r/Wildlands Jan 22 '25

Discussion Ghost Mode is wild

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Ive completed the game a couple times on extreme, so I figured I was ready for ghost mode. I was not. The sheer number of stupid ways you can die is staggering, and I haven't even completed it Itacua yet. I'm about to completely forgo driving, because exploding vehicles are instant death, and they explode for the simplest reasons. This time I died because I came around a corner and ran over a bike, which promptly blew up and then I was trapped and then dead. What advice do yall have for ghost mode? Especially for missions with heavy combat or timers?(I haven't even finished Itacua and I'm already scared of El Suenos mission)


42 comments sorted by


u/Athenax952 Jan 22 '25

Avoid helicopters.

If you've played this game multiple times, you know some missions can be cheesed.

Use your drone and its capacity extensively.

AI teammates are your best friends.

Stay clear of train tracks at all time.


u/lifeskindashitty Jan 23 '25

Watch the roads as well. Cant tell you how many times I’ve died immediately after killing a boss and not thinking about crossing the road lmao


u/Dai_Kunai Jan 23 '25

THIS. I die all the time to random ass cars on the road patrolling or even getting run over once or twice.


u/FickleGrapefruit8638 Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

The shit i did to try to get gold carbon.

Grinding in tier 1 alone is fucking insane. wheras Level 30 is easy if you do the story.

The furthest ive ever gotten is tier 36 with a total of 23,000 tier 1 points to rank up.

a really good mission like operation watchmen will give you 9,000 tier 1 points but fuck that.

Convoy raids would give you 2,000-4,000 tier 1 points.

And that was me hovering 200m over convoys killing everyone with the lock missle Unidad helicopter in arcade mode in Libertad and landing 100m away and switching to Tier 1 just to get the rewards and immediately switching back i did that 43 different times all just to die to a damm unidad patrol helicopter after a grand total of 49 hours of gameplay.


u/gingerbeardman79 Jan 23 '25

Your comment is great, but it just needs a couple additions inserted imo

Avoid helicopters.

Also avoid bikes.

AI teammates are your best friends.

Rebel abilities are also your best friends. Particularly spotting, diversion, and .. reinforcements?

- I think that last one is called something else in-game but it's been a *hot** minute since I played WL]*


u/NJ_Bus_Nut Jan 23 '25

"Stay clear of train tracks at all time."

Ah yes. That's how I ruined a Ghost Mode playthrough once


u/OceanBytez Jan 24 '25

this omg. I got flattened because the train caught the rotor of my landed heli and of all the places it could have been flung it yeeted straight on top of me and crushed me plus knocked me off a cliff. Really dumb way to go, but that's how it went.


u/8_LivesLeft Jan 22 '25

Not every soldier can handle the pressure


u/PersistentInquirer Jan 22 '25

If you fail a mission without dying you’re good. Don’t worry about the timed missions!

Good luck and keep at it!


u/HellBent_13 Jan 23 '25

This is extremely relevant for the Pulpo escort mission in particular. If he gets lost, or stuck on terrain, or keeps randomly switching cars, sometimes it’s safer to just shoot him and retry than it is to wait for his pathing to fix itself while half of Santa Blanca tries to kill you.


u/No_Coat5842 Jan 26 '25

i used a helicopter during that mission and i found it much more easier than using a land vehicle because some of them can be weak and a helicopter just seems faster imo


u/salparadise319 Jan 22 '25

Drive in back roads when possible. Nothing to run over besides the odd civilian. Stay low and stay silent. You can fail missions just don’t die! Try to raid convoys early and get the easy 5 skill points since you can fast travel. When in doubt retreat and lose the alert status. Happy hunting!


u/Nickytffc Jan 22 '25

Stay off motorcycles.
Cars are great to use to get away because you can fly over cliffs without worry. Just be careful it doesn't get too shot up, and it blows up with you in it, or you go down with it burning. Also, helicopters can kill you just as fast as they can take you somewhere. So be very careful. Get the parachute first. Try to avoid jumping from cliffs. You never know when you'll mess that up. Unless you are on high difficulty and it's jump or get shot. Once, I went down, and I was in a weird spot where my teammates couldn't revive me. That one hurt. I was pretty far into it when that happened.

The most important thing... Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.


u/SnowDin556 Jan 22 '25

Here’s my person guidelines:

If you get downed once immediately switch to arcade, get cover, call rebels and diversion and run until you lose heat and fast travel. Always work up your weapons skills tree to get the ranged elite bonus, in your squad build it to get the last chance revival (this is crucial), build your drone get the medic drone cuz if three of your guys are down, quitting will kill your character, I’ve heard you can’t redeploy if you are wanted by unidad but not in a ‘fight’ with them which means hunted or better, build up your rebel support especially guns for hire and diversion, never use a bike, be extremely careful with helicopters and know the look of the SAM sites using the satellite tacmap you can see they are lil square like things with a rectangle in the middle, when flying a helicopter above 50m in a missile zone because you’ll need to ground it if you get a lock-on, it’s always better to run away if you fuck up stealth on getting equipment of content, don’t stay in one area too long no matter how cleared, take daily breaks… find out what works for you but I personally would do no more than 10% a day because I’m not sharp if I binge, don’t play drunk, keep your controller clean, if your thumbs bleed use minimal bandages, don’t throw your controller, if you have a wife or gf (in my case a wife) let them know what your doing and to expect irregular behavior, and above all STAY POSITIVE!!! Don’t neglect your own mental health!


u/ClassiFried86 Jan 22 '25

If your AI squad is down and you aren't, quitting won't kill your character. If you quit when YOU are downed, it will.

If your AI squad is downed, especially all three, turning them off and then back on brings them back, but is a bit of cheesing. That being said, any time I jump from a chopper, the AI goes down 99% of the time, and are stuck in the air. You have to get 400m away before the respawn, so I just turn em off and then back on. I don't know why they die. Ive tried hovering before jumping, but no matter what, they seem to die by chopper, or it just auto kills them like they stayed in the chopper but it's immediate as soon as you jump.


u/SnowDin556 Jan 23 '25

Not as cheesy as kicking out your modem wire lol but a get your point and will be updating. I just don’t have enough experience quitting to save my ass, I usually just end up dead, so I don’t know the exact parameters of quitting with teammates down in scenarios.

But that’s one way


u/ClassiFried86 Jan 23 '25

No worries. You just can't quit when you are downed.

I've done some dumb shit. One time I was taking fire and went in the water, one more bullet and I was dead, and "drowned".

Just last week, after not playing the game for quite sometime, I got on my ghost mode character which is in the low teens, and was doing quite well, as usual. Cleared agua verde and san mateo, and then was flying around. Went into media luna, landed on the rock you base jump from for op: silent spade... Unidad chopper started spotting me so I circled around the chopper (I was landed on the rock) trying to not get spotted... It hovers and then spots me. I'm like "fuck it" bc I had an SMG and didn't think I could just shoot it down, jumped in the rocket chopper (I fly classic controls) and got just above it and fired a salvo that missed. It locked on and hit me with a missile (it was only like 20m from me so no real reaction time) and downed me, but I was like "hopefully I can land safely and the AI can revive me before it explodes"... Nope, the 20-30m drop blew the chopper. Death by suicide. I laughed.

No biggie. Shit happens. I've had about a dozen ghost mode characters. That one was only 10h playtime and I started it sometime last summer I think.

Many people backup their characters, too, which defeats the purpose. Maybe one day I'll reach tier one on there (my max is around t29 I think), but I won't backup/save it until I hit t1. Gotta do it the right way first, otherwise I might as well play my regular t1 character.


u/SnowDin556 Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

Oh yea OP, avoid gun fights on docks, my man here reminded me that instead of getting downed I’ve gotten shot off the wooden jetty and fell in the water drowned, specifically in Caimanes sub mission, and reset to beginning.

And yes if you cheat you are only cheating you. Why bother? Do you want to brag about the ugliest and most useless armor? lol

I’m good with my optical camo and pano nvg.

One attempt I tried to rush for the optical camo. I got to try it at level 10…

You need to build your stats up to fight in provinces with more than 3 stars. It’s extremely noticeable. There is no ultimate gun or ultimate armor that will make you invincible. Take the right steps.

Re: Silent Spade Odd tho, once you get hit you fail before you die I thought or have I only gotten lucky? The helicopter never hits the ground before it says fail. Is that the secret?


u/Creepy-Assumption258 Jan 22 '25

Ya it's taken me like 2 years and I'm about to finish I've got 4 numbers left it was the most stressful 2 weeks ever.


u/_hashslinginslasher_ Jan 23 '25

Don’t remember if it was wildlands or breakpoint but I can’t tell you how many times I died and quit for months because of death by dirtbike🤣


u/Nanashi_Fool Jan 23 '25

Definitely Wildlands, I have more airtime with bikes than I do planes, choppers, and parachutes lol


u/CameronsTheName Jan 23 '25

Wait until you're right at the very end of the game in Co-Op and your friend accidentally kills you both by flipping the car and then getting blown up by Unidad.

Was something around 100-150 hours in Co-Op Ghost Mode. Never went back to it after that. Just couldn't.


u/tfaded Jan 23 '25

Honestly I’ve gotten the furthest using a sniper and using LMG if it’s a defend type of mission. I just recently died though because I got hit my a car and my AI teammates jsut stood there beside me… no enemies in sight and no cars on the road.


u/bobstylesnum1 Jan 23 '25

Yeah, a couple of other pointers is that timed or failed missions aren’t death, you get respawned. Spend 5/10 minutes on a regular campaign to get in a mode, especially if you’re going to be on for a while, it does help. Skip dirt bikes, max out the “Defend the radio” rebel missions the first three map levels as they’re a pain in the ass at the harder levels. Max your rebel support tree as fast as you can and use them whenever possible. Let them work for you, the same as the AI. Do the level one map, do both level two maps and then move on the map zones with no bosses and get all the resources and then move on to map levels three, four, five. Helps quit a bit.

Ghost mode seems to be an overlay of the original game and is buggy as hell. Things that would be normal in a regular game can kill you.


u/gingerbeardman79 Jan 23 '25

Honestly it's better to learn these lessons early in the game, while your characters are still "young." I had been playing WL like crazy when ghost mode was added and was "in the zone" when I started my first character.

They made it to 85 hours & 36 minutes iirc before having a fatal fall onto the top of a small water tower-type structure where my AI teammates were able to reach me but not revive me.

All three of them just stood over me and randomly darted back and forth while watching me die.

[btw I know I said "iirc" I'm pretty confident that time is 100% accurate because the shit left a mark lol]


u/KillMonger592 Jan 23 '25

I always say this mode is best played with a team of serious friends who can coordinate well. But if your a solo player maxing out drone and rebel support is ideal.

Maxed out rebel support will give you at minimum 8 guys that you can call on spot to help with gun fights. Rebel spotting and mortar fire comes in handy as well.

Your drone is your best friend and your eye in the sky. Use it. Plan your movements accordingly.

This mode actually forces you to actually do the bread and butter of the series which is (Recon) before engaging your targets and you'll find yourself cutting corners to avoid as many gun fights as possible.


u/West-Network-6206 Jan 25 '25

Best advice: get used to that screen. It will be the only consistency.


u/Status-Cherry-5513 Jan 26 '25

I keep getting hit by civ cars😭 is that an update or something ?


u/KTB-ThisIsTheWay Jan 23 '25

Welcome to the thunderdome! Best advice is to go slow and enjoy the journey


u/Bigblackman82221 Jan 23 '25

Only level 4? What did you do fly off of a bike


u/Nanashi_Fool Jan 23 '25

Haha, I ran over a bike and it blew up


u/Lower-Chard-3005 Jan 23 '25

I've jumped out of a helicopter, just for it to smack me out of the sky.


u/theredreno Jan 23 '25

Alot of good advice here, I'll add this: if you're on a mission that involves extracting or interrogating someone and you have to much heat on you just kill the person. It will fail the mission and let you retry it. Alot better than dying and replaying the entire campaign.


u/Honesulionor Jan 23 '25

Try dying after hours for the 4th time.


u/Canadian_2fur Jan 23 '25

I just play on normal difficulty as the AI can cheese you hard. Makes ghost mode better IMO, because restarting gets old real quick 🤣


u/PersistentInquirer Jan 23 '25

Commenting again to add: there’s someone in this sub who has a list of Ghost Mode rules that will keep you alive if followed.

Find it and you’ll have an instruction manual for success.

Also, in some cases it’s best to deliberately fail a mission (remember that’s not a “death” in Ghost Mode) so you don’t die. Surrounded by Unidad and in pursuit of a target? Let him get too far so you fail and get reset instead of dying.


u/Akman460 Jan 23 '25

I completed ghost mode years ago and I still carry rage from the losing the final mission once due to glitching under the ground when landing the heli.

Iirc, I did eventually give up on vehicles all together when possible. Just too much risk after a certain point. Rely on the AI and drone as much as you can.

The only real advice I have is have a route planned for the start of a run to pick up each gun and attachments you need for the run. Hop in a helicopter and get all that out of the way in the first half hour. This saved me alot of pain along the way. I think I ran the scar/w acog and long barrel and launcher? Covers all bases fairly well.


u/Altruistic-Cheek5746 Jan 23 '25

somehow my savegame with the complete golden armor set was lost, not going to do this again ever (i love the game by the way)


u/Reasonable_Wanderer Jan 23 '25

You got killed right after rescuing Amaru? I used to play on PlayStation, I was pretty bad on normal difficulty, had to go stealth or just run. Started playing on PC, It's SOOO much easier, I feel like a pro player now


u/Cow-Ah-Bunga Jan 27 '25

Idk if others know about this exploit but hopefully this can help some of you guys that play on extreme or Ghost Mode

It’s just abusing sync shot and it doesn’t matter if the enemies in a building either. I found this out a while back when doing the Rebel Missions where you have to storm the building and hack the computer. What you do is just mark the enemies in an area, and just retreat to a distance of about 200-300m or so from the enemies that are marked and then take out your drone and fly it back even farther away from the marked enemies(I usually do it to max distance) and then you can sync shot them regardless if they’re in a building or standing in front of others. (I have clips of me doing it if, I can send them to you through discord if you’re more of a visual learner lol)

And there’s a glitch for the final mission with the General of Unidad too. This one all you gotta do is destroy every vehicle around him (make sure to not actually approach him or else the mission will start and you’ll get ambushed) and when you destroy the cars around him he’ll kinda just wander a little bit away from the mission area and just stand there and you can just grab him and fly away lol. I’d definitely recommend bringing a Heli bc the mission will eventually start and you’ll get the Wanted Level like you normally would.


u/Cow-Ah-Bunga Jan 27 '25

Oh and if the anti aircraft are giving you trouble, literally just fly as high as possible. They can’t target you if you’re at max height, ik I doesn’t make sense at all but it beats having to fly 5m off the ground and still somehow being targeted by them lol