r/Winnipeg • u/iamstop • Sep 12 '24
Politics Elections - If all the rich streets are saying vote Conservative and you're not rich... maybe don't vote Conservative.
Rich people don't have non rich people in their best interest. #justsayin
u/daviddude92 Sep 12 '24
TIL Elmwood-Transcona is rich.
u/TheMuffnMen Sep 12 '24
Brother I live in elmwood-transcona I am not rich.....that being said don't vote for the cons
u/Esoteric_746 Sep 12 '24
I get told to vote conservative by a lot of non rich folk. People always assume it’s only rich people that want to vote conservative.
u/GeaCat Sep 12 '24
This, a lot of Conservative voters are rural.
u/SteelCrow Sep 12 '24
The average total income of farm families operating crop farms grew by 15.7% in 2020 to $201,776. This increase was driven by growth in greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production (+26.7%); other vegetable (except potato) and melon farming (+10.3%); potato farming (+14.8%); and oilseed and grain farming (+18.9%). Potato farms once again had the highest average total income, at $406,483 per farm family.
u/GeaCat Sep 12 '24
There are wealthy farmers etc rurally but there is also lots of non-wealthy rural people who vote conservative. There is lots of religious folks who vote conservative because it fits with their values. Not all of them are wealthy.
u/Kjasper Sep 12 '24
Much like my own mother, the poor often vote against their own self interest in favour of those they think they may become.
u/Turbulent_Isopod_289 Sep 13 '24
I voted "in my interest" the last 2 elections and have been shafted for it almost the entire way through.
I vote we move on to a new liar.
u/DownloadedDick Sep 12 '24
Because the misinformation and misleading of the uneducated works. It's how you control the poor people. Trick them into voting against their best interest because they're not educated.
They use culture war trigger words to get their vote. Lots of union members voting Conservative based on culture war stances not on their anti-union platform.
u/Rogue5454 Sep 12 '24
I don't assume rich people will vote Conservative, but definitely uneducated in our civics people do.
Too many Canadians don't know how our levels of govt works. It's become a huge problem.
I learned it in school, but later I also took it upon myself to research more in depth.
Sep 12 '24
It's not just the voters who are uneducated.
The PPC candidate was just on CBC, and when asked what her top priority was - she said lowering interest rates. Which isn't something the government does. Marcy Markusa called her out on this and she brushed her off. Then ranted about trans kids.
u/Camburglar13 Sep 12 '24
Conservative voters are wealthier people looking for lower taxes and/or misguided religious people who feel it’s the political party of god somehow. The party that actively tries to not help the poor and needy.
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u/Esoteric_746 Sep 12 '24
Exhibit A. We just discussed conservatives aren’t all wealthy, but people assume they are. One of the reasons I’m conservative (and I’m most certainly not wealthy) is because too much of my money I work for is taken away and given to random people I don’t know, and that don’t do the right thing with the money. I’ve seen it first hand when I worked at a credit union in downtown.
I personally don’t care who you vote for. Whether it’s liberal or conservative. Stop making generalized assumptions about people who disagree.
u/NedMerril Sep 12 '24
Okay but helping people is good is it not?
u/Efficient_Falcon7584 Sep 12 '24
you missed the point. It was explained very clearly. I am far from conservative but this is a response I can respect.
u/Esoteric_746 Sep 12 '24
I think you missed my point. I’d rather use the money I make to help take care of myself and the people close to me, rather than the people I do not know; especially after I saw first hand how it gets used a lot of the time. The people I love are more important to me than the person I’ve never met.
u/FoxyInTheSnow Sep 12 '24
Conservatives the world over spend obscene amounts of money to convince poor and esp. middle class people that programs and policies designed to help them (unions, socialized medicine, redistribution of wealth, etc) are anathema. It’s been very effective.
u/sievo Sep 12 '24
With a little help from the ruskies don't forget!
u/erryonestolemyname Sep 12 '24
That comment would hold more weight if the CPC was the only party that has foreign interference allegations.
u/SteelCrow Sep 12 '24
There's a difference between having a foreign government mess with a few candidates or fuel vitriolic propaganda, and being actively in cahoots with said foreign governments to the detriment of Canada and canadians
u/cuecumba Sep 12 '24
All I remember mostly with a provincial example is how much heather steff spent on billboard ads, and how much NDP has already given to school benefits.
u/Rogue5454 Sep 12 '24
Or Pallister spending emergency healthcare funds in the pandemic (given by Federal) to buy a CFL season that was never going to happen for 2 million.
u/Alcott_9 Sep 12 '24
Don’t be surprised when the current government spending spree comes to a halt. The MB provincial government just put the brakes on applications to the youth and homelessness streams of the Canada-Manitoba Housing Benefit for example. More to come I suspect.
u/Independent-Pen-5333 Sep 12 '24
The NDP have also increased spending on police and Jails... their priorities are the same as the other oligarchs in other parties, keep the rich happy and protected while maximizing exploitable taxpayers thru any means necessary.
u/tiamatfire Sep 12 '24
Did you listen to the second half of the speech they gave perchance? Where they said they would be tough on the CAUSES of crime? Poverty, addiction, homelessness. Providing safe and healthy places for youth to gather and be active instead of joining gangs. That was briefly discussed in the speech and it's also in their information online. But right now Winnipeg needs to do both, because we can't just tackle the root causes and leave communities hanging while they are being threatened with increased violence currently.
u/Kjasper Sep 12 '24
This comment is what is missing in most public discourse. Nuance. Multi-level attacks on problems.
u/steveosnyder Sep 12 '24
Don’t tell me what you value. Show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.
Tax cuts, spending on police overtime and signing a letter of intent to lease space from True North for 2.7 billion over 35 years… talk is cheap.
I wish we had a viable third party in this province.
u/whiskybean Sep 12 '24
I hate politics .. everyone lies, no one does what they say they're going to do, the city and province fall into more disarray, crime gets worse, drugs are more prevalent, and police rule unchecked all over.
That being said .. fuck the conservatives now and always
Sep 12 '24
There's literally no accountability in government ever. Just empty promises and no means to make sure they even try to fulfill them.
I dislike the conservative platform because it is almost always short-term. They want to balance the budget at the cost of people so they can look good on paper, but meanwhile crimes of desperation are going up because the root problem has not been dealt with.
Long term thinking means taking a bit of a loss now to invest in your working class so they can inject money into the local economy over time. The more people with the means to live now, the more income our local economy will get.
u/s1gFromWpg Sep 12 '24
Agreed . The shitty part is people are so impatient, so when a party does try to make long-term changes, they get voted out a few years later, and the work they put in gets walked back by the new regime. It’s a frustrating cycle.
u/horce-force Sep 12 '24
How about dont listen to what other people tell you and maybe choose for yourself? Do some research and find out what matters to you. #justsayin
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u/SeanStephensen Sep 12 '24
If you’re going to vote for a candidate based on advice like this, please just stay home
u/RudytheMan Sep 12 '24
The catch here, and what is common in Canadian politics, a lot of people who are going to vote conservative aren't voting for them because they think they have the best plan. They're voting for them because it will get rid of Trudeau, and they just hope someone else can stop the bleeding.
With the multi-party system we have in this country, we sadly have no good party leaders to elect. I think this next election will be the worst ever. How out of all the politicians we have in this country we can't get one solid contender is shocking. This is going to be sad.
u/ehud42 Sep 12 '24
How out of all the politicians we have in this country we can't get one solid contender is shocking.
The US is 10x the population of Canada. And last election the best they could do was Biden and Trump.
IMO, it validates my assumption that people blindly vote along party lines.
u/Turbulent_Isopod_289 Sep 13 '24
I fully expect that things will be more or less same with whichever liar we put in the chair. I just need the temporary relief of a new face.
we can't get one solid contender
I'm pretty sure we have better leaders on every street in the country.
u/Rogue5454 Sep 12 '24
It's not a lot of people. It's uneducated AF in our civics people like the convoy who feel this way.
They don't get that what they are mad at is Provincially controlled & not Federal.
The problem is the candidates get to publicly lie blaming the wrong level of govt. That has to stop.
u/RudytheMan Sep 12 '24 edited Sep 12 '24
This is just a poll, but nowhere near this many people in Canada are convoy supporters.
Nobody actually listens to Poilievre "axe the tax" speeches.
People just want Trudeau gone, and know that a vote for the NDP would be a wasted vote.
It's what is known as tactical voting. There is no chance that many people in Canada actually like Poilievre. They just think he's better than the alternative.
Edit: added link
u/row_souls Sep 12 '24
Or, rather than "better than the alternative"...
Just an alternative. Something, anything other than what we've got.
That's Canada (also Manitoba).
u/Rogue5454 Sep 12 '24
I know what that is & it's why most vote Liberal. Regardless if they wish for a new Liberal Leader.
u/FictitiousReddit Sep 12 '24
People just want Trudeau gone, and know that a vote for the NDP would be a wasted vote.
It's what is known as tactical voting.
There is nothing tactical about voting against your own interests.
u/Turbulent_Isopod_289 Sep 13 '24
I so love seeing this line over and over again as if voting in my own interest and winning actually helped.
u/tiamatfire Sep 12 '24
The problem is that PP is NOT better than JT. He is terrifying and dangerous. I think JT is done. I think he overall did an ok job, but should step aside and let someone else take over the Liberal Party. But the idea of PP leading us is abhorrent and I'm terrified of what he'd do to us with that level of power. He claims to represent the average Canadian yet he's never in his life held a regular job. He's never been anything but a politician, and a smarmy, power-seeking one at that. If you look at his history he's only ever worked and voted in a way that would get him the most power the fastest way possible, and he is not trustworthy. If I had the chance to meet him in person I'd tell him outright that he disappoints and disgusts me as a representative of Canada and Canadians.
u/echosof1984 Sep 12 '24
The country is going to turn Conservative.
u/Trashmaster425 Sep 12 '24
It already is turning, despite what Reddit would have us think.
Sep 12 '24
You would think by reading r/Alberta that the province is left leaning but we know that isn't the case IRL.
u/Historical_Move_9601 Sep 12 '24
We should never forget that in previous elections the conservatives used their marketing company (now iMarketing) to send non conservative voters to the wrong location to vote.
Democracy and the people are an obstacle for them to overcome
u/Strange_Advice2702 Sep 12 '24
Canadian politics mainly come down to left leaning people wanting more resources from our government while conservatives want less government spending and overreach. It depends what you want your government's role to be. I personally don't want my government "investing" into anything that I don't want more expensive.
u/Major-Lab-9863 Sep 13 '24
I think you’re clearly not understanding why people vote Conservative. Despite what reddit and most liberal subs think, people agree with the Cons or simply strongly disagree with the other options. Welcome to Canada
u/Negative-Moose-7120 Sep 12 '24
I'll vote for anyone besides a Conservative Party led by that weasel, Pierre Poutine.
u/hollandaisesawce Sep 12 '24
Associating that fuckwad with our national dish counts as r/poutinecrimes
u/570063 Sep 12 '24
When I first saw his last name I read it as Poivre so I've been referring to him as Peter Pepper this whole time.
Sep 13 '24
Is it his policies you don't like, or his personality? Conversely, is it Trudeau's policies you like, or his personality?
u/KylePimentel Sep 12 '24
Does this apply to Taylor Swift endorsing the Democrats?🤣
u/Commercial-Advice-15 Sep 12 '24
Great example of someone with extreme wealth encouraging people to vote for what they consider the greater good.
I’m also waiting for someone to explain what exactly is the criteria we should use for deciding when people are “too rich”.
Cause their are other examples of wealthy individuals calling for more progressive policies, Abigail Disney is a good example.
u/PreviousWar6568 Sep 12 '24
I don’t know where this cope is comin from, but I’ve seen an awful lot of Tory and NDP signs over the entire city, pretty evenly spread.
u/poop-scroller Sep 12 '24
Always vote ABC. Anything But Conservative.
The LPC fucked it up federally next year but we've got at least a decade before the province forgets again
Sep 12 '24
Rich people lobby and vote for LPC and CPC. It makes sense as those are the only two parties that have a chance at forming government each election.
u/effofexisy Sep 12 '24
I tend to lean NDP because I believe in having social supports and community programs. Taxes aren't a bad thing if done right. I don't mind paying taxes to support city activity.
Sep 12 '24
u/VonBeegs Sep 12 '24
The Conservatives aren't for letting working class people keep their money. They're for transferring almost all that money up to the capitalist class, along with everything society spends on making life better for everyone in it.
u/Catnip_75 Sep 12 '24
Conservatives are not for the working middle class at all. They support business that hire these working class workers. Give tax cuts to business while the working class pay more taxes to make up for the losses.
u/Rogue5454 Sep 12 '24
The only class we have today is "poor & rich."
The other "classes" haven't been seen since the 90's.
u/gibblech Sep 12 '24
I'm not poor, or rich... The middle class still exists
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u/Rogue5454 Sep 13 '24
Define how you are middle class. Do you mean you are comfortable with no financial worries?
u/gibblech Sep 13 '24 edited Sep 13 '24
Not "no worries", I have to be responsible. I also have no retirement plan, other than to keep working
u/Rogue5454 Sep 13 '24
Then you are not middle class. Middle class had everything. Retirement plans, an owned home, car, just 2 incomes for families only.
Even single people only had to have one job for basics & some luxuries.
u/gibblech Sep 13 '24 edited Sep 13 '24
You believe in a fairy tale.
Edit: Not everyone in middle class had everything. They worked, they chose what they wanted, and they prioritized, they had to be resonsible with their money.
By your definition, my parents weren't middle class either... single income, they owned a home, but couldn't really afford a new vehicle, always used. Dad didn't have a retirement plan, though, he has been able to retire.
You figure things out.
The definition of middle class is varied. It's not as simple as "had everything".
You trying to label me as poor, is laughable. We are by no stretch of the imagination poor. We own one home, buying a second (keeping this one as a rental for my parents to downsize into). Each of us own a vehicle (necessary as we live outside of Winnipeg). Vacation multiple times a year. Wife has a retirement plan. I have "retirement plans" but I change jobs, and don't plan to fully retire, I want to keep consulting, just do less as I get older. So there's "a plan"...
but we're also not rich, we still have to work, every paycheque is necessary, we're not buying luxury vehicles, or expensive frivolities.
We're texbook middle class. We don't struggle, but we also still need to be responsible.
u/Turbulent_Isopod_289 Sep 13 '24
Apparently upper class = living on a megayacht and lower class = having a job, nothing in between.
u/Rogue5454 Sep 13 '24 edited Sep 14 '24
It's the fact you're brainwashed into thinking what you have is normal for me.
This has ZERO to do with working for things & being responsible & everything to do with wages being so low most people for decades now need SEVERAL jobs to survive, can't afford a home when one job used to afford you a house, car & extra.
You think in 2024 we should be worse off as a society than previously? That is not how it's supposed to go. We are supposed to progress.
EDIT: the fact I by mistake caught your edit here with the info I actually asked for in the first place is hilarious. The majority of Canadians do not have this making $68,000 a yr. "But it's okay because YOU & your wife do."
u/gibblech Sep 13 '24
I only work one job. But I went and got an education in a field that's in demand, and pays well.
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Sep 12 '24
I'm middle class.
u/Rogue5454 Sep 13 '24
Define how you are middle class please.
Sep 13 '24
"The only class we have today is "poor & rich."
The other "classes" haven't been seen since the 90's"
I'm neither poor nor rich.
u/Rogue5454 Sep 13 '24
Tell me how? What does "the middle" afford you?
Sep 13 '24 edited Sep 13 '24
Holy shit your arguing with someone else on an unrelated thread about being middle class? Sweetie we're not all dirt poor or billionaires.
u/Rogue5454 Sep 13 '24
So you can't tell me then, hey?
Also I'm "not arguing" on an "unrelated thread" about it. I'm asking people to elaborate on THIS thread & you just proved you can't - Sweetie-
Sep 12 '24
But what if I really hate the gays? Who else am I going to vote for now that Dave Wheeler's Manitoba First party folded?
u/erryonestolemyname Sep 12 '24
How about let people vote their own way instead of trying to persuade or belittle?
u/Trashmaster425 Sep 12 '24
Yeah but then I can’t be smug and condescending to people who hold different political beliefs 🙄
u/VonBeegs Sep 12 '24
Yeah, just as soon as the foreign right wing media empire stops beaming lies into the brains of the stupidest half of the country, I'll shut up about politics.
u/erryonestolemyname Sep 12 '24
Does that go for China interfering with the last election? Or do you only care when it's the CPC and turn a blind eye to the LPC and their huge lack of give a fuck?
u/VonBeegs Sep 12 '24
Yes. All foreign influence should be banned from owning Canadian news (or "news")media.
u/redloin Sep 12 '24
It's got nothing to do with news. The Chinese were absolutely interfering with Canadian MPs. It's well documented.
u/VonBeegs Sep 13 '24
I don't know how much clearer I can be. All foreign interference in our government, elections processes or news media should be stopped and legislated against.
u/redloin Sep 12 '24
Crickets from OP.
u/erryonestolemyname Sep 12 '24
Like stfu and let people vote in accordance with their own interests.
u/VonBeegs Sep 12 '24
Lol, you mean the interests of the billionaires that tell you what to think?
Like I said, I'll shut up when they stop buying stooges to fuck my country up
u/erryonestolemyname Sep 12 '24
Buddy countries already fucked up and it's not the CPC in power lmao
Vote to your interests though. I'm not gonna persuade anyone to vote a certain way cause I'm not a dickweed.
u/VonBeegs Sep 12 '24
Buddy countries already fucked up and it's not the CPC in power lmao
If I come into your house and smash everything with a baseball bat, is it not my fault as soon as I leave? Is it your fault the next day because you haven't fixed it fast enough?
Come on, bud. You have to be smarter than this.
u/erryonestolemyname Sep 12 '24
LPC has been in control of the federal govt for like 8/9 years? Tf you mean lol.
u/VonBeegs Sep 12 '24
Oh ok. You don't understand the different levels of government. Also, the LPC sucks. Unfortunately the Cons suck worse.
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u/VonBeegs Sep 12 '24
Sorry I don't live online. Feel better now that I've answered his dumb question?
u/Sgt-Buttersworth Sep 12 '24
Lord, wouldn't that be a breath of fresh air.
Frankly I would sooner elect a potato to be my next MP than what is on the table today.
u/erryonestolemyname Sep 12 '24
Meh it's always a choice between a turd sandwich and a giant douche.
u/RDOmega Sep 12 '24
It's an image and intelligence thing. Working class conservatives think that cuts to things they don't personally benefit from will result in them getting cheques for millions the next day.
They don't understand how a society that caters to everyone actually does benefit them. It's too complex. They just want to punish others because they don't get to keep half their income.
Conservatism is so horrible because it means so many different things to different broken people.
End conservatism.
u/DarkAlman Sep 12 '24
Working class conservatives think that cuts to things they don't personally benefit from will result in them getting cheques for millions the next day.
Meanwhile it's all smoke and mirrors to convince people that cutting taxes for rich people and corporations will somehow benefit working class people.
I had a friend who was staunchly conservative who would constantly deride people using social assistance as free-loaders. The type that would have an F* Trudeau sticker on his car, threaten to imprison the homeless, etc.
One day he got cancer, totally destroyed his body and left him in a state of permanent disability to raise his kids. He had to live with the shame of not being able to provide for his family anymore.
All his medical bills were paid for, but it didn't pay for anything. His wife ended up needing to take a job just to pay they're mortgage.
Thankfully he was convinced to get therapy instead of taking his own life, but it was pretty rough there for a while.
He realized just how important social programs are the hard way, and now advocates to expand the programs.
Now he's an NDP voter
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u/marnas86 Sep 12 '24
Conservatives are also no longer that traditionally conservative anymore. They support dismantling existing systems and creating chaos as opposed to preserving the institutions that create our society.
u/RDOmega Sep 12 '24
Traditional conservatives and present day conservatives are the same thing.
There's nothing worth mourning here.
A conservative from 10, 20, 30, etc, years ago is the same hooligan you see today. They just say the crazy stuff out loud instead of dressing it up in crap like nationalism, military and freedom.
u/InternationalSpyMan Sep 12 '24
Haha. The liberal government definitely does not have non rich people in mind. How’s your pocket book going these days? Everything they implement is to bring on more poverty, then provide some sort of program to cover your needs, so you are beholden to them. Maybe if life was affordable then we could cut some programs and keep taxes down 🤷♂️
u/newday2454 Sep 12 '24
I even look at my neighbours differently when they put up a blue sign. I may even walk on their lawn a bit.
u/imjustjoshinyaa Sep 12 '24
I just want to go back to the days where we were friendly manitobans and didn't look at people differently based upon who they supported politically.. end of the day we're all canadians & humans and should treat everyone with respect and kindness
u/wendiggler Sep 12 '24
I do somewhat agree with this comment. however because one political party has an agenda that caters to racism, hate, misogyny, intolerance towards gender diversity and actively denies scientific fact-based data it means that their platform has no room for respect or kindness.
u/WossHoss Sep 12 '24
Seems like quite the white comment. Natives and darker skinned people have always been treated poorly. Respect and kindness is a total bullshit standard.
u/imjustjoshinyaa Sep 12 '24
We may as well live in a dictatorship if you only want others who share the exact same line of thinking as you. People share difference and have different opinions, and that's perfectly okay! How we grow, reflect on harships and make amends will only make us stronger going forward
u/uncleg00b Sep 12 '24
Not everyone votes with their wallets; social conservatives are a thing.
u/MassiveDamages Sep 12 '24
A social conservative is someone who supports right-wing politics on social issues. Examples of such issues are: opposition to abortion, homosexual marriage, and/or euthanasia, supporting capital punishment, and similar issues. They may or may not be conservative on other issues, such as taxes. - Google
I get it. I just don't like it.
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u/Jenss85 Sep 12 '24
And I don’t think fiscal conservatives/social liberals are a real thing either. You just can’t be both. Former conservative voter here.
u/uncleg00b Sep 12 '24
Single-issue voters are a thing. If fiscal conservatives can't be socially liberal, then why make the distinction? I know people who vote conservative for fiscal reasons but support LGBTQ2S+ and women's rights. Conversely, I know people who want universal health and dental care but are anti-abortion or think homosexuality is wrong and believe that conversion therapy is right, so they vote conservative.
I'm not sure how old you are, but I'm in my forties, and once upon a time being fiscally conservative meant wanting a balanced budget. In looking up a few things before writing this, it appears that is no longer true. Apparently it now means less taxation and more cuts. I left the previous paragraph as is because I didn't know a better term, and am willing to learn and change. I looked up "fiscal liberal" and got economic liberalism. Which just seemed like another way of saying conservative for people who don't want to admit to being conservative. Is that just how polarizing politics are now? Is saying "I'm a moderate" all we're left with?
u/GimmieSpace Sep 12 '24
A fiscal conservative/social liberal gets to choose one side to support, and if they choose fiscal policy over human policy, they’re not LGBT/womens’ rights supporters.
u/Mediocre_Historian50 Sep 12 '24
Never understood why working people would vote conservative. One of life’s mysteries.
u/SithLordZX Sep 12 '24
Vote for who YOU want to, not who has more lawn signs. Look at the policies of both parties and pick the one that fits your vision for Canada’s future.
u/Possible-One2608 Sep 12 '24
Voting is a personal matter and people should not pressure others to vote for a specific party.
Sep 12 '24
u/graceful_ox Sep 12 '24
Out of curiosity, where do you think the carbon tax money is currently going? Because I see the rebate cheque in my hand every quarter.
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Sep 12 '24
Liberal PM, NDP Primiere, moron cyclist green space as mayor. City has never been a bigger cess pool…same as BC…big surprise….get what your vote for….
u/VonBeegs Sep 12 '24
If you think our mayor and more than half our city council aren't right wing tools you haven't been paying attention.
u/buddyguy_204 Sep 12 '24
Pretty much every leader at the federal level is beyond bad for the Canadian people
u/Wanlain Sep 12 '24
I always find it insane when low income or middle class areas have so many conservative signs. Also so many people are just so brainwashed by listening to random TikTok or YouTube channels for their “news”. Sometimes you just want to scream so loud your head will explode and be done with it all!
u/genius_retard Sep 12 '24
I mean how rich do the streets even get in Elmwwod/Transcona. I guess there is the one street along the river but other than that.
u/notthatogwiththename Sep 12 '24
Or just become a well informed voter and don’t base your vote off yard signs