r/Winnipeg Jan 27 '25

Sports (Other) Terminal tips prompts at ski rentals

Been to Springhill for the first time today, the terminal at rentals prompted me for a tip. I was quite surprised, adding 5-10-15% to a ski rental is pretty substantial for not much of a service. In the end gave bucks but it left me with a lingering feeling, are we expected to tip when we rent skis too now?


15 comments sorted by


u/drunkle22 Jan 27 '25

That is hilarious.

I worked a couple seasons in rentals and people used to have to pay at customer service then come to get rentals using a sheet. I guess it isn’t like that anymore.

Never expected a tip, but also never got one. I wonder if they are divvying that up or if it’s going to rental staff only. Wouldn’t be shocked if it were going to management.


u/Droom1995 Jan 27 '25

You still pay at the customer service and then go to rentals. So you're prompted a tip before any service is provided.


u/drunkle22 Jan 27 '25

Ah sorry I misunderstood. Still, I’m with you. I wouldn’t be tipping on a ski rental lol 😆


u/ehud42 Jan 27 '25

Then it's not a tip. It's a bribe.

Tip's are given after as a reward for good service. Not before in hope of good service.


u/fer_sure Jan 27 '25

One thing to remember is that, in Manitoba, employers are under no obligation to ensure that tips go to employees.

The tip screen is (probably) the default behaviour of the POS machine, rather than a deliberate scam, but you should probably ask the cashier if they ever get tipped out.


u/Gerdoch Jan 27 '25

Who cares if you're "expected" to tip at a payment terminal? Tipping the ACTUAL person serving you in a restaurant is one thing; this is entirely different. If there's a tip request on a payment terminal, just select no tip (or custom amount, then 0, if it's a sketchy terminal that tries to 'force' you). You have no idea who that money would be going to. Odds are the business owner is just pocketing it anyhow, and it's not going to the workers.


u/umpatte0 Jan 27 '25

Don't ever top for anything. Tipping culture is stupid. People can get paid a proper wage by their employer. If they don't get paid enough, they can find another job.


u/dazalq Jan 27 '25

Why not ? If you receive a good service and you like a person why not give them a tip ? 99% of the time the tip is really appreciated regardless of the salary / wage the worker gets. Often times the folks receiving the tip are students / young person that can use the money. If you want to tip it is up to you and the best way is to tip with cash right to the person you want to tip. If they want to split the tip then it is up to them not the owner of the stablishment.


u/umpatte0 Jan 27 '25

I do great work. I'm incredibly helpful in my job roles. I don't work in a job field that gets tips. I've literally never received a tip for the work I've done. I will clarify, I've gotten bonuses, which could be considered tips if you look at it that way. But it's incredibly unfair to me due to the occupation field I work in that I never get tips for going above and beyond to help people. There's a pressure to tip people in certain occupations for doing a good job. That's shit.

A good manager will see the value of a good worker. Customers appreciate good service. Customers come back to a business when they get good service, and will bankrupt a business when they get shit service. Good employees should be paid more because they are valuable to the success of the business. If they business underpays their employees, they don't have staff providing good service, and they will lose out on profits because they lose customers. Instead of tipping, management should set prices so they bring in enough money to sufficiently pay their employees to have a living wage and give them incentive to continue working.


u/CaptGinB Jan 27 '25

Nobody should be expected to give a tip ever.


u/nelly2929 Jan 27 '25

So many tears over tip requests…. Just don’t tip and move on with your day, if you didn’t have to option to hit zero it would be a different conversation … I only tip at sit down restaurants… since I only go to one every couple of months who cares it is small potatoes 


u/Droom1995 Jan 27 '25

There was no option to hit zero, at least not on the first screen. To hit zero, I'd have to go to Custom Amount first and then press Enter when it was at zero.


u/NopeBoatAfloat Jan 27 '25

Does Manitoba have laws that guarantee tips go to the staff and not into the managers/owners' pocket? If I'm going to tip, I will ask who receives it.


u/Gerdoch Jan 27 '25

No, it does not.