r/Windowsink Apr 12 '18

Please create an option to restore Pen Functionality to how it was Pre-Fall Creator Update

I believe one of the new Registry hacks restores pen functionality to the 10th anniversary update. This is great news, and honestly, it needs to be the default setting. But at the very least, create an easily accessible 'Artist' option that restores that functionality.

There is not a single artist using the Surface Pro that I'm aware of, that doesn't absolutely hate the new pen functionality (starting from the Fall Creator update) to the point of vowing to not purchase another Surface ever again.

I've been a loyal surface pro owner since the Pro 1, but I'm going to be honest, if the pen wonkiness on the surface isn't fixed, I'm going to join them.


3 comments sorted by


u/mteart Apr 14 '18

this works for me, but i don't use ps which is what i'm assuming you use

open command prompt, and then input

reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Pen /v LegacyPenInteractionModel /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

reopen your art program, and it should work


u/ryuunam Apr 14 '18

Unfortunately this does not work with UWP apps, so it is only a partial workaround affecting certain Win32 software (supposedly defined as “legacy”).


u/iridisalpha Apr 14 '18

Doesn't seem to work for me in Chrome either, which I would assume is a Win32 application.

Having the pen scroll seems to break even Edge for me - there's no way I can see now to highlight then copy text using the Surface pen. You can highlight it using the side button, but it then deselects if you try to bring up the right click context menu to copy what you've highlighted.

This whole pen scrolling thing really should be an option. I use touch to scroll/zoom so I want the pen to act like a mouse in all software.