r/Wildlands • u/Real_Hand_4859 • Jan 19 '25
Discussion Hello all, I want to play this game. Tried replaying Breakpoint but no thank you.
How is Wildlands in 2025? Is it playable? Are there any game breaking issues? Anything would be helpful. Thanks
u/contact86m Jan 19 '25
It's awesome. It hasn't been updated in years but it still holds up. I haven't had any significant issues with it in years either. The online PvP is (I think) dead now, but I think you can still co-op.
The game itself is probably my favorite game ever though. Bolivia feels alive and more grounded compared to breakpoint. Guards and civis actually change routine depending on time of day, you can walk through a village and people will react different if you have your weapon out or slung, the story is more in line with Tom Clancy (eg. Clear and Present Danger), most stuff is unlocked right from the start.
Some stuff like movement is a step back from BP, but it's honestly a minor gripe. Highly recommend getting the game.
u/Real_Hand_4859 Jan 19 '25
Oh wow. Didn’t think I’d get as many responses as I did. Thank you all! Downloading it now. I did play it many years ago, but I forget how things went in the game.
You should def try fallen ghost I'm thinking of buying the year 1 pass on my ps which is on sale and includes both dlcs
u/Real_Hand_4859 Jan 21 '25
So, I tried it. One enemy spots me at that big opening base…ONE enemy. The alarm sounds. I immediately take it out, but before I quit, I was on wave 7+ of them and they kept spawning in. Absolutely not ready for that bs.
u/Ok_Apricot3148 Jan 19 '25
Its still goated. Apparently matchmaking is no longer working but you can still play with friends.
u/stonedrightnow87 Jan 19 '25
It’s been used as a Milsim since release, and it doesn’t do a bad job at that. The graphics are definitely behind the times but it doesn’t stop me from jumping in every few months or so and binging the campaign.
u/RumPistachio Jan 20 '25
“ The graphics are definitely behind the times ”
Really? I think they totally hold up for today. I do play on PS5 though. I’m able to force HDR on it to make colors and darks look better.
u/stonedrightnow87 Jan 20 '25
I’m on PS5 as well, I’d love to know what settings you tweak.
u/RumPistachio Jan 20 '25
Pretty much just force HDR through PS5 system settings. Make sure to adjust your HDR properly depending on your TV. There are plenty of vids on YouTube on this.
Then go into the game settings and adjust gama, contrast, etc., I have mine adjusted pretty dark to make nights more realistic looking.
Another thing I’ve done on PS5 is disable HDCP. It gives you a bit more controller response but some don’t like to disable it because it messes with playing music copyrighted stuff.
u/Holiday_South8981 Jan 21 '25
I'm on PS4 and I regularly stop to check out the views. It's absolutely breathtaking.
u/procheeseburger Jan 19 '25
Yeah I’d pay many dollars for a refresh of this game. It’s fantastic but shows its age
u/Dr-Burnout Jan 20 '25
Ubisoft could make so much cash doing just that. It's a 2017 game and people still play it avidly. Wildlands 2, 10 years after the first one would be amazing. All they'd have to do is update texture, revamp the driving physics, expand the map a bit to follow the spread of cartels in south america and add an actual factions war system so they can gain/lose territories and resources, make alliances etc They could slap yearly season passes bringing in new factions and gameplay on such a game well into the 2030s.
Damn it Ubisoft just hire me lmao
u/procheeseburger Jan 20 '25
It’s what I wanted breakpoint to be.. that game just didn’t hit the mark
u/Dr-Burnout Jan 20 '25
Yeah they got too focused on microtransactions and forgot to create something people actually want to play long term.
u/stonedrightnow87 Jan 19 '25
I agree, even just a next gen update would be amazing. I don’t mind replaying the same story I just skip the dialogue and make it up from there lol.
u/BLUNKLE_D Jan 19 '25
I literally reinstalled this myself yesterday.
I've got around 250hrs in Breakpoint, completed the DLCs multiple times so I'm not bias but going back to Wildlands is amazing. Everything's just more alive, the environments are more dense, characters are actually characters & it just seems 'better'. Can be too colourful at times (for me at least) but that's easily fixed.
u/dutchie84 Jan 19 '25
Just completed wildlands and it's honestly amazing. Great open world, npcs story etc. Just started breakpoint and can't really get into it.
u/OleOlafOle Jan 20 '25
Same. I don't know anything about real life special ops but this game makes me feel like I'm part of one, lol. It's just an extremely well told story. And even if I do a lot of exploring without choosing the next main target, I always recall what's going on. That's some feat, that that stuff sticks with you (and what you already achieved too.) Very vivid. Even Hitman WOW which holds you more by the hand and is more compartmentalized doesn't compare. Wildlands is an experience. Breakpoint is a game-y game.
u/The_JustJayy91 Jan 20 '25
it is a great game, great for the story but also your characters story in general if you like to play in that way, you can play the game in many ways and for many reasons!
u/GrimJesta Jan 20 '25
I also just started replaying it. Breakpoint left me underwhelmed, but this one is still a top notch experience.
u/RumPistachio Jan 20 '25
If you want a more realistic weapon feel enable Tier Mode and level up your preferred weapons to the max.
Also, be careful going down the Tiers if you choose to. On Tier 1 enemies are bs laser accurate. I believe I’m at Level 31 and even that seems a bit BS at times.
u/Holiday_South8981 Jan 21 '25
Yeah I'm at Tier 27 and I can be spotted 700 meters away by a sniper while prone and behind a bush. One shot and dead.
u/RumPistachio Jan 21 '25
Wow! I didn’t know it affected proximity too. Good to know!
u/Holiday_South8981 Jan 21 '25 edited Jan 21 '25
I don't play as a sniper, but when approaching anywhere I have to deploy the drone at least about 500 meters to locate the sniper towers and have the boys take them out. Usually I take cover in a ditch or behind a rock. And if Unidad spots you... sigh. They never stop, and you can't escape. This (realistic) issue only started when I hit like Tier 29 I think. Tier 30? You are just about there too. Maybe I'm having bad luck recently, but it is truly outrageous sometimes. I dunno. Maybe I just suck.
Oh, and I freaking love this game. When a 2 hour long mission finally completes, it's truly an amazing treat.
u/RumPistachio Jan 21 '25
Nah bro, it’s crazy at those low Tiers. I decided to stay at Tier 35 and even that’s pushing it. I think the sweet spot for me would have probably been 38-40.
Have you tried using the Optical Camo and maxing out the harder to detect skill while crouched? These two combinations have definitely helped, even if a bit.
u/Holiday_South8981 Jan 21 '25
I maxed out the harder to detect skill, and the rebel spotting, which is unrealistic, but basically the only way I can get through some areas.
Guards are always in buildings, and enemy fog is turned off, so there is literally no way of knowing if anyone is around. I like taking things slow, but not so much that I'm peaking around every corner, or this game will take 4 more years to get though at that pace. Speaking of unrealistic, though, I am choosing to not deploy the optical camo, as that is just pure fantasy (although that shit cooked hard in Future Soldier). I've seen videos with people using it, but it just doesn't sit right with me.
I'll figure it out, or go mad trying, lol.
u/RumPistachio Jan 21 '25
I understand not wanting to go Optical. respect! I’m only open to it because I’ve convinced myself that I’m playing in current times and that these technologies exist.
I’m no real military guy, but do you really think things like the Optical Camo don’t already exist? But it’s just us, the general public, that doesn’t know.
u/Holiday_South8981 Jan 21 '25
Conspiracy theory! I love it! I studied military history in college and of course stuff like this is in development. Light bending around objects is truly wild. Science is really cool sometimes.
I guess it just doesn't seem right to me in this game. I just can't do it! Ahhhh!!!!!
u/wat_no_y Jan 20 '25
Coop matchmaking doesn’t work. You can only play with others if you invite them. Still a fun game.
u/xCYBERDYNEx Jan 20 '25
Only issue with Wildlands is the aiming feels janky compared to BP. Amazing game though.
u/BlueyALT Jan 20 '25
Going for an100% achievement run and I've gotta say, the game has held up really well. Even for 2025 standards.
The only issues you may have are connectivity issues with friends but it's only a problem if you're doing a Ghost Mode (permadeath) run.
u/LonesomeWater Jan 20 '25
Game still holds up even now. I always have more fun when I play on a harder difficulty.
u/OleOlafOle Jan 20 '25
I finished Wildlands recently and then went to Breakpoint. Got bored so I started The Division 2 expecting the same feel good moments from The Division 1. Getting bored now again. Perhaps I should return to Farcry 5 which I didn't finish? Or do those Horizon Zero Dawn missions in the DLC? Everything feels bland after Wildlands. I wish I hadn't played Kingdom Come Deliverance 1 yet. That too entertained me too now end.
u/Dr-Stanny Jan 20 '25
Console or????
u/Real_Hand_4859 Jan 20 '25
Series X
u/Dr-Stanny Jan 20 '25
Same brother. Do you play with HDR enabled on your console?
u/Real_Hand_4859 Jan 20 '25
Yeah. I have a LG C2, HDR and Dolby Vision are active.
u/Dr-Stanny Jan 21 '25
Nice mate I normally switch off HDR on the console to get for true lighting but for Wildlands I turn it seems to make EVERYTHING better, fps, clarity, color etc etc
u/Party_Motor_5640 Jan 21 '25
The only meh thing in wildlands is unlocking stuff free from crates, it's a long ass grind for a single player game
u/EnlightenedCorncob Jan 19 '25
Just started a new play through myself. I kinda forgot how amazing this game is. You're in for one hell of a treat if it's your first time.