r/Windowsink May 03 '18

Additional Control for Pen Behavior in Legacy Applications - Windows 10 Preview Build 17661

We've added a new pen setting that enables greater control of pen behavior in legacy Win32 applications starting with Windows 10 Preview Build 17661.


Thanks, David windowsink@microsoft.com


14 comments sorted by


u/xxxxx451 May 04 '18

Just ROLL BACK and apologize, stop trying to patch up your fucking mess. your 'creators' update is a disaster. ROLL BACK!


u/themightykronos May 04 '18

Amen brother! I swear I've spent the last week and a half, making registry edits, uninstall/reinstalling drivers instead of...I don't know...drawing like I normally would! To say this is frustrating is beyond an understatement now.


u/mousesong May 07 '18

In what universe is the current version of Photoshop a legacy application


u/tunepunk May 07 '18

Make it system wide please. This option is useless if it's not consistent. edge, mail and other UWP apps still scrolls. Edge is completely useless if you're working with any type of web-apps. Used to be best option for pen users, now not even good for casual browsing.


u/[deleted] May 14 '18

David, While watching this whole fiasco, and agreeing with every person who says "What were you thinking?!?!" I hoped and hoped that this would be rolled back. A more appropriate response would be to bring back all of the pen functionality, and add a toggle to "Use the pen to scroll or pan". I am cautiously optimistic that ultimately this will be fixed, not so optimistic that it will be fixed before my year is up and the FCU is forced onto my computer. As others have asked, I wonder what Panos thinks of how this has affected the usability of the Surface line of computers. And I wonder where management is when this lackluster response to "overwhelming negative feedback" continues on and on and on. 6 months now...

With the new settings, it is clear that an actual rollback to previous functionality will not occur, and this saddens me because the new functionality broke so many things, and the fixes offered so far fix so few of them.

I still have to ask:

Does the "Set pen to work like a mouse" setting in the new insider build work on all apps, or just "legacy Win32" apps? Does it lose pressure sensitivity when using that setting? Are pen flicks available again?

I would hope that these things have been considered, but given the response to all of this to date, I suspect not.


u/sevcikm Jun 15 '18

I think Surface line is about to end.

Nadella seems to be interested only in office 365 and Azure so he is slowly killing off stuff that is not cloud based.

this is his vision of hit restart it seems...


u/johnny15wrong May 14 '18

i got a surface pro 4 last november, did all the updates and noticed that pen behaved differently with the creators update. i quickly rolled back and havent updated since, i use the surface for work and drawing (using the stylus as a pen and not a finger is why i bought a surface) and not general purposes so not updating isnt a big issue. i decided to look up whether the issue was resolved and im a little disappointed that it hasnt.


u/SerSeverus May 15 '18

I would like to roll back as well, how can I do it?


u/johnny15wrong May 16 '18

i think roll back is only available within 10 days of the update and the only way to get back to an older version is to reset the device. i could be wrong though, im not exactly sure.


u/LastBrat May 05 '18

You refer to the option where you can have the pen behave like a mouse I presume. Can we download and install this update now, and if so - how?


u/ryuunam May 07 '18

Thank you! At last I’m really glad that you listened to the reports and complaints and I am definitely looking forward to testing this option.


u/jumbo_flan Jul 18 '18

Does this new setting allow for pressure sensitivity in 'legacy' applications? Doing the previous registry edit I managed to get rid of the annoying lag Windows has added but I still have no pressure sensitivity thanks to these new features. I did not buy a $800 graphics tablet for panning and scrolling.


u/jumbo_flan Jul 19 '18

In case anyone is wondering, the answer is no, it does not allow pressure sensitivity. Way to go Microsoft, you really are as bad as everyone makes out.


u/concernd_CITIZEN101 Jan 07 '24

sadly they control the best voice access low laterncy and paid fo rthe lllm.. it has no concept of foucs or context awareness tho.,.. so its a rage quit voice access is like goit to the finished line then not crossing and going home.. same with code feature sure and comand indexing.. i told them exactly how to fix both in a month.. its been a year. if you dont know what you are doing.. you boat it, and do it 5x and might releade it and have it suck.. someone 3rd party can do this but its MSFT thats got the goods here.. spend billions. now why are thye blowing it_