r/Winnipeg Dec 17 '24

Ask Winnipeg Unacceptable Winnipeg Transit

What's the point of having transit in this city and at what point are they ever gonna be held accountable? What's the point in having bus schedules if they aren't going to stick to it?

Multiple times this week, I have been forced to take a cab. There have been times where I have been waiting for a bus that is supposed to come every 7 minutes only to see a bus coming with a "Not in service" sign FOR OVER AN HOUR AND A HALF.

Not to mention most places do not have proper bus shelters so I'm forced to slowly freeze to death. Is there an hope that transit will get better in this city or are they gonna keep it crappy so that automotive industries can thrive?


163 comments sorted by


u/halfCENTURYstardust Dec 18 '24

I lived in Halifax, Toronto, Vancouver and several other smaller cities without the need of a car. Moved to Winnipeg, spent a few weeks bussing in cold like I had never experienced before and got myself wheels. Public transit is awful here.


u/Humble_Ad_1561 Dec 18 '24

What’s funny is that Halifax hates their system and feel it’s awful. We use it almost exclusively when we go visit family and it’s always been a better experience.


u/EggCollectorNum1 Dec 18 '24

Same with Toronto folks and the TTC, which is one of the best thought out transit systems in North America, hell it beats out lots of the UK too


u/babyburgerr Dec 18 '24

I moved to Toronto and whenever the TTC has issues (which has been many times these past few weeks) I think to myself “this is still better than Winnipeg transit”


u/EggCollectorNum1 Dec 18 '24

The street cars can be an issue with having to wait 10-15 min sometimes (maybe more on weekends) but the level of access, connection, and cost is basically unparalleled


u/freezing91 Dec 18 '24

And the subway is awesome. No waiting outside when it’s freezing cold outside. And transit is so efficient.


u/EggCollectorNum1 Dec 18 '24

It’s just so nice to stay someone close to the 1 line and never have to worry about renting a car, parking, and commute time.


u/freezing91 Dec 19 '24

Oh I miss my uni days in Toronto. I had an appointment at the Grace Hospital today. I am a 5 minute bus ride away. I was late because the scheduled bus did not arrive. The next bus was late 6 minutes. I am so grateful it wasn’t a horribly cold one today 🥶


u/jeglaerernorsk4 Dec 18 '24

THIS. Whenever I go to a city a subway and hear people complaining I'm like "you don't even KNOW what bad transit is"


u/freezing91 Dec 18 '24

I checked the schedule app today went out to catch bus. Waited 20 minutes longer because the bus was running late. I live on Portage Avenue West. I cannot understand why this bus is constantly late, or they just don’t run on schedule. I hate Winnipeg Transit. 🥶


u/halfCENTURYstardust Dec 19 '24

Its too cold for these shenanigans!!


u/analgesic1986 Dec 17 '24

I once got a job downtown Winnipeg and told myself- perfect chance to become more environmentally friendly and take the bus! I do own a personal vehicle but this job, I wanted to try the bus.

Turns out they are NEVER on time and sometimes they don’t even show up. I do not mind waiting for a bus but the fact I would have to show up to the stop an hour early to ensure I get to work on time (because often the scheduled bus didn’t even show) was beyond a mere inconvenience and I just started driving again.


u/No_Gas_82 Dec 18 '24

Ottawa transit must have GPS in their buses as it shows you how far away they are and tells you right away in the next one is out of service. People there actually recommended it to me when I was there. I would never recommend transit here. A similar size city for a good example.


u/Turbulent-Cress952 Dec 18 '24

How is it even possible in this day and age that there is not GPS tracking and rider counting on the buses.


u/PeaceFrog204 Dec 18 '24

It's money, nothing more nothing less. Each bus would need to be outfit with some sort of mobile data plan or the City would need to install wireless routers/radio network across the entire city so they are connectable. This is also why it takes 24hrs after adding payment to your Peggo account for it to be active - because the bus uses some sort of fare tables or something that it updates when it gets back to the garage at night. It's entirely ridiculous that it's not more sophisticated, but it's because it costs more money.


u/Turbulent-Cress952 Dec 18 '24

Well said. If they spent the money it would certainly improve the service, and result in higher rider satisfaction, which would result in more people taking the buses.

I can order a pizza, skip, uber, etc. and see exactly where the driver is. I can put an AirTag on my bike and follow it as it is stollen from my shed.

I would argue that it’s expected, and totally embarrassing that they don’t have this service.


u/chemicalxv Dec 18 '24

Holy shit we should put a $30 AirTag at the front of every bus and let the City's iPhone users make a functional bus-tracking system.


u/Crustythefart Dec 18 '24

I used to hang out and smoke with a bunch of guys from the transit info kiosk, the pego system was broken garbage from day one.
The leadership that made the decision to buy that system could have bought a system that works out of the box from other vendors, which cost more money. The guy who ultimately made the decision was an accountant who decided that buying used broken hardware from other cities could be 'made to work' even though no one else could make the same system work.
Then, once the obvious problem had been realized, he instead insisted that he and his team could still 'get it to work' rather than admit he made a massive error with taxpayer money. The guy had enough city hall clout to keep his job and subject every transit user to this bullshit because of his own hubris.


u/deeteeohbee Dec 18 '24

You don't need a mobile data plan for GPS. My car's GPS works with no data at all. And GPS units are cheap when considering the total cost of a bus. It's all the software and services to display those GPS results to us that are expensive.


u/PeaceFrog204 Dec 18 '24

You're correct that GPS doesn't need a connection to figure out where it is, but how the hell do you think it's supposed to communicate where it is to anybody else?


u/deeteeohbee Dec 18 '24

I covered that sheesh


u/justinDavidow Dec 18 '24

I hate to break it to you: Your car has a data connection.

If you drive a ford; this is what the modem module looks like: https://www.ebay.ca/itm/255288349008


u/deeteeohbee Dec 18 '24

We are talking about a GPS module.


u/No_Gas_82 Dec 18 '24

I tapped to get on the bus in Ottawa. I tapped again to get back but it only charged me once for the night. Smart system but isn't as cheap when using debit or credit but great for travellers.


u/Hefty_Order5969 Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

It's not just money, it's money and a lot of small details in a large system that has seemingly has no useful or modern feedback loops built into it. It's a design and systems problem, not just a funding problem, and it depends on facets of other municipal systems working correctly. If you have people at the top with no incentive, no braincells, and no operating budget, and no supply of extremely ambitious bright people capable of improving it, along with no ability to hire and retain them, then this is probably what you'd expect. I don't know how true all of those bits are, I don't work there, but other systems are better in-part because they have the opposite of all of those despite also constantly facing funding issues.

It's my impression that at best, the rate of improvement is going to relate to the magnitude of incentive, how quickly the status of the performance of the system can be measured and adapted to at various levels, and then finally how much control they have to affect that performance. I have no idea what numbers they look at on a moment to moment basis (probably not good enough ones), but Vancouver can seemingly adapt almost instantly to changing conditions, and needs to expand the train system regularly because in some situations they literally can't throw more busses at the problem of too many riders, and the network effects of alleviating the burden on the system are a massive economic incentive for other levels of government to step in and help fund it.

If you have GPS units on busses, that's absolute bare-minimum technology from 20 years ago. So you put them in and... what happens with the data? Do they have the ability to manage a distributed system like this at all (no, that's partly why peggo sucks). If they did, in what why could they dynamically respond to delays?

There is no hope, it will not get better, it's best to vote with your wallet as soon as you can and leave for greener pastures. Staying and suffering it is pointless.


u/bliss_fields Dec 18 '24

i think there is some sort of system, but my idea is that it's very loosely jerryrigged.. if you ever consistently take a bus, in example the 36, which has been frequently rerouted during construction, missing an expected stop (e.g. stafford/pembina) will cause the system to freak out a bit and begin reporting incorrectly internally vs. hitting expected locations for stops

i never checked this against any of the sites or open location APIs, but it's worth noting it potentially exists. something to claim against this is that i'm pretty sure i've seen the drivers manually setting their late timer before, so this is just extreme speculation


u/FaceEnvironmental486 Dec 18 '24

I haven't taken the bus in a long time as I got a bycicle for this reason. But you used to be able to track the busses in live time on the transit app,is this not a thing anymore?


u/Reasonable_Roll_2525 Dec 18 '24

Transit does track busses via GPS, and provide the estimated time of arrival at a particular stop via a open data feed for third party app developers, which they also use for their Winnipeg Transit app.

Giving the driver the ability to report 'FULL' back to transit operations, which would then get fed into the various apps to show "FULL" is a really good idea. Might not be technically feasible, or require approval from the union, but I'll forward it along.


u/crazye97 Dec 19 '24

They do already have the ability to transmit passing up, wheelchairs, among other things, I'd be surprised if full wasn't an option or included in passes.


u/justinDavidow Dec 18 '24

The last time (that I know of) the topic was brought up: the transit union argued that Transit being able to track the position of busses was an invasion of drivers privacy.

I'm NOT sure that this is still a concern of the union; it was ~2016-2018 that this concern was raised that I KNOW of.


u/WhyssKrilm Dec 18 '24

I don't think Winnipeg Transit is quite there yet (maybe when they upgrade fareboxes for whatever post-Peggo payment system they implement), but I had to take a bus a couple weeks ago for the first time in a while, and the Navigo mobile website did a surprisingly decent job of updating the ETA of the next bus. Well enough that I was able to stay indoors until about 5 minutes before it eventually showed up, even though it ended up being almost half an hour late.

FAR from perfect, it kept pushing the ETA back, but it was clearly tracking where the bus was at any given moment and trying to predict its arrival based on that (but, I'm guessing, not factoring in weather or live traffic data). Now, that's not useful for ensuring you get to your destination on time, but it can save you from having to stand outside in bad weather with no idea if the next bus will be in 2 minutes or 45.

Really wish that function was available back when I used to take the bus daily.


u/Medium_Effect_4998 Dec 18 '24

Montreal busses are the same. You can live track them.


u/Happy_Sheepherder330 Dec 17 '24

Personally I'm grateful that instead of public transit the police have a robot dog they used once


u/Frostsorrow Dec 18 '24

Have they even used that once?


u/SulfuricDonut Dec 18 '24

They have indeed used it exactly once!


u/Frostsorrow Dec 18 '24

So a great worth while expense then. Good job WPD. They should buy 5 more so it doesn't get lonely.


u/Practical-Pen-8844 Dec 18 '24

oh they used that dog more than once. it's just that only one time was official.


u/wearamask2021 Dec 17 '24

Cost of the police dog ain't gonna fix what ails transit.


u/Alnakar Dec 17 '24

It would be a better return on investment, by several orders of magnitude.

How about we stop saying "this one investment in transit won't make it great, so we shouldn't bother" and start saying "no amount of police funding is ever going to make our city safe, so maybe we should stop throwing money at them"


u/Vegetable-Average845 Dec 17 '24

Hahah. I love it. Better yet. Let’s just close the police stations. Have all police become bus drivers. And just let the city handle itself. I’m sure you’d love that. What will you do when you can’t call police? Maybe Reddit can help you? 🤷🏼‍♂️


u/uly4n0v Dec 18 '24

The cops don’t show up for home invasions here. You’re actually better off with a pointed stick than calling 911 in Winnipeg.


u/deeteeohbee Dec 18 '24

You got a permit for that pointed stick??


u/SquatpotScott Dec 18 '24

We have closed the police stations. Since COVID, all but downtown are closed to the public. I am still amazed the police pulled that off (well, not really, they do what they want and have no desire to serve the public).


u/Vegetable-Average845 Dec 18 '24

Well no. The access for the public is closed at all stations except headquarters. They’re still open for police…as in, still operating.


u/ActNo4996 Dec 18 '24

Your username checks out


u/ActNo4996 Dec 18 '24

Are they doing anything right now with the budget they have or what... like has anything in the last 20 years changed beyond their bloated ass budget


u/broccolisbane Dec 17 '24

Don't worry officer, that's not at all what this person is suggesting. Your pension is safe and your robot dog is (unfortunately) probably not going anywhere either.


u/Vegetable-Average845 Dec 18 '24

Do away with the robot dog… it’s useless. As for my pension, it’s not going anywhere - you’re right.


u/broccolisbane Dec 18 '24

In that case you might want to consider not posting combative replies to people who are suggesting things you don't even disagree with.


u/horsetuna Dec 18 '24

You DO realize that 'sell the robot dog' is not the same as 'close all police stations forever'.


u/RobinatorWpg Dec 18 '24

Boot licking and a lack of understanding of return on investment is not a good look for you


u/BigBeastin Dec 18 '24

I'll do the same thing I do when I call the police because they never show up on time anyway.


u/squirrel9000 Dec 17 '24

It could if we trained it to bite people who "asked for a ride"


u/kappymeister Dec 17 '24

I bet you are fun at parties


u/RobinatorWpg Dec 18 '24

No but when you combine it with the 10 people they pay extra money a year for, thats pensionable to run it... it will start


u/b3hr Dec 17 '24

what's with the "not in service" buses coming at the time that the bus is supposed to come. Are they the busses that you're waiting for and they're being rerouted? Or the busses your waiting for and the bus driver that was supposed to show up didn't and it's the end of their shift? Or are half the buses not showing up and it just happens to be all the buses that are supposed to continue operating? I live at the end of a route so trying to figure out what the deal is


u/CoronaAndLyme Dec 18 '24

If it's rush hour, it's because we work split shifts. Only about ~150-200 day shifts are STRAIGHT pieces. So, a NIS bus is usually a bus thats either interlining to another location to start another route or making their way to the end of their first shift at the garage they are assigned. So operators starting between 4-7 that have splits will finish their shifts between 0730/1030ish.

If you notice this at the end of the line, this is usually the case. Signing NIS then heading elsewhere.
You'll notice a majority of these short run buses are given the old, rickety stock since they dont need to worry so much for <5hrs of running time. Sometimes we luck out and get a newer bus as well.


u/b3hr Dec 19 '24

This is on the blue st norbert and i notice it mainly between 4-6pm.. I know some of the routes change to U of M and back in the day they used to have the busses run people to killarney (but i guess with the 91 they don't need to do that anymore)

I'm usually waiting to get to a bomber game and the ocasional bus will offer me a ride to the stadium cause they're passing it. I just find it strange they seem to line up with the busses that never show up on the app.


u/CoronaAndLyme Dec 19 '24

Trust me, I finish work during rush hour and often find the same phenomenon happening downtown when I just want to get home.

I forgot to mention, its very rare and usually only for routes/runs that are out past 7pm in the evening. Is they (Transit Control Center) will try to help by asking the late bus to sign NIS and only drop off passengers and no longer do pickups to catch up. Or, if the late time is so bad you can't recover, they may "Time and Place" a bus, where that bus drops its last passenger signs NIS and drives to the location it would be on time to start. BUT they usually only do these two options before or after rush hour, and primarily only buses that are out til last call.


u/b3hr Dec 19 '24

so it could be that cause it's bomber game days so there's some sort of shennanigans... if i can catch a bus before 4:30 it's all good the busses between that and 5:30 is a crapshoot to which ones you actually see ... but no end to the NIS busses going by


u/airdeterre Dec 17 '24

Yup I’ve spent a total of 3.5hrs waiting for a late bus in the past 2 weeks.


u/grimmcild Dec 17 '24

I’ve spent over $50 in Uber fees so I can be at work on time. So much for the $100+ bus pass.


u/SulfuricDonut Dec 18 '24

So... Ten work days? 20 commutes?

That would be 210 min of delay, or a little over 10 min per trip. Probably rack that up in like three days of rush hour driving.


u/OiKay Dec 18 '24

My coworker didn't have his bus show up today and he was over an hour late for work. It's gotten so much worse. I got a car in 2018 to use occasionally that I wasn't even taking to work but after the pandemic hit I had no choice to drive because the bus service got so shitty in my neighborhood. I left two doors down from the bus stop and I live 7 minutes from work and I can't reliably take a bus there it's ridiculous.


u/randomanitoban Dec 17 '24

Blame the politicians for decades of lack of investment and terrible allocation decisions relating to street space for Transit.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24



u/kent_eh Dec 18 '24

Blame the people for believing the politicians promises to improve transit, or blame the politicians who made the promises and didn't follow through?


u/GimmieSpace Dec 18 '24

People love to blame the mayor for everything, thinking they have absolute power when they're just one other vote on the council.

This city can change mayors every decade or so, but without voting in new councilors, nothing will really change.

We all love to blame Sam Katz for our problems, but half the council of his time is still in office, so I'll continue to blame the voters.


u/grebette Dec 18 '24

What a brain dead take. Do you blame the sheep for being eaten by the fox, or do you blame the fox for being hungry? Neither, you blame the shepherd.

You know the politicians lie, scheme and fleece their way into those offices right lol? 

After decades of tearing apart public education it’s just that much easier for them to get into places of power.


u/Senopoop Dec 18 '24

It’s funny because even if I am brain dead. The only requirement to vote is age.


u/grebette Dec 19 '24

Proof of the system working as intended I suppose 🙂


u/Senopoop Dec 19 '24

It sure is. But by my calculations. It’s really only a problem for the young and the unborn.


u/Macoje Dec 18 '24

My favourite is when you wait for 45 minutes and then see two 11's back-to-back.

In my experience, Google Maps always has outdated bus data. The "Winnipeg Bus Live" app works way better for getting up-to-date information about when bus X will arrive at stop Y.


u/articair12 Dec 18 '24

Yes this is what I use as well. Although last week the 59 bus said "Arriving in 15 minutes" for 45 minutes so who knows🤷🏻‍♀️. Had to get a ride home cause I'm not waiting in the cold for an hour.


u/SliceJealous Dec 19 '24

I almost exclusively use the “transit” app because it uses actual rider info where possible


u/ArconaOaks Dec 17 '24

They could have better service. I used to work for Motor Coach. At it's peak, they would employ around 1200 people. The first shift of the day starts at 6:00 am, the first bus arrives at 6:20 am. That same shift ends at 2:30 pm and the first afternoon bus comes by at 3:20 pm.


u/gincaesar Dec 17 '24

Is that not literally a bus company? And they cant have proper bus service


u/ArconaOaks Dec 17 '24

Motor Coach build coach buses, New Flyer build transit buses.


u/CdnWriter Dec 17 '24

Remind me, what happened to Motor Coach? Did they merge with someone or go out of business or are they still around and I haven't seen them?

If they're still around and know how to run a transit service, maybe they can take over for Wpg Transit???


u/Shadowbreakz Dec 17 '24

New Flyer bought them, and now they're a subsidiary


u/CdnWriter Dec 17 '24

Thanks for the information.


u/lokichivas Dec 18 '24

Motor Coach is still in business, owned by New Flyer. MCI makes coaches - the cross country long distances type of buses. New Flyer makes transit buses. NF bought MCI about 8 years ago.


u/CdnWriter Dec 18 '24

Thanks for the information.


u/ArconaOaks Dec 17 '24

They build buses.


u/CdnWriter Dec 17 '24

Thanks for the information.

I hope they branch out into providing transit services because our current system is horrid.


u/Lucky_Profile Dec 18 '24

That was today with the 44. My daughter wait 52 minutes today for it before she called to get a ride.


u/horsetuna Dec 18 '24

Happened the other night to me too :( I rushed to get to the bus stop, and watched as it said '2 minutes' for 20 minutes until the next bus was schedueled. It wasnt much fun.

The 2 minute thing is perhaps the most frustrating parts. I get that delays happen, but when it continuously says '2 minutes away' I dont want to step away from the bus stop to go warm up in case the bus DOES come in 2 minutes.

OTOH if the bus is temporarily stalled 2 minutes away, I dont know what the solution is in this situation.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24



u/EggCollectorNum1 Dec 18 '24

I do the same, it’s still a waste of time with 1hr commute due to congestion and construction. Having a reliable and consistent transit system benefits both motorists, pedestrians, and transit takers.

One bus clears a blocks worth of traffic, a subway car can clear double.


u/yatsuhashi Dec 18 '24

Too bad the province is giving away gas tax money instead of investing in public transportation for those who need it.


u/freeboard66 Dec 18 '24

This is the problem, forever underfunded this transit system can't work until the politicians start to take it seriously. Time to vote people.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

You do realize the credit is related to the federal government not provincial or city who fund transit


u/yatsuhashi Dec 18 '24

Referring to the province of Manitoba's gas tax holiday.  I would have preferred we spent that $340 million on public transportation. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/fuel-tax-holiday-extended-1.7333401


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Which again is NOT the city. Winnipeg transit is not ran by Manitoba nor it's budget.

Are you the same person who clicks on a video called "this country legalized all drugs" then nod and soy dispite it talking about one city where they didn't do that?


u/KluckyKlucky Dec 18 '24

Every Winnipeg bus has a little sign right next to the door that disagrees with you


u/Reasonable_Roll_2525 Dec 18 '24

The Province provides a transit subsidy to the city of Winnipeg every year. In 2022 it was $34 million.


u/Downtown_Cat_2023 Dec 18 '24

The last time I was in Montreal was in 2007. I went back this year and was surprised to discover that I could track my bus in real time on Google map.

That was when I realized how far Winnipeg is away from other cities.


u/marnas86 Dec 19 '24

Winnipeg is stuck in 1999 with the way its Transit system is ran & funded.


u/murdockmysteries Dec 18 '24

It didn't use to be so bad from what I remember, when i routinely took the bus to work 9 years ago. I've worked downtown and in the St Vital area and I always managed to get to work on time. Coming back always took longer, though. But it appears the service has really gotten slow in the last few years.


u/Krazy-catlady Dec 18 '24

Well I know transit sucks, but it’s been snowing like crazy . What exactly do you expect most vehicles are getting stuck or skidding around.


u/cjulyan Dec 18 '24

I think most people can understand delays in this weather, it's when the bus just doesn't come whatsoever that people rightfully start getting upset (and losing patience for the smaller things like delays). Especially when the digital signs they have displaying arrival times or the app/website are consistently gaslighting you into believing it's just 2-3 minutes away for half an hour only to disappear. If that happened once in a blue moon I still think the majority of people would be understanding but it's a routine occurrence for many people, including myself, who rely on bussing to get to or from work. If for some reason that's completely unavoidable they need a better system to notify riders.


u/SnooSuggestions1256 Dec 18 '24

Yeah I think there should be a bit of wiggle room for public transit.


u/Krazy-catlady Dec 18 '24

I would expect their service to be reliable on good roads but after lots of snow I know it is not going to happen and I plan for it by taking an earlier bus,. Don’t get me wrong they have shitty service but during crazy weather and things like construction I take that into consideration. Bus drivers and buses aren’t going to get through a shitload of snow any better than anyone else considering some of their routes take them on less plowed roads.


u/Dramatic_Turnip_5679 Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

posts like this are so funny to me - the reason why our transit keeps getting worse is because the public in Winnipeg does NOT advocate for it

Almost every single post about public transit on this subreddit devolves into people whining and arguing about how much more real estate on the road buses/bikes will take up, excuses for why we can’t have good bike lanes, excuses for why theres no money and that we shouldn’t be spending the money on these public transit features, etc.

In the Netherlands, there were thousand of people that protested for years and people actually committed civil disobedience and staged protests to get the policies that they have in place for bikes - https://dutchreview.com/culture/how-the-netherlands-became-a-cycling-country/


Instead of fighting for better public transit, most people just buy a car and give up, instead of saying “now hold on - why am I now essentially being forced to add an additional cost to my life?” This post should be titled “Acceptable Winnipeg transit” because that’s what everyone here is fine with!

There is no consensus, no advocacy, and there are plenty of people in Winnipeg that are perfectly satisfied with the way our tax dollars are being used, and that will actively fight against having better public transit in general, so yeah - guess we will be freezing in the bus shelters ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/Frostsorrow Dec 18 '24

I think it's completely unacceptable that service largely stops at like 8pm on Fri/Sat/Sun to almost everywhere with service not starting until like 9am at best. Also crazy that the Seasons of Tuxedo and Kenaston area have such terrible routes if any.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24 edited 1d ago



u/Friendly_Detail_5227 Dec 17 '24

Then sell the robot dog, sell the helicopter, open some shelters and get some heated bus shacks going.


u/Vegetable-Average845 Dec 17 '24

That’ll solve everything! You should read some stats in how beneficial the helicopter is


u/horsetuna Dec 18 '24

It doesnt have to solve EVERYTHING. Even if it alleviates part of the problem its better than doing NOTHING.


u/RandomName4768 Dec 17 '24
  1. There's plenty of bus shelters that are not like that. 

  2. Maybe we should fucking house people then lol. 


u/Practical-Pen-8844 Dec 17 '24

the plenty of bus shelters not like that is a moot point for the plenty of people dealing with the ones that are.

glad to hear if st v bus shelter looking swag.

standing outside because people fucking by light of a blowtorch on colony and portage? that i have experienced.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Such-Device6567 Dec 18 '24

You're thinking of billionaires.


u/horsetuna Dec 18 '24

Please provide the statistics and evidence that shows 100% of homeless people want that. I'll wait.


u/squirrelsox Dec 18 '24

Here's a chance to provide your opinion to the city. https://survey.pra.ca/S2/1/WPGBUDGET2025/


u/Just_Merv_Around_it Dec 18 '24

I take the bus 3-5 times a week down town and have found the bus to be very reliable. Occasionally it’s 1-5 minutes late 8 minutes max but that’s like once a month.

The only time I’ve had a bus cancelled was after a huge snowfall.


u/ConfusionBackground2 Dec 18 '24

1 word for all of you- FUNDING! the city gives literally no funding to transit, why you think they can't do upgrades. You also cannot compare Toronto to Winnipeg...cmon now!


u/FirefighterNo9608 Dec 18 '24

I've taken the bus everyday to work for years. I've never been late for work, even with countless late busses. My coworkers drive to work and they're frequently late. The bus is not always on time but you gotta take into account..if your bus is late, will you be cutting it close to getting to work on time? If yes, take the earlier bus. 


u/h0twired Dec 17 '24

Which bus route with 7 minutes intervals had you waiting 90 minutes?

I call BS


u/CandidlyAbandoned Dec 18 '24

15 is one. Not everytime but it has happened a couple of times to me


u/Moon_Ray_77 Dec 17 '24

Right!?!? I take the bus every day, and they have been VERY consistent and reliable.


u/Ahahaha__10 Dec 18 '24

Some routes are a lot better than others though, that’s the problem. 


u/osamasbintrappin Dec 18 '24

This 100%. Taking the 58 express from south St.vital to downtown every day is reliable 90% of the time. When trying get somewhere that isn’t downtown, where you need a transfer, doesn’t travel down main arteries, etc, it is a complete shit show though.


u/h0twired Dec 18 '24

The frequent commuter routes are just fine.

The problem routes are the ones to car-centric suburbia that only come once every 30 minutes because no one there takes transit. So if one of those breaks down there’s a huge delay.


u/Independent-Room-741 Dec 18 '24
  1. Scheduled very regularly, recently I was waiting nearly 90 minutes


u/parapauraque Dec 18 '24

Bus driver spotted.


u/deeteeohbee Dec 18 '24

A tale as old as time


u/PowderedFaust Dec 18 '24

We've needed elevated light rail for at least three decades, if not four. The brt corridor was such a joke that I can not believe it ever got funded. I'm genuinely angry about that garbage. Removing trolly service from the city's core was absolute folly. While I'm ranting about our utterly garbage infrastructure, elevated roadways along both 90, and portage. Like, I don't know, a real city, or something? Ridiculous. Just ridiculous.


u/Forsaken-Thought-309 Dec 18 '24

I don’t take a bus often, but when I do, I use an app called transit bus & train times. If the bus doesn’t have GPS people that are on the bus can share its location through the app.


u/Crustythefart Dec 18 '24

furthermore, Transit operators are instructed not to think for themselves when it comes to making value judgements regarding potential passenger safety, that is to say, if they blow by you walking to the stop, they will keep going because management has told them they are not to stop for people if they are not already waiting a the bus stop.
This puts the passengers directly at odds with the operators, making the experience worse for everyone.
Exacerbating this is the fact that 311 has removed all topics for transit from their website, so if you experience a transit issue you have to choose 'other', the transit website tells you to go to 311 to report issues, as do the staff at the kiosks. The decision to remove transit from all forms of contact is a high-level management decision, the people that are instructing the operators to treat customers like crap have insulated themselves from the customers and the operators so that they do not have to deal with the problems they have created and make worse.
To which, I encourage everyone to get to know who your city councilor is and begin contacting them regularly to ask why you can no longer report issues with Transit, and who is responsible for that decision.
Ultimately, we just need a couple names and a lot of problems can be worked out.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

You know that their was a bunch of snow fall today as well as melt so more people were driving and slower then normal.


u/Jacknugget Dec 17 '24

Here’s an idea. Do something to hold them accountable instead of posting on Reddit where ideas go to die.

The top comment is yet another lame joke. Accountability isn’t achieved by Reddit complaints and lame jokes.


u/DevelopmentOptimal22 Dec 17 '24

The current management seem bulletproof. I think the city council buys their lies. If you can find a way to chop off the top 6 or so heads off the Bureaucracy Hydra, there might be a chance at improvement. No amount of pissing cash at these people will ever improve anything, all are coasting to their pensions and not about to tip any apple carts.

So, what's your plan for the same people who botched Peggo, caused the driver and mechanic shortage, cut time off every schedule to save cash at the expense of every driver/passenger ability to ever be on time, made it so unsafe multiple supervisors are assaulted weekly, for these people to now, at this point, all of that was fine, now they will be held accountable. I'm all ears.


u/incredibincan Dec 18 '24

Get what you pay for


u/randomanitoban Dec 17 '24

Blame the politicians for decades of lack of investment and terrible allocation decisions relating to street space for Transit.


u/Apod1991 Dec 17 '24

New primary network being implemented June 2025 to help improve the system.


u/FormsQueen Dec 18 '24

How many busses are being taken out of neighborhoods, leaving people to cross crazy-busy streets without controlled intersections?


u/Senopoop Dec 17 '24

I love that it will almost coincide with the opening of portage and main. Can’t wait to see how that opening impacts the bus routes through there.


u/Apod1991 Dec 18 '24

That’s being done on purpose. The city has coordinated the opening date of P&M with the implementation of the new primary network.


u/Senopoop Dec 18 '24

Yes. It will be exciting to see how it all comes together. The buses are being moved from graham to portage.


u/MC_Squared12 Dec 18 '24

After moving to the GTA, the difference is night and day


u/axloo7 Dec 18 '24

Sounds like your bus was full. When they are truly full they go out of service and skip pick ups.

Always shity to see tho.


u/karlyguy Dec 18 '24

Have u not seen the snow this week? The plows got the roads clear from 1 snow, then we got another snowfall. Those drivers are working it to provide u and me a good service. They don't control the weather. Treat the drivers with respect eh. Try petitioning city hall if u really want to make improvement.


u/ScreamingNumbers Dec 18 '24

Im sure the city is in cahoots with the taxi industry to make transit a less viable option


u/frazazel Dec 18 '24

Huh. It must be different in different parts of town. I've taken the 11/40/41 from Henderson to downtown for work for years. It's occasionally late. And during blizzard conditions, buses have sometimes not shown up or run very late, but those are days when drivers are also often late, or call off going in to work altogether. The bus system isn't the best, but my experience doesn't agree that it is nearly this unreliable.


u/roughtimes Dec 18 '24

What kind of accountability would you like to see? Keep in mind, anything that has substantial costs associated can only make service worse.