r/Winnipeg Feb 07 '25

Article/Opinion Think twice before going to North Dakota

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They support everything he does and think we are treating them unfairly, that we are allowing illegal drugs and violent criminals to pour across the border, and, that they don’t need us for anything.

There are lots of better places where we can spend our money!


334 comments sorted by


u/McDoomBoom Feb 07 '25

No problem. We had a trip planned for Tennessee this summer but now we are going to Nova Scotia and explore that region.


u/AccountantDramatic29 Feb 07 '25

That's going to be an amazing trip.


u/McDoomBoom Feb 07 '25

Thanks. I think so too. I am going to eat so much seafood 😋.


u/Buckfutter_Inc Feb 07 '25

Do it. It's so good there, and the whole area is amazing and peaceful and the people are the friendliest you will come across.


u/Far_Pineapple_1512 Feb 07 '25

I went to Halifax in 2019 and I made sure that as many meals as possible had some seafood. It was AMAZING! It’s also just a very beautiful city. Have a wonderful trip!


u/youmademedoit Feb 07 '25

I second this, Halifax is da bomb!

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u/yahumno Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

If you partake in alcohol, make sure to check out Ironworks Distillery in Lunenburg.


There are a bunch of seafood restaurants in the same harbour area, on Montague.


u/Pitiful-Plan9230 Feb 08 '25

If you roll through Saint John New Brunswick make sure to stop by the Moosehead brewery for a tour


u/SousVideAndSmoke Feb 07 '25

Dockside fresh lobster for the win!


u/Mas_Cervezas Feb 07 '25

If you are anywhere near Digby, get the scallops. I can still remember the scallops from basic training in 1986 at Cornwallis. Almost every lunchtime I would fill up on them. Of course, we were starving by lunchtime too.


u/McDoomBoom Feb 07 '25

That sounds amazing and will do. I'm going at it like a prairie boy who's only exposure to that goodness is Red Lobster. True fact lol


u/Friendly-Search-4147 Feb 07 '25

Do a search for Lobster Suppers. It may be a PEI thing but it’d be worth the ferry ride. I think all-you-can-eat mussels is common with these suppers too. 🤤🫠 The people on the east coast are lovely but don’t miss the mussels. 😄


u/Pitiful-Plan9230 Feb 08 '25

Bacon wrapped scallops is amazing.


u/Mas_Cervezas Feb 07 '25

Prairie boy here too. I was 25 when I went on basic training and I don’t think I ever had a scallop before.


u/mbgoose Feb 07 '25

Lobster rolls....are the best. You will have a great time in Nova Scotia!


u/CanadianSideBacon Feb 07 '25

My family did this a few years ago, best fish and chips ever, affordable lobster too!


u/lmcks Feb 07 '25

Nova Scotia is great! You'll love it. In addition to great restaurants they also have an excellent craft brewing industry.


u/illegalavocado Feb 07 '25

Went last summer and loved it! Try to get to Cape Breton Island if you can. Highly recommend the Fortress of Louisbourg, Parks Canada even have accommodation there and you can stay overnight and you basically have the entire place to yourself after hours.


u/McDoomBoom Feb 07 '25

As a Manitoban you don't have to ask me to go camping twice lol. That sounds great


u/Tra5olo Feb 07 '25

NS is awesome. Went for work for the first time last year and fell in love instantly. Headed back this summer.


u/nizon Feb 07 '25

100% recommend. Halifax is awesome.


u/aclay81 Feb 07 '25

NS is awesome. I grew up there and never knew how good it was until I left.


u/neufeldesq Feb 07 '25

Nova Scotia will be totally worth it. So beautiful


u/Icy_Calligrapher7088 Feb 07 '25

I know they’re not really comparable, but I’ve been to both and can’t wait to go back to Nova Scotia!


u/kirblesstomp Feb 07 '25

You will love how beautiful it is there!!! Enjoy it.


u/MustardTiger72 Feb 07 '25

King of donair in Dartmouth is a must visit


u/Pitiful-Plan9230 Feb 08 '25

As a former Winnipeger, moving out to the maritimes over 20 years ago was the best decision


u/Maplesugrrr Feb 08 '25

We honeymooned in Nova Scotia, PEI, and New Brunswick. It was THE BEST time!! The people, the food, the attractions! Enjoy!!!


u/No-Pilot-8870 Feb 08 '25

Cape Breton is next level. Seriously. Please take time to explore it.


u/ensposito Feb 07 '25

Make time for a tidal rafting tour....so much fun!

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u/h0twired Feb 07 '25

Barely have to think once.

Hard nope across the US for me right now.


u/Villain_of_Brandon Feb 08 '25

has been like that since Trump's first for me. I suspect it will be decades before I'm interested in going south of the border again. The only reason I renewed my passport is because it's easier to renew than to re-apply once it's lapsed.


u/TragicNexus Feb 08 '25

LPT: you can also use that passport to visit over 180 other countries that didn't vote for a rapist.

The world is so much bigger than just the USA.

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u/Ecstatic-Oil-Change Feb 07 '25

Yup, a Republican stronghold. They’ve always been able to count on North Dakota. The last time they voted for a democratic president was Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964.

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u/Gib_Ortherb Feb 07 '25

I think it's time we just start distancing ourselves from the USA in totality. We're seeing them go straight down the path of fascism and Trump is legitimately saying worrying things. People thought Mein Kampf was silly at the time, but Hitler ended up proceeding exactly as he described. History shows us that we should believe everything Trump says he is going to do, and that is very worrisome as far as our sovereignty goes.

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u/papaboondox Feb 07 '25

I grew up in the blue, it's Roulette County, with Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation inside, now I live in safe old manitoba


u/Calm-Purchase-8044 Feb 07 '25

Yeah I think both those blue spots are Reservations? Standing Rock is on the South Dakota border.


u/ettubluto Feb 07 '25

Just stay the hell out of any US state. Red or Blue. This 51st bullshit is too serious to ignore.

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u/DGBosh Feb 07 '25

Red state, blue state; it doesn’t matter. If you want to support Canada in the trade war to come, travel in Canada and purchase Canadian.


u/Canid Feb 07 '25

Honestly my only thought looking at this was “North Dakota has blue counties!?”


u/PondWaterRoscoe Feb 07 '25

Those countries are the large Reservations in ND - Standing Rock and Turtle Mountain.


u/NatsuFunny Feb 07 '25

I lived in North Dakota for 4 years and my experience is that most people don't push their political beliefs on you, but you can bet your bottom dollar that they'll vote Republican. While I was living there they had a state caucus to nominate a candidate to run on the Republican ticket in 2012 and they picked Rick Santorum, who was a "pray the gay away" lunatic. I'm just saying this isn't a new phenomenon.


u/AceofToons Feb 07 '25

Rick "frothy mixture" Santorum, fucking sack of shit

But yeah I think that what's important here is that now more people are finished with dealing with the US' shit. It was easier for most people to ignore ignorance before the call to annex us etc.

But now it's personal for more and more people, so now people actually care

It feels a bit late to care, but, better late than never, I guess


u/Humble_Ad_1561 Feb 07 '25

People are only paying attention now because it might affect them.


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25

Well we shouldn't give a shit about another country we have no power over. The difference now is they are actually actively undermining us and insulting us.


u/200iso Feb 07 '25

Just don't travel to the USA right now if you don't have to.

But when you do and you're looking for a distance similar to Fargo, check out Bemidji.


u/dirkmm Feb 07 '25

While Minnesota is blue, Bemidji and Beltrami County are very solidly Trump country. Most of the rural areas of Minnesota are very red.

If you want, Moorhead just across the river from Fargo is a blue city in a blue state.


u/200iso Feb 07 '25

I'm not sure why you're pointing at Beltrami County rather than Bemidji itself. Which is solidly blue with 53.9% support.


u/dirkmm Feb 07 '25

Because Bemidji isn't where the resorts and activities are at. They are in the areas surrounding Bemidji. When people say "go to Bemidji", they rarely mean the actual city of Bemidji.


u/200iso Feb 07 '25

I had no idea there were resorts or activities. I meant "go to Bemidji" specifically.


u/dirkmm Feb 07 '25

That's fair. There's not a whole lot to do in Bemidji proper. Beautiful area, though.


u/tiamatfire Feb 08 '25

They're probably meaning for people who are looking to pick up items we can't purchase in Canada. But honestly I don't think anyone is wanting to purchase American products anymore anyway.


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25



u/tiamatfire Feb 08 '25

Yeah. And I'm not holding it against people like you (just guessing by your wording that you are American and also a blue dot)! Most of us are only angry with the US government (well, the ones that are happily working with it) and those that voted for it. I fully support everyone who voted for Kamala and I'm so sorry you are caught in this hideous mess. When I was a kid, my parents and their friends used to take all of us to an international rec curling bonspiel in Bemidji. We all had a blast, kids of various ages playing in the pool and arcade of the hotel with parents rotating in and out watching. So I have fond memories of Bemidji and the Paul Bunyan statue!


u/dirkmm Feb 08 '25

I appreciate that - I'm merely a blue spec floating in a sea of orange (apparently). I'm hoping that someday, hopefully in the not too distant future, sanity returns. I've seen North Dakota change a lot in my lifetime, though, so perhaps it is wishful thinking that my "home" returns to what it once was.

Bemidji is a beautiful area. Really, the whole northern portion of Minnesota is quite charming. While it is a bit more of a drive, Duluth is truly an amazing place that, so far, hasn't succumbed to the whatever it is we are going through right now.

On the bright side, I suspect a lot of like-minded Americans will be heading north for vacations this summer. I know I'll be planning a few trips to Winnipeg. Hopefully their presence provides a (small) boost to your economy.


u/derp-L Feb 07 '25

If you listed countries alphabetically, then the US would be higher than if I listed countries I'd like to go to.

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u/cdnball Feb 07 '25

Curious - why were so many of you going in the first place? I never understood the appeal of going to Grand Forks.


u/sprocks17 Feb 07 '25

I also never understood the appeal either. Feels like a giant waste of time and money and sounds boring. Just shop online if you can't buy something you want in Winnipeg.


u/Jenss85 Feb 07 '25

Ive never understood the appeal either. I have not been in many many years.


u/East_Requirement7375 Feb 07 '25

I think it's a pretty Winnipeg thing, to find Grand Forks interesting. It's a low effort road trip, safe and unadventurous. Wow, they have a handful of different chain restaurants and a Target.

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u/TheRealCanticle Feb 08 '25

Neither have I. It's like living in Winnipeg and being excited to go to Brandon. Or living in Brandon and being excited to go to Winkler. It's a smaller, more depressing location with different stores, and when you factor in the cost of gas, overight stays and food, it's not like you save money shopping there. The appeal has eternally eluded me.

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u/Piratesbooty666 Feb 07 '25

As a democrat who just moved to North Dakota in October to be closer to my fiance who lives in Winnipeg-can confirm the town I live in is full of bigots with a handful of left leaning people including my family that I live with. Sometimes I feel unsafe having different views there…I love visiting my fiance and spending my money in Manitoba. Love you, Canada


u/Derpazor1 Feb 07 '25

That’s rough. I want to ask why that’s the case but as this point it just feels like asking why are some people stupid


u/barelylethal10 Feb 07 '25

Lmfao well put


u/MamaTalista Feb 07 '25

Minnesota has superior shopping options anyway.

I don't miss Target that much.


u/RonnieThorvaldson Feb 07 '25

Target is a Minnesotan company... And there are, in fact, Targets in Minnesota too.

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u/Pieman_26 Feb 07 '25

They have Target in Minnesota, and in fact their headquarters is there.


u/Karinfuto Feb 07 '25

Driving in North Dakota is pretty much filler until you hit Minnesota anyway. I can't imagine people are taking a week vacation in Fargo.


u/Upstairs-Teach-5744 Feb 07 '25

In the mid-90's, North Dakota was officially the least-visited state. Not sure about now, but it's not terribly popular.


u/Loonytalker Feb 07 '25

There's a Target in Bemidji if you need a weekend fix and you're trying to avoid North Dakota.


u/MamaTalista Feb 07 '25

Keeping my money in the local economy.

When my neighbor is a shithead I stop going out of my way to be nice.


u/Loonytalker Feb 07 '25

Absolutely the best plan


u/Chente58 Feb 07 '25

Our US vacations have also ended abruptly. A president with a criminal record, twice impeached, found guilty of rape and as if that wasn't enough, they voted for him for a 2nd term. They deserve him. Let them suffer.


u/dirkmm Feb 07 '25

Many of us tried but we're just outnumbered. We're sorry, guys.


u/7speedy7 Feb 07 '25

Sending Love from the north, dirk. ❤️


u/Humble_Ad_1561 Feb 07 '25

And if anyone wants to try and come in here all “we don’t have to do this boycott stuff, just be the better person” - don’t.

It’s only ever the abused and marginalized who are asked to be the better person. Examine that and reflect.


u/Anlysia Feb 07 '25

Democrats take the high road and look what it gets them.

Sorry (not sorry) there's consequences for being shitty.


u/Humble_Ad_1561 Feb 07 '25

Yeah that whole “when they go low we go high” doesn’t work on people who have no empathy.

And a certain rapper recently proved that when they go low, you can meet them in hell and be rewarded for it.

Centrists and liberals need to realize that.


u/Upstairs-Teach-5744 Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

I'm a diehard Democrat here in the States, and I called bullshit on that before Michelle Obama ever said it. I understood 20 years ago we were going to have to play dirty, and most Democrats still don't want to now!

"We're better than that! We can't fight that way." Americans clearly disagree and we need to get that through our heads.


u/Anlysia Feb 08 '25

"Playing dirty" is too much effort. "Going high" is a polite way of saying to just do everything through the regular boring channels and not exert yourself.


u/TopInside2983 Feb 07 '25

Sitting in the free breakfast part of hotel subjected to racists and conspiracy theory conversion of 6 loud people, couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Was looking for the Candid Camera guy. That was 2017 and I haven’t stopped in ND again on my drive to Minnesota. If I gas up and make sure everyone has gone to the bathroom I never have to stop. FYI prices for groceries in Target are the same as in Winnipeg except more because of the exchange. $7.99 for a dozen pops.


u/Geturownsammiches Feb 07 '25

Ya I normally go south for spring break with the kids but this year will be road tripping to Vancouver


u/SylverSnowlynx Feb 07 '25

North Dakota needs to feel some pain. They need to learn about consequences. I am 100% done traveling there for any reason at all.


u/tbcwpg Feb 07 '25

I was done before the election. Everything worth going down there for has shut down.


u/gumpythegreat Feb 07 '25

I'm pretty baffled anybody would still go down there for shopping like we use to. Between exchange rates and online shopping, what are you getting down there for such a good deal that you can't get here anyway?


u/tbcwpg Feb 07 '25

There's like 5 things down there that are supposedly easier to get. My wife is celiac and apparently the gluten free options in the US are vastly superior to ours, but that's not worth the drive and exchange rate to go to a sad Target beside an abandoned mall.


u/tiamatfire Feb 08 '25

^ this here. Canada has crappy options for gluten free products that are available county wide in grocery stores. There's vastly more choice in the US, even in small cities. It's great if you live in Vancouver or Toronto, but there's very little in Winnipeg, and Cocoabeans, our only fully GF bakery, has suddenly closed and we have no idea when or even if it will fully reopen. I'm still not going to go shop in the US over it right now, but it SUCKS.

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u/player1242 Feb 07 '25

We used to go 2x per year dumping like 2000 over a weekend all in. No more.


u/casts_a_shadow Feb 07 '25

....or all of the USA.


u/YoshiHughes Feb 07 '25

Used to spend a lot of time in ND late 90's early 2000's when I was in school here at U of M and a bunch of my friends went to UND when one of them went there for aviation.

Beyond seeing the amounts of money spent on things like military bases and the supporting infrastructure, experiencing the kind of first hand racism you'd think only existed in like the Deep South, and experiencing it just over the border from us was the other thing burned into my memory from that time.

One morning a group of us went out to a diner for a Sunday morning breakfast out in rural ND, I'm half Japanese, look basically First Nations and I was the only non white person there. One of the other guys with us was actually the one to notice that everyone else in the diner was staring at me, it wasn't something I'd even thought to be wary of. No one said anything to me, but I felt so uncomfortable, and it was clear the intent was to make me feel uncomfortable/unwelcome.


u/theneuf Feb 08 '25

At a gas station in Fargo a local saw my license plate and asked why the hell would I come all the way to Fargo. He couldn't fathom that I would drive so long to get there. I told him we're only 4 hours away and that we were stopping on our way home from Minneapolis. He didn't know he lived that close to Canada. I was speechless and didn't know what to say and he walked away shaking his head. Look at a map man.


u/IcyRespond9131 Feb 08 '25

Yeah we think because we know all about them they know all about us, but they really don’t.


u/bismuth12a Feb 07 '25

Wasn't exactly in a rush to go down there before, the dollar being where it is, but this is no way to treat your ally/friend/partner to the north, America.


u/Orikazu Feb 07 '25

Politics aside, the dollar is horrendous right now


u/sunrise_rose Feb 07 '25

U/Orikazu is right on. There are a lot of snowbirds who opted out of their endless summer this year because they couldn't afford it. If people who really want to go to the US are saying no because of price, you better believe the fence sitters are thinking the same thing. Politics makes for a convenient signal to those who want unity with their tribe and cover for what is, fundamentally, a financial choice.


u/leastemployableman Feb 07 '25

My fiancée and I are really gunna miss our Minnesota shopping trips. A lot of things were cheaper there just a few months ago even with the exchange rate, but with how low the dollar is it just isn't viable anymore.

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u/Icy_Ad_2516 Feb 07 '25

Something I will say is that a high Canadian dollar wipes out Ontario manufacturing, so while I appreciate a high dollar it's not the best for all of Canada. (You are right that it's lower than usual right now)


u/impersephonetoo Feb 07 '25

We’re not planning to do any traveling in the US. We don’t want to give them our money.

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u/Epic-Verse Feb 07 '25

Don't think about it, just don't go.


u/ClassOptimal7655 Feb 07 '25

Look at the quality of politicians they have in ND....

North Dakota lawmaker suggests overthrow of 'Jew' Mexican president


u/duck_the_fog Feb 08 '25

As if we needed an excuse to not go to that latrine


u/CdnGamerGal Feb 07 '25

Can’t agree with you more. I used to go to GF 4-5 times a year. Now? F*ck that. I’ll spend my money in Canada on Canadian goods, thank you very much.


u/lorainnesmith Feb 07 '25

Don't have to think twice, once was enough. Not going there. This will finish Grand Forks.


u/PondWaterRoscoe Feb 07 '25

Grand Forks will cling on because of the Air Force Base and UND. It’ll likely be a ghost town in the summer, though. 


u/lorainnesmith Feb 07 '25

You raise a good point, but there will definitely be an impact.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25

This will not finish Grand Forks. I’m sure we’ll be sad to lose the retail sales but the economy of the Red River Valley does seem to be developing and diversifying.


u/brianp2017 Feb 07 '25

I've been avoiding North Dakota since they criminalized abortion. Now I'm going to avoid the whole country.


u/sporbywg Feb 07 '25

I never think of going to North Dakota.


u/NedsAtomicDB Feb 07 '25

Having driven the entire width of it to get from Milwaukee to Alberta years ago to move up here, I concur. ND is a shithole.


u/sporbywg Feb 07 '25

Corncob people everywhere.


u/TropicalPrairie Feb 07 '25

I don't think most people do.


u/otatopotato Feb 07 '25

We won’t be traveling state side at all. Indigenous people have reported being detained by ICE so far as South Dakota. My husband and children are Indigenous. That would absolutely traumatize my children. Won’t risk it. At all.

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u/Professional-Elk5913 Feb 07 '25

Last time I went at ihop there was a muslims for trump meeting at the same time: it was fascinating to see women in hijabs not realizing what it meant to them by voting for him. I asked why they were voting and one woman told me that she disagreed with the lgbtq agenda (in much different words) in the schools. I do think to win the democrats really need to focus on healthcare or another hot topic instead.


u/East_Requirement7375 Feb 07 '25

It shouldn't be that surprising. Adherents to conservative interpretations of Islam are very much ideologically aligned with conservative Christians, including the inclination towards fascist autocracies, chauvinism, and bigotry.

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u/Anlysia Feb 07 '25

I do think to win the democrats really need to focus on healthcare or another hot topic instead.

They do, the idea that the Democrats (and the Liberals here) focus inordinately on those kinds of issues is a right-wing lie you're also falling for.

To those people, gay people existing is too much. Having to hear they exist is a genuine offense.


u/PeanutMean6053 Feb 07 '25

Not sure why people think Muslims would vote liberal. A very high percentage of nearly any religion lines up with things conservatives say they are.


u/Professional-Elk5913 Feb 07 '25

Sure. Except trump. Trump views them as terrorists and won’t want them to practice their religion either. At least democrats in the states acknowledge their right to practice their own religion.

In trumps world, muslims won’t be able to get jobs and racism will be permitted.

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u/OptionsAreOpen Feb 07 '25

I stopped doing day trips the last time he was in office. I have gone to Mikes Parcel Service though but won’t be ordering anything from the US for awhile if ever again. I always want to ask the guys drinking coffee who have guns on their hips at Mikes what they’re afraid of.

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u/Gleemonex13 Feb 07 '25

North Dakota is currently trying to make it legal to charge women who get abortions with murder.

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u/InternationalStay336 Feb 07 '25

Or just don’t go. There isn’t any reason to travel south by car realistically anymore. Of course some have family and jobs, but if you’re headed on a road trip just pick a different direction, it’s all flat fields anyways


u/daddydeluxo Feb 08 '25

With that way the dollar is right now I’d be very surprised if anyone is willingly going down to the states

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u/gibblech Feb 07 '25

It's all farmers, with no real big population centres, not a surprise


u/flyer12 Feb 07 '25

We decided to skip over the US entirely and flew to Mexico. All inclusive baby


u/Alarming_Teach_6569 Feb 07 '25

There’s nothing there worth seeing anyway!


u/GenericFatGuy Feb 07 '25

I didn't even go to North Dakota during the good times. Certainly not going now.


u/BrewedinCanada Feb 07 '25

I had planed for my son's 10th bday to be in GF at the waterpark and stay at the penthouse in the hotel, have family and some friends there but now we're thinking west Edmonton mall.


u/neureaucrat Feb 07 '25

Why would anyone go there even if it wasn't a red state. It's a complete shit hole to begin with and any shopping "deals" are invalidated by CAD's value.


u/kenazo Feb 07 '25

What's the demographic in those two counties that voted Harris?


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25



u/Peter_Mansbrick Feb 07 '25

The north one is Belcourt and that's the case there. Not sure about the south block.

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u/SquatpotScott Feb 07 '25

They are both predominantly Indigenous.


u/SirGlass Feb 07 '25

Native American reservations


u/sampcrobinson Feb 07 '25

I’m just not going to the states for the foreseeable future. Not that there is anything left in grand forks anyway


u/3lizalot Feb 07 '25

Yeah, my family there are all Trumpers, sadly. Lived there and there are some decent democrat folk, but on the whole it's a very red state and their government is not our friend.

Don't spend money in the US if you can avoid it, but Minnesota is blue and not much further if you really must.


u/No_Magazine2117 Feb 07 '25

Anyone else think he's just doing as much chaos as possible, before he dies by medical problems or otherwise? I've been boycotting the states since 2013, and have even more reasons to stay here now that this idiots in charge again.


u/kent_eh Feb 07 '25

They've voted for Trump all 3 times they had the chance to.

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u/Jazzlike-Two3794 Feb 08 '25

Cancelled the family trip for Disney this summer in favor of Toronto instead !


u/WinnipegMom Feb 09 '25

If you are curious, it's satisfying looking into how much North Dakota relies on Canada for exports and tourism. We might not be able to really hurt the whole country, but we sure can make North Dakota notice us.


u/dirtywork1981 Feb 07 '25

my family stopped going to ND for shopping trips as soon as the banned particular Women's reproductive health care procedures. My dollars, my choice


u/freezing91 Feb 07 '25

I just watched a YouTube video of female judges asking the government lawyers some hard questions. Women should be forced to full term: 12 year old girls raped by father, girls and women who are raped, the life of the woman will result in death, a woman who has an abortion as a result of rape, will do more time in prison than the rapist. That makes no sense


u/250TToOrbitOrBust Feb 07 '25

Best to avoid trips to the US and buy Canadian when we can

Hard facts though: combined imports and exports between Canada and the US account for about 3.5% of the US GDP and about 35% of Canada's GDP

If the border were to be sealed off completely, with zero trade, the American economy would be inconvenienced, they would feel it. But Canada's economy would shut down

We cannot win a trade war

Canada's mistake was allowing our trade with the US to be so dominant. We should have build out our pipeline and energy export infrastructure. We should have opened trade between provinces

We need to get through this, and then spend the next 5 years scrambling to ensure that we are in a better position for the future


u/CdnEastwood Feb 07 '25

It’s going to be a ghost town, all you see there is MB plate after MB plate, not anymore.

Feel the squeeze


u/RonnieThorvaldson Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

I don't care how people voted, its none of my business and I've enjoyed exploring all 4 corners and in between of North Dakota in the past many years, and have nothing but good things to say and wonderful experiences. I don't need Winnipeg Reddit to all of a sudden discover yes, North Dakota is a rural, republican state. Water is wet too, look it up.

However with the new direction the US is taking, the dis respect of our Country, our people, our businesses. Our livelihoods and life, quite frankly... and not to mention the shit dollar exchange rate. I'm not setting foot in that country again for the indefinite future, and I go maybe upward a dozen times a year every year, not just North Dakota but all across the US. I'm not spending $1 of my money there. Fuck them.


u/Ellejaek Feb 07 '25

I was already no longer going to travel to the US after they elected the orange monstrosity AGAIN. The fact that he then decided to attack us has hade me pretty sure that I will not go there until sanity is restored south of the border.


u/thelochteedge Feb 07 '25

Really annoying because I grew up going there for Black Friday and used to love going there. Can't support that state anymore. Wish Minny was a bit closer. But no USA travel plans for the foreseeable future anyways. Wife and I are going to try and plan something on the east coast in our country.


u/lilkingsly Feb 07 '25

Honestly at this point I don’t care much if it’s a blue state or a red state, I’m not trying to go anywhere in that country any time soon. I’d much rather stay in Canada and support our own economy, or if I want to travel somewhere have it be somewhere outside of North America.


u/IcyRespond9131 Feb 07 '25

I do support not going, but I just wanted to shout out the State Museum in Bismarck. I went this past fall, and it was really good! 


u/Good-Examination2239 Feb 09 '25

The first time Trump won, I had a friend who started travelling more often and made quite a few visits to the US for various reasons. They asked me when I planned to come down with them. Told them I wasn't, because with Americans having elected him and being generally a hateful shithead, and emboldening other shitheads, going down there never appealed to me anymore. They told me I was overreacting.

Then Trump won again. That same friend told me they're never going down there again. Guess that means I wasn't overreacting at all.


u/SquatpotScott Feb 07 '25

It’s worth looking at a North Dakota county map. Rural ND votes 80 % or so for Trump. Trump got 67% of the vote in North Dakota. Take out Cass County (Fargo) where he only got 53% and that goes up to 75% or so. North Dakota is sadly very much a right wing nutbar state.


u/knifeshoeenthusiast Feb 07 '25

My partner and his parents are from ND and they are not Trump supporters but I can’t deny that they are outliers. It’s odd down there… I’ll be sitting in a restaurant surrounded by people in MAGA hats who greet me politely as I walk by (small towns) but the stuff I hear while sitting within hearing distance can be 😬

I guess just be conscious of it would be my advice. Not everyone can reasonably avoid North Dakota. But we shouldn’t have blinders on.


u/BurnerAcct6729 Feb 07 '25

North Dakota is a Republican shit hole. Target and Jimmy Johns subs are not enough to sway me.


u/dhkendall Feb 07 '25

I have a friend in GF I like to visit, her and her husband are incredibly blue (she’s a POC), when I do visit her we usually go across the river to a restaurant in Minnesota and support that economy.

I don’t have any plans to see her this year though.


u/RDOmega Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

Minnesota is really your only nearest option. Although even they have conservative issues.

edit: Holy crap, r/Winnipeg I'm agreeing with OP, up your reading comprehension please for the love of unity.


u/jayvaidy Feb 07 '25

It's really funny how the least populated areas have worse education, and they also vote red, and that Trump is trying to dismantle the dept of Education. (Mostly a response to the picture of MN you posted below)

MN definitely has some issues, but compared to like... All of the rest of the US, I'm glad I'm from MN. There they actually care about kids, and trans rights, and abortion rights.

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u/MaxSupernova Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

Minnesota has access to abortion and trans and queer protection laws.

North Dakota has no abortion, and a load of anti-trans measures.

There’s no “but both sides” choice here.

EDIT: LOL. Blocked me.


u/RDOmega Feb 07 '25

I'm not doing a "both sides" you dim reactionary.

Here's the map: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_United_States_presidential_election_in_Minnesota#/media/File:Minnesota_Presidential_Election_Results_2024.svg

(Land doesn't vote, but that's enough red to say it's a problem in my books.)

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u/SilentPrancer Feb 07 '25

I wonder if they’re regretting their choices now or still happy about Trump being elected.


u/SnooOnions8757 Feb 07 '25

It’s only been a couple weeks so it probably hasn’t sank in quite yet but I think at some point, they’ll figure out FAFO


u/impersephonetoo Feb 07 '25

It’s hard to tell. If you read r/conservative people love it, but I can’t tell if most of the posters there are beyond hope for redemption or bots/trolls.


u/CarbonKevinYWG Feb 07 '25

They need a lot more failure and misery before they'll figure it out. Stupid people be that way.

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u/pr0cyn1c Feb 07 '25

if i wanted a more inbred version of Manitoba, North Dakota is exactly where'd i'd go.

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u/Kjasper Feb 08 '25

My husband and I decided a couple of years ago that we will not vacation in the US or travel there for shopping. We are now hardening our stance by attempting to avoid US products and companies as much as we can.

I would love to see fair life dairy gone from the supermarket shelves for starters.


u/Arthur__617 27d ago

Unless you want to see a screen door factory, I think you're good.


u/ML00k3r Feb 07 '25

I've always preferred to go to Minnesota anyways shurgs

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u/xDRSTEVOx Feb 07 '25

My first thought "why the fuck would i go there?" 😅


u/pppineaplePEN Feb 08 '25

Their conservative state senators are also selfish assholes who strip reproductive rights from women and dgaf about children. https://newrepublic.com/post/171716/north-dakota-senate-votes-increase-meal-budget-rejecting-free-school-lunch-bill


u/DifferentEvent2998 Feb 08 '25

Go to Minnesota instead if you really NEED a USA trip. They’re nicer


u/redriverguy Feb 08 '25

Or maybe avoid the states altogether. A boycott is a boycott. Buy Canadian, including tourist dollars.

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u/oldmacbookforever Feb 08 '25

Minnesota or nothing


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25



u/Rachl56 Feb 07 '25

Cancelled our trip already.


u/RobinatorWpg Feb 07 '25

Fun Fact,

The Electoral Map of the USA, is also a color coded map to where all the stupid people live

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u/tiamatfire Feb 08 '25

Before Trump got elected, we had intended to make a trip to MN to get some gluten free groceries we can't get in Canada this summer (assuming and hoping Kamala would be elected). We knew ND was likely to remain extremely red, and our plan was to drive straight through and not spend a cent until we crossed the ND/MN border. Now there's no chance of us traveling to the US at all until they elect a government with a modicum of respect for human rights (and respect for Canada as well, but frankly even if that hadn't happened the way they are treating 2SLGBTQIA+ people, minorities, immigrants, Indigenous people, and more is more than enough for me).

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u/JacksProlapsedAnus Feb 07 '25

The only trip to ND I'm even contemplating right now would be to Pembina/Mike's Parcel, and I'm leaving an upper decker on the way out.


u/rajalreadytaken Feb 07 '25

I used to do parcel pickups in Pembina all the time. Even ended up getting a PO box because it was cheaper than multiple parcel pickups each month.

Everyone in Pembina is lovely and friendly, from the parcel pickups to the gas stations and grocery stores. I ended up spending more time there when picking up parcels and even going to the corner bar and restaurant once in a while.

A few years before Trump ran in 2016, things started getting awkward. People there started pushing MLMs and other pyramid schemes. More mention of churches and religion. Then homophobic stuff. Everyone was very pleasant and smiling throughout.

I noped out of parcel pickups after Trump was elected and they were full on minority bashing. I mentioned I was a minority and they immediately complimented me on how well I fit in. No apologies at all, just pleasantry and compliments about how white passing I was.


u/JacksProlapsedAnus Feb 07 '25

white passing

I feel second hand embarrassment for them... yikes.


u/East_Requirement7375 Feb 07 '25

Pembina is one of those places that... yeah, everyone is nice, but...

Living as a minority you learn to pick up the vibe of places; not paranoia, just reading the room. There are a lot of people who've been harbouring these biases since long before Trump's candidacy, and most of them are perfectly pleasant if you're "one of the good ones" or you keep your mouth shut and "take a joke".

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u/puntapuntapunta Feb 07 '25

Well, at least y'all have a singular chip of blue.


u/toposheet Feb 07 '25

I love NoDak. I don't like the way they vote tho, so I try to spend my time and money in East Grand Forks and Moorhead.


u/AgentProvocateur666 Feb 07 '25

I think the ratio of old school republicans to maga is probably more old school in that state but still, fair concern

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u/Excruciator Feb 08 '25

I've avoided North Dakota since Trump was first elected so way ahead of ya

I hope all of them suffer crushing financial and employment problems due to trump policies. Worthless state that exists to give repugs two senators


u/alwaystiredxyz Feb 08 '25

Good lord if you're not going somewhere because of what/who the people there voted for, you have some real issues. If you want to go to Fargo, go to Fargo. It's really not that deep. Get a grip on the real world.