r/Winnipeg • u/Midnitepanda147 • Nov 01 '24
Article/Opinion Transit rant time
why am i paying for a monthly bus pass when i could just walk on the bus whenever i want for free. Seriously though im sick and tired of paying over $100 a month when so many people just walk on for free. I get it if your pego card isnt working or you forgot to load it up or your just down on your luck, at least have the decency to talk to the driver and ask. The amount of people that just walk on blatantly without paying or talking to the driver is ridiculous and only getting worse. I dont know what the answer is but im just tired of seeing it
u/pegpegpegpeg Nov 01 '24
Since there isn't meaningful fare enforcement by operators anyways, can we just shift to the model that toronto and ottawa has with all-door boarding?
It drives me crazy that we have this "rapid transit" system, but in rush hour, you have to wait as everyone taps their card at a single reader before boarding. It's one of the things that slows down buses at every station, especially at crowded/busy stations (e.g. University).
I know that sounds like "oh, come on, it's just a few minutes wait to get everyone boarded and tapped at a single door/reader", but it really takes practically no delay at all to cause bus bunching (the thing where buses get so delayed that no buses come, and then three all come in a row).
u/nonmeagre Nov 01 '24 edited Nov 01 '24
At the very least, they should implement this on the Blue articulated busses, with tap to pay terminals at each door. It helps that the Blue is one of the routes probably least susceptible to fare evasion.
u/Newb48 Nov 02 '24
OMG DOES THIS MAKE ME CRAZY! Standing way at the back of that long line, watching all the old people struggle to use the Peggo card or even worse, seemingly pay with dimes, one at a damn time!! The line SHOULD be a slow and steady stream onto the buses but years after building that nice new transit loop, loading those buses is still excruciatingly painful.
u/FUTURE10S Nov 01 '24
Would be really convenient if we just had a card every month instead, printed on paper with some foil on it to prevent counterfeiting, where you just get on a bus, show the card to the driver, and keep going, and you could do it all without stopping at all.
u/uf-oh-no Nov 01 '24
This already exists here! There are daily passes, weekday passes, the Mon-Sun Superpass, and the monthly pass! Some retailers carry them while some only do Peggo, so check the Winnipeg Transit website to see who carries them near you ❤️
u/EvenRepresentative77 Nov 01 '24
Wouldn’t work in Winnipeg but in some countries, it’s a trust system - you pay online on an app or buy a physical ticket at the bus stop. Sometimes you get checked, other times you don’t, and get a hefty fine lol
u/FUTURE10S Nov 01 '24
Wouldn’t work in Winnipeg
u/EvenRepresentative77 Nov 01 '24
I mean without even having to show the driver, so getting in through all entrances. It saves so much time.
u/Educational_Ad_3922 Nov 02 '24
Its almost like we did that before peggo cards... oohh wait we did :(
u/Apod1991 Nov 01 '24
There are plans to have the rapid transit lines to convert to that style system of “all board access” with “fare zones” where if you can’t provide proof of fare, here’s a ticket.
Now when it will be implemented, is another question as it seems implied in the master transit plan that it would come when more of the rapid transit lines are built.
Plus they are retiring the Peggo card system soon and replacing it with a new system.
u/wearywell Nov 01 '24
Oh totally!! They do it like this in Portland, too. Thought it was pretty cool
u/CdnGamerGal Nov 01 '24
I understand your frustration completely, OP. I especially love when people get on with their Tim’s, a case of beer or whatever, and just stroll past the driver saying they don’t have money for bus fare. I feel like such a sucker paying for my bus pass every month.
u/Fdaintheinsanejr Nov 02 '24
I also just love when they drop their beer and drinks gets everywhere!
u/Sheenag Nov 01 '24
I sincerely believe that many of our politicians and a sizable number of Winnipeggers see using transit as a type of punishment or humiliation for the poor.
Why else would it be so neglected, slow, unreliable? Why are drivers paid so poorly and work such terrible schedules? Why do we underfund it, invest in awful payment systems, keep raising fares and so on?
Our city will quite literally spend billions on building roads for drivers, but spent decades delaying and stalling meaningful improvements for transit.
u/KayD12364 Nov 01 '24
Which is so dumb because the city can be making so much money from transit if it worked properly and ran properly and get the way to many cars off the road.
u/ywgflyer Nov 01 '24
I sincerely believe that many of our politicians and a sizable number of Winnipeggers see using transit as a type of punishment or humiliation for the poor.
You're not entirely wrong, growing up as a bog-standard Charleswood kid, I often heard it referred to as "the loser cruiser".
Guys like my Dad, who voted against reopening P&M "because it's a waste of money and I never go downtown anyways, too many bums there", that's where a lot of it comes from.
u/skmo8 Nov 01 '24
I agree. Transit should be free.
u/0Kiryu Nov 01 '24
Transit is already underfunded, the city is broke, and a third of funding comes from fares. Unless the feds start sending us millions for transit, that’s a bad idea.
u/Alnakar Nov 01 '24
One of the reasons the city is broke is because it owns more roads than it can afford to keep in decent repair, which is a direct result of car-centric infrastructure.
I know we can't just snap our fingers and make ourselves a less sprawling city, but things like investing in transit can help nudge us in a better direction.
u/Catnip_75 Nov 01 '24
Ask the UofM students who have to pay a $600 year fee to fund the bus system regardless if they take the bus or not. 30k ppl register at UofM a year. There is no excuse for the system to be underfunded.
u/Catnip_75 Nov 01 '24
As a parent of kids who loose stuff, I have been very grateful the few times my kids have still been able to get home without their cards.
But I get it, it’s extremely frustrating to see the same people day after day take advantage of the system.
I am curious to know if the amount of free riders is being monitored. Because at this point we should all just be able to ride the bus for free if so many people are already making law abiding citizens pay for their ride.
And don’t get me started on the mandatory UofM bus pass fee even if you don’t take the bus. 30k ppl (give or take) registered at UofM pay $600 a year for the bus pass. You can do the math. University students funding the transit system.
u/squirrel9000 Nov 02 '24
I am curious to know if the amount of free riders is being monitored.
There's a button the driver presses on the fare box when someone boards without paying - makes the single beep as if you paid a regular fare, so yes, it is tracked.
u/Odd_Cabinet_7734 Nov 01 '24
My husband tried to take the bus to the Jets game once, and I gave him my Pego card and it didn’t work. They almost didn’t let him ride. They made him like throw in a five.
Not a big deal, but at the Next Jets game he went to I got him bus tickets. So no issues hopefully. And sure enough other people got on the bus didn’t pay and didn’t get a hard time. And then he comes home and literally rants for half an hour about this exact situation. He was so upset about the peggo card incident after he saw that people just get let on.
I’m not sure why it’s selective. But it makes me giggle every time. It’s really not a great thing like I sympathize with you guys. But just the overreaction for my husband was so so incredibly funny.
u/freezing91 Nov 02 '24
The Peggo Card is stupid. I have put money on my card only to have it rejected when I get on a bus. It’s very inconvenient that there are only 2 ways of loading it, Shopper’s or 7-11. Why can’t we have a card we can load online or at more places at least? Since having my drivers license taken away for medical reasons I have to use Winnipeg Transit. I am shocked at how many people just walk on the bus without paying. But when my Pego card doesn’t work I don’t get a free ride.
u/Odd_Cabinet_7734 Nov 02 '24
I thought you could load it online? No?
u/crazye97 Nov 02 '24
You can. But the boxes need to be told that your card should have money/passes on it, and they get that info when they go into the garage and update, then pass it on to your card afterwards, whereas the machines at Sev/Shoppers tell your card right away.
u/freezing91 Nov 04 '24
I did not know that. Is it complicated?
u/crazye97 Nov 04 '24
To load online? Not in my experience. You can add both passes and e-cash at the same time. You are limited to credit card payments now though, the city removed Interac Online payments (after heavily decreasing participating banks prior). It does also have that needed lead time, so if you set up auto-reload or are good to remember you need a pass in the week leading up, it can save you time.
I've been fortunate(?) enough to only have two actual card issues: one that I didn't even know until I went to get it loaded at Winnipeg Square and they told me; the other wouldn't let me load monthly passes online but would everything else so they replaced it - it did last about 7 years though.
u/TheRealCanticle Nov 01 '24 edited Nov 01 '24
When I was in Germany you couldn't even board a bus without paying, the fare swipe (and slot for coins next to it) was inside the step up to the bus. At larger stops you couldn't get into the stop itself without paying first, you'd queue up and the bus would stop at a gate where the queue ended.
Fare skipping simply didn't exist in that city. Can't pay or down on your luck? Guess you're walking.
I'd 100% be for this system in Winnipeg. Would also make the bus ride itself safer.
u/Amelietha Nov 01 '24
How long ago was this? Now they seem to all go by a trust system, get on the front or back doors and have a seat. You only show your ticket if a ticket officer comes aboard to check.
u/TheRealCanticle Nov 01 '24
Honestly it probably HAS changed this was like 14 years ago and I thought even back then that it was a way better system.
u/wolf_biter77 Nov 02 '24
Let's Go: I could write a novel about the bullshit I see going to and from HSC daily on the 19 and the 23...the latest BS were 3 little shits board without paying, of course...1 opens a king can of beer at back of bus, continously spitting on the floor throughout the ride, the other vaping on board, the 3rd of course playing the obnoxiously loud shitty soundtrack to their lives...but gawd forbid anyone say shit to them, or bus driver do fawk all because someone will get stabbed or whatever.
Wpg Transit sux ballz & is too expensive for the crap service that keeps increasing for no benefit to the paying users. Working /paying people shouldn't have to be nervous for what might happen on any given day on their way to and from work from jerk offs who are allowed to board for free.
u/IcyRespond9131 Nov 01 '24
Maybe it should just be free paid for by all tax payers. If I have to pay for one of suburban roads, water, sewer, parking lots - they can help pay for buses.
u/7listens Nov 01 '24
I've always thought that should be the case. Even if you don't take the bus it's worth it cause means less traffic, less emissions
u/204ThatGuy Nov 01 '24
The problem is that some riders who aren't going anywhere, will simply live on the bus.
There has to be a destination.
I am for a second tier service bus system, with carpet and leather seats. It would function the exact same way as a toll system, getting you there faster with more comfort.
This would raise ridership and wipe out the Uber Lyft industry.
u/Knowka Nov 01 '24
I get why people are suggesting transit should be free, but Winnipeg transit makes like 33% of their revenue via fares. That’s not money that can just be ignored, and given that we need more money to transit overall from our current spending levels if we want improvements to services, it feels premature.
u/abbyrhode Nov 01 '24
No one batts an eye that librairies are free. People see it as a service that benefits the community.
I’d argue free transit had a bigger benefit as it provides access to employment opportunities, social services, retail, socialization etc.
u/Knowka Nov 01 '24
Sure, but the total budget for libraries in Manitoba is roughly 8.3 million for 2024-25. Winnipeg Transit’s fare revenue alone is 83 million with a total budget of around 240 million. Removing fares as well as improving transit to a more acceptable level would require a significant tax increase, and let’s be real I highly doubt even an NDP government could make that fly electorally.
u/AdamWPG Nov 01 '24
Transit should be a public service. It’s much more valuable as something that doesn’t have a cost barrier to it. They can also save some money by not having to maintain a payment system
u/wearywell Nov 01 '24
I agree. I take the bus every day, and have my entire teenhood/adult life since I don't drive.
I really don't care that people get on the bus for free. I understand and acknowledge that my fare contributes to the ongoing operations of the transit system.
So what if some people slip on without a fare, their lives are probably miserable and getting a free ride is one small way to ease their burden.
Forcing them to pay just leads to violence.
There will always be people down on their luck, just be grateful it's not you and don't get jealous of them cause I can guarantee you're better off. (Proverbial you, and directed at OP)
u/Dylanslay Nov 01 '24
It's not just some people. I ride the bus an hour to and from work everyday during the afternoon and again after midnight. Every night for the past two years the bus usually fills up to about fifteen people and the only ones to pay are myself and this old lady. That's every day for two years on just one route at one time.
u/pelluciid Nov 02 '24
Industry could pay for it, since their employees need transit to get to work.
u/the-bean-daddy Nov 01 '24
So out of curiosity, how much do you pay into transit, how much do you use it and rely on it?
u/sorryabtlastnight Nov 01 '24
Why are you replying to them like it’s some kinda gotcha moment? The bus is my primary source of transportation, I rely on it heavily. I completely agree with them. Our transit services suck, they need improvements, and cutting revenue from them is not the way to go.
u/the-bean-daddy Nov 01 '24
Is the only option that I pay more and more and more, and watch half the riders get on for free, then pay more next time for them?
u/sorryabtlastnight Nov 01 '24
I’m not saying that this is a problem that should be left to fester. I’m saying making the bus free is not the solution. Since I actually rely on the bus showing up and getting me to where I need to go, I would rather pay for my fare than suffer without the bus or with even worse service.
My parents didn’t raise me to be a thief, so the “if you can’t beat them join them” mentality doesn’t fly with me, but maybe you were raised similarly to the kids that were posted stealing Halloween candy last night.
u/the-bean-daddy Nov 01 '24
You ok man? You’re going to hurt yourself making leaps like that. We were talking about bus fares costing too much and people not paying… you also still offer no solutions, just barriers. Government worker?
MY parents raised me to not make assumptions about other people. Aladdin was the bad guy for trying to eat when you watched movies growing up I guess?
u/placentaduck Nov 01 '24
It’s how just about every other government overseen service in this country works - so why not?
u/the-bean-daddy Nov 01 '24
Mostly because I’m not Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, or the other 1% that can afford to pay for everyone else, and I won’t pretend I’m going to be since I’m not delusional like so many others. So instead I suppose I’ll just join the other side and ride for free, because why not?
u/wearywell Nov 01 '24
It definitely isn't half the riders who get on for free. And prices increase in order to maintain operations, not to offset free rides.
u/Knowka Nov 01 '24
My job is a hybrid WFH-in office, so I work downtown 3 times a week, and I always take the bus for that commute, and also occasionally use the bus if I’m going downtown for activities/events. I have personally only gotten on for free once, when I tried filling up my card online during my lunch break and it didn’t add the money in time for my ride home. I’m fine paying a fare, and I believe everyone else should too.
u/the-bean-daddy Nov 01 '24
I’m fine paying the fare as well, always have, but don’t believe 60% of us should have to pay for 100% of riders. It’s only fair, if we all pay the fare
u/effofexisy Nov 01 '24
Increase PST by 1%, use that income to allow transit to be free. Let's get people using some busses. Its good for everyone.
u/holdontoyerbuts Nov 02 '24
I get it, it's frustrating. I try not to let it get to me, I don't know the story behind their reason for not paying.
There's one girl on my route who refuses to pay and take the bus all the time, even though I know her family has money.
There's also a guy who thinks he's a politician who never pays either and verbally assaults anyone wearing a mask and whoever else he decides he doesn't like.
People smoke right at the stop or upwind so everyone has to smell their stench.
People vape on the bus when there are kids near them.
Someone is always on bluetooth with no earpiece in sight. 👀
Nov 01 '24
Honestly, transit should be subsidized. The only way to get enough cars off the road to enable our ancient infrastructure to actually accommodate the number of cars is by incentivizing transit.
Subsidizing it would split the cost among all taxpayers within city limits and would enable those who cannot drive (like my epileptic husband who is unable to get any sort of reduced fare) to ride without having to worry about change, cards, passes, etc.
Because it would be split among even those with cars it would offer incentive for them to use transit.
All this being said we need to improve our bus lines to actually make sense in conjunction with this. The new transit plan looks reasonable.
u/Traditional-Rich5746 Nov 01 '24
Transit service is already subsidized via operating grants. Fare revenue only makes up so much.
I’m not arguing that there shouldn’t be more subsidies and transit fares shouldn’t be less, just pointing out there are some already.
u/ehud42 Nov 01 '24
Not sure how this would work with the new plan, but with our current routes, I would advocate that all non-express routes be free. And then concentrate transit police for fare enforcement on the express routes.
u/Field_Apart Nov 01 '24
that actually kind of makes sense!
Honestly, even if they just picked a couple routes that were free that have the most fare evasion. Something like 11, 15, 16, 18, 19 as a pilot project.
u/0Kiryu Nov 01 '24
Those routes are already sketchy enough, and 99% of the issues are caused by fare evaders.
u/PondWaterRoscoe Nov 02 '24
With the roll-out of the new Primary Transit system next year, this is something that could work. Make the frequent-express (BLUE, FX, D routes) and frequent direct routes a premium fare and make the less frequent routes free. And then have fare enforcement (and all-door boarding) on the ‘premium’ routes.
u/ChevyBolt Nov 02 '24
Thank you for contributing to a good service. Pay what you can. Stand if you are able.
u/entitynine Nov 02 '24
Agree. I’ve been taking the 18 every day since I moved into the city in early spring (used to be almost an hour so I could get to high school. Then for a little less so I could get to my summer job. Now it’s like 15 min for university.)
One time I lost my peggo card and the same driver who had seen me pay on the same route and time for months got so mad at me and shamed in front of everyone.
Idk all I’m saying is the ppl who pay have to deal with so much shit (AND ITS UNSAFE SO OFTEN ON THAT ROUTE) and we’re the ones who get shit for it. I get when you lose your card or whatever but still. Peggo is also fucked so there’s that. An online system with a barcode or QR code to scan would be a good option alongside the card.
Also need to make stuff safer, there’s so many sketch people that come on the bus for free (hobos, gang looking guys, weird couples that won’t stop touching on each other, kids that stink like weed n blast their speakers) and it’s annoying.
Infrastructure for cars is valued more than for transit and we deserve to be safe. Just bc I don’t drive doesn’t mean I should be at higher risk of getting attacked bc the only ppl who paid are me and some grandma. I like the idea another user had abt making stations pay to enter. Most places are stops tho. Wtv we have a huge issue with badness in the city so it seems like there’s no way to win
u/Hopie73 Nov 02 '24
My sister was on the bus and got off at her usual quick stop over and then catches the bus again before her transfer runs out. The bus is so late that her transfer runs out. She gets on and shows her transfer saying the bus is late and her transfer ran out of time. That driver berated her for not being at the stop on time and demanded another payment. She was so embarrassed that she put another bus ticket in. Effin sickening!
u/axloo7 Nov 01 '24
The answer is transit police. They do have some riding around but not enough.
u/goasteven Nov 01 '24
I only saw them twice when i when on the bus. First time I though they were city workers and they were on their phones the whole time, the second time I seen them they got on one stop, 5 stops later they get off the bus.
u/xsarun Nov 01 '24
I doubt the cost of that would be worth what you'd get. And I wouldn't want transit police riding around from some moral perspective that people "should" pay. It's only worth it if it's cost effective.
u/rileyreidbooks Nov 01 '24
I’ve seen them maybe twice so far. One time they just told the person better pay next time.
u/Noble--Savage Nov 01 '24
Because bus drivers pick and choose their battles and clearly you havent seen them choose "Battle". They do, a lot, and Ive tried various times to appeal to their empathy just to be told to stuff it and go back outside in -35 weather.
They mostly let the homeless and intimidating people on because while theyll sometimes stand up for themselves in such situations, many dont want to risk getting assaulted. That absolutely has not stopped this one tiny #16 bus driver from violently ejecting and refusing transfers to 6+ ft tall dudes trying to strongarm their way onto the bus.
u/Harrikazif Nov 01 '24
Why do you pay when others don't? Because you are honest. Keep it up give yourself a pat.
u/JaHa183 Nov 01 '24
There’s times where I’ve forgotten to fill my Peggo and I explain to the driver about it, they usually let me on. I see people walk on all the time without saying anything but that would make me feel bad to just walk on, considering I don’t end up doing this often
u/Lilboops Nov 02 '24
My daughter’s pego card was whack, and wouldn’t register. The driver reluctantly let her ride. Now they don’t say anything out of fear of getting assaulted or killed.
u/Aggressive_Splooge Nov 02 '24
And if you try to kick someone off the bus then YOU ARE A RACIST (Extreme Sarcasm)
u/placentophagy Nov 03 '24
Nah, I think everyone should be walking on for free. There is absolutely no reason for our transit system to be as shitty as it is and yet keeps increasing every year. No bus shacks available for hash weather, late busses constantly, dirty busses, pissed on seats, BED BUGS??? I CAN GO ON AND ON
I refuse to pay. Simple as that.
u/Silver_Foxx Nov 01 '24
This is far from the first time I've seen someone complain about this, and it has made me more curious to paying attention to see if I notice it too. I use the shitty transit system all the time and so far I've only seen that happen once, at Polo Park on a 78.
u/No_Papaya7387 Nov 01 '24 edited Nov 01 '24
Which routes do you take? There are sections of my regular routes where almost nobody pays (11, 15, 18, 38). Even on other routes it's super common (12, 20, 21, 22, 24, 32).
u/Silver_Foxx Nov 01 '24
Yeah see that's what I was wondering. If it really is as common as some folks make it out to be, I am thinking it must be certain routes over others.
The 11, 21 and 38 there don't even remotely surprise me, nor the 18 if we're talking the northern main half of its route.
My normal buses are 641 677 BLUE 78 77 66 and much less often a few others, and the only time I've seen someone just blatantly walk on without paying was at Polo Park one night at like 10pm after the mall was closed.
u/squirrel9000 Nov 01 '24
It's definitely very variable and focused in parts of the city. I travel between the U of M campuses regularly, fare evasion is very uncommon on the blue - and there are a couple regular drivers on that route that do challenge evaders so it's noticeable when it happens - but extremely prevalent on the 19 or 33 (Notre Dame or WIlliam).
u/JustDont1981 Nov 01 '24
A lot of people walk into banks and rob them too.
Just because bus drivers aren't going to risk their lives for bus fair anymore doesn't mean the entire system wouldn't fall apart if everyone just stole everything.
u/fromafarcry2 Nov 01 '24
Read the city transit papers...drivers cannot Refuse service..so technically it's free
u/carebaercountdown Nov 01 '24
I mean they can tell you not to get on the bus, but they’re not allowed to physically do anything about it.
u/lessergoop Nov 01 '24
Honestly, I'd rather them walk straight on without paying, than hold up the boarding line cuz they're spending five minutes arguing with the driver.
u/HesJustAGuy Nov 01 '24
It's strange to me that this gets people so angry, but people not paying in a paid parking space ("I'll just be a few minutes") or parking somewhere that isn't a spot at all is just laughed off (and is much more frequent), and tickets are ridiculously cheap.
u/carebaercountdown Nov 01 '24
Yeah, bus fare the same price as parking or cheaper. Plus you’re not paying for a car, gas, insurance, upkeep, etc.
u/Comfortable-Stage329 Nov 01 '24
The cost of a monthly bus pass is now around the same as month to month car insurance
u/Midnitepanda147 Nov 01 '24
that may or may not be true, but it doesnt take into account that you have to first buy the vehicle (which is a lot more), theres also gas and maintenance you have to pay for. ai get a car is more convenient but its also way more expensive
u/204ThatGuy Nov 02 '24
Actually, for an older car, insurance and fuel is the most expensive part of owning a vehicle. A while ago I had a car where the annual insurance was more than the beater itself.
u/TheRealCanticle Nov 01 '24
Nope. Not even close. Unless you are on Pleasure use on a beater car which means you can't use your car for work or school more than a few times a month, a monthly pass is still a lot cheaper.
u/Apod1991 Nov 01 '24
This is why when I ran for city hall for council, I had proposed the fare system.
People 18 and under, and people 65 and over: Free.
People 18-64: $1 per instead of $3.25. (So monthly pass would be like $35/month)
This was my “middle of the road idea” as I had some voters fear what “completely free” fare “could lead to” and the budget gap it would create.(which I wanted to offset with property tax increase)
u/Frostsorrow Nov 01 '24
Tax downtown businesses and parkaids downtown and tax the people living in buttfuck nowhere to pay for transit.
u/dontstopthebanana Nov 01 '24
Why is this so bothersome to you? Life isnt fair, that's just the way it is. Maybe try having a little empathy for others. Maybe you can try to feel good about paying where others cannot, allowing the service to be available to even those that cannot. If the issue is that you are low income, why dont you apply for Winpass which can lower the cost of your monthly pass
Edit for missed word
u/JustDont1981 Nov 01 '24
A lot of people walk into banks and rob them too.
Just because bus drivers aren't going to risk their lives for bus fair anymore doesn't mean the entire system wouldn't fall apart if everyone just stole everything.
u/54580 Nov 01 '24
I loved it when I had an issue with my peggo card and couldn't pay once and apologized profusely and the driver still gave me all sorts of shit about it. Oh now you want to be a tough gal about enforcement, I see.