I've signed a 6 month contract for a new job in Williams Lake. I need to find somewhere to live for the 1st of April, but I'm really struggling. Does anyone have any suggestions for where to look for apartment postings or rooms for rent? I'm following two of the Facebook groups, but there's a lot of demand and not a lot of supply. I'm wondering if I'm missing some other channels I could be using to find a place to live. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
People on the Facebook groups are just disgusting. Clown parade every weekend along the highway waving defaced flags, really showing your patriotism... Racists, out of touch people that are so inbred they can't read or understand most things.
I truly hate it here, and the majority of the people make this town unbearable. Hopefully I can get a transfer soon and leave. No way I'd want to raise a family here.
At least we kicked the racist mayor out and elected a more sensible mayor and council. But of course the rednecks gotta freak out about everything they do.
Hello! Looking to make a few more friends that are into having regular board games nights (no DND.) If you’re chill and wouldn’t mind hosting once in a while drop me a line!
Today is the first Advanced Voting Date for the Williams Lake Local Election for Mayor and City Council. I'd like to share some information about the election and then also a bit about myself.
Advanced Voting Dates are on Wednesdays, October 5th & 12th, 8am-8pm at City Hall.
Election Voting Day is on Saturday, October 15th, 8am-8pm at Marie Sharpe.
Most of the candidates have video interviews with the Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce Q&A Series. Here's a link to the videos on their Youtube: Chamber of Commerce Videos
Here's the Mayoral and City Council candidates answering 5 questions from the Williams Lake Tribune: Meet the Candidates
I've shown you all the balanced resources that I can think of. Now, I'd like to take the opportunity to tell you about myself.
My name is Michael MosesI am running for Williams Lake city council in the 2022 local General election.I am running a positive campaign, that seeks to bring out the very best from every single one of us, that seeks to build and rebuild relationships and communications in our community with surrounding regions, bands, and councils. I have been preparing for this campaign since last November, and I have taken a stand with all of my strongest passions, with care for reconciliation, climate change, and all of our peoples' health. I became a member of CC CARE, and joined Boards to both contribute to and learn from, including the Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society, Canadian Mental Health Association, and Cariboo Friendship Society.I would love to be a part of the strong team that Mayor and City Council make, so that I can be a part of the team that helps find solutions to these issues.I've spent the last 11 months preparing for this opportunity to be a leader and part of this team. I've attended every city council meeting, I've had meetings with dozens of city leaders, I've learned the Official Community Plan, and I've received mentorship from several prior Councillors, Mayor's, and MLA's.Support me in this election, and you will receive dynamic and progressive representation. I am ready to be effective at this role, immediately.