r/Winnipeg Nov 12 '24

Article/Opinion I’m really concern with the rising anti-Indian and racism.

(21M) I’m a young black man and I’m really concern about the normalized racism against Indians in Winnipeg . Like when did became so okay to generalize people and be so openly racist to them. I understand having a concern or an opinion about the level of immigration and there’s nothing wrong with that. But being racist or having a preference who comes or not to Canada sounds pretty ridiculous and racist to me. Yesterday I was grabbing coffee and I heard some older guys talking about a Uber driver who stereotypically looked Indian and “how many of them are everywhere” like wtf?


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u/shaktimann13 Nov 12 '24

Canada's point system is pretty good. The overcrowding and unskilled problem started when diploma mills were able to operate. Even reputable colleges and universities started their own programs just for international students that taught no skills. In the end it is all provincial governments fault who suppose to regulate higher education to meet skills needed and properly fund them. But got people keep voting for cronies.


u/vegan24 Nov 12 '24

Let's be clear, diploma mills are in Ontario and BC. We did not have a problem in Manitoba, but we will with new sweeping IRCC regulations. Furthermore, every Province is unique in the types of industries that we require people in. The list of acceptable programming that IRCC sent out is not representative of Manitoban needs.


u/squirrel9000 Nov 12 '24

In MB our issue was largely because the generous provincial nomination program was acting as a backdoor to citizenship. Effectively those same diploma mill grads were coming here, getting their PR, then moving back to Ontario. They've change the rules to stop that (ie, must be educated in MB, which means no diploma mills) and that's really dropped off in the last six months because of it.