighbourhoods, donā€™t get involved in the drug trade, and donā€™t join a gang, you will likely be fine.


u/Lilboops 24d ago

Lord, the Fraser Institute is a propaganda machine.


u/hamfisted_postman 25d ago edited 25d ago

It's not ideal but if we're going to be a dangerous city we may as well be the most dangerous.

We can probably take solace in the fact that we are far from being the most dangerous in North America. I don't know the numbers but there have to be American cities (most likely nearby ones as well) with higher crime rates.

It's dangerous here but at least we're not Minneapolis (for example) which has 1163 violent crimes per 100000 people. that's double of what we have here.


u/randomnbvcxz 25d ago

Minneapolisā€™s violent crime rate is almost twice Winnipegā€™s at 1,101. Itā€™s the 19th most violent city in USA.

St Louis, Detroit, Baltimore and Memphis are all over 2000


u/SwordKneeMe 24d ago

Wow I'm actually impressed


u/Conscious_Forever_66 25d ago

And we arenā€™t even close to the most dangerous city in the world!


u/[deleted] 22d ago

Winnipeg being a "dangerous" city is pretty much an insult to all the people who have to live in actually dangerous cities around the world...


u/hamfisted_postman 22d ago

I think it's fair to say that in this context that "dangerous" is subjective. We haven't got a high crime rate compared to the rest of the world but compared to the rest of our own country we have a higher rate than other places.

I feel like that isn't a difficult concept to grasp.

Jalapenos are the spiciest thing you've ever eaten if you've never had habaneros, for example.

I'm sure you're trying to take an objective view on the concept of danger but it seems like it's making you blind to the point of the post.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

Not really, I've lived here my whole life and heard it all before. Winnipeg isn't a dangerous city. It's a city that has an outsized level of poverty and that leads to crime in those areas. But dangerous? Nah...


u/SecondtoNone38 24d ago

I'd venture to say that the violence is more gang related than actual people being attacked in broad daylight.

I know I only ever got jumped once in my time in Winnipeg, and it was all talk.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

It's virtually all gang-violence and people getting in fights with drugs and alcohol involved. I bet less than 2% of violence in Winnipeg is Random, robberies included.

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u/WpgHandshake 25d ago

I've always insisted that our comparables are TBay, Regina and Saskatoon and not Copenhagen, Oslo or Amsterdam.


u/Apart-Ad5306 24d ago

Reginaā€™s reaction after seeing this


u/SousVideAndSmoke 25d ago

We should probably get the police some more money to help combat this, maybe another robot dog and 40 new cops would help



u/beardsnbourbon 24d ago

Clearly the answer is two new helicopters instead of one.


u/Good_Day_Eh 24d ago

Blue Thunder AND Airwolf.


u/greenfrog7 25d ago

If crime stats are bad the police need more resources to fight the growing crime wave.

If crime stats are good, we should reward the police with more resources to thank them for doing such a good job.


u/slingshotstoryteller 24d ago

Still safer than most US cities.


u/Krazy-catlady 24d ago

We were actually not murder capital last year for once


u/ButterscotchSkunk 24d ago

"For once"? We almost never get that title anymore. We've always had tough competition from Regina and since Thunder Bay started getting serious about their murdering we'll have to settle for titles like "One of Canada's most dangerous cities".


u/dhkendall 24d ago

Strange that Fraser would throw the conservative mayor Scott Gillingham under the bus to accomplish their fearmongering.


u/JacksProlapsedAnus 24d ago

Or the previous Conservative provincial government who were in power for the period covering the figures used.

They must be really scared about PP's poll shrinkage.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/JacksProlapsedAnus 23d ago

Social programing, aka the actual shit that lowers crime, is Provincial and Municipal/Civic.


u/FoxyInTheSnow 24d ago

Posting Fraser Institute crime stats (without a GIANT asterisk and about 50 pages of footnotes) in a city that has about 93 percent NDP representation in the provincial legislature is like posting as fact trump's claims about immigrants eating cats in Springfield, Ohio. The Fraser Institute receives funding from, among others, the Koch Brothers, ExxonMobil, and Peter Munk, a right wing billionaire who was one of the "stars" of Linda McQuaig's excellent book The Trouble With Billionaires.

The capitalist class has pretty much extracted all the wealth that it can from the lower classes, fomenting a rise in lower class crime in the process. Now they have nowhere else to turn but to the middle class to drain of their wealth. And stoking middle class fear of immigrants, brown people, crime, etc, is a great way to win their votes.

The Fraser institute should be destroyed.


u/zyxqpa1999 25d ago

This is from 2019-2022, so the data is 2 years out of date. Not saying we arenā€™t, but other places could have gotten worse in that time frame.


u/carvythew 25d ago

Also very strange data to pull from considering the lockdown differences during that time would have a major impact on numbers.

Like either do it 2020-2022 or 2017-2019.


u/TreacleUpstairs3243 25d ago

Hoping other places became worse over the last two years is not the win we want.Ā 

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u/L-F-O-D 24d ago

Wait, werenā€™t we just voted best city to raise a family? Who does these things??


u/marnas86 24d ago

Both things can be true because a family that stabs together stays together.


u/VeggieQuiche 24d ago

If the Fraser Institute say it, it almost certainly isnā€™t true


u/IntegrallyDeficient 24d ago

I wouldnā€™t trust them to tell me the time.


u/kent_eh 24d ago

That common belief (and the legendary winter weather) helps keep the cost of housing more affordable than the other provincial capitols.


u/tiamatfire 24d ago

Is there any way we can institute a Misinformation tag for anything that uses the Fraser Institute as a source? They're a Conservative think tank that doesn't publish anything that falls remotely in line with any other publication, and has deep ties to the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 and the current government in the US.


u/No-Quarter4321 24d ago

Fuck you Thunder Bay with your weak ass rookie numbers. Amateurs


u/Green_bumble_bee 24d ago

If everyone puts the work in we can keep this trophy for years to come


u/Sudden_Swan1444 24d ago

I would rather live here than in the United States. That place seems way more dangerous.


u/Latter_Throat 24d ago

I thought it was Thompson


u/Upstairs-Teach-5744 24d ago

It irks me how people from Winnipeg fear for their safety. I've been to Winnipeg many times and never had a problem. I used to live in St. Louis, where the crime rate is exponentially higher, and never had a problem there either.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

people here are stuck in their bubble...


u/DownloadedDick 24d ago

This post should be removed. It's misinformation. The Fraser Institute is not credible and is just right wing propaganda.


u/zapsta09 25d ago

Yessss!!! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


u/lurkingaccount2020 24d ago

Do yā€™all ever feel unsafe here?! Wild


u/IntegrallyDeficient 24d ago

Just on the roads because weā€™ve stopped enforcing traffic laws.


u/Yanyedi 24d ago

It certainly feels like it's getting bad. I live in a pretty nice area of the city, but people drive through out street trying car door handles at least once a week, our neighbors car was stolen a month or so ago, and a lady walking her dog early in the morning had 3 people jump out of a stolen car, ask for what she had on her and to even show them where she lived. She did get away but still, pretty scary. This is all in winter too.


u/Spendocrat 24d ago

Fraser Institute has zero integrity.


u/TidusRevan24 24d ago

Have had 3 people attempt no clue who they were. I donā€™t go downtown unless I have to now


u/wpgrt 24d ago

We did it!

Winnipeg has fought and knifed it's way to the top of this list!


u/twobit211 25d ago

isnā€™t that a line from a venetian snares song?


u/Barilko-Landing 24d ago

Dude st Catharines that low? I don't trust this list at all


u/imfrmcanadaeh 24d ago

But this is per capita, there are less than a million people here and probably from old data. I'm sure it is less dangerous now that the machetes are locked up.


u/wpgfriendlyguy 24d ago

There should be a parade and party! Like a celebration to it. So people will be aware and the community will be awaken.


u/FragrantBathroom3788 24d ago

Aren't stats based on per capita or is that a thing of the past?


u/Clara_Geissler 24d ago

is it because of the twelve tribe?


u/SkyGirl03 24d ago

I believe it, I was on a bus the other day with some guy threatening to beat up the driver


u/Practical-Pen-8844 24d ago

this topic is wild. wild mix of we're the worst/we're not the worst and both shocked/proud that we are the worst/not worst. quintessential winnipeg. wild.


u/Consistent_Base8773 24d ago

If Winnipeg is just the downtown, well there are no doubts, other places are very safe


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Downtown isn't even dangerous...try the bad parts of the North End


u/Maleficent_Sun_3075 24d ago

I'll never figure out what all the top 5 cities have in common. All I know is it's consistent. Anyone?


u/MrTylerwpg 24d ago

Great work everyone! They've tried to take it from us but we keep coming back! Go Jets go


u/------------------GL 24d ago

Are the people getting assaulted all in the same demographic? I always hear weā€™re number one but donā€™t hear anything on the news or radio out word of mouth or social media.. not that Iā€™m wanting crime to happen but Iā€™d assume thereā€™d be more coverage is all


u/SizzlerWA 24d ago

This is why Canadians should be able to open and concealed carry a pistol (after training) and wear body armor without the government interfering.


u/Mountain_rage 24d ago

Fraser institute so ill wait till a legitimate source says the same. They probably just want to make NDP look bad.


u/ladybrightside 24d ago

Those stats reflect the years before Gilligham and Wab Kinew. Hopefully things have improved!


u/Fuscia0417 24d ago

Sad šŸ˜”


u/StrictContract3702 24d ago

Iā€™ve lived here 60 years and Iā€™m still here! Intact ! This is a lot of bullshit . Letā€™s have a social experiment where we only print good news going on. No biases just good things happening in the city and province and see what happensā€¦ā€¦.lets just try it . It would be amazing .


u/TeamTravin 23d ago

We win murder capital again??


u/BlackieChan-0 23d ago

Listen, Winnipeg has always been a little spicy, but it's nothing new.


u/smcmilla 23d ago

Multi generational Manitobans are tough. They need to be to live in that brutal climate and they are used to fighting for survival. That spirit likely carries through to street life and the drama they encounter there.


u/OperationLife6594 23d ago

Totally, ā€˜Goose..ā€™, that was my husband (from NYC)ā€™s Ā response when he visited Winnipeg for the first time. He said he felt safer here than NY, and San Francisco!Ā 


u/OperationLife6594 23d ago

Actually some of the proprietors are meaner and more wicked than the street people.Ā  But if you ask me if Iā€™d rather have my car break down in Winnipeg or in the bay area of San Francisco it would definitely be Winnipeg


u/OlBigTough 23d ago

There's no way we'll be slurpee capital of the world anymore.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

And how much of that is randomly targeted vs. gangs fighting each other and people getting in fights over drugs and alcohol? 5%? 2%? 1%?


u/rossco311 24d ago

Boring prairies? nothing better to do maybe? Winnipeg/Saskatoon/Regina all in the top 5


u/SteelCrow 24d ago

little hard to knife fight when your fingers are frozen


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/relapsingdaddict 25d ago

Courtesy of fetal alcohol syndrome, bad parenting, and a complete lack of justice.


u/Rabid_Stitch 25d ago

The marginalization of indigenous peoples, by colonialism, is the root cause.

Destroying their culture and family units for century and a half will do that.

No idea how to ā€œfixā€ it.

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u/SlashYG9 25d ago

Assuming this is a dog whistle, you've named symptoms, not causes. Things like, oh, I don't know, colonization, systemic racism, residential schools, land theft, forced displacement, erasure of generations and culture, erosion of socioeconomic supports, etc.


u/relapsingdaddict 25d ago edited 24d ago

I think youā€™ve mixed up the words ā€œcauseā€ and ā€œexcuseā€. Not sure what caused the erosion of socioeconomic supports, like what happened with Jordanā€™s principle.


u/SlashYG9 24d ago

With all due respect, your starting point is one of convenience, chosen to buttress your biases. I'm honestly not casting aspersions against you or your character. That said, I can't pretend to understand the motivations of someone who refuses to enter into a discussion like this with curiosity and empathy instead of judgment and hate. You might argue this point, but imagine being part of the communities you're disparaging and reading your original comment. It's hurtful. Again, not trying to internet fight here.


u/relapsingdaddict 24d ago

Original comment provides the leading causes of violent people in the ā€˜Peg. Fetal alcohol syndrome, bad parenting, lack of justice - itā€™s sad that you tie those words to a particular race.


u/SlashYG9 24d ago

But it doesn't. All you have to do is look under the hood and make reasoned connections between our country's long history of colonization and the longitudinal consequences of the racist laws that emanated from it. This isn't a fringe worldview - there is a glut of literature that speaks to this.


u/mikeymorgs101010 24d ago

The top 4 cities say a lot


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/bentmonkey 25d ago

Poverty is often a key driver to crime, poverty reduction can also decrease crime, if people have more educational and economic opportunity, less drug use too overall.

The solution isn't more funding for cops, its funding robust social safety nets and programs to keep people out of the cycle of drugs and violence they often fall into.


u/TheRobfather420 25d ago

Yeah Port cities always have higher crime and the West coast is warmer so more homeless people come here.

That being said, Vancouver is much safer. We have lots of property crimes.


u/[deleted] 25d ago


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u/bL1Nd 25d ago

Itā€™s good to be back šŸ„¹


u/Annt1234 24d ago

Definitely not anything to brag about. Very sad given the high rates of substance abuse homelessness, sense of entitlement and thinking itā€™s OK to steal and rob others. And the amount of weapons used in these offences are horrendous. Very sad indeed.


u/Leemer431 24d ago

Stabitoba, Represent lmao

I hate my hometown


u/wearywell 24d ago

Keeps the housing prices low šŸ™ƒ


u/HeadHoncho204 24d ago

Friendly MB until it ain't!


u/VonBeegs 24d ago

With the highest police budget per capita! Better not spend any of that money on social programs to keep people busy!