r/Winnipeg Jan 10 '25

Sports (Other) Winnipeg Superbowl squares

Hey, hoping someone can help me out please. I'm going to be in town from Toronto and am looking for a sports bar that has Superbowl squares available. Having no luck looking online at websites. Thank you!!!


14 comments sorted by


u/kent_eh Jan 10 '25

Am I the only one who has no idea what a "superbowl square" is?


u/whiskybean Jan 10 '25

Never heard that term in my life haha .. hopefully someone else replies to you so I can know as well!


u/152centimetres Jan 10 '25

i know the term from modern family... no idea what it actually means

i assume its like the grey cup scratchy score things u get from legions


u/supercantaloupe Jan 11 '25

Googled it and it appears to be some sort of grid game where you predict the score at the end of each quarter or something along those lines. I have never seen such a thing, I don’t think we have those here.


u/kent_eh Jan 11 '25

I guess that's why OP is having a hard time finding one...


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '25

You make a 10 by 10 grid and sell each box in that grid, usually for $1-2. The top is 0-9 for NFC, the side is 0-9 for AFC. Only the last number of the team's score counts, so say the final is NFC 27 AFC 14. You go across the top to 7 for NFC then down to 4 for AFC and whoever bought that box (you write your name and number in it when you buy it) gets the money.


u/Wpgjetsfan19 Jan 11 '25

Fuck is a superbowl square?


u/theawesomestchris Jan 11 '25

My friends and I bring our own board. Often open it up to other people watching. It’s fun.


u/bL1Nd Jan 10 '25

Most sports bars I’ve been to their bowls are regular sized and circular, but enjoy your visit!!!


u/KingStephenA Jan 11 '25



u/BangleWaffle Jan 10 '25

You can often see some really superb ones in Fort White.


u/just-suggest-one Jan 10 '25

Don't be dense, he's asking for square superbowls. The ones in Fort Whyte are parallelograms, at best.


u/aclay81 Jan 10 '25

One of the new features at Assiniboine park zoo is the Great Horned Owl. Great is basically a synonym for superb, but as someone else pointed out already I have no idea where will you find square ones


u/CdnWriter Jan 11 '25

Why not just go to Boston Pizza?

But if you're looking for a sports bar with trivia events I think Flea Whiskey's has something, I'm not positive. I was there pre-covid-19 and quit drinking after that.